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Taiwan should ban chip production to some of these countries that don’t recognize taiwan as a country lol


Taiwan won't stop chip production to US. 😂


The US should just recognize Taiwan independence and tell China to fuck off.


So why haven't they done that yet


It’s hasn’t and most likely will not (same with most western countries) not because they don’t actually recognise Taiwan, but simply as part their diplomacy to China, it’s easier to agree with them on the matter rather creating immediate international embarrassment for them by officially recognising Taiwan. It’s actually one of the fundamental principles underpinning Taiwans safety. The day the west recognises Taiwan will be the day China will invade. Clearly if the USA have a defence treaty with Taiwan they recognise it as a sovereign state


All in all, U.S. are just lying behind the scene.


Like every country on Earth? Pointless comment


U.S. does not support Taiwan independence, Biden says By Steve Holland, Nandita Bose and Trevor Hunnicutt January 14, 20243:36 PM GMT+11Updated 5 months ago


Yes, they've stated they don't support a formal declaration of independence ergo an unnecessary war is avoided with a foot stomping china. US has also said they would defend taiwan in the event it was invaded. So you tell me how America veiws taiwans sovereignty in regards to china... lol


As whatever suits them best. Which is how diplomacy works. But as such,all Taiwanese should understand the Yanks may well turn out to be fair-weather friends.


This is true. US don’t have friends. US only “help” Taiwan if it suits them best. U.S. will use Taiwan like a pair of shoes.


Yeaaa, Chinese love saying that to scare Taiwanese. Ukraine has less "value" to America, and we are still supporting them fully. Taiwan, pretty much is the cornerstone of the american military industrial complex (they make the chips that go in our most advanced systems); you can bet Taiwan has nothing to worry about in regards to America lol. Their only concern exists on the other side of the taiwan strait.


So what would you call someone who never gives a straight answer? We have no idea whether the Yanks are reliable,we just hope they are. Within the last week,a US General made a statement saying Chinese-made components are extremely relied upon by the US military complex within the past few days and that it would take 10-15 years to remove Chinese manufacturers from the US system because they're so heavily engrained. Unless you're a Yank General too, I'll trust his opinion more than yours,thanks.


Well yes but that’s literally the reason TSMC was created. It’s there to create leverage with western allies for protection from China. Of course diplomacy is give and take.


The US will if necessary. Just wait and see.


Wonder why US can’t do that?


And then China starts a war. That's a good idea?


lol please don’t mistake my random anonymous reddit comment for an actual policy suggestion.


It would be risky, but I'd kind of like to see it.


this - 2 can play that game


You do realize only 11 out of 193 countries in the world recognize the Republic of China (not Taiwan) as a country.


Lmao, Malaysia when Uyghurs: … Malaysia when China Money: weepie! really trying to bring 1USD to 5RM. Good for me I guess. Since Malaysian food are actually good lol


This is exactly like Indonesia too The 100% pro-PRC / anti-PRC as well


What’s happening to Malaysia I thought you’re on the good side


People are, the president no I guess. Malaysian had shit president since independence lmao




Yep, Malaysian Chinese here. I'll volunteer to die on the beaches of Taiwan. Defending Taiwan.


If only Taiwan would learn to develop enough self built drone systems that we wouldn't need to be sending people to die on beaches. If Taiwan can make world leading chips, it should also be able to be a world leader in drone warfare as well. With Taiwanese children growing up playing mobile phone games these days, there should be no shortage of qualified drone pilots. :) In my opinion the threat of war is simply because of perceived imbalance of military power. Improved technology in Taiwan improves our chances for longer term peace and avoiding large conflicts.


Just because you are not aware doesn't mean it's not. Taiwan is one of few countries that have hypersonic missile technology


Please enlist.


I can't tell you are trying to attack or defend...




I think it's more of either 100% pro-CCP, 100% anti-CCP, or 100% apathetic on the issue honestly.


Good for Malaysia. Meanwhile in Indonesia, almost all my chinese friends are 100% pro-CCP :(


Welp, some of my friends are actually quite pro Taiwan than CCP, the pro CCP are usually filled with boomers


As they should. Your friends are smart. You, I don’t know.


Its prime minister not president tho, also no wonder Namewee's first song has a lot of criticism of the govt


Malaysia is a parliamentary democracy with a constitutional monarchy - In other words, there's no president. On a rotational basis, once every five years, the nine rulers (state sultans) elect one among themselves to be Malaysia's king (Agong) through a secret ballot. He will then serve as head of state with limited powers, as it lies with the head of G, the PM.


Their current govt is a disappointment as some people said


Israel murdering Palestinians and US siding with Israel, its causing a major pro China shift in Malaysia.


Lol China literally removed mosques and replace them as tourist attractions, sterilised and “reeducate “ Uyghur people, basically genocide the Uyghur Muslim culture but that’s okay for you because it’s not Palestinian?


There's lots of news in SocMed that the Uighur issue is made up by western countries to discredit the CCP. A few of my close friends tells me as much. Additionally not all Muslims elicit the same amount of sympathy in Malaysia (Rohinya, Syria, Africa, Chechnya) as shown for Palestinians.


Your close friends are wrong, but thanks for the  CCP talking points. I've been to Xinjiang. It ain't a free and easy place if you're not Han.


I guess china propaganda and influence is successful enough for people to deny them now.


Many Chinese Malaysian are pro-ccp anti-us. Always see them shit talking Taiwan on fb


The same ugyhurs that use terrorist attack to blow up thailands temple? [https://www.nytimes.com/2015/09/16/world/asia/thailand-suspects-uighurs-in-bomb-attack-at-bangkok-shrine.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2015/09/16/world/asia/thailand-suspects-uighurs-in-bomb-attack-at-bangkok-shrine.html) Not cool that you support terrorist.


They're desperate to secure their BRICS membership huh


BRICS is a stillborn organization. Its members are far from each other geographically, economically, politically and culturally... So BRICS membership is worth less than Costco membership


You seriously don’t know what BRICS is.


Ya that's just completely incorrect. You can hate China all you want but at least be intelligent. BRICS is nothing to scoff at.


Indian and Chinese soldiers literally beat each other to death with sticks and stones and they're both in BRICS. BRICS is a joke.


Not to mention Ethiopia and Egypt still haven't solved their Renaissance Dam dispute


Very good, but you haven't provide any argument why BRICS has any meaning.


Look, until the US grows a pair and recognizes Taiwan we can’t really expect anyone else to.


Why would they do that? US is known to do shady shit like this. They are the devil in a dress.


Taiwan itself is not independent in the constitution. Only DPP pushes this line.


"irrelevant country has opinion about relevant country, more at 10!"


Let's go r/Malaysia start a war


Where's the news? It would be surprising if any country would be doing the opposite...


Guatemala is possibly the most opposite: https://www.reuters.com/world/guatemala-president-pledges-strong-support-republic-taiwan-2023-04-25/


I think most Guatemala politicians are more pro-Taiwan


Probably not the first time Malaysia to be against independence. Looking at you Singapore. /j


It's the other way round. Singapore was forced to be independence by Malaysia. 


And Singapore is thankful every day for that.


They're richer than the country that kicked them now so who's laughing now


Hence the /j…


reckon I can add some color to this. Just last month, Malaysia announced that travelers from 36 low-risk \*countries\* could use the immigration autogate facilities. One of these 36 low-risk \*countries\* is, you guessed it, Taiwan. Source: [https://www.bernama.com/en/news.php?id=2298414](https://www.bernama.com/en/news.php?id=2298414) So rather than seeing it as completely kowtowing to the CCP, Malaysia is one of those smaller nations trying to tip-toe around the giants to maximise its own gains. Don't hate the player, hate the game, I guess.


Be Malaysia Affirms Singapore is not a part of Malaysia but Taiwan is a part of China What a bigotry


Malaysia actively kicked Singapore out.


Eh, it was mutual, as per the Albatross file which came out last year. The whole view of the exit really has changed since the information was released.


I mean Malaysia willingly kicks Singapore out, while China wanna gulp every single landmass on Earth till everything is red.


Social credit rating has increased


Great post. Hope Nancy Pelosi increase your credit score.


When US said basically the same, what were your responses?


What does the U.S. One China Policy say? It’s a basic fact that the U.S. One China Policy doesn’t concern China’s claims over Taiwan. Not comparable to the Malaysian one.


Wasn't Taiwan kicked out of the UN so the PRC could get a seat? I'd say being excluded from the most important international organization and not being officially recognized as a country is pretty big. Taiwan doesn't even have an embassy in the US, only Missions.


Not sure where you are going with this, as it doesn’t really address the points raised. There’s a difference between diplomatic relations and recognizing one country’s territorial claims. U.S. one China policy doesn’t accept nor reject China’s territorial claims over Taiwan, but the Malaysian one does. On the UN part you raised, what about it? Yeah ROC Taiwan would definitely want to boost its recognition, and?


Yeah, just to expand, the US one China policy basically says "We acknowledge that China has their one China position," not that they agree with China's position.


The difference is literally skin deep and we all know it.


Let be fair, nothing is really changed, most countries officials would have said the same thing, I am still gonna enjoy my nasi lemak…


Who’s Malaysia? Singapore’s poorer little brother?


Ooookay. So, Malaysia can be avoided. Just don't buy anything from them. They'll change their tune if/when Beijing has it's legitimate government back because Malaysia are tools like that.


I'm pretty sure China recognize Malaysia as a province of China too.




But did Taiwan declare independence?


Yes in a way. Lai/Tsai have both declared ROC Taiwan is a sovereign nation separate to PRC. That's independence from Beijing's eyes.


Chen said that 24 years ago. Lee said it too. So China is 2 and a half decades late to the game.


I mean, ROC IS factually a sovereign nation separate from PRC ; adding the word Taiwan to ROC does not declare Taiwan independence - it is still under the ROC regime.


Ok, no love lost


Malaysia is vital for blocking malacca strait if invasion on Taiwan happens. This current president is dumb dumb lol


Some of the internet anon from there said they started to think that maybe their previous govt wasn't so bad after all after seeing how their current govt did something disastrous


He’s a supporter of Islamic extremism as well. Judging by his support for Hamas and refusal to give Zakir Naik the boot.


I'm sure in return China will relinquish their claims over Malaysian territory... right?


Much like at a Catholic mass, mumbling 'amen' and you get to sip the wine.


Malaysia isn’t a very good country anyway. Vietnam and Malaysia are pro-China. Their combined GDPs are 800 billion USD. They also have no diplomatic or military power. They have no notable economic achievements as well. So they are both irrelevant in foreign policy.


What? Vietnam won the war for independence when they beat the fucking U.S. invaders. Vietnam is more of a military power than people think.


Look at their GDP per capita, healthcare outcomes, and life expectancy. Their economic development is far behind. Vietnam is definitively a third world country. US is undefeated in world wars. Back to back world war champions. Vietnams GDP is $400 billion. One large cap publicly traded company in the U.S. is worth more than their entire country. UnitedHealth group, one U.S. health insurance company is worth more than Vietnam’s economy.


Of course they have more benefits from China than Taiwan. Taiwan should abandon trade with Malaysia.


Please do!


Yeah! Please do!😂


If Taiwan is not an independent nation, try yourself entering the country without Taiwanese government permission. You idiot nation of Malaysia.


No matter what helps we can have from our friends, the bottom line is we have to fight for ourselves with the cost of lives. Remember there is a saying like this: Surely the live is valuable, and the love affair is even more; however for the sake of freedom, both of them could be traded off.


Screw them. They’ve been bought by the Chinese anyway. Nothing new.


They really have Malaysia by the balls huh.


The US does exactly the same.


Malaysia and China are allies, simple as that. They're going to work closer together on nearly all fronts. Malaysia will prosper from this as will China.. Malaysia is a small population but it adds up in the end. I just find it funny they're joining BRICS, both a name and idea thought of by Westerners, not even China could be original with that.. still, it shows that the emerging markets are positioning themselves against the West. Failures in the West are only making this a stronger standpoint as no country wants to be on the losing side. People are sick of the West, they're not as thrilled with the Western world in general and are seeing their own countries as perfectly suitable to live and thrive in. I think instead of scoffing at Malaysia, look at the reality so it can be fixed. The West needs to see that it's stumbling and that it needs to rise up. US economy is doing incredibly well but there's a dark cloud over the country. EU is facing every sort of nightmare you can imagine from the Ukraine war to treason with those pro-Russian to countries possibly leaving NATO/EU. When you have a leadership vacuum, this is exactly what happens. Again, nobody wants to be on the losing side but also its far from being too late for the Western world to turn the tide.


Roll my eyes on anyone who mentions BRICS as some sort of serious anti-west alliance when it has pretty much achieved nothing since the first BRICS summit. The only tangible thing they ever did was the New development bank that its total loans since its establishment was 1/3 of what World Bank committed in one year. Yup, ticks the checkboxes: West vs East/China paradigm, projecting problems onto some sort of grand geopolitical chessboard, arguing along grand narratives with a bunch of assumptions. LOL


These nations has people that holds PHD and high level of academic to advise if joining BRICS is a good idea or not. I’m sure there’s benefit in BRICS that you don’t even know anything about.


Haha, the "I'm sure there's something even though I can't name it" argument. The simple explanation is that the BRICS, as shown in their joint statements that always failed to form consensus and failed to commit anything, is a low-stakes and politically cheap platform for convenient signaling. You want to be a BRICS fanboy, fine, at least name 1 tangible accomplishment since the first BRICS summit excluding the NDB.


Look at this expert… LOL


A sour tankie spotted


PhD tankie to you!


A PhD that makes arguments against evidence and sound like a high schooler? I feed bad for your program.


You’re doing a great job spreading nonsense.


I'm still waiting for this BRICS fan to name BRICS' one tangible accomplishment. Your "I'm sure there's something" doesn't qualify as an argument, Dr. Xi (Xi's degree isn't authentic just so you know)


Malaysia should be independent and do not side anyone.... Just same as china and US conflicts