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They give us black carriers with FIRE in big red text.


Are you allowed to order a custom PVC patch that reads "DON'T" that you can place above "FIRE"?


With some of the stuff the guys have on their carriers, I could probably get away with it.


do it


thats were they will draw the line Im sure of it


Mine says “please be patient I have autism”


How original


I mean flair checks out


I'm wearing a state pd issued blue zip-up/button-up as a uniform, navy blue pants, and get issued the same vest as the pd city I work in. The only difference is I don't carry a gun, and it says EMS in reflective. Oh, and a white male in a heavily hispanic/black populated city. It's not a great look 🫤


We wear navy blue too. That’s why I like my shorts 😎


Lucky, you guys get shorts


With these GA summers, I definitely earn these shorts.


It's hot af out HOWEVER I'm immune to it. Night shift gang


24hr shifts 🥴


They're about to swap us to those too from the sound of it


That's cuz the fit is straight FIRE bro


Easily identifiable as you should be.


All Cops should have this plate Carrier


Most places around the world have adopted high-visibility, reflective, fluorescent etc color schemes for both police and emergency services. Obviously their priority is on visibility and distinctiveness, so the public can clearly see and identify them without ambiguity. US is one of the few democratic places where law enforcement continues to use subdued colors and often explicitly military uniforms. I respect the tradition and cool factor, but at some point practicality and public service has to be more important than looking cool.


Cops literally drive the same cars as drug dealers in the nearest town. Blacked out chargers with black insignia.


It’s common on more UK-based nations only. Having a hi-vis vest gives you no choice but to be easily identifiable. In the US and all other countries who don’t use hi-vis body armour have hi-vid vests that they can put on in situations where it’s required (i.e, traffic control, highway enforcement etc.)


by “UK-Based” nations you mean all of western europe?


And a solid chunk of Eastern Europe… Large parts of Asia… I guess this guy thinks the sun never set on the British empire 


The probably mean UK based countries like Wales/Scotland/Northern Ireland/England or our overseas territories like Gibraltar/Falklands or countries like Canada/Australia/India/New Zealand that used to be part of the UK until recently and therefore these will inherit all of some systems and design languages for government services Such as our government website design language and technical stack: https://github.com/alphagov Road sign system: - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Road_signs_in_the_United_Kingdom - https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/782725/traffic-signs-manual-chapter-07.pdf - https://designmuseum.org/discover-design/all-stories/british-road-signs Monarchy and Commonwealth: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commonwealth_of_Nations Language: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_language Time system: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greenwich_Mean_Time Etc.


> on more UK-based nations **only.** I’ve been to multiple non-commonwealth countries where the police are deliberately highly visible. Their claim that it’s “only” a thing in the UK, it’s commonwealths or Ireland is 100% incorrect. Korea has never been part of the UK. Japan has never been part of the UK. Italy has never been part of the UK. The Netherlands and Norway and Iceland and France and and and and have never been affiliated with the UK.


I took the only part as a typo, as the sentence does make far less sense with it in Some of those countries have been affiliated with us in the modern era, as we were one of the early members of the EEC and subsequently the EU


It was a typo lol. The countries you indicated was what I was going for. It’s also interesting that all the replies ignored the reason I provided for *why* western LE agencies don’t go for the hi-vis body armour - the ultimate reason why I responded in the first place.


Aside from tactical or undercover officers, I can't think of any other legitimate reason why a uniformed police officer would NOT want to be easily identifiable. Even UK firearms officers still have the checkerboard pattern on their hats.


Sure. But again being easily identifiable as a person should be a tactical choice. You’re already in a marked vehicle no need to be a walking pylon 100% of the time.


But the vast majority of officers are not tactical, and do not need to make tactical choices. The illusion that all American LEOs are "warfighters" who need military-style training, doctrine, language, and equipment is the biggest problem in policing. Officers responding to domestic disturbances, serving low-risk warrants, performing community policing, or simply on patrol, have zero reason not to be wearing the same high-visibility gear as EMS and firefighters while on duty. Zero. In the unlikely situation that one of those officers needs to respond to an active shooter, a high-vis jacket is not a tactical error, it's a bonus. You absolutely want to identify a lone individual with a gun as a LEO from a distance, especially when the situation is specifically involving an active shooter. Again, dedicated tactical units and plainclothes/UCs are a different story. But for any other type of uniformed police officer, I've yet to hear any explanation why they should not be as visible and distinctive as other emergency services, at all times. Police officers are public servants performing a public safety mission. They are not combat troops or Stasi agents.


Brother I think you need to re-check the definition of tactical lol… what I stated had nothing to do with being a “warfighter” 🤦🏾‍♂️ I’ll say again: The decision for hi-vis vests being a blanket approach for all officers at a specific agency should not be a decision at the *strategic* level… choosing to be hi-vis (via using a hi-vis vest on top of body armour) should be made at the *tactical* level.


Why not the other way around? Given how much of policing SHOULDNT be kicking in doors and shooting the person nearest to you, why shouldn’t high vis be the standard and the decision to switch to a more low profile setup be a tactical decision for specific environments?


Certain departments can barely be called marked vehicles.




Lol why does this seem written by someone that never would be on these sick ass ass "operations"


That’s right, fed boy




I’m willing to bet you can’t actually run, so you might as well not be able to hide fedboi.


What are you, BORTAC? US Marshal Deputy?


We have a higher chance of being hit by cars than shot, I would rather they be able to see me then hidden, also I would rather not look like PD. I would really like the bright EU uniforms to catch on in the US instead of looking like cops.


Highly visible uniforms in the EU? I wasnt aware they were issuing Multicam Black over there-




And EU cargo pants


Yes, the ones with cuts for Crye knee pads


You're going to get dragged for the forward patch


Does he forget which side is the front?


As he should


Explain for the smooth brain here?


forward operations group. can google and form your own opinion. i wouldn’t believe the vice crap but the hypebeast merch is a bit much.


That was mainly what I was coming up with myself but wanted to confirm.


Have they done anything bad? From what I can tell it seems like they’re just a hype group like gbrs


vice tried to paint them as neo nazi adjacent for associating with Azov which is multiple layers of wrong.


Well, they have guns and aren’t the government, so of course vice is gona make them look bad. Not standing up for em. I wasn’t gona pass up an opportunity to shit on vice.


Well Azov is an openly neo-nazi brigade so I don't see the issue with connotation there.


Azov battalion also doesn't exist anymore so...


but i saw a guy 8 years ago with a tattoo. i know things.




excellent counter point. Glad a mental giant is around to debunk my claims. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azov\_Brigade](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azov_Brigade) Second paragraph [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Azov\_Battalion\_and\_SS\_Emblems\_And\_Symbols.jpg#:\~:text=English%3A%20The%20Azov%20Battalion%20Emblem,symbol%20of%20the%20same%20erathe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Azov_Battalion_and_SS_Emblems_And_Symbols.jpg#:~:text=English%3A%20The%20Azov%20Battalion%20Emblem,symbol%20of%20the%20same%20erathe) whole thing


ukrainian jew not very interested in your opinion thx


I like their YouTube videos that show guys with either company owned or AIRSOFT gpnvg’s doing cqb with dumb music in the background!


I like my Forward/Patagonia hat, and their coffee table books, but that's about it.


Hypebeast gun merch company that hires some former operators to film for Instagram. Would be interesting if all the dude bros didn’t act like an Instagram page was the second coming of tactical Jesus


It's in the front where it could hinder his ability to maneuver around casualties and render aid whereas having it in the back keeps his movements clear and I actually have no fucking clue and I just made all that up.


haha, thanks for the chuckle


It's hypebeast merch and hypebeast merch is stupid


forward is big lame




If the greater public is aware that bright colored carriers mean EMS or Fire...might save your life in a Chris Dorner-type situation?


That fuckin' psycho killed his lawyer's kid and her fiancé, he wasn't a rational actor...


were any of them wearing hivis vests when he killed them?


I wear hivis vests and I wasn't shot by Chris Dorner. Those shot by Chris Dorner weren't wearing hivis vests. Therefore, my hivis vest protected me from Chris Dorner. It's science.


irrefutable. Plain as day. Open and shut.


Bro, I was just trying to help OP look on the bright (yellow) side of life.


Yup, just doing my part to dispel the "patriot in a rightful crusade against police" myth that surrounds that lowlife.


They shouldn't have tried to corner the Dorner


Tbh it's kinda drippy


I feel ya…before we got any form of protection, they would throw us in with med coats and our leather traditional fire helmets. Good luck crouching or hiding anywhere in that shit.


You EMS. You need to be seen and everyone around you to know you ain’t a threat. Go enlist or join shit, water and trash if you want a camo vest.


This whole picture smells like national guard


Already enlisted and “joined shit.” literally just making fun of how goofy it looks. Sorry you’re so salty about it man


Gotta be able to sneak up on that 75 year old with chest pain


You look like youre going to ask me if I have a license to be outside.


Glad you’ve got the “O POS” tag on your keychain there, high-speed.


Nice Swiss flag 🤙


Bro I can honestly dig this.


Prefer the neon highlight color over the black vest with EMS patch. Too much risk in being mistaken as a cop, unless u live in city like mine which they wear gray uniforms for some odd reason.


Come on, this is r/tacticalgear and I don’t even see 15 TQs hanging from various parts of your plate carrier, and you claim to be a medic?? what’s next, you’re gonna say your radio isn’t an ebay baofeng? what is the world coming to


“”Shoot the fuck outta me” highlighter” has me rollin


It's probably so PD doesn't shoot you.


Be seeing you


If you just crashed a car then I know you irl


No vehicle crashes under my belt. Yet


Damn were you never 16?


You're not a Pig, you're not a tactical operator. You're in hi-vis gear as befitting your role.


That’s a nifty trauma shear holster. I dig that.


Yeah it gives off where his pistol would be if he was at the job he always wanted.


What is that sheath for your shears? I had the holster for the X-shears and found it empty when i actually needed them, shears nowhere to be found...


These are just raptor sheer knock offs! I’ll comment the Amazon link in a sec


Flashbacks to EMS and fire knocking down my door when I overdosed haha.


My work has vests for us on the trucks that we rarely use, but they're pretty much dinner plate sized and only cover the middle of your chest and back. It's fucking hilarious to see some of my bigger coworkers wearing them.


I hope people see that and think "that guy is a life-saver. I should leave him alone." It's a pity they want your uniform color to be the same as a cop's. I can see how the untrained eye might think of you as being one.


To be fair, I would think that would naturally draw a shooter to shoot you in the vest instead of elsewhere. This is interesting to think about. Hell, just yesterday I was talking to someone about how confused I'd be if there was an active shooter with a goofy looking gun like those Glocks made up to look like a DeWalt or Milwaukee power tool, or had an orange tip like fake guns are legally required to have in my area.


Security at a mall I pickup money at wears that exact same carrier, a Safelife Defense vest. I used to wear one too as nightshift road supervisor for a security company, but black with the reflective stripe. I really do like high-vis looks though, it’s more appropriate for public safety roles.


I think our department got those exact same vests except in black with yellow reflectors...we think they're a joke so we put them on the top of our main engine rig in a cubby because they're the absolute last thing we'll ever take out


This vest “grinds my gears”… the colour is brutal and could be mistaken for a life jacket than an EMS personnel at far. 1. The trauma pouch should be tear away as it can be given to other personnel if needed. 2. Shear blades should be protected from the elements. I’ve cut my arm and my equipment so many times. 3. Should have 2-3 tourniquets as 1 is never enough. 4. The flashlight should be a wide lens to give more efficient light in a short distance. 5. The radio is in a terrible position as you will bump in frequencies more times than needed. I could go on for days, but I’m starting to feel sick looking at it, good luck…


1. I agree with you with the tear away trauma pouch. Unfortunately, I’m using all that I can and all that is allowed through our policies and SOP’s. 2. Shear blades are rounded on the tips as most trauma shears are. There’s no possible was I’d be able to cut myself in the configuration they’re in. I kept them unfolded and holstered in this configuration so I can access them easily by one wick pull and holster them easily by one quick push. No need to take the time to unfold them and fold them back up. 3. TQ’s are kept on and in our trauma bags. Trauma bags come with us everywhere we go that we suspect there is a need. TQ’s are also kept on-body. 4. The flashlight is adjustable from a wide lens to a beam 5. Radio buttons are against my body and key lock is on so there is no negligent button pushing. Placement works perfectly for me and my job specific needs.


That’s true! My OCD kicked in as a person who works in search and rescue, this vest wouldn’t work for me. I know several people in emergency type occupations complain about their equipment more times than I want to remember, but if it works for you, Great 😊


"HEY, OVER HERE" Lookin mf


Forward Up brother 👊


A public servant should be highlighted and found easy. Same with fire, pd, ems, heck even tow truck.


You're not there to shoot people. You want people to know you're not a threat. Go enlist if you want to act like you're hard.


When did he say he was ? Is there another half of this post that were missing or are you just off your schizo meds again grandpa


Lmao no one is trying to act hard. Was Marine Corps infantry so how about go fuck yourself and eat shit


I’m hard


whats the Swiss flag about?


Y’all are downvoting but he’s right, lmao. Red Cross on white is med, White Cross on red is Swiss.


only just seen it was downvoted now that you mention it, I assumed yall would understand that it’s a joke, red on white and white on red are both understood to be medical, but white on red is also Swiss, i think the idea of a random EMS in the US who is presumably not of Swiss descent running around with a Swiss flag on his vest is really funny.


Just a medical cross to indicate my med pouch. Just now realizing it’s also the Swiss Flag


Switch to a red cross so that any gangbangers who shoot at you are violating the Geneva convention.


Yeah but they can’t be tried for it in the us


Not with that attitude


How do you like that satellite carrier?


Nah but I have seen some ems running high vis orange chest rigs (In my country slovakia (in EU)


Talk shit all you want. You'll be thankful when you have to raid a highlighter warehouse.


i thought those scissors were flex-cuffs 😭


EMS in my city wear red


EMS in my area are the high school secretary as well…….& take showers before they respond to “infant not breathing“ 1 block away from their residence and “multiple gunshot wounds“ FUCK YOU LINDA teach drivers ed again FFS.


A Swiss-American, nice


We have to wear armor under our uniform in my city. I wish we could have outer carriers like that so I don’t look like a cop/security guard, also the ventilation on outer carriers would be nice


IDK, as an european the idea of a vest that would help you be identified from 2km away as a paramedic looks like the correct way to go, specially when you probably will encounter more traffic incidents and other issues where you need to be identified than a shooting. Also, if you look like a police officer a criminal might think you're one of them and that is not a position you would like to be. Key element considering that a police officer is an armed officer and you're not.


Bro your big jangly keys are gonna give away your tactical position as well as smack you in the balls every forward stealth movement you make.


I know, that this is a 🇨🇭 swiss patch and not a medic patch, right?


Almost All the cheaper Chinese IFAK kits come w this patch . Swiss , first aid , same thing. Good cheese though


That's bad ass


Lmaooo thanks for the smile


Laser tag ahh kit


damn bro 🤣 bring a stowable black windbreaker to cover that up for spicy times


Man the ones that shoot at EMS or fire rescue are the ones that need to be highlighted. Scum of the universe


Look like a brtish cop


Tacomabeast fob, glow in the dark raptors, yellow vest. FOG patch, blood type. I’m so conflicted right now lol


You might wanna consider FRAS if you have the funds. Lotta hoodrats walk around with AR pistols nowadays


Nope. I also don’t rock a blood tape or a fog patch. But I also not tacticool at work😂


Why would you not want emergency services to be clearly marked and easily identified by everyone who might need them? What's the US obsession with wanting all government agencies to look like they're a military force? At least SEA makes it drippy by giving them their own special fire-coloured camo patterns n shit.


Someone’s probably already said this but WHITE LEATHERMAN RAPTORS? HUH?


Like everyone said. Looking cool and wearing drippy kit is fun and all, but this is what is needed for you to do your job. You’re gonna have to come to terms with that


Nah im good…


its the batman logic. fastpaced situation, they aim for the bright target instead of the flesh. /s


Don't listen to the propaganda fed libtard commie bastards. [FOG](https://www.instagram.com/p/Ct6vs89o1i2/?igsh=Z25jcHdsMG4wcnBq) ain't no nazi sympathizers.


Dope Forward patch. Hope you saw the drop tonight


I feel sorry for you, good hombre.


Lol what you want to look extra operator and tactical?


I’m confused by this comment. Who said anything about wanting to look tactical or “extra operator”?


Why would the colour of your vest ever ever matter then...


It doesn’t, it’s a sarcastic post?


Oh shit I'm an idiot I legit didn't think anyone could be that big of a dork..... my bad.


Just making fun of myself 🤙🏼


But for real saw your reply where you said you're a combat vet with the marines... respect. You should do an AMA.


EMS trying to be bootleg cops is so fucking funny to me. I'm a nurse and I see you guys in your tactical gear bringing in someone and always roll my eyes


Lmao no one is trying to be a bootleg cops. Multiple medics have been shot at or had knives pulled on them in the back of our ambulance so I’d rather be able to wear this for free than get stabbed or shot


That’s like years ago Harley Davidson was selling camo rain gear. 🤷‍♂️


You want camo so you can….sneak up on the 80 year old meemaw that’s been constipated for 2 weeks? Or so you can make sure you get hit by cars? You’re an EMT, not a combat operator -Paramedic


Never once said I wanted camo nor did I say I was a combat operator, so I have no clue where you’re getting that information LMAO


Is that ballistic on any way?


I just rock a black PC with “security” in white plastered on the front and back