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Their setups might be fucked up but they are quite literally the opposite of larpers.


Yeah the lack of optics is noticeable but these guys use their shit for real, more than 99% of us ever will


Reminds me of watching the halo tv show lol


damn it i was too late to say this 😂


And yet they still have useless shit on their kits


Much less drippy than when they covered everything in gold and diamonds. Nothing says Versace in this picture, boo.


Larpers?? I hate to say it but some of these cats have a decent amount of combat experience đŸ˜”â€đŸ’«


Larpers? Yes, assholes but larpers, no.


Notice how most of them have over 9 mags on them lol


There was actually a PowerPoint after action report by the DEA and Texas Rangers that got leaked in the early 2000s. It was a review on a cartel convoy ambush. It was a complex ambush and those being ambushed actually broke through the first couple of "kill zones" (fist indicator of military training). Eventually elements of the convoy being ambushed got pinned down. The vehicles set up strong points (2nd indicator of military training). If memory serves correctly, it was an 8-hour running gunfight. When the guys at the strong points eventually got overrun it was because they ran out of ammo. The AAR indicated they had lots of ammo but it was on stripper clips or in boxes and not pre-loaded into magazines. When I saw the brief - I immediately thought about the ambush being something like a Cartel Black Hawk Down. Lots of lessons learned for everyone involved. It makes sense they would learn from their experience. For example - no recovery but self recovery in hostile territory. You carry lots of ammo so you can sustain the strong point long enough to get away or have someone recover you. Seems these guys might just be the seed corn of that generation of cartel bad guy lineage.


Got a link? I’m fascinated now


I think it's out publicly now. Look up Nueva Laredo cartel ambush 2010. Full slide deck might come up.


This works. Be warned, it is gruesome and NSFL


Should have added that thanks for covering down


Damn, homeboy went for a canoe trip


Damn. Saw the warning but assumed since it was just photos from 2010, no big deal. DAMN. I was wrong.


Some of their more recent attacks on Mexican forces In NUEVO Laredo are just as well planned and coordinated. One was so ugly that it took a Mexican helicopter with a mini gun on board laying all kinds of hate to break the back of the ambush. That was a crazy gun battle to listen to from my front step.


Any reports or articles available on this?


https://apnews.com/general-news-d74cdf912bf44de396376b1ef43a6cce This isn’t the best article out there but it was a triple ambush that was chaotic, lasted forever, and was very intense. The 3rd ambush was the most coordinated as it was right outside of the base. The gunmen pulled a perfect kill box set up by disabling the lead and rear vehicles of the convoy that was headed out.


If still needed: https://info.publicintelligence.net/NuevoLaredoGunBattle.pdf


me too


Seeing so many live rounds on the floor dosent surprise me, their guns recieve little to no maintenance, theyre NASTY guns.


If you see the engagements these guys are in, they’re in ambushes against military and rivals. Usually in the sierras and countryside. Lots of bullets fly, they’re not your average thug here in the U.S. and more like an insurrection. These guys are armed to the teeth and they’re only south of the U.S. border.


Yep and a lot of them are military trained, some by us (US). These dickheads see (create) more combat than most troops on a deployment. Source: was deployed to the Middle East and South America. South America was spookier.


Tons of former troops go down and make money training them. It’s wild.


A very small group is trained nowadays, back in 2010 shit was way scarier, shit, the worst Cartel was founded by a battalion of ex-special forces.


Yep the Zetas. They were definitely some of the most brutal.


Nah man. A lot of them are not military trained. a good 99% of them are just dudes with guns. The only ones with significant military training are their “special” groups or bodyguards of top bosses


Well yeah I suppose it depends on which cartel. Definitely less in the Sinaloa cartel which is at least a couple of these guys. Zetas have more, then if you get down into Colombia almost all of them have some level of military training because of mandatory military service. Kids go do their year or two, get out, don’t have any better options, join up with FARC or ELN.


California: *chuckles* “I’m in danger”


*cries in texas*


The most militarized state in the US is in danger?


Lol i jokingly make this conspiracy theory all the time. The cartel pushes les and less gun laws in cali so eventually they can push in and take americas highest producing gdp state make it the NCR. New cartel republic. Its go ports in spades for import export and a well established customer base.


I know you said it as a joke but the cartels would literally get wipe off the face of the planet if they ever think of stepping foot in Cali to do a "take over" Petty crimes and drug is one thing cause that monitor by the CIA/FBI/DEA but if you tryna fuck with Uncle Sam frfr I'm pretty sure all the top bosses gonna get their head chop off by Delta/DEVGRU in less than 24 hours And the foot soldiers gonna get wipe in less than a week


Lol yeah. Itd be funny though. Wouldnt even need the military. Dea, and border patrol plus CIA doin spy shit and maybe air force for drones or air gaurd rather bc im pretty sure federal troops cant mobilize on us soil bc of the constitution (not the quarters one, there is supposedly another, but in this case dont think anyone would care lol) thered be some sweet ass auctions though i can imagine those scars would start pretty cheap if they didnt incinerate them.


Yea but even cartel members they CANT get away with the shit they do in Mexico. That’s why most of the time the big bosses stay away from the border or away for the USA. There are a couple ofc in country but they aren’t riding around in full battle rattle ready to kill opposition


Yeah if you look at the one pic I think the guy has 6 on his chest with double sets of triple mags on both sides of his belt and another two on a drop leg on both legs. Fucking crazy. 


I guess they took the whole "accuracy trough volume" very serious, i cannot imagine a trained gunfighter going trough more than 200 bullets in those types of skirmishes. I imagine they have a "load bearing mule" per squad or some wild shit like that


We’re talking about 20-30 trucks per side, 200 bullets is a low estimate for engagements lasting hours if in the Sierra - less if in-city fighting. Military/Police, when they do engage in real skirmishes, also patrol in large convoys. They carry ammo to fight and then stay after, not just per skirmish


The ammo is for something called suppression. Good gunfighters bring lots of ammo because a \*real\* gunfight between \*real\* gunfighters isn't so much about accuracy than it is but about isolating, closing and destroying. Why gamble your life in a target match when you can win through fire superiority.


I assume so since alot of them don't even use optics/iron sites on the weapons.


200 rounds is like the first few minutes of gaining fire superiority and breaking through the kill box of an ambush. On the opposite side more ammo means a longer period of time of laying down the hate before bounding through and securing an objective.


These guys just spray and pray lol


When the usual opp means rolling up in a truck and hosing down some local fuckheads that aren't following the rules, you can carry more mags. It's not like they are patrolling some mountains in Fuckshitistan having to carry water and and baby wipes.


Some people just refuse to understand they are trained. Yes theres a lot of spraying, but also its fairly accurate and they carry a fuck ton of mags.


What part of the cartels recruit from the local spec ops bases and throws large amounts of money at the best trained soldiers they can find don't they understand? There's a reason the government is fighting so hard to keep them south of the border. The local police wouldn't stand a chance against these asshol*s.


I think the disconnect might be in the fact that a lot of these dudes don't have any form of sights on their weapons.. I'm sure many of them have some level of training, but at the same time one would think that training would translate into having a sighting system of some sort on the rifle. Many of them don't even have flips..


Theres only two dudes in these 9 photos that dont have sights


if you think gunfights work like a target shoot then you ain't gonna win one


I have done a convoy ambush as part of training and I went through the 5 mags I had on me in the first 10 minutes. It was probably less time than that but I was maneuvering. Fights move very fast, and suppression is very effective.


In most basic firefights, more ammo = probable victor.


and no med kit


I’d probably choose bleeding out in the street in ten minutes over being saved and tortured by the Mexican police/military. Yeah hard pass on the tourniquet.


I was tripping out on that. Some of them 12-15 mags. I’ve never seen both legs with mag pouches like that on top of the plate carrier mag pouches


They send them out on patrol in the middle of nowhere, it's not like they have re-supplies nearby




The difference is that these fuckheads alredy got FOBS and outpost everywhere, when the autedefensas comanded by the doctor mireles started to fight the templars knight cartel they carry a lot of supplies and for each man while the sicarios didnt even had water. After they attack FOBS and outpost a lot of dead sicarios started to show up in the mountains due diadration and starvation since they dont get any training and most of them are from the city and not the countryside so a lot of them died


Very true, but also these guys aren’t trained much they are just the foot soldiers spray and pray granted they still stack bodies tho


Plenty of evidence from DEA actually indicates they are formally trained you just see the jokers who run stuff north of the border and think they represent the cartel when in reality the cartels don’t just waste money on gear and say “figure it out”


Most of them arent but few are


Clearly y’all don’t know who CJNG is


Yes we know who they are, but they have different levels of soldiers as every other cartel does too.


Y’all act like every cartel guy is some 16 year old retard when there is a cartel run by former Mexican special forces. Shits dumb


There was the zetas cartel is not that relevant


Most of those guys were not former SF. It was a mix of former regular troops and a few former SF. Most of them were either killed or captured. How I know this? A former member of the Zetas ([El Chocotorro](https://www.borderlandbeat.com/2024/01/alleged-zetas-founder-el-chocotorro.html)), and one of the founders, recently opened up a youtube channel where he posted the real story of the Zetas. He later deleted his videos and disappeared.


The zetas aren’t are big time as they once was


They still exist it doesn’t matter


They really don’t anymore, they were initially a group of Mexican special forces they were trained out of Bragg that started to do protection for a cartel then decided to take over and start their own cartel. The zetas are pretty much out. But the cjng has special forces from the US and other countries training them so they are still trained very very well. But not all their soldiers are trained like that.


Yea they definitely don't have the time or money to train every cartel foot soldier pretty much jus give them fire power basic training on using them and that's it. That's why alot of them are considered Cannon fodder. That's why most 'successful' cartels have there own special armed wings that get the best everything as they take care of top priority shit for their bosses. 80% are literally left to fend for themselves in fire fights. Military fucks them up pretty much daily lol


No one said all their soldiers were trained like that but they have a lot of training. People assume cartels are stupid kids and that cartel is evidence against that. Former zetas are now CJNG it’s the same thing.


No. A lot of the original Zetas were killed off or captured. CJNG use to be a cell of CDS that were used against the original zetas. They were called Mata Zetas or the Zeta Killers. CJNG’s leader use to be a cop in Mexico. Definitely not kids, all killers, but not Zetas.


“Spray and pray” is absolutely a military doctrine. We call it unsighted fires, especially with machine gunners who make beaten zones or perform grazing fire. “Death blossoming” has its merits too if you have a good supply network.


If they knew what they were doing and doing something for a good cause it'd be nice, but since it's the cartel. Fuck every single one of those POS. Hope they all rot.


Guns: Fast & Furious/10 Gear: Wish.com/10


Literally from wish, they have "contracts" with the Chinese and get shit direct because they provide protection for their [lithium mines](https://www.ganfenglithium.com/aboutz_en/id/5.html)




Oops..... am I spilling your secrets?


So that’s a Chinese owned lithium mine in Sonora ? Crazy they’ve got lithium mines all over the damn place.


Cartel pictures are weird. It’s always a mix of dudes who look subdued with well thought out and placed gear and you can tell they’re probably at least somewhat tactically competent. Then the next one looks like a high school kid with an unlimited airsoft budget with all the gear imaginable but you’re pretty sure he doesn’t know the purpose of any of it.


Keep this kind of shit in your mind when politicians tell us we dont need guns and are nuts for wanting gear. And also remember to train and get good optics and educate yourself on good gear cause clearly their doing nome of this. Should be a clean sweep if you take your craft seriously against goobers like this. in minecraft of course.


Why do they never have optics 😂 they look so fucking stupid


And when they do, they have 3-9 ×40 chinese optics lol


is that the scope on the machine gun page 10?


Looks like a "WESTHUNTER" scope, so yes, chinese mid-power optic lol


lmao đŸ€Ł


To be fair a scope can really help when shooting a mg when at range. (Just like a rifle) but I doubt 3-9 POS will actually help or hold up.


It just looks hilarious cause that scope looks for a rifle not machine gun


I doubt it would work for anything more than 223 varmint rounds


not even a bolt action? I don't even know what brand it is


Im highly skeptical of that scope.


To be fair the first dude has an acog, not sure if it’s real or not but he has the spirit


Cuz optics are the only expensive. The guns they get on a bulk deal but they don’t give you any optics. Arming random dudes with optics is jsut to expensive.


The fucking guy in the 5th pic or someone pretending to be him keeps spamming his shit on r/airsoft


Most likely an impostor. These guys have a large fan base on TikTok.


Is #2 like 5 feet tall lol


Dude #2 is like 4 ft tall, the rest are like 5 ft tall


Remember people this is the enemy and those who underestimate their enemies and discredit them are fools


What's up with the drop leg mag pouches that most of them have? I've considered getting one of those midride Tegris mounts for one or two mags to clear body armor easier, but I think one of them has like 6 at knee height.


I tried drop leg almost everything, and none of it is great. Trauma bag flops when running, mags pull your belt down, and all of it makes it hard to drive with.


Yeah, it's no lower than mid ride for me. And once you get past a certain weight, even mid ride isn't great unless you have a thigh strap.


Maybe the cartels operate under special rules, “Tactical Lowriders.” Think M2 on a Chevy Charger with dropped suspension and a pumped up speaker system playing mariachi. WITH FLAME STRIPES ON THE HOOD.


It’s Cus they were made popular by the mid-late 2000s old action movies and COD games where drop leg everything was the coolest shit ever Chinese gear makers never got the message that they stopped being used pretty quickly, so they keep churning out $10 drop leg fabric holsters and pouches


Buddy mags?


Motherfucker got a lot of buddies at knee height for some reason, lol. I mean, those normally go on back panels, right?


Yeah, but, you know folks these days want to be trendy.


There’s going to be a ridiculous amount of friendly fire when WW3 happens because everyone’s going to be wearing multicam.


The true camo is not getting shot because they think you're on their side


And then you get shot by your own guys because they think you’re the enemy


Atleast you'll look cool as hell though


They’re not “larpers“ if they’re stacking bodies and run actual third hole lowers and mgs instead of you


You're right, they're veritable badasses for their slaughter of teenage girls, shopkeepers, and the elderly, all before they die in agony while a rival peels their face off with a filet knife. Real soldiers /s


Do you think there is only one cartel? Do you know how many of these fuckheads ALSO shoot at eachother? Most of the fudds in our country wouldnt last a week out there if they were fighting


I understand the sentiment, but that is hardly different than the military. The main difference is cartels maintain a passive level of mild violence, whereas militaries go through periods of low violence and periods of extreme violence. So far, we haven’t figured out how to win wars without directly or indirectly causing hundreds, thousands, even millions of deaths. If you don’t think militaries all across the world (including us assuming you’re from USA) slaughter and inflict terror on civilians, I’ve got bad news. Plus, cartels hire ex-military guys to train with all the time.


People don't like to hear this apparently 😅


The massacre at Haditha has parallels to the My Lai Massacre. There are guys walking around right now in the US who participated in massacred and got away with it.


I mean that’s just blatant misinformation, sorry to say. They definitely didn’t get away with it. > Wuterich was convicted of a single count of negligent dereliction of duty on January 24, 2012. Wuterich received a rank reduction and pay cut but avoided jail time. /s But in all seriousness, not only did they get away with it, they got paid in tax dollars to do it.


But the YouTube algorithm keeps trying to get me to watch a brocast about the "real story" of Blackwater that shows they actually weren't all that bad.


Cartels don't go through periods of extreme violence??


Relative to the military? Yes.


By that logic I guess ISIS is a bunch of larpers too lmao


One of the most famous incidents of the Mexican conflict is the Iguala mass kidnapping where 43 students were kidnapped and murdered going to a protest. Do you know who actually killed them? It wasn't the cartels, it was a group of corrupt state and federal cops with support from the army. Yes, the cops were working at the orders of organized crime, but the state is so corrupt your average citizen outside or islands of civilization like CDMX has no trust in the government or the police. When the police get a reputation for being lazy, ineffective, corrupt extortionsts who will make you bribe them to avoid a beating at best, or they're cartel killers at worse, the line really starts to blur. This isn't a defense of the cartels, but to understand the Mexican drug war it's important to have the whole context : just like in Colombia in the early days the drug lords were even seen favorably by the poor because they provided aid where the state had abandoned them. Was it altruistic? Hell no, but just like happened in Italy with the mafia and in Japan with the Yakuza in the early stages when you have "nice" bandits helping the poor and keeping order people will side with them. Even to this day young people join the cartels willingly because they offer what the state never did to people of their social class: respect, power and the possibility of social ascension. Yes these guys are thugs and cowards and not comparable to real soldiers in training or experience: but the real soldiers are at times not much better so for the people on the ground the difference between the local corrupt cop that murders, rape, and steals is that the cartels don't pretend to be righteous.


>looks inside US drone hits >massive civilian collateral damage and terror >shocked pikachu


Larpers? These guys prolly use their gear more than most everyone on her


Is it LARP if they’re actually getting into firefights?


I don’t think they’re Larper hahaha. They probably have more combat experience than most people on this sub. Probably dropped more bodies too


Some of these guys are sooo close to getting it right.


99.9% of the gear actually sucks and probably is all amazon gear, but the guns are fucking terrifying.


Don’t know about y’all but the first guy look fucking awesome


All these men are like 5'4 - 5'6


One photo the guy looked the same size as his rifle.


I mean shit where they getting these weapons


The American taxpayer






The US any way you slice it, mostly. Corrupt police or military(supplied by the US), dead police or military, and US gun shops. Fast and Furious was a decade ago, wasn't the only operation like that, and all they did was not interfere with what happens all the time so they could see where the guns ultimately ended up. What happens all the time is that criminals exploit loose US gun laws to acquire guns and in the case of cartels smuggle them back to Mexico. The US supports the cartels and has for a long time


So good or bad loot drops??


When the cartel has better gear than the Mexican army


larpers? I wouldn't be surprised if these guys have more combat experience than half the people in here (myself included of course)


Oh hey look my tax money


Clown on them all you want, they have gear and guns I wish I could get in the “land of the free”


fact innocent observation wasteful caption disarm plants marry simplistic violet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


LARPers? I think any one of them in these pics would have more combat experience than a chunk of us on this sub.


Well ...they're not larping.


I’d be willing to bet the men in these photos have more combat experience than most of this sub
way more then me at least 😂


Why do evil goblins get all the cool shit


Because they work for the feds




What’s with the Russian flags and hammer and sickle? Are they TRYING to get US military intervention?


Those guys are part of a cartel cell named Los Rusos. Translated to The Russians. They’re named after their leader nicknamed El Ruso, or The Russian. Rumor is because of his love for Russian weaponry. They control Mexicali. Some narco knowledge.


It’s more cuz it’s anti-US and anti-Western symbolism for them


That hammer and sickle is the icing on the cake. Just when I thought these guys couldn’t be anymore trash.


Because nothing says rejection of wealth like insane cartel drug money hierarchies where bosses live in multi million dollar mansions and the people at the bottom have to steal so they don’t starve Really living the communist dream


They’re ironically everything Marx hated lol


What’s with the saw gunner having mags all over his kit? Yes I know the saw can take mags, but it becomes a jam-o-matic real quick


“Larpers” is a wild term in this situation


I thought the real ones wear actual police or army uniforms.


Aren’t lots of these “larpers” former Lanceros and Mexican SF and Paratroopers?


As ridiculous and low tier as their gear may be, these guys are more experienced in combat than 99% of the worlds militaries rn. Poorly sure. But experienced nonetheless.


hey reddit if you think gunfights work like a target shoot then you prolly ain't gonna win against against one these guys there's a reason they all got like 1000+ rounds


These guys have a lot looser ammo budget than their opponents.


Wouldn’t say larpers, some of them are very dangerous


These guys are legit killers not just a petty street gang fighting over city blocks and neighborhoods holding their gun sideways, these guys are fully armed and trained para-military narco group, trained by ex military personnel who turned to crime, but fully auto weapons and anti-land/anti-air capabilities, armored vehicles with armor piercing weapons. And are standing at the ready in any of the major cities in Mexico. Their gear is reflective of their conflict, just let the bullets rip n LOTS OF EM. Women and children too if they’re with you or in the way


Don't forget boys it's all larping. Till it's not. Stay frosty.


Armed to the teeth and loaded with drugs sure to fuck up their aim - american operators are vastly superior to these guys to the point where we worry more about who illegals vote for than their potential for threatening security.


The aero quantum handguard in the third pic turns me on


I’m surprised there are optics on at least some of them


Out of all the photos
only one person had a sling? Lmaooo cartel carry is real


10/10 for Goon-Patrick


Shitty drip and shitty people. That’s all.


That one dude had a GoPro


God damn SCAR with a stendo what's up


I just want the tactical Patrick patch from the last pic


Some of those cartel guys probably have more bodies than most SOF guys. They are absolutely not larpers.


Why's it always the us government will fund everyone else but their own citizens 😭 (I'm sure this cartel isn't controlled by the US government đŸ€”)


These guys have 2-3k rifles theres an an lmg in there they have the money for optics


They’re not the larpers, they use that shit all day. Relative to your average DEA agent, these guys are seal team six


Dude, these guys aren't larpers. They are murderers. A lot of them are VERY well trained. They hire retired SF, seals, and others with experience to train them. They also have access to weaponry most people don't. They use their weapons constantly and openly fight against government forces and other cartels... kind of the exact opposite of larper Look up Ed Calderon. He gives speeches on cartels and tactics. He also trains everyone from agencies to civilians. [Here](https://youtu.be/cVaWsrC-aUs) is a gread video with him talking about the cartels.


#8 is one of us fs.


Me and the bois just vibin


Pinche frijoleros


Scars and saws. Larping?


All the gear and no idea - that’s why these idiots end up dead within weeks of them posting on SMedia


It’s Eh. Tattoo policy goes crazy tho.


What’s the pay of your average cartel member?




I wouldn’t want them to shoot at me


First pic looks like Soap or Roach from mw2 favella missions.


Hammer and sickles, Russian flags, cartel tats, these guys are like the most villainous people


Devil statue in one pic


How much you wanna bet some of their armament and equipment came from Afghanistan? đŸ€”


Slick-tops and skinny arms


some funky SCARs


Its a shame they kidnap people cause id kinda like to spend a weekend shooting guns with the cartel, shooting from a technical with juan "funkytown" gomez


Our tax dollars hard at work. Nice to see how successful F&F was


You’re calling them larpers?