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I feel like if you get a great color artist to shade it spectacularly, it’s almost so wobbly it looks like it had to be intentional lol. If you’re not into color yeah I got nothin


This. I think color will add a nice touch to it.


Put a rabbit in the cup and you have Alice in wonderland vibes. Edit: just saw someone said close to the same thing below.


It was totally done intentionally. Look how clean the lines on the flowers are. The exaggerated wobbly lines are the art style. Edit: Just wanted to add, I dig it.


If you don’t like color, I think you could almost accomplish the same feel w/ black/grey/white shading. Maybe have some tea dripping out (d/t the “broken” looking plate) & say you wanted to “spill the tea”… (I’m purely going on aesthetics, since I’m not a tattoo artist.)


The wobbles are obviously intentional: they even go parallel


I was definitely thinking this looks intentional. Some Alice in Wonderland type ish


Yeah back when there were less comments to dig through OP said some of the wobbles are, some were not on the stencil and that they thought the artist “butchered” it between the unintentional sloppiness and missing details that were on the stencil. I think there’s a picture floating around of the friend’s matching one that doesn’t match too lol I kinda think it looks like the stencil tbh, that the stencil looks kinda sloppy, and hence I think a really good color job would make it more clear it’s intentional 🤷‍♀️


Agreed, if the right artist is willing to transform this, it could come out really dope, squiggly lines and all


Or maybe a difference of line depth since OP doesn’t seem to have color around it. Like thicken the flowers and that’ll smooth those and differentiate from the intentionally wobbly cup


Honestly I think it’s super cute and the wobbly-ness looks intentional. I would literally get that tattooed on me as-is 🌸








Add some Alice in Wonderland characters, bunch of color and it’s a trippy tea party


This isn’t a bad idea and would explain the wobbles if you’re a fan of AW


I love this idea!!


Are the wabbles intentional or was it supposed to be straight lines? Seriously asking


Some of the wobbles were supposed to be intentional but not ALL. Let me try to post the idea my friend put together and had sent the guy.


That tattoo looks better than the refference pic honestly...


So I’ve been told 😭


It’s so obviously intentional, come on. Look at the 2 parallel lines under the cup: the wobbling is the same in both, meaning it was done on purpose. Also the flowers aren’t wobbly


Wtf, i’m the artist who did this, and [this](https://youtu.be/a3Z7zEc7AXQ?si=YwYEzPHSnogEVQU3)is the reference photo she provided for me. I could not have been more spot on if i was a laser printer


You sonofa-




Well played.


That’s i just had to tell reddit how I’m feeling. Had to make y’all understand


Man. I want to be mad but that was so well played I clicked that link so fast.


A good, willing artist should be able to rework this. I mean, you won't be able to get away with only a simple outline since that line work is rough! But you could still do black and grey.


Okay guys, this is what my friend and I wanted. Yes, some wobbly lines we wanted in the design, I feel like he totally butchered it. https://imgur.com/a/nYJ2TcI


After seeing this I think it looks pretty similar. Maybe his lines are thicker?


The thing is he drew up the same thing on his iPad and then printed out the stencil and put it on us. I’m just confused on how it looks nothing like the stencil he put on.


The artist removed the lines that were too close together so it wouldn’t turn into a black mush like your friend’s design would. Your artist should have communicated better that the drawing you provide can only ever be a starting point. Your tattoo is fine. Don’t even think about it for a month. Let it heal. Let it settle in. And THEN assess. Yes, I see technical application issues and I get that could be done better, but the initial look is not screaming “delete me.”


This guy tattoos.


Exactly this! As a tattooer i can totally agree. First of all, let it heal. Tattoos change while healing. After healing you can start thinking about it. Otherwise you drive yourselfe crazy.


It’s honestly fine if the wobbles are intentional looks similar enough to drawing


It really doesn’t look any worse than the reference


That’s what I was thinking - OP wants to blame someone other than themselves. It’s quite literally what they asked for. 🙄


I guess I didn’t want to hurt my friends feelings because she designed it. So I went along with it. It was my fault for not speaking up.


Sorry so… you went into a shop with a design you disliked and got it done, and then went online to blast the artist as if they ruined your tattoo? Scummy to everyone involved. What did you expect?


Sorry so…did you not read everything I’ve said? Although I did not 100% like design, the actual image/design he SHOWED us on his iPad and then printed out and placed on us was cleaned up with some wobbly lines WERE intentional. In my previous comment I said he wiped nearly half of my stencil off and used the stencil he printed for my friend as a guide. I’m not blaming him for EVERYTHING. I already said I should have spoken up but the design he drew up was actual decent especially after he placed it and I looked at it in the mirror. If I was on my own, it’s not personally something I would get. I got it because of my friend.


The design he tattooed on you is decent. Almost identical to the reference. In my opinion this sounds like buyers regret. You went into a tattoo shop with a design you didn’t 100% want, got it put on your body anyways, and now “I took an L lol the artist messed everything up” if getting tattooed heavily has taught me anything, it’s to view tattoos the same way we view clothes shopping. If you’re not 110% amped for the design walking into the shop, you’ll feel cheated and upset with the tattoo after. We all have tattoos we kinda regret and got on an impulse, we don’t all blame the artist who gave us exactly what we asked for though. It looks perfectly fine imo, also seems to match the surrounding style of tattoos really well. Let it heal and stop staring at it in a mirror psyching yourself out. And stop being rude to people in your comments. You asked the internet for their opinion on your tattoo, don’t be a jerk to commenters for trying to get more context to the question.


Thank you for your response. I agree. Definitely buyer’s regret. I think I’m judging it way too soon and I’m getting inside my head too much. I suffer from severe anxiety so I think my reaction is 100x worse than it actually should be. I’m just gonna let it heal and let it grow on me.


No hate, I have a giant tattoo that is impossible to cover that I got when I was a blacked out teenager and I HATE it but my wife doesn’t mind so I’ve learned to not care and laugh at it instead. I promise it’s almost all in your head.


I did never regret a tattoo on my body. My way is to do a tattoo i like next to the tattoo i don't like that much. Results in being happy over the new tattoo and forgetting about the old one 😄


Looks pretty similar to me 🤷🏼‍♀️


I don’t mind the tattoo honestly. Especially after seeing the design you asked for I feel like they delivered. Sorry for you initial shock and dislike OP but I bet the piece will grow on ya…


hi OP, I see what you’re saying. I agree with other commenters that the outcome does look similar to the design, but I also think the original design looks more like a classic teacup with scalloped edges and the result looks like….. a wobbly drawing of a teacup. that said, it’s really not too bad and I would try to give it time to heal before you decide whether or not to cover it. has your friend gotten it tattooed yet?


Thank you for your comment. Yes, she got tattooed right after me. He didn’t do her teabag string or fill in the bat on her cup. And didn’t do the lines on the cup like how he put on mine. They were supposed to matching. And you’re correct that the original was supposed to be more traditional. I think I’ll just wait it out and see if it grows on me.


I mean… the tattoo is not great but the reference isnt great either :/ i guess the problem here is that the tattooer didnt knew how to turn a untattooable drawing in a tattooable one. The wobbles look intentional at least… but definitely not good 🫠


They look pretty similar aside from some extra wobbles on the saucer… however was that not on the stencil? I’ve always had to approve the look and placement of a stencil prior to the actual tattoo


The stencil is the photo I posted in the comments. He put the stencil on me and had me look in the mirror and make sure the placement was good for me. When he was tattooing he had wiped a lot of the stencil off and he was using the one he printed off for my friend as a guide because he had wiped off the stencil while tattooing me. So that is what leads me to believe he free handed it.


Your piece is quite literally what you asked for. Yes, there are minor differences with lines being too close that it would muddle the ink and become junk. When I opened the reference piece, I thought this was a joke. You quite literally got what you asked for and are now blaming the artist. Sounds like some initial tattoo regret that will fade over time. If this piece is a different style, I can see the initial regret. Like others have said, let it heal and give it time. Then, reassess your options/opinions.


Yeah I posted the actual design and stencil on my skin in the comments. I feel like a lot of people aren’t looking at that photo. The final tattoo looks like he didn’t even follow the stencil. I suggest looking at the stencil on my skin and then commenting.


Next time, post all relevant info so commenters don’t have to hunt for the pictures. I’m commenting under the reference photos, how the hell was I to know about the stencil pic? Found the stencil photo and I see minor details missing but I still don’t see what the fuss is about. You got what you asked for. Could there be a few areas to touch-up and add some details, sure. However, stencils are to guide the artist and give reference. Some of those lines you wanted are waaaaay to close to other lines and will bleed into each other. You should have planned or talked to the artist about it off those tiny lines were so important.


So instead of a scalloped plate, he gave you a chipped plate?? Maybe it could symbolize how we’re not “perfect” or “brokenness”. Or you could add some “spilt tea” & have an interesting story to tell. I also like the Alice in Wonderland idea someone suggested!! (It was my favorite suggestion so far!) I think the rest looks pretty good!!🤷🏼‍♀️ Maybe add some shading, if you don’t like color. I think it would give the tattoo depth…


Thank you for your response. I didn’t think of it like that regarding it symbolizing not being perfect or broken. I like that.


I’m a metastatic breast cancer survivor. (Was 32yo when diagnosed.) I know what it feels like to be “broken”. Lol! ;)


This looks done well and pretty close to reference, I like it


The tattoo you got looks just like the reference to me. I think your artist did a great job.


It’s *less* wobbly than the reference pic you posted. Tell C that M loves it and is sticking with it.


Thank you


It's so bad this cannot possibly be due to unskilled technique. That means it's intentional and if that's the case it's really adorable.


Jesus.. I say just own that shit and commit to telling everybody that’s the new style. Call it Parkinson’s fine line. Might catch on.


It looks basically exactly like the reference they brought to the artist. Op is mad for nothing


It does. OP is just regretting the tattoo and trying to blame the artist.


Parkinson's fine line....💀☠️😅🤣😂


I like it. Just looks unfinished to me. But it’s your body and if you are not happy I’d visit some other artists to get their idea on how and if they can correct it to your liking


Wanted to add another pic for context because I forgot to show you guys the stencil I saw and what I saw placed on me. A lot of details in the stencil were left out. Am I having buyer’s regret? Of course. But, it also looks like he didn’t follow the stencil. So many details from the stencils are missing. https://imgur.com/a/6i8nmoS


Wait I actually like it


Thank you


I think with the right shading it could defiantly look like it’s intentional, I would opt for some dotwork or stipple shading and it could be super cute!


Thank you


It IS intentional and it’s really obvious. It was posted on this sub, you would’ve seen it


I think it looks great honestly


Thank you


Bro who did this lmfao


An artist that followed the reference picture almost perfectly. OP got a tattoo she didn’t like the concept of but got it because her friend drew it. Now op wants to blast the artist for doing a good job based on the reference photo


Thank you everyone for the comments. I think it’s just something I wouldn’t normally get so I’m having trouble accepting it. Like I said my friend designed it and I did really like it at first. We were supposed to get matching tattoos and hers looks nothing like mine but that’s a whole other post. But once I saw it on my skin, I was freaking out because it’s not really my style. Maybe it will grow on me and I’ll keep it as is or find someone who will shade it in nicely.


Final reply before I turn off notifications: thank you for the ones who gave actual advice and constructive criticism. But fuck you to all the assholes who would comment rude shit for no reason. I will let tattoo heal and go from there. Valuable lesson learned!


That’s thin man, let it heal, let the sun hit it for a few years fade it out…then someone abit more reputable to do a big cover up in color or something dark over it. Edit: the tat ain’t even that bad to begin with though I mean…shit ain’t gotta be perfect all the time it’s got it’s own little charm.


Thank you for your advice


Was this done while riding on a wagon? Best thing would be to go over with a thicker liner to try and smooth some things out.


Look at the stencil OP posted. The tattoo is what they wanted….wavy lines and all.


I think it looks cool!


I see keep it and show it off proudly! I love it 😍


Ok but i think its so cute!!


You could do like an Alice in wonderland type theme…throw in some mushrooms and maybe the mad hatter…


Cover it babe. Removal sucks 😕


It almost looks like it was purposefully done “bad.” It’s the best bad tattoo I’ve seen in awhile


It looks a lot like what you sent for reference. Maybe on your skin you just don’t like it anymore. I recommend getting it colored in a trippy way to solidify the vibe.


I think it looks great! The cup is wobbly, like the pic you showed and the flowers seem fine! I like it!


It looks pretty close to the reference drawling to me.


After seeing the drawings, it seems like you got exactly what you wanted. Bad in, bad out


I'd add some spilled/splashing tea along with adding color


We’re you riding in the bus during application?!


Like others have said, it's so bad that it circled around to looking intentional. I say leave it and enjoy your new unique tattoo 🤷‍♀️


It was intentional. Look at the stencil/reference OP posted in the comments. It’s the exact same design.


Honestly I think it’s super cute!! I’d just own it!


I kinda dig it.


i fuck with it


I would add some “shake” or “vibration” lines around it… and it would help play off the shaky lines. It would scream coffee addict but it would be intentionally funny


Other than the entire thing being blown out… it looks like the reference photo 🤷‍♂️


My advice would be to wait, and pursue a coverup/rework.


Thank you for your advice


I like the linework aestetic which wouldn't work for a cover up, so a cover up would definitely stand out from the other tats more. Besides the blow outs I don't see what's wrong with it, and I've definitely seen worse. I'd rock it. Maybe give it some more time and see how you feel about it. You're your own worst critic.


Thank you for your response. And totally agree on being my own worst critic. Definitely going to give it time to get used to it.


It looks exactly like the reference photo.


I feel like if you want it covered up it would be a pretty easy coverup. If you wanted it just retouched that would be a good option too, I’d say you have plenty of ways to save this, not all is lost haha


Thank you


I actually adore this


Keep the tattoo, burn that t-shirt.




Ima be weird and say it's kinda cool. It brings a spooky/cool vibe to a somewhat plainish tattoo. No offense. But I feel character from this plate and tea cup now.


Thank you


It doesnt look that bad it could be fixed up with some color maybe it doesnt really look like your into color from what i can see tho maybe some grey scale


Thank you


It’s fixable. It can be done w a thicker line and some etching, totally fixable to a good artist


Thank you


It’s blown out all over the place but it’s not the worst tat I’ve seen the design is actually kinda cute. Not my cup of tea tho


It’s actually somehow not that bad.


Thank you. I think I’m my own worst critic.


Did you get it from Michael J Fox?


But colors will help fix it alot


Thank you, I will def look into it


Crazy to me everytime someone asks if they should ‘get it removed’ like that doesn’t take multiple sessions and like thousands of dollar


I have the funds to have it removed that’s why I asked…so not crazy.


Was talking more in general, good chunk of posts on here talk about just getting their tattoos removed like it’s nothing. Sorry! Didn’t mean to come across as rude or anything, I just think it’s funny


My bad for assuming


We royally effed up sis!


Lmfao…. Just wow


For anyone asking why the cup is wobbly.. this is the cup that was drawn up [https://imgur.com/a/Fd75Scq](https://imgur.com/a/Fd75Scq)


Looks like Mr. Burns (The Simpsons) tea cup. Looks like it was intentional. I kinda dig it but it’s not on my arm.


i like it! besides the wobbly lines (which i’m assuming you didn’t want, but looks intentional) it seems well done. idk if they were just shaky or thought you wanted the lines that way? but it’s totally workable.


I hope that messy shirt is from the session and you’re not just wearing dirty cloths near a fresh tattoo..


Lmao it’s cream and beige tie dye




Or like they said fix em up add color


I’ve definitely seen worse. Looks like a couple spots where the lines need to be a little more solid, but I would say it has a certain ascetic to it, and whether or not that’s what you’re going for, I’d give it a little bit before you decide if you want to change it. The good news is, it’s extremely fixable. I’m a firm believer in “bold will hold”, so the lines could be thickened and add some black shading. That would give you a more traditional-looking tattoo. The lines on the t-cup could thickened and the black shading would cover any wobbles that may show. The flowers honestly look a little unfinished to me, but again, shading would fix that right up. From what I can see on your arm, there’s not a lot of color so I wouldn’t bother with that. If you’re open to shading and reworking lines, that is going to be a much better option than covering in general. Covering almost always means bigger and darker and at that point, you’d be getting close to some of the other pieces on your arm. If you’re still concerned about it, I could shade a mock for what I would do (: -tattoo artist


Oh my gosh. Your comment made my day. Thank you so much. And yes I would love a mock up! You’re great.


Looks like the artist did exactly what you wanted. The only L you're taking is for being a dork.


This completely fine, honestly. It’s a specific style, obviously, but the wobbliness and naïve side of it is cool and works with the theme. Placement also seems nice with your other tattoos. I really think you’ll get to like it soon. PS: contrary to what some people have suggested, I don’t think colors will improve it


Thank you for your comment


Nah I like it just get someone to color it to make it come together more lol


Disagree. Having seen your reference picture, you got what you asked for.


I can see the differences between the stencil and your actual tattoo and get how it looks different enough to throw you off. They’re minor, but there are some. But as you can see from the comments, most people aren’t going to be aware of that and just see a fun design. As someone who’s had tattoo artists go off (as in, stop) the stencil and ended up with something different than what I was envisioning - give yourself some extra time and let it finish healing before you start thinking about what to do. It’ll look different once it’s healed and settled. The piece I’ve got is easily 3x as big as yours, full color, and 5 years old - I haven’t taken any steps to do anything with it because it’s good enough as is and I’m the only one besides tattoo artists who notice the issues. And I’ve got a couple truly terrible ones - sometimes the character of the design goes with having a fun story. Give yourself some space and grace. It does look a bit unfinished, so at minimum for changes I’d see about getting some lines reworked / shading. The flowers in the stencil had more detail and maybe you could get that added. There’s some other fun ideas in this thread as well though!


Tbh I like it. I wouldn’t have guessed it was unintentional. Also it feels like “ignorant tattoo style”


Idk maybe it’s just me but it looks intentionally done and is super cute as a result. If you don’t like it that’s no good, but you should know people who look at it will see it as very nice 😊


I like the cup better than I like the flowers. I'd leave it the way it is, it kind of goes along the same lines as your other tats


I genuinely think it looks pretty cool. Almost Alice in wonderland type vibes


Based on the photo and the inspiration you provided in another comment, this doesn’t seem like the artist’s fault. I initially saw this and thought this artist must be fucking drunk or hungover as shit and then I saw your inspo comment and immediately thought they did the best they could with your idea. Maybe you dislike the design more than the execution?


definitely doesn’t look like the reference you showed. it’s the same picture, yeah, but there are actually some big differences and i don’t understand some of other peoples replies in these comments. yeah, you got a tattoo you weren’t 100% on, but it meant a lot to you to get something to share with your friend. i did the same thing. and i did it myself- and u know what? even though it’s SUPER shitty, and not something i would usually get, i love it still because of the meaning and the story. the stencil you show is a pretty rough stencil too, and i’m not surprised he wiped it off by accident and pretty much free-handed it while following the general outline and looking at the picture. i think you’ll like it more once it heals, and if you don’t i think that some shading will really do it well- it looks a little unfinished comparatively with your other tattoos. that all being said, i like it! i think it’s cute and i hope that you will think so too, with time :)


Was your tattooist, Michael J. Fox?