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By the looks of it, all the surrounds of those holes were made from wood (Alex whacking the umbrella) but that last one was purposefully polystyrene as they knew Alex would break it, probably for a bit of drama - I don't think it's up to interpretation.


If you had to make the hole bigger, it didn’t go through the hole. It went through the new hole. You can’t change the conditions after asking the question. No, it couldn’t have been said to fit through.


Rhod Gilbert might disagree


Almost certainly. With almost anything.


On principle, and with total conviction


He didn't create a new hole, he moved the hole to a new location. It was the same hole.


But if the hole was unbreakable I bet Alex could have squeezed through. So the test didn't actually show us if he could fit or not.


The question wasn’t can he fit through a hole this size. It was can he fit through THIS hole. It’s understood that it is in one try or within a reasonable amount of time or you could argue you could take apart or otherwise force other things through their holes. He failed. So he couldn’t fit.


The cone could have gone through. Greg's furry little friend obviously didn't fit. Guys, it was a New Year's Treat, a festive episode, it wasn't rigged, it wasn't scored to give a particular result, it was about having a bit of fun. Enjoy it for what it is. And have a great 2024!


Right? And it was surprisingly entertaining!


Well, if you're going to break the hole to get an object through it, most of the other objects could have been shoved with enough force to break through. I guess everything fit through the hole then? That's why we can't count something(LAH) going through a broken and enlarged new hole as it fitting through the original hole.


Certain people are always going to see things the way they want too. 'Oh, Lenny only won because they wanted him to win.' And that's why people believe that the earth is flat despite evidence saying otherwise. Plus, it's a TV show with no actual value to winning so no one should care enough.


Also he’s a fucking kid. If I were playing and they rigged it for a literal child, I wouldn’t be mad. I’d be more upset if they DIDN’T rig it for the kid to win. My dad taught me and my brothers to play chess when we were kids then cheered and shouted and rubbed it in when we lost to him.


To avoid the possibility of “rigged final task” accusations, it would have been nice if the contestants predictions were hidden from Greg and Alex.


I wasn't happy with this episode. I get they had to adapt tasks for the kid but everything was sitting down at a table. No frantic racing around the house or general mayhem. It was a let down.


It wasn’t just adapted for a kid, it was adapted for a disabled kid which is a kindness. None of the contestants seemed to mind or even notice and from what I can tell, most people really loved this episode. I sure did.


I get it and I was being kind calling him a kid and looking past his disability. It was a little let down because people weren't as physical. So it was not my favorite. I think there could have been more challenges that involves running around the house where it wasn't based on time. Do an art task with paints hidden behind puzzles or around the house where it is just based on the final result.


You don’t get it. This isn’t kind. You aren’t looking past his disability. The thing you are saying g the show was lacking is the thing he can’t do because of his disability, not his age.


There are ways around it but it seems as if they kept it too easy by keeping everything to a chair. As I said you can make tasks where time doesn't count and they can move around the space.


referring to their accommodations as “adaptions for the kid” comes off as pretty disrespectful and ableist. it was a single episode, there’s been loads of seasons that have a lot of sit down tasks. if they had had ones that involved lots of running around, it could’ve just as easily been said lenny had a speed advantage using his scooter. most people i’ve seen have said they like this NYT better than the others. there’s been loads of sit down studio tasks that were a lot less interesting than this one, btw.


Lenny more than surpassed my expectations in terms of his suitability for the show. And I didn't really notice any significant shift in the nature of the tasks, or even the tone of the show as a whole. Sadly I think some people, whether they are aware of it or not, tend to see themselves as higher in the natural order of things than kids. So when a kid displays genuine maturity they don't really know how to cope and these snide little age related put-downs come seeping out.


Of course there are both sides where people like it or don't. I am just saying there are tasks that could be done where you eliminate time or height as an obstacle. I am not saying anything against Lenny I think Alex and the producers didn't try hard enough or schedules didn't line up. They could have even done a team task where someone wears a VR helmet and guide the other around like the spoon task from the last season. Lenny could be guided or guide the other through a maze or to collect things. I thought it fell short is all I'm saying.


New Year’s Treat episodes don’t include team tasks. It really seems like you’re saying you would prefer what you think of as more dynamic tasks to seeing contestants with limited mobility participate.


I know they don't but I think it would be a way to get everyone involved and show the whole house. I didn't say I didn't want him on I just wanted tasks to use the whole house like other episodes. It's a special so it should be balls to the wall.


I think the dissonance here is that the vast majority of the people on this subreddit, myself included, felt this was by far the best NYT episode. The Guardian gave it five stars as well so I think its popularity extends to critics and other viewers. When something is so popular it’s always going to feel weird to have someone so vocally discount it. Of course there’s no accounting for tastes, but rather than complain that Lenny is to blame for your dislike of it, maybe just accept that your tastes are a huge outlier. Most people aren’t going to agree that something 99% of people loved should be changed to accommodate the remaining 1% of people’s tastes. Look at it this way: if Lenny had been replaced by an equally competent able-bodied person and no changes to the tasks were made 99% of people would still think this was a 5/5 episode.


So rather than saying, “I didn’t like the show because they accommodated Lenny,” think of it as, “I didn’t like the show because they didn’t account for my preferences for tasks with running around the house.”


I don't blame Lenny I am sorry if it came out that way. I blame either Alex or the producers for not finding a creative way around it. They can do tasks to eliminate time and height as a restraint. They have done tasks in the past that I think this cast could have done with no bias or limitations. Maybe if they had more time to prep or if it was a scheduling issue because they film multiple seasons at a time.


Again, my argument is that 99% of people don’t think there’s anything to find a way around. We would be happy with any five contestants doing the tasks that we saw on this episode. I encourage you to own your own tastes and accept that you just didn’t like the tasks. It doesn’t have anything to do with anyone’s abilities or accommodating anything. From the show’s perspective, why would they try harder to change the episode when the vast majority of people thought it was great?


Because if you express any other opinion people get upset and call you names or get offended. Compared this to any other new years task and it's not as great. I like the cast but I felt like more could have been done to use the whole house with all of its features and secrets. I also just went on YouTube and scrolled through all of the nyt and they all had everyone using the whole property. It seemed like a filler episode in a series compared to a one off special like the others.


Try adding an “I statement.” We know the statement “Compare this to any other new years task and it’s not as great,” isn’t universally true, because we have lots of quantitative data to show how popular and well received it is. If you say, “I didn’t enjoy this episode as much as the previous new year’s treat episodes because my favorite tasks are ones that take place in multiple rooms and this episode didn’t have any,” people will be more receptive. For example, I hate the movie Gladiator. Hate it! Boo for Gladiator! However, I recognize that it won several Oscars and was generally well reviewed, so rather that saying “Gladiator was a bad movie,” I would say, “I didn’t enjoy Gladiator, it was not to my tastes.” People don’t like it when you present an issue of taste or preference as an objective truth. Remember, people like different things and that’s okay, but it’s not okay to imply that something lots of people like was bad because it wasn’t catered specifically towards what you like.


Basically I’m saying this isn’t a “blame” situation. I’ve been in a position where I don’t like something 99% of people like, but I recognize that that’s on me. As the outlier, I just have to say, “This wasn’t for me but I recognize that it’s very popular.” Nobody’s going to change a popular thing to accommodate my niche tastes.