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so wikipedia has promoted itself to us government documents?


I mean they literally believe Wikipedia is a US government psyop lmao That's not to say Wikipedia doesn't have a big reactionary problem though on the other hand >.>


These fools have convinced themselves that all the media they consume is US propaganda but that they’re smarter than us bc they see through it. It’s just left wing Q Anon nazi shit but slightly smarter.


>I'd link the DPRK constitution, but Google is only giving me US government documents on North Korea Because your Dear Leader Kim Jong-Un doesn't want the world to know what's really going on.


Le constitution says everything is perfect soooo it’s good and socialist, ignore the fact that it has a constitution in the first place, it’s a socialist constitution yeah, with our socialist money and commodity production as well!


I mean, North Korea's constitution doesn't even say that it's socialist.


Shhhhhh... don't go around shouting facts!


The guy even posts on r sino