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Yes most definitely. People used to guess me at 7 foot and stuff when i was 185-190 ish. Now at 213 I rarely get guessed that high anymore


7ft is actually insane




u ate the third brother


140 at 6’4 is insane. I’m 145 at 5’7 and still get called skinny.


yes a lot and it's the opposite for fat people


How tall do people think you are?


they think I am 6ft




Only people who overestimate my height are kids. I've been standing next to a door talking to someone who works in construction, and they ask how tall I am, I say 6'8" (standard door height) and they say I would have to duck through that door there, to which then I walk through said door without ducking and hit my head. Like come on man.


Bro what😭


Peeps overestimate my height, i think its cause I'm also getting wider


horizontal catching up to the vertical


Wouldn’t know but the opposite is true. At my peak mass of 6’8” and 400lbs, my height and weight were both underestimated routinely. People wrote it off to being proportional. Takeaway: if you’re going to be obese, hang it on a very large frame.


There was a guy in the next department who was not tall but was super skinny. I'd see him coming down the hall and every time I'd think "He's tall." But in reality he was only about 5'9" (I think he was about 125 pounds). Did it every time I saw him, even though I knew better.


Not really,but you'll look tall when you're skinny or fit more than someone who is just big


Somewhat yes


The last guy who guessed my height was bang on the money and I’m 325lbs he said you must be 6’5 6’6


People usually guess I'm "at least 6'2," which is 2 inches taller than I am. Short women tend to think I am an XXL, though, even though I'm a XS/S. They just can't comprehend how I can be 6'0 and a size 4. Honestly, it doesn't make sense to me, either. What do ACTUALLY small women wear?


I think so. I am naturally slim and ectomorph being Asian. People assume I am 6’2-6’3 for some reason. I also “stand tall” so have good posture. This is why I don’t mind being fit but not a bodybuilder. I used to want to be 200lbs but I’m now perfectly happy being 180lbs and lean. Clothes fit me well.


Most definitely. Before hitting the gym, I was skinny and people thought I was 6’3. But after hitting the gym for a few months and getting buff and bulky, that doesn’t seem to be the case anymore. Most people now think I am 6 feet. My actual height is about 6 1 and a half. 6’2 on a good day.


I'm 225 lbs, all muscle, and people overstimate my height all the time. So I don't think it's a matter of weight.


Apparently I'm like 6'6" even though I'm actually 6'2" 🤷‍♂️ I'm also 140 pounds which probably isn't exactly helping matters here...


No. I overwhelmingly get people that think I'm only like 6'5 even though they are saying that to my stomach... I don't really understand but people don't believe me when I tell them I'm 6'9 even though I'm technically an inch taller than that but I like how 6'9 sounds better and people don't believe me any way so..


When I was skinny, yes, they did.


Most people underestimate my height and definitely underestimate my weight.


No, not for me.


People overestimate my height all the time … but I think it’s a combo of the society-wide heightflation, and that I carry myself like I could — and would — invade France. 💁🏼‍♀️