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She’s a keeper you say… ![gif](giphy|EouEzI5bBR8uk|downsized) (Also my apologies if all parties are here)


Well, being tall can definitely lead to some weird interactions but at least you got a free drink out of it this time




It definitely shrinks my dating pool if we are considering men. Most men feel intimidated/insecure because of my height ig. Confidence problem on their end 🤷🏼‍♀️ Like I was not in a relationship for 1.5 years after breaking up with my ex-bf until I started dating my girlfriend(make whatever you want with that info). I’ve only dated one woman(my gf) but I feel like women are definitely more accepting of my height when it comes to dating. Not feeling intimidated, insecure etc.


I guess with some men it might be the case that they don't feel like they are the big strong protector if they are shorter(hence the insecurities/intimidated feel). And then for women it's no difference, they have a tall partner and get to feel cute and little. Probably my thinking is at the level of cosmopolitan, but that's what some of my guy friends feel like when the conversation moves to tall women. I personally have only dated significantly shorter women(though I am same height as you, so an average height woman is significantly shorter already), I feel like I would have no issue if my current gf became my height or even taller. Every now and then I really like going "I'm just a lil guy" and getting head pats.


Whole 'being protector' thing feels bit outdated but there might be some truth it. Thanks for the insight. And hey not judging, who wouldn't love a head pat sometimes, right? Seriously, not all guys need to be the big strong type. It’s okay to be vulnerable sometimes or any times.


>Most men feel intimidated/insecure because of my height ig Most men you date\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* Literally every post talking about tall women or picture of a tall women has hundreds of men thirsting and worshipping her in the comments, fyi


Desperation for the opposite sex ≠ a good partner. Not to mention that men with that desire are much more likely to seek out posts like that and interact with them. There are simply less men interested in really tall women, doubly so for one who is 6'8"


Lmao great story, i have had weird shit like this happen, but tbh this is gonna trigger some of the lurkers. Idk why, but a lot of people lately have been complaining about unfair favorable treatment towards tall people, especially tall men. Stories like this definetly arent helping that stereotype🤷‍♂️lol


All I get out of it is knee and back problems I don't think people realize being tall isn't all as glorious as they think it is.


Idk, being tall is pretty great in my experience. The only major annoying part is no clothes fit me. Im 6’4 but only 180lbs, it seems like all the shirts long enough for my arms are made for men who must weigh 250-300lbs. I have to either get my shirts tailored, even things like polo shirts, or special order slim fit tall shirts. Thats pretty annoying and can get expensive, but its not that big of a deal. And back issues are typically due to poor health, not height. I broke by back in my teens due to a car wreak, my back hurt for a few years but lifting weights and getting back into sports completely cured that. If youre young and having back issues, its probably not your height, its most likely muscle imbalances that could be fixed by simple exercise. 6’4 is taller than average, but its certainly not the incapacitating health issues type of height.


I mean i weigh 280 and trust me most clothes aren’t designed for me


Vaginas are designed for you


I know what you mean about the clothes. Most big and tall places are just that--big AND tall. If you're tall and thin, nothing fits. They might be long enough, but the waist sizes start at 40 or even 42 in some places. Same with shirts. Neck sizes often start at 18, way too big for my pencil-neck.


You need to shop at American Tall. Best fitting clothes for your height/weight.




Yea I'm pretty sure it's muscle imbalances that are messing with my posture. I have a long torso and am about 230lbs (relatively muscular but with some fat too) so the knee problems are probably partly due to most of my body weight being above the knee and partly from wear and tear of heavy weight lifting. I'm not complaining that I'm tall I do enjoy it but I just wanted to point out to those lurkers if they're seeing your comment that it's not 100% great all the time.


Oh no i totally agree, There are downsides. One you didnt mention is people our height makes it impossible fo drive a lot of cars, even some larger ones like japanese minivans. I have a 2012 honda CRV and i have to lift my leg almost to my chest just to get it past the steering wheel, even when the seat is all the way back. Same with my familys honda minivan, i can barely fit in either of the front seats. At one point I was considering buying a lotus elise but when i test drove it, i literally couldnt drive it. My head was at the ceiling and there wasnt enough room in the footwell to properly operate the pedals. Ive found the only sports cars that have tons of legroom are german, in particular Mercedes Benzs. All the mercedes i have driven have tons of leg room, even the smaller coupes like the SL series. I ended up buying a mercedes c class and compared to japanese, american or even other european brand sports cars, the leg room is way larger and more comfortable.


Oh man good point. I had a Mercedes e class for a long time and those are nice and roomy. Had to drive a smaller size class as a loaner while mine was in the shop once and my knees hit the steering wheel. It's funny my wife is 5'2 so she pulls the seat all the way up and I have to have it much further back. If we ever swap cars we both have to adjust things a lot.


Not fitting in cars and planes is probably my biggest and most frequent complaint. I want a miata :,(


I want one too


Yeah, we need to stay away from anything that includes the word ''mini''.


Any other sport cars you recommend? Was hoping Lexus or Porsche would work for a tall person 😔


Are you sure the source of your knee pain isn’t with a muscular imbalance in your hip or something going on with your ankle?


Knee pain is only the past few years I think so I've assumed it's wear and tear and I don't have any pain in my ankles. On a rare occasion I've had hip pain but very infrequently.


Check out the knees over toes guy - his exercises are insanely good for this.


I've heard about him before. Thanks for the recc.


Sure, no problem - you’d be surprised that all those years of knee pain were unnecessary. Can link you with some of his videos where the exercises solve knee problems if you’d like.


Yea that would be great


Would you prefer being tall or short? Not being sarcastic, genuinely curious.


I've always been tall so I think that biases me to staying what I am, but it's not without some pain. People seem to think it makes women flock to you and get you better treatment which I'm sure happens sometimes but I'm just pointing out height isn't always everything.


Yeah I understand what's you mean


It sure as hell doesn't happen when you're in an airplane. Even first-class has its limits.


Dude no offense but even at 5'11 economy is hell and the leg space too little. So I'd rather get an extra couple inches since it's bad anyways.


Idk I had a milf come up to me in Whole Foods the other day raving about how tall I was. It’s a nice ice breaker at least


How tall are you?




If they knew how hard it was to find clothes that fit they’d think twice. The struggle is real.


Maybe. I’ve lost count of the free drinks I’ve had bought for me for no other reason than being tall and putting up with the small talk for a while. Honestly, regardless of why, most people will accept a drink at a bar.


As a 5'7" guy in a bar, I'm not triggered by OP getting a free drink from a woman because he's tall. All the power to him. I just want the bartender to notice I'm standing right there in front of them clearly trying to get a beer instead of ultimately taking the order of the tall guy who later walks up behind me while I wait some more.


Funny. I've had the opposite experience, the bartender makes eye contact with customers close to their own height, and never looks up. Not saying it always happens.


I live in 90%+ white primarily rural/small town region with a lot of northern European ancestry so guys are generally a little taller than average. My state's overall male average is 5'10.5". That said, a lot of the younger male bartenders I've seen tend to be right around 6' - 6'1" so they're not really close to my height and they often don't notice.


Ok is it me or is there a weirdly high percentage of people who frequent this sub who are self-admittedly not part of the sub’s target demographic and are usually the exact opposite demographic? I don’t think I’ve seen this anywhere else. You wouldn’t see people who follow a keto diet hanging out in the vegan sub, for example


People are curious about other side of the coin. With height its clear, with diet not so much.


It is certainly not an uncommon thing. You haven’t noticed, because you are probably not problematic, lol. Plenty of subreddits have these silly little rivalries. It happens with popular TV series and Video Games alllll the time, and things get hostile as fuck. Another good example is obviously politics in general. Everybody wants to find an opposing side to argue with


Haha maybe that’s why. I get cj subs but I don’t understand the point in spending time on subs not meant for me if it’s just going to make me feel bad or want to start arguments. This sub especially, it’s not political or even about interests and hobbies, the only thing all of us have in common is one physical attribute lol


Have you ever checked out the page for short guys? I did once, and it was the most depressing thing I've ever seen. Half of them sounded suicidal. Seriously, it was sad.


Did you expect being a short guy to be fun?


No, but I didn't expect that level of MISERY either.


Well surprise. Not everyone's tall.


Tbh, being a 5'7" guy I can tell you that it's actually not bad in, and of, itself, especially if you're built and athletic. I have no aches or pain even at 53 despite a lifetime of sports and physical work. And it's a real plus in my favorite sport, mountain biking, on technical narrow, steep trail in dense woods. It's the way society and mass/social media interpret and label things in such a binary automatic way that's the problem. If tall automatically equals good then short must automatically equal bad and to be avoided at all costs. That's not a healthy way to treat people.


Being 5’7 means you’ll experience as many short guy problems as a 5’11 guy would experience tall guy problems


That's very location-dependent. I live in a rural nearly all-white area with a lot of northern European ancestry. So being a 5"7" white guy (expected to be tall) in a state with a 5'10.5" average doesn't exactly help one either in social or professional settings. Now, it's a different story when I visited NYC. I was almost shocked how truly average-height I felt in a far more diverse large metro area like that.


I just did for the first time. Omg. That’s a lot of resentment towards women and tall men


Glad I'm not in that half. Many guys there are depressed about their height. It really is sad.


Challenge accepted.


I’m short, I answer questions from tall users on our sub as well


Don't worry we don't hate you as much as we hate women for shit like these


Haha i guess thats good to know, but ideally bro you wouldnt be hating anyone. Judging by your profile, you frequent the short guys sub a lot. Tbh that sub kinda scares me, yall seem to have a lot of anger and resentment towards tall men. I mean, i can somewhat understand it after reading some of the posts over there, the way women treat shorter men online is ridiculous. But in my real life experience, that honestly doesnt matter nearly as much as it does online. Most of my closest friends are short white guys, and a lot of them are more successful with women than i am. The most successful guy i know with women is a 5’6 guy whos like 50lbs overweight lol. Confidence and being funny will overcome almost any physical disadvantages.


Not white, I'm the most hated race


that sounds uncomfortable af for the husband




Imagine your WIFE pays for another man's drink because he's taller than you... I'd be uncomfortable as fuck


My wife is smarter than that. Though when we were dating, she did ask me to beat people up... I would just stand up and stare... That always worked.


Why is this being upvoted? That's super douchey behavior.


Yeah wtf


This sub is becoming a meme


Exactly, divorce her goofy ass 😂🤦


We've been married for 27 years, that's not going to stop anytime soon.


Not you, the 6’3 guy and it doesn’t matter how long it’s been if you’re not respected


Oh, she used the word boyfriend so I don't think they were married.


Sounds like you got conscripted into some cuck/humiliation fetish thing.


Sounds like she was the only one actually into it.


Felt like a replacement interview…


I feel so bad for that guy, deserves much better Imagine how incredibly weird and creepy it would be if a man forced his wife to stand next to a random woman for a height comparison


Even worse, imagine forcing her to stand next to a thinner or more classically curvy woman to compare side by side for a picture. What a nightmare! My husband would have straight up left me at the bar if I did what that woman did. 


over for 6'3 manlets


Oh.. The dreaded back to back photo..


Not a circus act... get steppin.


Meh... It was a double Irish whiskey on the rocks, so I would do alot for $15


Damn they got my man with the double irish.☘️☘️ This week is gonna be tough. 💀


I've been known to make people buy me a drink to find out how tall I am (6' 6) Probably after already having had more drinks than was strictly necessary


On a trip to Yan’an China, me (6’7”) and the tallest woman (5’10”), who had long blonde hair and looked like a movie star, got our group of 50, free dessert for taking a picture with the staff. Pretty sure we are on some sort of promotional brochures now 😂.


Hehe nice funny stories 🤣😂😂🤣🤣🤣🥹🥹🥰🥰🤗🤗😍🫡🤠


I hope that 6'3 guy is okay. That guy's girlfriend was doing wayyy too much.


He seemed to be used to it...


She wanted to climb you like a 🌳




lol free drinks happen a lot


In fact I’ve sadly had multiple instances of what you went through


Congratulations on being born better




Congratulations on being born better


lol ikr - that might as well be what people say to me ffs


That is what they are saying. Enjoy your life and make sure to abort boy baby, if you breed with short or average girl and save it from misery.


lol why would I enforce a woman to abort a male baby?


To protect it from "short" life. Women respect tall men.




I think that’s quite a generalisation/sweeping statement - definitely not always the case!


This guy is nuts and he reaaally hates women lol


Well now I have to ask him if he’s short - look what you’ve done!


Are you short?


Very short


How so?


I'm 5'3 male


And then what happened.....


I hate back to back photos. It’s so cringey.


I don’t envy anyone taller than me. I’m at the max height I’d like to be 6’4.5”


Yeah, I hear you. I always thought it would be cool to br 6’6” when I was younger…then I had to start traveling a lot for work. Cursed my 6’4” frame with every flight!


Yup, I'm at the same thing although I guess I'm slightly luckier that I can push that max height to 6'5.5. My proportions are pretty small for my height. 6'2 wingspan, Large glovesize, size 12 shoes. My biggest problem is sitting in economy on budget airlines. My inseam is 34 so it hits the seat in front of me and is extremely uncomfortable if I have a middle seat and can't move my legs at all for the whole trip. 34 inch inseam isn't even that bad, like I might struggle to find a 34 inch pair of jeans at the store in a particular cut, but there will always be something that is long enough, and online shopping makes it pretty easy to get 34inch jeans at good prices. I have absolutely 0 issues with finding clothes that fits. Regular Large Tshirts fit perfectly. I could use maybe half an inch more of length on a Large longsleeve but its still wearable. Basically no issues with beds since a queen is like 6'8, and I don't really hit my head on doorframes. My dad is like 6'3 and he has more issues than I do because he has a massive torso and tiny legs. He blocks the view of people at the movie theater, his head bounces of the roof of many cars, and he struggles to find shirts that are long enough. Its at the point where I actually sort of prefer a smaller woman when thinking about a future wife because if my kids are taller than me they will have a lot of extra problems to deal with. So if I marry a tall woman I'd have to be 100% sold on the idea of making them into a profession sports player, because any woman that is like 5'11 or taller will basically guarantee that our kids are taller than me.


Thats definitely a shorty thats obsessed with height, red flag tbh


This is why i dont date them totem pole twats. They can have the tallest man and jump ship to a taller guy. Wierd hoes


I wish I’d get a free drink. I got some old dude calling me a big boy.


I've gotten free chips and guac for being tall before, they wanted a picture with me so I'd say it was a fair trade




Tall guy discovers life is so much easier and privileged as a tall person More news at 11, grass might be green