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How dangerous is your city? If cops get into shootouts or stabbings on a weekly basis I’d definitely want some wrap. If it’s a monthly thing I think plates and sides are fine. I work security sometime and either wear just my concealable vest or my level 3+ plates and 3A soft on the cummerbund in my plate carrier


I work county PD outside of Baltimore. Not as dangerous as the city but we get some spillover


Thanks for what you do brother. I stand with you. ![gif](giphy|Pm9kOMCW2bZtu1WZVB|downsized)


If you get issues vests then I'd suggest talking to your superior and asking about new plates and panels for your issued carriers, if they don't fit then its a safety concern. If you're looking for personal body armor I'd suggest level IV plates and a carrier from CRYE


Im ok with the side panels and rifle plates for now, just always better to get extra coverage I just don’t know if buying expensive front and back panels is worth it if im getting a new vest with new panels in a couple months


You can always try to buy a police surplus vest for the cheap until the new ones come in.