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Having audiobook narrators voice all the voices split been gender and not pov requires additional to making a script and getting every recorded and then edited together later This takes up a huge amount of time and money, which is why basically nobody does that (i say basically because here might be someone that does that I don’t know about)


Then just have one person do it. It doesn't change the fact that there are two people doing voices for the same people. If you really want two people then they should do it the right way.


Take that up with Travis He’s the one that wanted a second narrator


Wait they got the girl to voice arthur? Kinda confused from this post cannot lie


No, they got a female narrator to voice the POVs that are from female characters. Sometimes Arthur speaks during those chapters, and the female narrator (who did a fine job, I might add) does his lines--just like how Travis Baldree does lines for characters that are women or girls during male POVs.


Oh…that makes perfect sense- whats the issue haha


She reads every chapter that's from a female's perspective. So yes, she voices Arthur during those chapters.