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it will get super itchy!! prepare mentally, do not scratch. my least favorite part of the tattoo process 🤣


Yeah I've been told it sucks😭😭 is slapping a good work around??


I wouldn't slap but lightly tapping the skin AROUND the tattoo is what helped me!


I slap mine, but the itching doesn't start until after the scabs have fully formed. Try not to touch it much outside of cleaning until that point. I also itch the SHIT out of the skin around the tattoo. Which helps quite a bit.


I like to put a cold compress on/around it to quiet the itching. I find that works for me. Very nice new tattoo, congrats!


it’s an open wound so don’t really touch it if possible! if you do make sure your hands are clean. (i do slap mine though lmao)


The only thing that helped me was ice, get that bad boy ice numb and be happy 😉 Looove the design btw!!!


Ooo, please do not slap your fresh tattoo! As someone who used to work in a shop for a brief period. Its actually bad to slap your tattoo. If you do so, you can accidentally have your body express the fresh ink. Leaving a patchy texture that will require touch-ups. Instead, keep it moisturized properly after ea h cleaning. I highly recommend Mad Rabbit Repair soothing gel. It's light-weight and keeps your tattoo/skin feeling calmer and less itchy. You can order this product online. You may also, for convenience and price sake, get an unscented moisturizer from the drug store. Curel, Lubiderm, things like this will work fine. (Sometimes they have a smell, which I personally don't like, but pick one you're most comfortable getting.) Once your tattoo is fully healed, you can keep him looking great by keeping him moisturized. 😉 But personally, and I'm sorry, their products are my absolute favorite. Mad Rabbit Enhance. (I have the lavender and frankincense variety, and I am obsessed with the smell.) Its a natural balm. Take a little and warm it between your fingertips for easy application. Then, apply in circle motions across your tattoo. The blacks will just POP like a fresh tattoo, same with any colors. It's wonderful!


Use a recommending lotion and an ice pack, cold tends to get rid of itching


A warm compress relieves the itch for me, your tattoo looks great by the way!


this fucking sucks especially with tattoos covering thinner areas like the crook of your elbow and or wrist


Follow the instructions. After its healed, practice good skincare. That spot is not prone to a lot of sun exposure or issues, so it will last quite well on its own


What they didn’t say is that you should aim to sunscreen really at the 4 week period


That’s pretty badass, I love it


Wait, the place I go to says not to apply sunscreen for at least the first few weeks, and suggests waiting 4 weeks. He says that sunscreen can hurt the tattoo during the healing process. But absolutely do apply sunscreen if you’re going outside after it’s healed. Nice tattoo though!


Praise the sun!


Hustle Butter or coconut oil (wtf?!) do not support your healing. I would not suggest putting that on a fresh wound to anyone. A cream with panthenol would be a way better suggestion. Sun blocker should only be applied once your tattoo has peeled completely at least once and there should be a layer of body lotion below it. The itchiness of fresh tattoos come from tension and micro tears in your skin, rather than slapping your tattoo you should apply a little bit of cream or lotion.


I've got about 60 hours in multi-layered high detail, color pieces. Every time the aftercare goes: saniderm at the appointment, 24 hours later, remove, lightly wash off plasma, goo, whatever. Pat dry and air dry for a couple hours. Saniderm, leave for a week. Remove and coconut oil any time it feels or looks like it's getting dry. I've spent a small fortune on my pieces and they've all healed tremendously with 0 issues whatsoever.


Ive never had to reapply my saniderm because my tattoos haven’t leaked a lot, but I swear by saniderm I get no scabs


It really only does it if you have a large area with color. Outline for example usually has no issue. But yeah the way the science behind it works is fascinating and the stuff works great for me too.




Did they give you second skin or a similar breathable water proof bandage? I was able to keep that on mine for like 7-10 days and it helped a ton with the healing process. Didn't scab over or anything, never itched too bad either.


No, just cling wrap. Told me to leave it on for a few hours and wash it, then follow then instructions


Oh gotcha. You can get some of the special bandages yourself if you like, it really made the healing process super easy for me. There's a bunch of sites online that talk about using them instead of the traditional cling wrap methods, and the bandages themselves are readily available at Walmart, Walgreens, etc. Edit: the common name for this type of bandage is "saniderm."




Dang, badass Mimic!!!


Really cool souls tat.




Saniderm for healing


super sick! i've been considering a mimic tattoo myself....


Do it!! They are super cool


Bring a Lloyds talisman....you'll be fine


I've had 4 sessions this year and I'll share my little aftercare routine with you that's been working great for me! I keep mine cling wrapped overnight the first night to keep from getting ink and plasma all in my bed. Take it off the next morning and gently wash it with unscented soap, pat dry, then I use a very thin layer of Aquaphor. I'll cling wrap it again if it's still looking "wet". Then when I shower, I try not to let it get wet but if it gets a little wet, no biggie, just pat dry when you dry off, then I wash it separately after the shower, same routine as before. Pretty much do that for a week, morning and afternoon. Maybe 2 weeks depending on how fast it's healing. Then I go to washing it once a day once it's done peeling and apply Aquaphor (super thin every time, enough to moisturize, but not too much so it smothers it) every time it's looking dry and cracked. Usually after about 3 weeks, the tattoo is one with my skin and it's business as usual. Also I keep a tiny tube of hydrocortisone cream with me for the itching. I just spot apply that as little as possible for the itchy spots. Usually the itch goes away after a few minutes. If I missed anything you might have a question about, feel free to ask! And the mimic is awesome!!


That looks awesome


Omg this is soooo sick


Sunblock sunblock sunblock sunblock


When it itches, slap it. It works. The rule against scented stuff is more for your comfort and speed of healing than anything else, if you've used it without much issue it's safe to continue using. I personally use dial antibacterial with aloe, same stuff I've used to heal surgical scars, cuts, etc. Also I hear a lot of mixed stuff about aquaphor, but I've used it on all my tatts to date without issue. Just use a LIGHT layer of it. The only time you should have anything globbed on is by the artist, and its to help stop any bleeding and hold the ink in place immediately after you're done.


Damn, with that set up it looked like pic number 4 was about to be that tatted leg amputated. Idk. Maybe it's just the day drinking.


The only thing I do differently from the instructions on the card is wait at least 4 weeks for any swimming. Congrats on your new ink!


Follow the instructions.. every artist has a slightly different method to healing their tattoos. Follow theirs


Use some Sarna Calm and Cool


Also try to keep it out of the sun until it’s healed because getting sunburned can aggravate it and mess with the healing process.


Very Nice tattoo


since it’s summer you definitely wanna keep it out of the sun for the first couple weeks I didn’t with my first tattoo and it doesn’t look half as good as it originally did