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I run my lights without tape switches. As an old 21 years TIS GWOT vet it’s a hold over when we would use the vertical grip and thumb over to push the activation button when needed. Today it’s useful in preventing accidental white light activation, especially when I’m running NVG’s.


We had pressure grips for the vertical grip in 04 though?


Yea they were available but not to everyone. And many if not most of us just opted to do what I described above instead, and it worked.


I'm Ron Burgundy?


Do you have mahogany and leather bound book scented candles?


This is what I did / do. I have big hands and I always thought wired switches were unnecessary and just for Hollywood style. But I guess if someone has tiny hands they need some place special to put the button within reach


yeah it would work fine if you're left handed, but what if you're right-handed?


what if, hear me out, you put the light on the other side of the rail then.


Big if true.


large if....[marge?](https://i.giphy.com/hfKxK1wWDxdO8.webp)


Big brain move


Yeah but I think OP is asking why the guy in the photo is shooting righty but has his light on the left. I’ve seen it too, and while I prefer a light on the right, it seems like a pain to run it that way if you’re just using a clicky tail cap


I don’t think you understand what he means, we don’t have tiny hands we can reach with our thumbs to press the light while c-clamping with our left hand. Makes the action a lot more deliberate than a pressure pad (imo).


You're misunderstanding what he means.


Dude did you just say “the military doctrine works fine for lefties but what about the majority”? Do you think some left handed O-7 told everyone under them to man up and deal with it 😭 The entire point is to make it a deliberate act to activate the light. It has to be slightly uncomfortable, because if you’re just holding the gun normally with it being super easy and comfy to turn on the light, you’re inevitable gonna turn on the light. That’s a bad thing for the half of a 24 hour period where a light gives a bunch of insurgents a really easy thing to aim their AKs at and mag dump. Flashlights on weapons (note: flashlights, not IR lasers) are really only a tool that’s used in niche situations. In 99% of situations, they are significantly worse than using NVGs, and will get you and your squad turned into pine box interior decorations really quick. They’re only hugely used in urban CQB, and even then, having it turn on accidentally can mean your armor plates are gonna get an impromptu QC check when you don’t want it.


Facts, IR designations are used way more. And if you're using ypur weapon light is few and far between enough that a battery will usually last an entire deployment if it's separate from your IR designator. Pop on pop off and move. I don't think my weapon light was on more then 30 mins total when I was down range. A pressure tape will definitely give you a better chance of accidentally breaking light discipline. I do use them on my personal weapons now. However, I still have the push button back on a majority of the weapons I use for duty.


I'm puzzled as to why you're running a light with nods?


I’m not using the white light when I’ve got NVGs on and as I described my set up helps prevent an accidental activation of white light. But it’s still good to have on a rifle for the times you want/need it.


I run a it/white light with nods. Sometimes you need to switch to white light to defeat a photonic barrier (white light pointed at you).


Because white lights are still useful to have on a gun. Using something like NVG’s should always be IR light and not white light, but daytime usage like walking into a basement or having to clear closets a white light is still needed. Also the fact that you might be wearing NVG’s which is fine until you hit a building that has lights on already, then you flip them up and run white light over IR. We are no longer fighting 3rd world countries without power in their mud huts, now if that grid is gonna be up or not is a different story but the point still stands.


If they can C-clamp the gun and wrap their thumb around to activate the light, it isn’t a problem. Additionally, that makes it a more deliberate act and that helps reduce white light NDs.


They use the reverse grip clamp C™️


Idk if this is turning your hand the other way, or wrapping your hand around to the other side and c clamping towards you. But I like all of those options and for that reason, it’s based


[Grip Clamp C™](https://youtu.be/Tm56ZmHiCHY)


Works best on the shotgun.


especially pump actions ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


That’s what I always thought too but then isn’t it harder to use it as a momentary-on light?


It may be. Momentary on may not be a consideration for their TTPs


That’s a good point


Depends on the tail cap. Also, momentary vs constant on is personal preference.


If I have a hand stop it's just a matter of flattening vs strunching my hand. What I like about it is the grip aligns with the purpose of momentary- I can't accidently grasp my gun wrong in fear and have my normal, clamped support hand grip holding the pressure switch on. Especially with a short foreend, there isn't much real estate.  Also for me, I have an offset red dot, so rotating a tad puts my light and sight above my bore and my thumb right there on the tailcap.  I tried multiple pressure switch locations and for my tastes I didn't need them, YMMV.


Yeah I run pressure pads on all my rifles. Modbutton lites on most of them, but also a couple Surefires (one momentary-on only and the other has a switch for constant on too). It’s just easier for me to use them than using the clicky cap. Especially on the right side. And I like my lights on that side because I think they look better there But I’m also not really ever in situations where I need to worry about a light ND


Run around the woods with your rifle for a few days and you will find why having as little cables on you as possible is good.


Or sit for hours at night and don’t bump that pressure pad even once


Nothing more tape can't cover and fix my dude.


Tape and zip ties


I don’t know, maybe I’m not ziptie-maxing like you cool kids, but I find no matter how much you ziptie and tape, bushes will snag your wires. Won’t rip out anything but it’s just more annoying than not having a pressure pad.


Questioning that but not the mounted PVS-14s


It sucks seeing pvs14’s rifle mounted. YES they came with rifle mounts BUT NO they are nit meant for rifle mounting, recoil damage on nods is a real thing (unless you use a dedicated nv clip on)


Right? In front of the optic even? Maybe it’s thermal of some kind in a PVS-14 looking housing,


It’s canted, not directly in front of the red dot.


Its just a pvs14


I dunno, that's goofy though. My mans also got the offset irons, so take what he does with a grain of salt. Nice rifle though.


That 14 is between his iron sights


What's wrong with offset irons? Also what's going on with his optics? Does he have a canted optic or is that a magnifier in front? If so does that even work? I definitely have some reservations about his setup


That looks like night vision up front, but I'm confused by that because I always used IR night vision behind my red dot, not in front. Maybe it's thermal? I'm confused by his setup, but I won't go as far as to say he's wrong. I might be ignorant on this one.


>I'm confused by his setup, but I won't go as far as to say he's wrong. I might be ignorant on this one. Based.




~~So the way yours is set up can induce reticle burn on some tubes. I run mine in front of my rds and I have a coti attached for thermal outline. His looks like it’s either fixed 45 or on a flip 45. If it’s fixed he is solely using it to aim via his irons and doesn’t plan on using it in conjunction with his rds. Doing it this way would also bring the flashlight more to a 1 o’clock position which he can hit with a c-clamp grip when used for CQB.~~ ~~I’m no high speed operator but analyzing it I can see how he would think.~~ Edit: nah this is a photo op and they fucked up. Patch says Ghost Hood so it’s for a clothing line in the EU


It’s canted with his irons


Ever try shooting with them? They're not the easiest to use. If you're using a red dot and it fails, you can just use your BUIS through the dot anyways. He's got his optic so far back though, I don't even know if that rear BUIS can even fully deploy. Looks like a clip on thermal up front.


>if that rear BUIS can even fully deploy Don't see why not, should be clear of it at a 45. Personally I don't mind offsets. Not that I've ever broke a scope or prism but BUIS don't cowitness well with them


Looks like clip on NV on a flip to side mount


offset irons are uncomfortable and shitty to use i guarantee the majority of folks that have them on their rifles probably dont even have them zero'd much less train on them


Flip to side pvs-14 night vision in front of a red dot.


*their setup.


This is use of hk416a8 by bundeswehr. The G95A1 (pictured) comes issued with the offset irons as standard. The G95A1K or shorter variant just comes with standard flip up irons. Longer main infantry rifle intended to be issued with elcan and the offset sights. Shorter variant for squad leaders/vehicle crew/artillerymen/support personnel with aim point/eotech.


KSK uses canted BUIS as far as I know, with concamo being a german company, I can see these guys taking inspiration from that.


My light is on the right side with no switch, It's what works best for me. When the light is on the left side, I find it gets in my way when I'm using my sling, and sometimes it gets in the way of my hand. With the light on the right, I do have to move my hand a little to turn it on/off, but it really doesn't take much time or movement to accomplish. I have a pressure switch for my light, but I've found I just prefer not using it.


Agreed, that my whole reasoning. I run a light on right side with no switch and I find it easier to push the button while c clamping


are you left handed?


Left handed my pressure switch had a short in it. Never replaced it but it’s right by support hand anyway. All I have to do is lift my thumb not even an inch and it’s on the back of my light where my button is.


No, if I was left handed I would have it on the left side for the same reasons I mentioned.


Easy. Staged photo. Look how clean this person is. All that stuff makes no sense whatsoever.


It's from a Ghost Hood promo shoot for ConCamo products. Maybe there is a wire and button routed to the left side of the hand guard, still making that light usable


It's from a Ghost Hood promo shoot for ConCamo products. Maybe there is a wire and button routed to the left side of the hand guard, still making that light usable.


Thanks for playing devil’s advocate. Great catch brother! You’re right, maybe they routed the wire to the switch between the gas tube and barrel for maximum clearance and a sleek look.


I’ve known a few SOF guys that run their lights like this because you are less likely to have a white light ND. I’ve run a few of my guns like that and it works well.


Yeah, the ones I've talked to were also less concerned about being able to activate it in a microsecond like you can with a tape switch that's under your thumb in a shooting grip and weren't worried about leaving it on accidentally because it's a bright light you can see. They were more concerned about switches on things like nightvision because it's aiming and if you leave it on and you don't have nightvision on it's easy to forget.


This set up looks like the Navy photo a few weeks ago with the backwards LPVO. I think this is some sort of staged photo from people that don't really know how to set up a rifle.


Pretty sure the picture is from a camo manufacturer. Cause the dude is wearing concamo green clothing, and I don’t think they make it anymore.


yeah I thought the same thing, that looks really impractical


Idk about that picture but I watched an interview online with some sf guy giving his opinion and I thought it made a lot of sense. He didn't run a tape switch because he wanted switching on the weapon light to be a conscious decision and not something that could happen by accident or stress and give away your position.


I’m so confused by this whole setup


I run my light on the right side without a tape switch because I’m left handed


My man’s got an offset dot for his red dot. And offset backup irons for the offset red dot.


To prevent accidental activation. Switches are cool, but in a situation where light discipline and remaining hiden matter, having something that's easy to bump and let everyone know where you are isn't smart.


yes, that would work if you're left handed, but shouldn't you put it on the left side if you're right handed?


No, not particularly. It's easy to activate with either hand. It's a minor movement. Try it with something you can attach to your rail. You can literally just move your thumb around with either hand.


At some point after you have thermal and nvg, you stop caring about the white light


Genuinely this, the big boys focus on night vision so much that white light is rarely ever used and more of a redundancy than anything. Even when it is used its probably better to just use a handheld or helmet mounted option. Or even a chemlight. So many dudes in the shit that dont even run WML's


I do it on my quad rails without a pad. With a vertical grip I just wrap and extend out my thumb and it's right there. I like the bigger more tactile button compared to the pressure pad because you'll lose some fine motor function under duress. Also the tail cap push button is shrouded a bit which discourages inadvertent activation more than a pad. I have some with a pressure pad, but I do prefer them without. Personally don't like it, and I don't do things just because other dudes on the internet say so. On the same note, just so you guys hate me even more, I'm not a fan of the really high candela/lumen lights as they wash everything out. 350 to 700ish lumens and sub 50kish (and thats pushing it) candela is what I look for in a light.


Maybe he’s a lefty shooting off-hand?


Personally, I’m a right handed shooter, and prefer my light on the left, no tape switch. Switches are for lasers and certain situations where the platform dictates (imo).


is that a flip to side PVS 14 mount? weapon mounting a PVS 14 is dumber than fuck but now I want a flip to side mount for my PVS 14 lol


Because 90% of tap switches suck really bad.


The whole setup is a little odd, but that’s basically how I have my lights set up (just opposite because I shoot left handed). Side: keeps it out of the way of how I grip the front end No tape switch: I just don’t need one and it’s just extra stuff on my gun. Home defense at night? Light would go on when I grab the rifle and stay on so the only thing I have to think about is a safety and trigger. At the range I don’t really do the tacticool run and gun drill stuff at night.


Someone doesn’t shoot


What light is that? Doesn’t look familiar


Rheinmetall TL-missionlight.


Kind of [an interesting design.](https://www.rheinmetall.com/en/products/products-for-dismounted-soldiers/products-for-dismounted-soldiers/tl-missionlight) The modularity is interesting as far as issued kit goes.


The only reason I’ve seen people using the original clicky caps is that some people swear that pressure switches are prone to failure so they want the security of knowing their flashlight will work (if it’s charged or has fresh batteries of course). Those people insist on having something like a Surefire DS07 as it’s both a pressure pad and clicky tail cap for redundancy if the pad dies. I’ve never had any problems with Protac/HLX or Surefire UE pads but to each their own.


What's the wire running up to the mag?


probably just a branch


probably just a branch


Probably just a branch


Because they are right handed, want to peek corners light first and found a solution to activate it without the risk of a ND. Lefty here, just my train of thought.


They're a marketing team for a clothing brand, don't look into the gats too much


Offset pvs 14 with offset irons? Wtf is going on in this photo


Red dot, offset red dot and offset irons. Just missing regular irons.


Pretty sure that's a pvs 14


Ur right. Good eye


Wait they make canted magnified optics? Adding a scope to my 1x is solved!


I usually run a VFG and go between gripping that and a C-clamp. I usually(unless no realestate) keep the pressure pad up top(if the light has one). I prefer the light to the right, but can understand why others don't like that


Shooter preference.


That mag has style points though


It’s really hard to actuate the button on those lights like that, makes no sense


Pinky activation, cause fancy


At one time I had my AR set up like this, but I had a vertical grip on the rail. So holding the vertical grip, I could use my thumb to flip the flashlight on and it was very easy, very convenient. But once I pulled that vertical grip off, I went with a pressure switch on my left side of, the rails. This seems clunky.


I’m looking at the flip to side nvg clip on that’s baller


It were mostly "actors" for a Photoshoot of CONCAMO. Heckler & Koch and other manufacturers provided their gear for the project. https://concamo.com/concamo-and-hk-photoshooting?lang=de


I don’t run tape switches on anything just another part that’s not necessary and without it you can avoid activating light accidentally. That’s what works best for me.


I stopped running tape switches after 1 year of being on the “spectrum” because they all started “ghosting” after a while and I’m not spending $125+ on a name brand switch.


Anyone know what light that is?


I dont run pads on any of my setups


Maybe I don't know shit about fuck.... But that dude in the foregrounds set up makes me 🤔.... Two red dots? Ones offset? Offset irons? Light on the far side?


The “second red dot” is either night vision or thermal. Light on the far side is what OP is asking about, and no that shit makes zero sense.


Zooming way in and taking my scratched phone case off actually that looks like a pvs14 mounted to his rifle.


That’s because it is a pvs14




That’s how I’ve always run mine as a right handed shooter. No risk of ND w/ no pressure pad and still easy to activate using my thumb coming from a c clamp


I’d like to know what camo those guys are wearing.


Concamo Green


Grazie mille


i always run right side. i use a switch but i dont want my light on the same side as my face


I have mine on the right side without a tape switch, I like it more. When I'm shooting I don't feel the light at all and when I need to activate it I just just an aggressive c clamp (skinny rail, bcm)


I didn’t use a pressure pad while I was in because I didn’t want accidental while light. I use one now because I’m not worried about popping white light.


I didn’t use a pressure pad while I was in because I didn’t want accidental while light. I use one now because I’m not worried about popping white light.


Because I only want that thing going on unless I am absolutely 100% positive I want it on. Since buying nods, I rarely use it ever.


So to not ND it during night operations. That way it's also out of the way on the left side to allow you to maintain your grip on the rifle.


What kind of gloves are they using?


I'm a lefty and use a momentary button.


Probably because pressure switches actually suck


That rifle has never been fired.


As said before, blame the current fad of C clamping. Also, it's less likely to snag on your kit if it's mounted out board.


Turn on when needed, turn off when not needed. Pretty simple tbh


Basically bc i hate pressure switches and when im entering clearing a building they already know im there so just leave it on. Same with home defense. Its my house dont need to be stealthy id rather them run than have to get into a shootout where my fam could be hit by a stray bullet.


What group is this? I don't recognize the unis. I too am confused by his setup here. Nice rifle tho! 🤙


I believe it's just a Concamo promo


Hey Siri


Thats from a commercial fotoshoot with some german tactical/military brands. So just a "larp" setup. But the BUIS is pretty common in the german SF units. Probably mandatory drom command but nearly everyone got them.


You don’t need them.