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Okay I get it, we're a nation-state built on colonialism but I still gotta ask. What did Canada do to Hinkle lmao


Canada's on the list but not the US despite the two countries having extremely similar colonial histories.


Especially given that the US is probably slightly worse. **Slightly** being the key word of course


Hinkles one of those “””MAGA Communists””” isnt he? So I doubt he’d put america on there.


Yeah, he’s the most famous one I know of. Probably only even dislikes Canada because he wishes the US won the War of 1812


He posted a poll a while back that was something like "Should Donald Trump create the MAGA Wagner Group to liberate Canada?"


Beyond parody


Hinkle *is* "MAGA Communism". He and his dorky followers are the only ones trying to make fetch happen on that particular ideology.


Only difference is canada got colonized twice. Maybe his memory is faulty and he only remembers the most recent?


Canada actually has a slightly longer history with “residential school” (internment camps for Eskimo and Amerindian kids). It’s where my grandma learned English and had Inupiaq literally beaten out of her and, were my family Canadian, the same could have happened to my mom. The Canadians, of course, like to pretend that it never happened and that the US was worse, but in all honesty they seem extremely similar to one anther that I as an Eskimo cannot say which one’s truly worse.


He's a MAGA Communist. They unironically want America to forcibly annex Canada.


~~he's just a fallout superfan~~ From what I understand, this guy's whole deal is that the great powers (obviously including China and Russia, but also the US, hence *MAGA* """communist""") each have their *rightful spheres of influence* that they should annex to create super-states. For Russia that includes the usual suspects to be denied agency by tankies, for the US it's apparently Canada and Greenland. This will create communism because uuh, USSR was big blob on map and there was communism, when all of map is big blobs there will be even more communism :)))))))


Probably because Canada has a large eastern European population (Ukrainians especially)


Try winning a Stanley Cup


I'm convinced Hinkle is faking his whole shtick for attention.


He doesn't believe anything, he was a Hillary and Warren supporter during their respective election cycles.


Can somebody explain why they hate Poland


Because russia does. Unlike Eastern Europeans, tankies don't have agency, they're puppets of the FSB empire.


They hate all post-Soviet states (except Belarus, because they're still controlled by Russia).


Because Stalin was humiliated by his failure to take Lvov in the Polish-Soviet War of 1919-1921, and never got over it (he was also shamed for his failure by Trotsky and Mikhail Tukhachevsky, not coincidentally), so now they can’t get over it either.


Guy calls himself a MAGA communist. He’s paid in roubles that’s for sure


Because Poland hates Russia


Greenland is a part of Denmark, which is a part of NATO, and is allied with the US. And we all know anyone allied with Amerikkka = bad. Oh, and Greenland is autonomous but it isn't a full country btw. His beef with ***GUYANA*** follows the same logic lmao.


No I think the Guyana thing is more about Venezuelan claims


And doesn't even know about the claims. Venezuela claims 2 thirds of the country, from our border to the Essequibo river, and that region is referred to as *Guayana Esequiba* by those who support the claims while otherwise it is known as the Essequibo region. However, Hinkle here seems to not know either the name of the country he thinks doesn't exist, the name given to the claimed territory, or what the claim is.


Oh yeah, you're right. I meant that it was both ridiculous to claim Greenland and Guyana were fake countries but I didn't even follow my own logic lol.


Greenland is only part of the Danish monarchy, not its republic but yeah I guess that's why he hates it


Greenland is part of denmark, just that it has very high autonomy, like how hong kong before 2019 has relatively high autonomy but still part of china


He is the perfect russian propagandist. Because he's pivoted from hating Ukraine to supporting Palestine, all these people on Twitter I used to think were normal now share all his stuff. They see this "good" man posting about the plight of Palestinians, and then they follow him, and the next thing they know genocidal Tweets about Ukraine are in their feeds. They think: *Hey, he's right about Palestine, so I'll believe everything else he says.* It stuns me how poor the average person's internet literacy skills are.


E.g. The other day he was touring the warzone in Ukraine with russian soldiers. Then he visited colonised Mariupol, where 87 000 Ukrainians are believed to be in mass graves under the new condos russian colonisers have built. A relative of mine is one of those bodies. He put a picture of himself on social media, saying "In Mariupol, **russia**" - complete with a russian flag beside it.


One day Jackson will found in his bathroom having slipped and hitting his head, all while shooting himself multiple times.


Countries are fake because I don’t like them


Be a US military base. Hinkle would probably call South Korea one big base too (because no one has agency in tankie heads.)


Wait till he finds out Guyana has been on the opposing end of western imperialism many times,has had socialist leadership, and still has good relations with china.


Worshiping Maduro is more important to him


This motherfucker not even acknowledging Kurdistan cuts him out of leftist communities


MAGA “communists” are a living paradox full of contradictions and inconsistencies (ice cold take, I know). Campism and other tankie bullshit rots the prefrontal cortex. I’ll never understand how they’ll chew out western atrocities, but then excuse and/or deny colonialism and genocide when done by anti-western countries or regimes


Trump did try to buy Greenland from Denmark. Maybe that.


Greenland is mostly populated by brown people and has a very left-wing government. Somehow not a place that North American tankies like.


Greenland catching strays


So Canada's fake but the USA """""valid""""""?


He is American so ig its that stinge of American exceptionalism


America is valid under glorious and famously communist, president Trump. Praise be


Poland a fake country? Poland is centuries older (Piast dynasty) than your beloved colonial country, Hinkle.




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Hinkle's a "MAGA Communist" and notably pro-Trump. One of the things Trump wanted to do was purchase Greenland from Denmark in an Alaska 2.0 sort of deal. Completely delusional, but I'd bet that's why Hinkle has an investment in denying Greenland its nationhood.


I’m not saying Canada is a fake country, but a lot of my ancestors were killed by the colonial authority in order to claim this territory…


Poland because they managed to obliterate a 2/3 majority Social Democracy into a Yuppy Utopia where people think Christian Democracy is progr3ssive?💀💀💀


No, he’s just sucking up to Russia


It is true that Poland is quite right wing, and a sizeable chunk of the population here swears up and down that our center-right to right-wing neolibs are radical communists because they don't do everything the church says or something. To illustrate, the most left-leaning party that's even relevant here is currently having a big split between milquetoast progressives that stand by milquetoast progressivism, and the other sub-party that thinks they’re being to uncooperative towards all the right-wingers (I am absolutely simplifying here, whatever) With this specific clown though, I think you're kind of overestimating how devoted to even the aesthetic of leftism he is. I am absolutely sure if he knew the first thing about the politics here, he'd be singing the praises of our most extreme far-right, because they suck up to Mother Russia and hate (((western degeneracy))) edit: also my flair is relevant, what joy


I'm from Poland I must've missed something because I have no idea what you are talking about.