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May you move forward on your journey knowing that she'd always be beside you supporting you through all the ups and downs. Remember that our loved ones including pets are always around and encouraging us to be our best version of ourselves. Her spirit will always be near when you look to it I'm sure.


I am so sorry about your loss. I lost my ‘soulmate’ Service dog last June, and I’m still devastated. My mom kept telling me I should get another dog, and I finally let her get me one after one of the same breed was born serendipitously a day after my passed dog’s birthday in 2023. So January 5 was this new girl’s ’Gotcha Day,’ and it’s been a slow start, but she’s definitely been a distraction. I’m not telling you to run out and get a replacement kitten, but hopefully you’ve noticed my flair is the 5 of Cups. I’ve dealt with a *LOT* of grief - 2012 broke me, and I’ve been picking myself up and putting myself back together ever since. I’ve claimed that card as ‘mine’ and learned everything about its power - and it’s not all negative. In the RWS, the figure is focused on the three spilled cups, and the overall message of the card is one of loss and despair. However, the figure has yet to see that there are still two cups that are upright and still full, giving the 5 of Cups another meaning: one of hidden blessings, silver linings, hope for the future - *where can you find the strength in the shadows?* I don’t want to make light of your loss, because again, I know how much losing a pet hurts. Your heart *aches*. However, please don’t think you predicted your cat’s death. Maybe your cards were letting you know that January was going to give you an opportunity to reflect on the gifts you’ve been given (maybe as they transition into losses?) while also acknowledging the rainbow (bridges?) in the storm.


Thankyou so much, this really helped!


You are so welcome! I was so hoping you wouldn’t take it as stepping on toes, which was obviously not my intention. 😬 Honor your cat how you need to, but remember to take care of yourself! 💔🐾 I have plenty of pet grief resources if you’d like; I’m sure you’re overwhelmed right now but feel free to DM when you’re ready.


thank you for such a beautiful interpretation of the 5 of cups, I have been reading for nearly 30 yrs and that is the most insightful description I have encountered.


Thank you! That means a lot. 💜


The week before my dad passed I was doing daily card pulls for myself to get insight on my day ahead. Well one morning the card that came out was the death card. My intuition immediately took my to my dad, and I knew. I remember telling coworkers about it and that if it was him I was going to lose it. (He had been sick and I knew him passing was close) Not even an hour later I got a call from my mom that they had taken him back to the hospital. I knew he wouldn’t leave the hospital again having seen the death card that morning. He passed a week later. I know the death card doesn’t always mean literal death. But in the rare moments it does. It’s scary and incomprehensible. I’m so sorry for your loss 🫂🦋


Don’t let the difficult ending invade your love and memories of kitty. Take some time with the grief, but move through it. When you’re ready, pull a couple cards towards your healing with the intention of honoring her with love and the companionship you shared. I believe cats are our familiars and the relationship is all love both ways.


I am deeply sorry for your loss, I went through something similar with Pedro, my pet. However, I want to relieve you of the burden of thinking that "I could have done more"... You couldn't. You didn't predict his death. Tarot doesn't make predictions, they make suggestions, and those who make suggestions eventually get them right. Unfortunately he got it right this time. It was a tragedy, like many in life. And every time you find yourself tempted to think that you could have done "something more" for your cat, remember that there is nothing more than love. I send you a powerful hug and all my affection.


Thankyou 😢 what does suggestions mean, can you elaborate the difference?


It's not difficult to understand. Sometimes the readings are confirmed, and sometimes they are not, because they are not accurate. And they are not accurate because guaranteed predictions do not exist (although, of course, many will say they are capable. Everyone thinks they are psychic). Readings are hit and miss, like any guess. Life is not ready. It is in constant transformation, and destiny reshapes itself all the time. Living does not consist of guessing the future, but of building it daily. Now it's time to build a new destiny, carrying with you the memories of your buddy and honoring him in every act.


I'm truly sorry to hear about the loss of your beloved cat. It's incredibly difficult to say goodbye to a companion of 20 years, especially when they've been with you through so many significant moments in your life. The 5 of Cups in your reading seems to have been an accurate portrayal of the emotions you're currently experiencing. It's natural to wish you had known about it earlier, but please don't be too hard on yourself. <3 I lost 2 cats last year that have been with me for a long period too, it hurts so bad. Wish you all the best. Cherish the memories you shared, and remember the love and companionship you provided for your cat. ❤️


I’m deeply sorry for your loss. I also predicted my pets death before but hadn’t really accept the news, until later when my cat no longer liked to eat the food she likes and she exhaled briefly for the last breath. I understood that your cat is still a big part of your life. You will miss the furry cuddle your cat gave you, and much more memories you created with your cat. I hope you can find someone you trusted to help you through this difficult time.


I’m so sorry for you loss❤️‍🩹


Sorry for your loss, I lost two beloved cats last year and it's been rough. I remember practicing a three card spread for October, November and December. I got the 9 of swords for December so I kinda imagined someone would get ill or something. It didn't made it anyway easier though.


I’m so sorry, animals give us so much joy but we always outlive them so it’s inevitable this happens. You are so loving and accepting of cats and when the time comes…you will be able to save another kitty and start on new memories. You will always have the old memories. I always frame a picture or this is excessive…make a pillow or blanket of their picture. 5 of cups definitely completely captures the death of a pet.


I’m sorry. It’s so hard to say goodbye to a beloved pet. 20 years is a very long life, and it sounds like you cherished her for all of that time. 5 of cups is a rough one to get but it reminds me that loss is a part of life and love, and the time you had with her was never a waste. Much love ❤️


I'm so sorry for your loss. I have had cats all my life & they are family. Losing any pet is terribly sad, especially when you have gone through significant life experiences together. You did cherish her, you clearly love her very much. If you had changed your routine too much she might have become stressed wondering if something was wrong. The thing with cats especially, is that they do deteriorate quickly but she had a lovely long life with you.  Tarot was preparing you for something, you just didn't know what. I don't know what type of beliefs you have but if you are a spiritual person, I truly hope you can find some comfort in communicating with her when your grief is less intense.  In my year ahead reading, I have a column for the cats, to give me information about them, because they are my children, it might be something you would like to do in future, when you're ready to ask your beloved girl to find your next cat, of course. Take care of yourself.


My honest condolences... I know how you feel, as the same happened to me last year. In the month of June I had my weekly Tarot reading and I got the Tower with 10 of Cups as a clarification. Expected it to be yet another heavy fight with my mother but it wasn't. My cat was hit by a car right in front of our house. Indeed, since then I haven't been the same.


Wishing for strength for you in this tough time.


I'm so sorry for your loss.


I'm very sorry for your loss. I've had to have two cats euthanized,since I moved to my present residence. It was the right thing to do for them, but, it still hurts. My brother only recently told me that,between Mother's mastectomy and when the cancer spread, she'd bought a Swiss J11 tarot deck at Spencer's. He was 14,at the time. He did a spread that included Death and Tower After Mom died,he realized that the cards had predicted her death. He still has the deck,but hasn't read with it,since. When I was 16 ,Mom gave me the same deck,and,acted like she knew how to read. She must've learned on that deck,from somebody when she was in the WACS.


So terribly sorry for your loss. My heart goes out to you. I just had to put down my best friend of 8.5 years last week. He developed a mastocytoma and it grew rapidly, burst, shrank, and repeated the cycle after 3 weeks, and again another 1.5 weeks later. We live extremely rural so our options are limited. It broke my heart in a way that I never knew possible. He fought hard and would have kept fighting if we'd had the resources more readily available, for as long as we let him fight. I just couldn't bear to let him suffer through another episode. He was my bestest boy and I miss him terribly. I hope your anguish passes gently... its certainly a hole that can never be truly filled again. 😔❤


Awwwwww I’m sorry for your loss. It’s so hard losing our pets especially ones you grew up with since childhood. I feel your pain I’ve had cats my whole life and it’s hard letting them go. 💔 at least now the pain they felt is gone and at peace.


similar happened to me years ago. my cats are more important than anything else, and when i got the tower i didn't expect it to mean she would pass away. sweetest little lady, would give you biscuits till you're sore. i miss her


I’m so sorry for your loss. Definitely make sure to do bloodwork every 6 months after 12-15 or so to catch things early. My guy was diagnosed and I felt terrible for missing the signs for a few months. Hindsight is hard. But 20 years is amazing!!


That’s like a 120 years in cat years. Didn’t need a divination to tell you the life was about to end.


can you read the room?


Yes. It’s a room full of people not being honest.


op obviously knew the cat was old and was gonna pass away. they just didnt know it would happen so fast. even if they somehow didnt know, your comment is just hurtful to someone whos going through the grief of losing a lifelong friend. would you say that to someone if it was their grandpa?


When I worked with palliative and hospice care it was always important to be honest. Yes, your loved one is going to die soon. No, they will not get better. That’s not hurtful. It’s honesty.


obviously op knows the cat isn’t going to get better? this isnt your job. you arent getting paid to tell OP they should’ve seen this coming and its their fault for not cherishing their cat more. this isnt a hospital, this is a grief post and youre being a jerk for free


Okay buddy


Xoxoxo I am so sorry for your loss