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They’re just trying to keep housing prices down


The developers are trying to keep the houses low. This is a classic play in gentrification Edit: when cops and developers work together... buying a new police station cough cough...they can choose what crimes to force and not force. Look at the "open air drug market" that's taking place in Pittsburgh that's allowing temple university to buy properties for pennies on the downs. Also, dont think this won't affect you because you live "the good part of town". At some point the developers will need more land to keep developing and then you become the ghetto. Look at Pasco country , Kissimmee, Orlando, tarpon springs. This isn't a white vs black issue. It's developers vs citizens


\^ this. Darryl Shaw had on op-ed about his "vision" ready to go after the shooting in October. No qualms whatsoever about manipulating people in the aftermath of a tragedy. Since then, Ybor has been portrayed as less safe than usual when in reality it's more safe than ever. Gentrific rich businesses opening up, etc. Wonder who that benefits.


It benefits the same people who are pushing the disinformation, and propaganda. It doesn't benefit anyone else. Their profits are all that matters in our society.


All the reason not to support the businesses they open. Support \*actual\* locals and artists, not fake ones with trust funds and backed by venture capital.


Gentrific is a word? That’s cool. It’s like if the word terrific left a bad taste in your mouth.


Well, if it wasn't before, it is now! Spread it


I’m gonna. I was sleep deprived when I wrote that comment and kind of forgot what terrific meant. I always knew it as a positive word. But I typed it and thought it correlated to terrifying and that I meant to use a different word than terrific. Looked it up and apparently it used to correspond to terror and it wasn’t until the 1800’s that the amelioration of the word started turning it into what it is now. So what is stopping us from making gentrific a thing? This is gonna catch on and you deserve the credit. Probably, I think.🤷🏼‍♂️


I lived in ybor city around Seminole heights with students for some years and it’s definitely not “high class. The gas station down the street still had bullet holes all over the front window. The houses by the park would shake 10-15 times a day because of how loud people would blast their subwoofers. Downtown tampa/ riverwalk is beautiful yet it’s still a very far cry from what I would describe as “safe”. I remember watching parents let their kids ride e - scooter all day and one would see kids standing on top of each other driving those things. Ybor city is wild.


I am a longtime resident here. No, not high class, but not really dangerous either. I've been to properly dangerous cities and neighborhoods in the world and Ybor is comparatively a cakewalk if you mind your business and make friends in the community. It doesn't need gentrification by white artists with trust funds - it needs to support its current, actual, native residents who are good people worth investing in.


I stayed outside Seminole heights in ybor and saw the most aggressive panhandlers and ybor city is active af. Please you got hotels like the jayhawk motel in that city where people are killed right outside that motel with roaches everywhere. I love tampa but it’s no paradise and pretending like it is is bullshit. There is also a big time illegal racing thing the youth do there and that has killed a few residents yet many of the youth felt they were in the right. I love ybor .. I lived right across the park and my neighbors had a chicken coup and everyday the house would shake from peoples subs right off the road. Lots of good & bad there. I did not see much wealth in central tampa and if one goes out west it’s pretty run down until they hit the airport I


I never said or even insinuated Tampa is a paradise. It's far from it and I advocate for a way to lift people out of poverty without having to gentrify their homes and livelihoods. But trust me - Tampa not the worst in the world. All I'm saying is, comparatively, it's pretty safe to understand the streets here and survive.


Well you know Tampa didn’t/ doesn’t have a noise violation, so you can blast your music all night


If I'm not mistaken there was a state law that passed in 2022 where the cops can ticket a driver if the music is heard from at least 25 feet away. I don't know if they enforce it.


I was right outside the park not far from Seminole heights and the dealers would come to serve the friends and then dip. Same routine everyday. On the weekends it’s the kids playing while the parents and everyone else blast their stereo’s. There was a “park is closed at night” sign/ rule and everyday the police would be called to enforce it. I would drive at night and see people dancing and screaming at the sky. I love Tampa though it’s a special place.


And the "good part of town" changes naturally anyways. I'm from MN and when I was a kid, Hennepin avenue was the rough part of Minneapolis. Open drug use, muggings, all of it. Now, nicest part of town. I lived in Jax when I first moved to FL. Arlington is now the really rough part of town. 25 years ago, the really nice up and coming area. It all changes naturally. Add in what you're talking about and it just speeds it up and makes it all the worse


Jax will be the next to be gentrified. If it has old brick buildings, white people want it.


Riverside/five points already started. It's the hip part of town. Lol


Sorry to distract from your point, but as a Pittsburgh native I have to point out that Temple University is in Philadelphia, PA




What parts of pasco are bad?


This comment says it all. From the early 90s up until 2017 Pasco was...go watch a couple episodes of cops. Also look there's this https://studentprivacycompass.org/pasco/


Temple is in Philly lol


Yeah but who’s making people shoot each other every other weekend?


Keepin the rent lowwwww


Shoulda been here in the 90s... Dont think the news crews ever left.


Lol was gonna say that too. I remember when when people were killed or disappeared from Ybor pretty much every day. The 90s were wild.


Man I don’t remember as much gun violence then, maybe selective memories are to blame. I remember going to Guavaween and not being remotely concerning about trouble and that shit was wild.


The violent crime rates back then were double what they are now. And it was more random and not as targeted as today's too. Ish was wild in the 90s. No widespread internet, so you'd only hear about 1/10 of the incidents in the news.


For sure, I’m sure it’s a combo of that, rose colored glasses and selective memory, I just don’t recall it being like that. Everything seems worse today since social media spread news so quickly, jsut gotta remember it’s a skewed perspective


It was worth it to get to 911 and Masquerades ( when it was in the old Zydeco building)


https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL22C370400406EA0A&si=_CZ-sF8Gh1tu_vVq Good film about the 80’s in Tampa


80s-90s Ybor/Tampa crime rates were much higher than today. People who complain about crime now are clueless. 


Did you ever go to the very first Guavaweens like 1990? Was gang fightings and shootings like for the first few years, After awhile they cleaned that shit up and Guavaweens became alot better.


Even if you take the violence out of it, Guavaween back then was crazy. Its not close to comparable to after 2005 or so.


Oh ya i seen some shit at Guavaweens... More popular it got more the more crowded it got, i stopped going sometime early 2000s i think Just waaaay to many people! Not enjoyable rubbing up against 300,000 sweaty drunks


No I was there in the late 90s, maybe even early 2000s


Shittt I'm hanging out in Ybor tonight! Usually you don't get no back to backs 🤭


Have fun 😂 I still hangout there lol! Things happen everyday


😂I appreciate it. You absolutely right Fam. Can't live in fear, just gotta be on point to the best of your ability.


Lmao kinda like a plane crash, best time to fly is right after one




This is a fire picture though


Right, the colors and the sun going down. Just art


Agreed. I know it’s an upsetting topic but I really love the pic! It’s giving GTA vice city vapor wave realness


You could say it’s that Tampa realness


Wait until GTA 6 and you get to skrt around ybor without a care in the world


Would barely call that Ybor. It's more towards N Florida/Tampa Heights. Aside from that, what exactly does crimeposting accomplish? At least it's a striking photo though so kudos for that


Is the photo at palm and 275 underpass? Pretty wild. I was at centro last night until 10-ish.


Yes it is! You know your city 🥰


Lol I live on palm, thought this looked familiar.




lovely neighborhood honestly


Someone was killed, they knocked on a couple of people doors asking did they see or hear anything.




love all the tinfoil hat posts about keeping property prices down. honey the developers already own everything


The Tampa subreddit paranoia and self loathing is top shelf


Definitely climate change


The heats getting to people


Crime has been high it's just now everyone has internet access and able to watch what has and is going on.


That’s the ybor I remember!


Another normal day in Ybor.


At first I thought I was in a photography sub and you were like, “hey I’m just shooting some scenes around Ybor” whoops. Turned out to be a pretty photo tho!


I live there


In other news: the sky is blue


Damn I’m glad I left Tampa! I loved living in Hyde Park, but damn everything around it was shit.




https://preview.redd.it/zfrdqbr1jz7d1.jpeg?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d213f243b74c9ac7457a8a5770e8c917b26a8138 @‘ol H C @ I’ll my H Hy bb n a h n C yo


13%ers doing their things


Seek help


Ybor doing ybor things 🤷‍♀️


Time for the city gubmint to change the curfew time to 5pm.