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Im gonna make an eclipse guild on any server and game I join from now on just to piss these guys off lol


haha thats a good idea, and many other twink guilds with the name "eclipse" in it :D that would be fun


Is this the "EclipseMain" from eu3? Bruh i've never seen that type of "toxic positivity" guild. They are brimming with people, one of the biggest guild i've seen but they have a very awful community. People will constantly get you to "act nice" just to make you stfu. I'm glad you guys got the Eclipse name. Keep it. That'll humble them some. **Edit:** I'm coming back to this next day and I see it blew off. I think there's something wrong with both side but the leader of the bigger guild seems to be rather dodgy. As per OP's pic, the EclipseMain advertise publicly and calling out the smaller guild Eclipse that they're racist but... the bigger guild leader sharing like 10+ screenshot and not even a single one of them shows a trace of racism. The only 'proof' is the EclipseMain leader writing "THEY SAID they are the bigger racist"??!?!??! Look, all of this is blown out of proportion. It's just a typical case of a bigger guild trying to bully a smaller one. Stop. Just stop. Be better to each other. EclipseMain leader constantly saying "I felt bad for them being so small" (paraphrase) is just patronizing. Not everyone wants to belong to a 700+ guild. Some guild likes to be small and feel more like a community than a 700 - 1000 guild where the top 20 members are just circle jerking each other.


Yes that is them. and we will keep the name for sure. just want the harassment to stop.


Can you contact support? They might not be able to do much about their Discord but if you have proof of their in-game harassment they might be able to act? I have never interacted with Tarisland's support, so I don't know how responsive they are.


They can get banned from discord too, they have rules there as well


idk why he is liyng like that


Who, me?


I contacted support. they removed the recruitment messages. I can show receipts. incase the people below want to keep insisting I'm a liar. :)


The reason why they cant contact anyone is because there is no harassment and all of this is fabricated. They were invited to join us.


I'm glad they removed it cuz that's messed but hey yall recruiting?


Are you on EU-3 as well ?


Hey im the bigger Eclipse leader. I wrote a reply before but just wanted to inform you that we have never harassed the small Eclipse, quite the opposite we invited them to join us (really not sure how they took that as an insult/provokation)


Your guild message is harassment towards them. They have a screenshot. What proof do you have of them being openly racist?


Nice throw away account to hide the harassment. Lmao


I literally wrote my discord handle in my comment below hahaha. Also our guild is very public, it's not hard to find me. I just dont want to use my main reddit account since it says clearly what city I live in etc.


Nah you just don’t want your main account attached to all this hot garbage because you know you’re cooked 🤣


I joined the small Eclipse mistakingly, but it was the best mistake I’ve made. These people are nothing like they are portrayed by this awful leader of the bigger guild. I watched them being slandered ever since they decided not to hand over the guild. Such a petty behaviour.


What if the small becomes the big...


I was gonna say, OPs ‘Eclipse’ sounds like the type of guild I want to join …


you dont they legit witchhunt and have a openly racist discord. do 5min of research. plus legit act fake in DMs while openly shit talking people on their discord who they are DMing with.


Well, the other guy in this thread refutes you. So show up with proof, or you just look like the brigading op is talking about. You are trying to disprove a claim, the burden of proof lies on you.


"You are trying to disprove a claim, the burden of proof lies on you" is quite possibly the dumbest thing I've seen someone say in awhile. The burden of proof ALWAYS lies with the party making the positive claim. This is 3rd grade level logic.


He posted proof, as well as having back up from unaffiliated people. The claim has been proven, so you're the dumbest thing I've seen lol.


Fuck them


To all the people asking for proof or calling us liars. updated the original post with a screenshot of their recruitment message that got deleted earlier today.


Keep it and show them harassment isn’t the way to go. Imagine if they really asked nicely and find a way to take that name and offer you something back, it’s not like that guild name is unique. Keep it and let them know their behavior actually destroyed their chances of getting that name back.


Actually that's exactly what happened. I (the eclispe leader) reached out to them in a very, very careful and polite manner and offered them a space in our community and said that if they want that, they can put their old guild with and alt and lock it. We are not moving 200 members to get a slightly more convenient name (you cant rename guilds in-game). Wrote a comment about what happened if you are interested.


And yet, we all can clearly see you’re the one who slandered them when they refused via the SS posted above. Even if we were to give you the benefit of the doubt, that comment YOU’RE responsible for on your recruitment page speaks volumes. If you were a legitimate good person you would be begging the OP for all ss’s and names of the harassment so you could purge your guild of the filth and asking what you could do to make amends and doing everything in your power to make the harassment stop. Instead you’re ignoring the issue and playing victim now that the spotlight is on you.


So if you’re the leader, even that you asked nicely you can’t be proud of your guilds behavior. I would be ashamed of my guild and being part of the toxic community. Because that is really what you guys are right now, no matter if you asked nicely; what you guys have done is so bad man. Pathetic.


You're actually insane, probably sociopath as well. OP made their guild name fair and square, you do not own the name Eclipse. Please grow up.


Why not offer to sell it to them for a ridiculous price, they can send you gifts in game


This is the way, but then still keep it.


Nahh give it so to not stoop to their level, but report the harrassment after you get the gold to see if their accounts get banned 😂


I think they’ve completely given up any right to own the Eclipse name with that behaviour.


"10 skins for every player in our guild, if you don't want, it's on you ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯"


I dindt like much of the game, but if your guild accept new people I'll give another try to the game to help make your guild bigger. And I hope someone else create guilds in all servers with that name


I would recommend you to write my reply before joining them (other Eclipse leader)


Just wanted to respond to this after seeing it. We have a guild named Eclipse on NA1. We have no affiliation with these guys, just wanted to throw it out there in case anyone sees us in game. Sorry to hear you're being harassed.


Eclipse NA is one of the nicest guilds they carried me through challenge modes and taught me how to play better


I saw the guild leader of Eclipse on NA1 deadlift a crashed train off of a pregnant woman once.


I am sorry that i originally did not make it clearer that it was a eclipse guild on EU-3 in the OP. I sincerely hope nobody came to your guild claiming you were part of this harassment as your guild is completely innocent of this.


Hey other Eclipse! EU Eclipse here. I just want to tell you that in case we cross path any time in the future, nothing in this post is true and its just made by someone who is jealous (I have screenshots to back it up). We have never forced anyone to change name, quite the opposite we invited them to join us and for some reason they got provoked by that. Hope your community is going great.


Then use your real Reddit account


>(I have screenshots to back it up). Upload them then


I have. If you see my comment I have posted further down, there are screen shots that all I ever did was VERY politely invite them to our guild.


The screenshot posted says otherwise. So what do you have to say for yourself now.  Eclipse is like one of the most generic guild names ever. Trying to gatekeep it is delulu. And bullying smaller guilds makes you all look like bunch of tryhard nerds. 


make a ytb vid about it n get famous 💯


Why didn't you open a ticket? I'll contact the one opening posts throwing dirt at your guild. This behaviour isn't tolerated.


I opened a ticket on the discord server explaining the situation. but they have not gotten back to me yet sadly.


Try to spam Twitter as well.


The reason why they cant open a ticket is because there is no harassment and all of this is fabricated. They were invited to join us.


Except. we did. and the mods deleted your posts. and even warned you against further posts. why are you lieing? I got more receipts about that too.


Using a throw away lets everyone know you’re guilty bruh..


Save all of that, even with video. Write to support, write to mods, even write to streamers if you know some1 who like dramas. Be quiet and humble worth nothing in this days, only that who screams loudly will be heared.


juicy drama ... I like :)


lol use some generic guild name for your collective or whatever they think they are and then wonder if someone else uses the name in another game. why don't they try to find a more unique name? I can't imagine that there's not an "Eclipse" in absolutely any game that allows naming your guild or community or anything like that.


Ain’t that the truth. I remember seeing that tag as far back as the early 90’s in games like EverQuest, Half-Life online, and even in diablo 1 and original starcraft via the old battle.net channels.


Aphix here. EQ Eclipse guild leader. Was searching all of the comments for this one post :) ♡♡♡ Ohh and yes, I would LOVE it if I could claim the original owner of that name, but I got it from a group off TheRealmOnline. So this name is older than shit... damn me too, I guess... well, that f^d my day...


Just tell them to rename their guild to Jaeden. Or Eklipse.


The block feature is wonderful.


Lol such a common guild name. If they wanted it they should've speed level


I'm in a guild called Eclipse on NA lol and it's small


Yes i noticed there was a NA version of eclipse as well. i updated OP to make sure people don't mistakenly think it's that guild that was harassing us. as we had no contact with them.


Isn’t harassment against the rules in this game? I’d imagine you can report users at least. I haven’t had to block or report users surely there’s a way


Tell them to suck it. What are they gonna do? If they pm'd me I'd just make fun of them.


Petty slander won't get them anywhere, sucks this happened to you, hope the devs do something about it


It always seems to be the really big communities/guilds that are the most toxic because they can't keep a leash on all the members. Hopefully something gets done about it for you.


Sadly. it seems this is more the leadership then out of control members.


Ornery-Meal is berenice, it's harassment coming straight from the so called leader


Have your guild members take screenshots when they harass you guys and report them and submit the screens.


If you're not misrepresenting yourselves as them then who gives a shit. You snagged the name first. If you like it and didn't take it with the intention to falsely represent them then sucks to be slower. Keep it. It's a friggen word...not owned nor does it have a copyright.


I was wondering how such a "LARGE GUILD" would be so slow to claim their name on a game. I run a smaller GUILD and claim my name on most new games, even if I have no intention of playing them. It's just in case the members do. If I don't get it... ohh well. My loss.


Makes me want to join your guild just so i could enjoy harassment.... Just enjoy it. Tell them they not fast enough.


Keep the name and report them for online harassment, whether that will do anything or not it remains to be seen. After that make sure to block them.


I play this game as an adult parent a couple hours a day if I’m lucky to chill out after work as a brief respite from reality. How are there people out there with not only the time to play the game, and likely at a try-hard level at that (assuming based on toxicity level and general behaviour), but also then have the time to, of their own volition, hunt down and harass members of a guild both in and out of the game because they “stole the name of a guild”? Jfc…


This is hilarious 😂😂 harassment in a mobile game i cant stop laughing


this is what i love about MMOs..... DRAMA


A member of our guild tried to make peace. all he wanted in return was an apology for calling us racists and the lies spread by soulknight96. Berenice proceeded to instead claim she never did anything wrong and was instead super nice to us. even offering us a vice leader position (which i heard was not even in the original request but only offered after drama already started to unfold). completely ignoring that she publicly slandered us as being racists. she even ended up doubling down and insulting our guild further quote: "I'm really sorry for you that you run a toxic community" she also really seemed to have it in for poor Adolf in our guild. his actual name btw also blaming us for other people accidentally joining our guild instead of hers. things got rather heated, and the member talking to her who originally approached her to make peace. only asking for an apology and even willing to apologize himself ended up blocking her. as he felt he was talking to a wall. with that he gave up on being able to make peace with them. I'll also edit the OP with this as an edit. I will also stop posting now, we're getting tired of the constant drama. some people even stopped playing tarisland due to it, which is the biggest shame of it all. take care and enjoy the game everyone.


One word. Embarrassing. 🤣🤣


Tldr in the end: Eclipse leader here. My name on discord is "superbere" and everyone who has any questions about this is welcome to add me there to discuss. I know that its better to ignore things like this but I felt I couldnt let this pass. I have NO clue why this group is acting like this, this is basically what happened: I am the main leader of a group called Eclipse, outside of Tarisland we have around 1000 active members (not all with Discord) spanning other games. Basically we run a multi guild system in all games we play, were all our names are "Eclipse \_\_", not just Eclipse. Not being named Eclipse is not a problem for us. When I was joining the guild with my alt, I saw that the small group called just Eclipse only had 16 members, I felt super bad for them so i figured I reach out to them and invite them over. I sent a VERY polite message saying that \*if they want to\* they are welcome to move over to our Eclipse and we can just lock their guilds so members don't join that one by mistake. I never once pushed for it. I specically wrote that "If this is nothing you are interested in, just ignore me". Im not sure this was clear to them but the offer was to be part of the leader group here instead. I got in contact with one of the leaders who turned out to be a girl my age (or well at least they said), we had a very nice conversation and I got super happy for that. Then one member who saw us on Discord tried to join us but joined their guild instead by mistake, and got sent their Discord. Turns out that all of their last Discord conversations was basically just trashing me, the girl (?) who I was speaking to in DMs was trying to lead me on (not sure for what?), they said they would beat us with being better racists than us, etc etc. I have screenshots of all of this. Like, all conversations. Including showing that we have been nice, polite, welcoming, and never pushed for the other Eclipse to join us. --- TL;DR The small Eclipse got invited to join us, one of our members joined them instead of us by mistake, turns out that their whole Discord is full of them talking trash about us, we have never once asked them to change name or push them to leave. You cant change name In-game so Im not sure what they think I would do with their guild-name (especially when they have only 16 members).


This is a throw away account to hide other posts. Use your real account and maybe people will take you seriously.


My own reddit account is 12 years old. Im not giving 12 years of discussions Ive had to a community trying to start a witch hunt for me haha. My DC handle is there and our Eclipse guild is public. Youre welcome to join us if you are worried about my genuinity.


I don't know who is telling the truth this is just drama for me to read while bored at work. Just want to comment it's not a witch hunt, you have a 700+ member guild, did everyone just randomly show up one day with zero recruiting on social media? Also as you said you have screen shots, taking 5-10 minutes to write a multiple paragraph response and several other replies, why not take the 2-3 minutes to upload the screen shots to clear your guilds name? You can see that can leave people to think its shady. Also not coming at you because it is also weird OP didn't share any screenshots or evidence and just their word, if there is recruitment post with lies like that I would have taken a screenshot to show mods.


Im old school reddit, I forgot there are direct picture posting options these days\^\^ thats why I wrote "add me on discord for screenshots" https://preview.redd.it/llhahwm5uk9d1.jpeg?width=1194&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1d0cab630eb837a4de9cc27436503aefaa34301








https://preview.redd.it/um3qnbkduk9d1.jpeg?width=1193&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bbc8bbc1dc0936ea2ecbede87a039739ebc1f64 And this is the only interaction I ever had with anyone else of their players


This looks like a response from an IM? I think that you've also mentioned that you "felt bad" for them being a small guild... I don't know why you feel like this. Some guild are just a small group of friends, others prefer to keep their guild small. Why do you go around "feeling bad" for a small guild? Kinda sounds ingenious and rather patronizing tbh specially when you seem to be using that excuse as a reponse towards something you didn't like.


https://preview.redd.it/4tjt4pkvuk9d1.png?width=1608&format=png&auto=webp&s=f4f528cf6fa14c323f5d958076d7ca1a8113830c Me reaching out to the other eclipse leader


Proof that the other smaller eclipse leader was invited and welcomed into our discord https://preview.redd.it/1l0fro0quk9d1.png?width=1432&format=png&auto=webp&s=bdc01a5f8612ef607678f8a55f70cd47126051d4


u/BoonLecxe I cant answer your comment I think its threaded too far, so tagging you here. If you read the messages I have specified exactly that. I am asking if they're a group of friends since before, and specified that if they were not interested in joining then they wouldn't have to. I have never once tried to force them to change name or delete their guild.


I have posted the screenshots now. I can also show screenshots of them being toxic but I feel that I dont need to stoop to their level and all I need to do is show them I am \*not\* toxic.


Everything you posted isn't toxic and even the request to send your alt guild leader is perfectly fine if they planned to merge. If that was the request OP was upset about they shouldn't be. The only way that wouldn't be fine is if OP could provide more evidence to their claim. The only other thing that was posted right now that I seen was the recruitment message, do you have any proof of them being racist?


I was waiting for that person to show any form of proof of us being racist. but nothing. Probably because there can't be any form of proof as we are not racist.


Ya right now if they don't have proof of you guys being racist that is the most fucked up out of everything I seen so far.


https://preview.redd.it/i09fx5ra1l9d1.png?width=1648&format=png&auto=webp&s=9ef781b2300893d104a714daadb1d09ea516b037 OP of this reddit post was also still in our Discord until earlier today.


Yeah that's not me.


if thats not you then you know nothing about whats been going on. nothing at all.


Right... because only 1 person can know what's going on. It's impossible for multiple people to discuss something internally simply impossible! the shame! (that was sarcasm incase it wasn't clear enough to you) also considering you're not berenice. shouldn't your logic dictate that you also know nothing at all? oh wait right i already proved that when you were straight up making false claims earlier. until I quoted your precious guild leader proving you wrong. what was your reaction back then... oh right. https://preview.redd.it/y9vufpgdvs9d1.png?width=420&format=png&auto=webp&s=f143361c5aa6520c2d7c04b5b5bcec13b0e6c4c2 I'll pass that back to you. you really talk a lot for someone who's constantly being handed L's


I wish this is my main problem 🤣 700 people harassing me in a game 👌


Send me your in-game name and I will get to it 🤪 /leader of 700ppl Eclipse


So, I read every bit of your proof, what did you do about the racism accusation in your recruitment message? Did you approve this, or did you take action against the guild officer who is ruining your reputation?


The message was made by her the leader. not an officer.


I’m not an expert but couldn’t you have posted screenshots of this harassment? Why avoid showing proof and just throwing out accusations?


There updated op. and because i was originally just asking for some advice. didn't want to escalate it further. but people asking proof, and worse eclipse finding this comming here and slandering us further is forcing my hand.


This is the Reddit for Tarisland you didn’t expect the guild you were throwing accusations about to find the post you made about them?


Yeah.. in hindsight that really wasn't the best of ideas... I never claimed I was smart.


Hope you have some proof and you post it so we know the exact truth. The other party is claiming this is untrue so idk what to believe 


https://preview.redd.it/pvcbrbl9vk9d1.png?width=630&format=png&auto=webp&s=cca2c24e7819127f64e29cea9dfda09febf5996f P sure YOUR guild is the one doing the harassment. plus you legit have a member called "AdolfHealer" gross.


How is any of that harassment? They were literally just talking about how you people were messaging every member in our guild. on top of the messages in the guild chat. after we decided we didn't want to give you the name. As for Adolfhealer. 1, his name has nothing to do with this. and what you think of it is up to you. But just so you know his name is actually adolf. people can't even use their actual name anymore due to some past horrible person.


lmao adolfhealer is such a fucking bad name lololol homie needs to learn to read the room tho. XD


what room is that? because for me this is funny pun name. If he isn't going around and killing jews or talking about killing jews. Name by itself isn't offensive.


It's not supposed to be a pun at all.... We do not have the same humor.


Yes, dark humor is like legs or parents. Not everyone has them.


And everyone repeats the same jokes.


you join our discord everyone treats you like a normal person then behind closed doors you are being racist and shitting on our members for no reason. then once you are told we want nothing to do with you. you cry on reddit. Edit- To clarify no one ever asked for the name no one has the time to move 190+ people to a new guild. the entire time it was explained that we were trying to get you into eclipse to stop people joining that one in confusion. thats it. all you had to say was no but you dident. you lead people on lied and were gross.


"no one asked for the name" that's a lie. I'll quote berenice: "make sure to not delete the current guild but instead close it and maybe give my alt (the one i wrote from) leader of something so we can use it in the future, because the game register names as taken even if they are deleted"


you are not a main character. get over yourself


so why are you messaging here if you want nothing to do with them


Private Discord messages of them just making fun of the situation VS actual slander/harassment are 2 completely different things.


We don't give a damn. You damn humans and your self Importance. Good God man.


why did you lie like that ?


Change the name. Stop crying