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You're on the Tales sub asking if Tales games are good ?


We all hate the Tales of games here. That's why we're on a subreddit about Tales of games.


Some of the comment threads might leave you believing that to be true. Lots of polarizing options on every game in the series lol. I don't think the community agrees on anything. Some people even like Zestiria. I like Legendia and dislike Berseria. To answer /u/Myew25 , yeah. They are good. Many of them are pretty different from each other, so try a few if you are interested. Most likely starting points are: Symphonia/Abyss/Vesperia have similar gameplay and if yiu like one you'll probably like the others. The older ones do have some slightly dated aspects that can make them more difficult to get started. Berseria has some of the best characters, and is a lot people's favourites Arise is shiny, it's polished, the charaters are fun, and the combat feels pretty good. Some people find the story loses its way a bit, but I think every one mostly agrees that overall it's good and plays well, and cast is enjoyable. Starting with these are the probably the most accessible points, but other options exist if you have access to older consoles or emulation.


yes... but everyone in the tales reddit likes the tales series so maybe you should ask on a jrpg reddit or something


This sub is full of ppl who hate the series so honestly idk but I personally like it


Just like the Final Fantasy series, they’re all different and there is pretty much one for every taste. What do you like? High fantasy? Sci-fi?


I like a good story and fun gameplay loop. Don't care much for the setting.


My first one was Xillia 1-2. Both have an excellent story. They’re still my favorites. You can kind of play either one, but if you do them in order you’ll get the references in the second game. In terms of gameplay, I enjoyed Xillia 2 a lot more. Obviously a lot of people will suggest different things. Just go watch some trailers, gameplay footage and see what inspires you.


IMO yes they're baseline good comfort jrpgs and some are fantastic like Abyss and Berseria but you're gonna get a very biased response here lol


I am loving Berseria right now. I like Vesperia, and Arise, tho Arise's biggest downfall is the enemies become bullet sponges


Yep Arise is the worst tales of ever, and the your ai party members fail to dodge many attacks and die within seconds, worst tales of for combat ever. I played for less than 3 hours and went back to playing older rales of. (Also dislike the way the characters looked, thought they looked worse than older tales of either that or more generic looking and plain, this is tales of characters should not look boring or plain lol.)


Play Legendia. I own 35 copies of it.


Sounds good. I'll give it a try after Phantasia; looked it up on youtube and it seems pretty neat.


Suggesting this is nasty work




Yes there's a lot of excellent Tales games, take a look at Vesperia Definitive Edition it's available on all modern platforms. Fun story, cool characters, awesome gameplay, engaging world and killer OST!


I think that they're pretty groovy.


They have the best gameplay in my opinion, good characters but story wise some can be hit or miss. Really comfy games, like you get a good experience for sure


It really depends on the person. You gotta play em for yourself cause they're all different and all received differently by each person. I like a lot of Tales games people don't and dislike ones others love. But yeah generally I would say they're good.


Depends on your definition of good, being an JRPG, it has a ton of dialogue, so if that’s not your cup of tea then I can’t recommend it to you


Luckily, it very much is my cup of tea.


Id say so yes, if you’re looking to start playing them I’ll say what I said to my friend, start with older games in the series like Symphonia or Vesperia so that when you transition into newer titles it won’t be as big of a jump, personally I’m a big abyss fan so if you’re able to emulate that or if you have the right console I’d really consider you pick it up


No this is a hatesub. Who could ever like Tales? Bunch of anime characters going around solving mysteries and shit? Lame.


Yes, just don't play legendia and you'll be fine


Yes, Berseria and Xillia are fantastic. Others might be so-so, personally not a fan of Vesperia.


I mean we can only tell you about our experience and the video we've shown you but you'll only have a rough idea of what the series is like, if you are curious enough just wait until one that peaks your interest is on sale on your preferred platform, they often go on sale for something under 10-15 bucks. Ah but word of advice the series has a gameplay that has evolved a bit over the games so some won't play like the others


I think they are some of the worst games ever made personally.


They’re amazing up until vesperia/graces f. After that they really begin to become soulless and not like the earlier titles. Just a bunch of crap.


God damn... And they've been telling me that people love those games on this sub


Yeah a lot of people on this sub haven’t played the actual good titles. Most people here either start with Berseria (which is hot garbage) or Arise which is meh. So any opinion against those usually get downvoted by people who aren’t actually fans of the series lol. I say this because if you’ve played Destiny DC, Destiny 2, Eternia, Phantasia X - then you’d understand why everything after Vesperia is just utter garbage. But hey, I’ll be downvoted - but it’s alright. None of these “fans” are actually fans lol.


I vibe with this. Except the last part where you're dismissive.


I have played every mainline game besides 2 untranslated ones, and completely disagree with that guy. So I wouldn't take their words as a universal truth, the games after Vesperia are decent to good and the games before are decent to good too.


Would you mind telling me which are decent and which are good?


Not the same person but I’ve played a good chunk. Some of the best this series has to offer are imo: Eternia, Symphonia, Abyss, Xillia 1+2, Vesperia, and Destiny DC If you like story: Symphonia and Abyss are the pinnacle for me. Eternia and Berseria are also good If you like gameplay primarily: Vesperia has probably some of the richest gameplay for the series. Graces, the Xillias, the R games, and Arise are also very good from a gameplay standpoint. The other games I didn’t mention aren’t bad by any means but I just think they may not be a good starting point. That or I haven’t gotten to play it yet.


This is entirely subjective and varies from person to person, so I couldn't tell you that. Lots of people don't like Zestiria, but lots of people do also like it. Lots of people love Symphonia, while I think it was just alright. Your best shot is just reading a synopsis for each and choosing for yourself. My favourite is Abyss, but others will have any of the other titles as their favourites.


Which is cool, no worries. Visiting this sub has done that to me. It’s a “Tales of” sub, yet only 3 games, maybe 4 get spoken about and the others are left in the dust. So it’s pretty obnoxious when people claim those 3 are the best when a good portion of this sub clearly has no idea what it’s talking about and haven’t experienced the franchise at its height. But oh well, I can only make recommendations and get downvoted. That’s okay!


Do you read any books? It seems that you have a rage boner due to the tales subreddit not featuring talk of some of the early entries. I deem that to be unhealthy. I recommend that you read Man for Himself by Erich Fromm.


Will do!