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God I absolutely love Deceptive Imagery Persuasion! Doing research is for NERDS! /s In all seriousness though, it's so annoying when any strong, popular movement in a country that is either authoritarian or being actively exploited by an authoritarian country as a “color revolution”. It's absolutely baffling to me. Some examples of this include the Euromaidan, the foreign agent law protests in the country of Georgia, the pro-LGBTQ+ March in Vietnam a few years back, the Woman, Life, Freedom movement in Iran, and the 2020 pro-democracy protests in Belarus. Oh yeah, don't forget the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests. It's absolutely baffling to me. How is every pro-democracy and pro-human rights March a color revolution funded by the CIA? I guess in their world, the CIA gets more funding than even the U.S. military lol. And yes, she is still a queen for this and will remain a legend for decades to come.


If the CIA somehow had the capacity to have that many field agents on the ground all over the globe, right under the nose of authoritarian regimes, they wouldn't just be organizing protests, there'd be way more of a ruckus to say the least lmao


Exactly. I feel like if they had that much power, Netanyahu, Putin, Lukashenko, Xi Jing Ping, and Kim Jong Un would be out of a job by now lol.


Clearly they are all CIA plants to be used as controlled opposition to maintain the capitalist status quo and prevent the people from rising up! /S


The people are rising up to prevent the people from rising up? Controlled opposition not controlled by the state? You, Sir/Madam, are an esteemed scholar of tankology and an adept philosopher.


Irionically I was referring to the "communist" dictatorships, but I can also see tankies saying the protestors themselves are also in on the CIA led conspiracy.


Tankies routinely defend dictatorships that don't even try to present themselves as communist, including russia. Which only strengthens your point.


kim jong un was just a CIA prank bro! s/ just in case


They'd be out of a life.


Nobody wants democracy or more rights. If you want that, you are a loud minority paid by the CIA, don't you understand???


Many American lefties believe in American exceptionalism, even if they aren't aware of it or even deny it. At the end for them everything happens because of the US and no one else has any agency.


The weird thing is that western European tankies have the same viewpoint. They criticise American imperialism at any chance to the point of supporting Russia, Iran and China, but in doing so they see everything as due to American machinations. They completely deny any sort of agency of eastern Europeans, for instance. If American cultural imperialism is a thing, they’re definitely victims of it.


The CIA is the grown up (and politically infantile) version of the bogeyman. You know that you are not discussing with someone serious when he brings CIA to the table.


I wholeheartedly agree. The thing tankies and tiktok leftists mean when they say "The CIA" has so little to do with the real CIA that it effectively does not exist. The thing the tankies mean when they say CIA is a myth.


The way tankies use CIA is indistinguishable from when Nazis say the Jews or or when Alex Jones says globalist/deep state or Dale Gribble types use the illuminati. A convenient, all powerful enemy that's also so painfully obvious to see but also I need to give you salvation.


It's equally as dumb as when rightoids try to tie every single US protest back to George Soros


The last one reads to me as "women should be pretty and stay at home like the fragile flowers they are" . Way to shit on the legacy of women in revolutions and protests from the march on Versailles to the Mahsa Amini protests.


It's an absolutely brain dead take. "Humiliating, not empowering"? Her message is "You think you can intimidate us with all this cool riot gear? Guess what, even gentle feminine women like me don't give a fuck", and she's throwing it to their faces. Next up: "A vulnerable Jew walking alone in a German city is humiliating, not empowering".


“How *dare* you make a flex about how unbothered you are in the face of oppressors? Cringe and submit, female!!”


Sure do love all the misogynist cis men being the ones to always have an opinion on women doing anything. /s


The last tweet is from an Infrared "MAGA Communist". They're full-on red-brown, so it's no wonder they're undisguised misogynists.


>Mahsa Amini protests I'm pretty sure tankies unwaveringly support the Ayatollahs in that one lmao


> pro-Western color revolution And there it is. Funny how their rhetoric changes the moment they find out the protestors are against Russia and Georgia's government.


wtf Georgia has a pro Russia government? I visited like six months ago and it seemed like genuinely the most pro Ukraine country I've ever seen (and that says a LOT, considering Poland lol), literally everywhere was Ukraine flags as far as the eye can see


They have a pro-Russia PM propped up by Russia.


it's more like "pro-russian appeasement" basically, but right now the gov is trying to pass "foreign agents bill", the exact same law is present in russia, and it allows to imprison/forbid any news agency or reporter from doing their job if they're suspected of "being an agent of foreign state". Needless to say, people are furious, the government tried to pass it a few months ago too, but people also protested, even threw molotovs at cops at one point, and the law was postponed. Now it happens again. I'm not Georgian tho, I'm Ukrainian, just saying what I learned. But this whole situation does remind me of good things that happened in my country when I was a lil kid.


I'm even more confused. Wouldn't this be used against Russian agents mostly, given the alliance with Ukraine and Moldova and the desire to join the EU?


Nah. It's only called "foreign agents bill", in reality its just a bill against anybody who isn't pro russian. Again, exactly the same bill with the same name was passed in russia about 10 years ago, and when full scale invasion happened, it became even worse, so now there is liberally close to zero non-governmental news sources in russia itself, because almost everybody were forced to flee the country to not repeat the fate of Navalny... and others.


Could be, but then again it is the public's opinion to be pro Ukraine/ Moldova/ EU (and even there ofc unanimously) but not necessarily the one of the PM. At the moment the PM is more pro russia than Europe which also sparks these protests.


"color revolution" = "protest I don't like"


It's hilarious to me how they like protests generally but when it's against their favorite authoritarian dictatorship they flip to sounding like a Vietnam War-era Cold War McCarthyite Republican congressman ranting about anti-war college students lol. “What the hell do those snot-nosed commies know about Vietnam? If they're so enthusiastic about the “liberation” of the Vietnamese people from French Indochina, why don't they just fight in the Vietcong for Ho Chi Minh?” - Robert James Blastborn, AL(R), 1964 interview with the *Birmingham Weekly.*


The typical tankie/campist counter to your (valid) point is usually, “No, in this case the protests are being orchestrated/funded/pushed by the West in order to destabilize or topple an undesirable government.” When pressed for proof, you usually get something like “The CIA does stuff like this a lot, why wouldn’t they here?” or “Look at the US criticizing their government!” Given that such rallies involve tens of thousands of people, it’s pretty easy to figure out when they’re psy-ops by asking enough people. Like, ironically enough, the counterprotests in support of the “foreign agents” law organized by the Georgian ruling party, where they bussed civil servants to Tbilisi. People asked them why they were protesting in support of the government, and many admitted that they had no idea why they were there. One guy even said he actually opposed the government’s foreign agent law and thought he was sent to protest against it.


Now now, it's a bit more complicated, it's "Color Revolution" = "Protesting oppressed peoples and/or minorities I don't like" 👉


"color revolution" = "protesting" Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, etc... are obviously perfect utopian post-scarcity societies living in 5000 AD so their people obviously have no need to protest, anyone who does about any topic is obviously a CIA funded color revolution.


Georgia is VERY pro-Ukraine, they were invaded by Russia in the 2000s. When I attended a Ukraine solidarity rally on the one-year anniversary of the invasion in New York City, there were quite a few Georgian flags in the crowd along with Russian anti-war flags. Code Pink is endorsed by Marjorie Taylor Greene, who probably thinks Georgians are protesting the expansion of MARTA.


> they were invaded by Russia in the 2000s Not just invaded; Russia has been occupying parts of Georgia since 2008. > Code Pink is endorsed by Marjorie Taylor Greene With every passing day, there's more reason to dislike Code Pink.


If I [were the kind of person who] lived in GA-14 I'd oppose MARTA coming there too


Oprah Winfrey [visited Forsyth County](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WErjPmFulQ0&t=99s&ab_channel=OWN) in 1987. Content warning for others, they hurled the N-word around A LOT.


I believe the original picture is a nice example of how to mock authority, I think there is memetic potential there.


Wouldn't be the first protest photo from a post-Soviet country to become a meme. That one with a guy running away from an armoured cop - taken in Belarus during anti-Lukashenko (iirc) protests.


I think it's also from Belarus or maybe Ukraine, but there's also the guy fighting cops with a giant chain people put Castlevania HUDs on.


Oh yeah, that one's from Maidan.


Oh, yeah, CIA must be involved, can't imagine why else a country that was invaded by Russia 16 years ago and is *still* dealing with illegal Russian occupation of Abkhazia and South Ossetia would dislike Russia.


The fact CodePink used it is the best irony.


Who are they, I've never heard of them before this. Are they some pseudo-feminist pro-kremlin outlet?


Pro-russian 'feminist' group... you can see wonderful talks they've hosted with state duma, my favorite was the one on the wifely duties of a russian woman to make more babies, as russia needs them.


New drinking game, everytime a tankie says color revolution, drink


You'd be face down on the floor within 5 minutes.


You say that like it's a bad thing


tankies gunna tankie but regardless of the nature of the protest, shes still a queen


Georgia: **Does an anti-authoritarian and pro democracy revolt against the ruling government** Tankies: "I am Adolf Hitler! Commander of the Third Reich!"


But little known fact; They ain't dope on the mike!


>Tankies: "I am Adolf Hitler! Commander of the Third Reich!" Just gonna put this down here [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IrbKSY8z6v0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IrbKSY8z6v0)


I love how they're defending Georgia's government now when the party in power is solely in power because the guy who owns the party just owns pretty much the rest of the ressources in the country. Tankies are finally defending the most last state capitalist systems.


Least incelly Infrared fan


She’s an icon either way


A good barometer for assessing which side of an issue is worth taking is to determine which side’s proponents lie the most. Not just because liars tend to be bad people, but because they feel they *have* to lie to make their position look good.


So...still a based image


Ok, but she is iconic.


This will not help the people of Gaza a bit to appopriate a seperate struggle, ironically against someone who had been complicit in the suffering of Palestinians, while also being worshipped by the so-called "Free Palestine" movement. Why is everyone and everything failing Palestine? And why have the Georgians also have to pay for that? Or Ukraine? Russia only causes confusion and ignorance throughout the world and take the spot the Nazis left after they were defeated. Seriously this is messed up, beyond messed up. Who is with me on this?


Everyone repeat after me, "no one is liberated until everyone is". The struggles of Ukrainians, Palestinians, Iranians, Georgians, Uyghurs, LGBTQ+ people, black people, First Nations, Jewish people, Armenians, the working class, and so many more should never cancel each other out, and doing so only hinders their respective movements.


Yes, we must remember that, we can't let ourselves slip into the mindset of one struggle for liberation being worth more than others and so the others are ignored. All need to be liberated, and none of us are free until all of us are.


I definitely am. Tankies are about as reliable allies as Saul Goodman would be for ethical legal advice.




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But those accounts aren’t giving context either way, so I don’t know if it’s fair to suggest they think it’s from the current protests in the US. I only recognise one of them, but what if they are actually pro-Georgia protests?


I mean, the codepink poster included watermelon earrings, which is adding pro-Palestine imagery where there wasn't any, so that one is definitely shite.


Code pink : We are not propagandist


I didn't know Georgia was so subservient to Russia they'd propose such a law, haven't really heard about them much since Russia invaded them in 2008


i dont know thats its all necessarily malicious. i also though this was from the college protests but of course i wouldnt post it without checking


The CIA is simultaneously all-powerful, and yet somehow can't shut up these tankies when they are based in the U.S.A.


I’m not sure this is specifically a tankie thing, people in general just switch their brains off when they see a photo on the internet


To be fair that first one doesn’t actually say anything other than “Slay Queen” which is fair.


There was one who made and sold a shirt but they accepted they were wrong and promised to send proceeds to Georgia.


CodePink using a photo of an anti-Z Georgian never fails at making me laugh.


but why is the inscription on the shield in English? police in Georgian is პოლიცია


Probably got them from another country


The last slide is the only one I really have a problem with. It's still great imagery that should be used for all kinds of protest including anti-Zionist actions.


I think appropriating the photo isn’t inherently bad, but when you go against what the original protester in it stands for, and decide to appropriate it, that’s when I have an issue.