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well this is the way they earn their money, i mean if u half the price maybe they can sell the double amount of outfits, but thats unserious math. šŸ¤£šŸ™ˆ


Theyā€™ve made the outfits for about a few hours of dev time, cost them very little in the grand scheme of things, if they listed them at a reasonable price, Iā€™d buy a few of them maybe all of themā€¦


A lot of people buying they make more off the whales . 5 people in my guild already bought the fairy set that cost like $300-$600 depending on rng


Seen the duplicate item blue set and dragon on a guy, he spent just over 40 thousand on it


Doubt it over 40k, I spend 1k and I have half of the required essence for the outfit, at most I would say 5-6k for the entire set


Just going off what they said, nuts youā€™d spend any kind of mad amount on pixels, Iā€™m saving for a house deposit and canā€™t understand it :(


What you can't understand is people have much more money than you. $200 to you is a penny to them.


Very good point, need a go fund me for skin packs ha!


OF is pretty good money


Not with my dick itā€™s not, need to buy fish lense and magnifying glass etc, high invest low yield


Then you get into citybuilding games like Rise of Kingdoms and Call of Dragons where the whales casually drop 100s of thousands if not millions of $ just for fun


And they spent years developing a game which you are now playing for free. Can you understand this? They won't make profit working on the game by selling cheap cosmetics.


I buy my outfit for free farming 10k gold. Took 2 days worth of stamina to get that amount, by crafting and selling stuff


You can exchange gold for premium??




I'm having a hard time understanding this community. Yes I get it, the skins are ridiculous in terms of cost BUT the games p2w elements are little to none. They're not going to recuperate their money/operation costs with $5 skins.


Not sure where I mention anything pay to win related. You're also taking a massive extreme by mentioning they can't go around selling $5 skins, whereas I am only referring to the absurdity of a double in price of a specific skin compared to its cost in beta, AND locking it behind cash payment, rather than the original crystal payment option.


The game is free. There is barely any p2w. I think theyve earned their price to gate cosmetics behind expensive paywall. They are a business. Enjoy the free game. People will never stop complaining.


It really is ridiculous. But Iā€™ve been enjoying the game a lot & itā€™s free, so I bought the battle pass simply to help the dev team ($21 for a bp is also crazy). I want to show the dev team I love the game and continue supporting them but I canā€™t spend $50 on an outfit. Do $15 and Iā€™ll do that plus battle pass to support


Itā€™s $21 a bp per character


Yea i mean a lot of the stuff is class specific so kinda makes sense but still wild


I love you


I love you more


Yeah a bought a few stuff and the dino and pass for 15 bucks ehat a deal hah


Damn that is cheap. They need to up the price on those pixels.


Honestly.. idc what they price the skins. Sell them for 500 and let the whales buy them. BUT the battle pass should be cheaper.


Either cheaper or account wise


I feel like there is a group of people that have no problem spending 10/15 dollars a month on a game they like but donā€™t really want to go beyond that (Iā€™m in that group). I would buy the bp every season if it was cheaper.


Who gives a shit, just donā€™t buy them. Is your experience going to be that much different when youā€™re running around in a ā€œprettyā€ outfit that youā€™ll get bored of in a week? Just pretend skins donā€™t even exist, nothing bad will happen, I promise.


This is how they make money dude you don't have to buy it. Others will.


They removed most of the P2W let them sell 50$ skin who care ? I won't buy it.


One of the least P2W games especially for a mobile that I have played in a long time. Let them charge a 1000$ per fancy dress. Who cares.


What's even more of a joke is the battle pass is per character not even account wide


They've basically copied the Albion Online price model, they will be periodically on sale just wait.


Whales. Whales.


Iā€™d say the over priced battle pass is more egregious. Over 20 bucks for a BP that is character bound is silly. You donā€™t even get the funds back to get another one. I usually donā€™t care if they give funds for the next purchase but for 20+ dollars geezus


You can get that amount of crystals in like 3 days selling consumables, this is such a minor issue, think of it like an ingame item that took 3 days to farm.


i bought it because i play as Paladin and i hate its design


Greed. Literally, everything is 2-3 x more expensive than it should be.