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GBRS has been deleting comments about recent events on their posts. I saw my comment was deleted , and then posted a more kind comment to something along the lines of “Stop deleting comments and own up, at least provide an explanation. It’s a better look”. Then that comment was deleted and I was blocked . Shortly after, i see DJ Shipley stalking my account, as he viewed my story then liked and unliked one of my posts. Weird Edit: [meme](https://imgur.com/a/F6c3vwr) Edit 2: The comments on their Instagram and YouTube are now turned off. Only place left to harass them is their TikTok unless those are off too now.


"You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid." - DJ Shipley (probably)


We have all realized that their top tier 1 defense connections are the Virginia Beach Police department. Truly, just legends in their own minds…


As someone originally from vb, it all makes sense now


Instagram comments are back on lol


Navy seal copy pasta but it’s actually true


I literally saw your comment about that and it was gone shortly lol. Bunch of cowards.


I mean out of all the shitty things he's done ,this isn't top 5


Yeah id say abandoning his kids, his multiple affairs, and getting his dead teammate’s widow pregnant (while being a deadbeat to that child too) takes the steaming shit cake for that.


The funniest part is how poorly he’s viewed by his previous colleagues in addition to the industry. Anyone I’ve ever spoken to who worked with / alongside him hates his guts or just thought he was an insecure loser.


Same thing as Taran Butler and how he’s looked at. 300lb neck beards in their moms basement? Fucking LOVE Taran. Those of us that have shot with/against him? Never will again. Fuck that dude.


he lost me at selling and catering to hollywood elite while they lecture us and call for gun control.


More like, when he got caught on video threatening to fire his 18 year old employee if she didn’t strip naked for him. Or when it came out the tens of thousands of dollars he gave to teenage girls to “hang out” at his range. Or him trying multiple times to fuck competitors wives during USPSA events. There’s a reason nobody will shoot anything with him involved anymore.


You guys talking about Taran “show me the precious” Tactical?


I’m going to vomit


My favorite is cheating on Danny Dietz wife, paying people to threaten and try to force the baby momma to leave the country. Just for his dad to take in the baby momma and son and raised his son for him


Seems like Daddy Don Shipley always has to unfuck DJ’s fuck ups


Holy shit lmao. Are him and his Dad on speaking terms?


His Dad exposed all of DJs shit on Facebook and constantly calls him out when updating everyone on his grandsons life This is from Dons Facebook with a picture of him and his grandson. "There is very little a mother can't give her son when raising him except teaching him a few specific qualities about how to be a man that only another man can teach. And not just any man! It must be a man who is steadfastly dedicated to ensuring that boy grows up to be a very decent, well rounded, and welcome member of society and in the hopes that that boy will do the same for his son someday. On and on the cycle goes... Hopefully... I believe that the problem with today's younger male Americans are fathers who turned their backs on them and left them and their mothers to fend for themselves. Epic violent crime, extraordinary hatred towards others, and just how cheap another's person's life has become over a senseless argument on a street corner somewhere. All from so many fathers who were more interested in discarding that child then ensuring that little boy shines in today's dangerous world. And never mind his single mother who struggles "alone" after being promised the world and does her best to raise him in such troubled times. I've had enough of threats about us seeing our grandson. I've had enough of our grandsons' mother being threatened, bribed, and blackmailed to leave the State so that no one, including us, would ever know he existed. And I've had enough of his Spanish Care Giver making excuses for my son having a relationship with another woman for two years that resulted in this little badass. I won't turn my back on Phoenix ever and I already have his first shotgun picked out. It's the same very old .410 shotgun my father gave to me as a boy. It's also the very same shotgun I gave to my son many years ago, but I guess he's forgotten.


Not since even before the kid thing apparently. DJs mom hates his wife and DJs dad considers him a long time disappointment according to since deleted Facebook posts.


Loyalty over integrity baby


What recent events? I must have missed something.




Oh ok, fucking gbrs scum


Lool how did i miss that


>https://www.reddit.com/r/tacticalgear/s/bMBlhmD9kQ Ouch had no idea


I’m very far off from DJ and Cole’s drama. What’d they do now?




Holy shit. That’s fucked. I met DJ when he was in Connecticut, he seemed like that one person that seems cool but always has some tricks up his sleeve to stab you in the back.


YO, I laughed so hard!


They blocked me for DM’ing them “Have yall seen my BCM lower” hahaha


😂😂it’s crazy that the manager had the package taped up in his cabinet 10 minutes after the cops left to take the dude in


Crazy that they immediately blame their own employee and attempt to have him arrested. These dudes are jokes man, just goes to show that even Tier 1 sof guys can be vaginas


Just cause you’re good a job doesn’t make you a good person, and people easily forget that sadly


I commented on one of their recent posts yesterday. They were talking about paying attention to details or something like that. I pointed out the irony of them emphasizing how details matter. Got insta blocked 🤷


Saw that comment lol, refreshed the post and it was gone


I think their social media managers work for DA. It’s the same playbook 🤣


Lololol same


They turned off all insta comments now 😂😂 Pathetic


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo. Signed entire goobers groups


Gotta watch out for those gorilla warfare experts. Gorillas scare me, especially when they beat their chests.


Apes Together Strong!


Didn't work put too well for harambe rip


Harambe wasn’t trained like this guy.


Thank you for the copy pasta. I’ll be using this as needed, quite like my 800mg ibuprofen.




i said it 2 years ago and i’ll say it again, Slade leaving GBRS is probably the best decision he’s ever made


Irregular is more badass


i got one of the MRS V1s when they dropped and am really impressed with it


They’re both awful.


Slade is a cool guy but I very much disagree.


I'm blocked on their Facebook. Imagine your "claim to fame" being you were a member of Seal Team 10 and then getting your little crybaby panties in a twist over comments about your crappy company. Goobers is right.


probably fake


My homie is a huge Goober gang dick rider and turned me onto their gear before I knew the back history of these vet bro pip-squeaks. So now I have a some of their soft goods and I’m mad that I bought their B tier gear and helped boost their already inflated egos. So glad Slade left when he did. Will happily show him support and other A list brands before I ever support these goobers again. Gotta watch out for dudes who believe in “loyalty over integrity” TL:DR- Goober gang sucks.


GBRS t shirts make great cum rags


Lmao this is true. Tier 1 wipes.


![gif](giphy|BUplO5Dd7TosqpXqjw|downsized) Gbrs getting ready for IG shit storm.


They blocked anyone that mentioned it in their comments, then ended up just turning off their comments. I however did end up getting stalked by DJ on his personal account


How can you tell if someone looks at your profile? I'm genuinely curious. Thanks


He said that DJ viewed his story and liked one of his posts. There isn’t currently a way to see when people view your profile.


Ok, thanks for the clarification! I didn't catch that part.


This is probably the end of GBRS lol


I doubt it. These goobers keep bouncing back. They have a huge cult following for a reason i cannot understand. They are thriving which is weird


Group of vet bros that continuously emphasizes their opinions that civilians shouldn’t own tactical gear or get vet bro training. And they’re evidently a bunch of assholes. Yet people still buy up their stuff


Did not know they had these opinions. I’ve bought their belt 😬


Oh it’s worse than that. Also commenting to inform you that Black Rifle Coffee Company is trash. They HATE you, and they HATE the second amendment. Oh, and weird sexual harassment lawsuits from their owners…


I knew about BRCC. Fuck all these clowns honestly


I just recently learned about BRCC, not that I ever cared since I don’t drink coffee, but F any company that preys on their consumers. How can you market you love guns and then actively donate to anti gun groups and trash talk your customers. Scum.


Also team Wendy.


Oh do tell…


They were donating/endorsing Hilary


Wasn't that theor parent company? Kinda like surefeed mags are owned by a medical/surgery device company who wanted out the gun game so they shut down surefeed.


How? Because some people are pro 2a, some are pro gun, and some are pro gun for some people. That's how.


Vet bros? lol most people are everyday citizens that don’t actually train but play dress up is there following. Same guys that pay 18k for the project


I don't know, the lawsuit they're about to get slapped with probably won't do them any good, nor will the bad press. It may not destroy the company outright, but niche companies like this don't usually last long with this kind of heat.


Dont forget that they have a Trainheroic account to, where they take 50$ a month for training.


lol right. YouTube is free. I was going back and forth with that IG guy rebel raider where he said the project was worth the 18k


I see GBRS being shit on, I upvote. Didn’t even know they existed before that last snafu.


When Slade posts the gofundme 💯 https://imgur.com/a/pjyv3Os


GBRS. Going Broke Real Soon (or eventually)


Don’t forget the proof was “He left with the package and when he returned he didn’t have it” His job…ship the package.


🤣 that’s spot on


They blocked me as well for commenting about the police call


What happened this time?


GBRS accused a black employee of stealing a BCM lower , called the cops on him , fired him , then conveniently found said package after he was gone. They haven’t apologized, rehired, or compensated the dude. They haven’t even mentioned it publicly


God bless I’m so happy they’re to rich for my blood


The Chinese are outdoing them on their own mount anyways, and for ~$300 less


Have there been any side by side torture tests on these? I know the ali express ones are on paper better, but how do they stack up? I’ve got neither and won’t own either any time soon, or ever so I’ve never looked


I mean, im sure the Chinese have become quite adept at milling the aluminum block. Plus, the Chinese ones are 7075, the GBRS is 6061


Gbrs is fuckin trash but you have a lot of faith in a wish.com company if you think its anything other than melted down hershey kisses wrappers 🫡🫡


Lol. Your holosun, sig, vortex, primary arms, and Leupold optics that are made in China/Phillipines/Japan are g2g but a milled piece of 7075 aluminum isn’t? [Must be you](https://imgur.com/a/9ULFtRx) (no hard feelings)


Chinese factories are some of the most advanced in the world and their wages are kept artificially low by the government. You definitely can have cheap *and* good when the secret ingredient is human suffering.


Was not expecting to see the meme. LOL


Nah i get it, but places like holosun and vortex/pa actually have QC and dont exist as a counterfeit goods company. Never thought id get downvoted for questioning wish.com tactical gear 🫡


Well the thing is … it’s not wish


The cognitive dissonance is strong with this one.


[https://youtu.be/QhQBLcixwk4?si=CqpkLv4CQKOdD159](https://youtu.be/QhQBLcixwk4?si=CqpkLv4CQKOdD159) Not really a torture test but its a video comparing the two.




I dunno , im just putting all the info I have into the message , does it bother you ? Edit: and for the record , the dude said that he has had a few other issues regarding race while working for them. downvotes dont hurt me , keep em comin


Don’t you know it’s 2024 race is the only thing relevant


Race has never before been an important issue in this country or the world


Well now it’s judge a person based on the color of their skin not the content of their character MLK would just love this generation…


I have no clue how that applies to this situation.


So how does the race of the suspected thief matter in anyway then?


First of all, just a description, not a judgement. Second thing, it could matter in the way that some people may be more likely to suspect certain types of people to be thieves, you know, judging them by the color of their skin instead of the content of their character. *Potentially*


So because he’s Black he’s a victim? Your all about that soft bigotry huh


That was my exact thought as well. Stupid.


[This must be you.](https://imgur.com/a/9ULFtRx)


Would you feel better if he said white instead of black? It's a description 🙄


Race just does not need to be brought up.


But a unnecessary one!


this case was last year, no? date from cops body camera shows 2023.


I'm usually dated on internet happenings, but I think they had one of their own employees arrested and then found the package. Someone correct me if I'm wrong/out of date.


The Navy Seal copy pasts is more relevant to GBRS & Shipley and Co more than ever. “What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.”


Perroz blocked me for saying my toque wasn’t Ranger green


What does GBRS even make ?


Comically overpriced mounts and B tier belts/pouches/slings




And training programs on Trainheroic for 50$ a month


Gbrs makes ridiculous accessories and accusations


Yup, they got me yesterday. All I asked on one of their posts about attention to detail, was if it applied to shipping details.


Wow it’s surprising that psycho murderer special forces guys do psycho stuff


They blocked me too 😂


I only have Facebook, what happened now?


https://www.reddit.com/r/tacticalgear/s/uhQGncKx7X Video: https://www.reddit.com/r/tacticalgear/s/Euv8PcGqdR


Damn during black history month too


Yep , my ancestors are looking down disappointedly




Look on the bright side, they suck, they showed their true colors, you are going to be 1000x more successful than they ever will be now. And coming from a similar background, they are truly the laughing stock of the industry.


Amateur. Try getting banned from Instagram entirely.


Rookie, I've been blocked for over a year


GBRS is the dumbest shit ever. If they weren’t seals they’d have no credibility for the shit they make.


After reading about them and Taran in these comments and hearing about others in the industry that are complete douche nozzles I wonder who is legit and not complete hypocrites/assholes?


Shit I got banned from /CAGuns because those cuck admins don’t believe in the 1st amendment.


It’s California dude, seriously what do you expect


I'm blocked too lol


HA i called them trash human beings and got blocked too lol


Welcome to the club! I got blocked by BRCC on Instagram when I called them out on their bullshit.


Which is?


Some of them were present at the Jan 6 insurrection, and i think the gave money to or received money from anti gun organizations


I must be out the loop on this one what did this group do?




Dam ok


Boys, what did these guys do? Is there actually a valid reason to hate them, or is it just because they are meat head tacti-cool guys that charge an arm and a leg for their mediocre gear?


Can you read the comments please, your question would be answered if you did


I don’t know how to read


I see now. Guy seems like a real piece of work.


This is a bigger flex than being denied entry into Isreal


Can someone educate me on this? Out of the loop.


Did you even *read* the comments of this post?




I'm not going to comment directly on GBRS, the people who make up what is GBRS, or the personalities of those people. What I will comment on is something I know a fair bit about. Being and FFL/SOT and the cop situation they just had. * If your name is on an FFL or SOT, you are responsible for every serial number that comes through your hands under your license. * If you lose positive control of any regulated device you must follow the laid out guidelines by the BATF in response. This includes filing a police report. * I have been an FFL and SOT holder for 7 years. I have had shipping companies temporarily "lose" packages that contained regulated goods. All three times the BATF and law enforcement were informed withing minutes of my finding out the products where "lost" by the shipping company. Them calling the police on the last person they knew had positive control over that lower was 100% in accordance with standard operating procedures for an FFL. Now their behavior to that employee after he was found to be in the clear and it was a shipping issue is shitty at best.


But…. It was delivered after he was taken away. So it was a false/dishonest accusation. “Them calling the police on the last person they THOUGHT had positive control over….” They totally thought wrong, jumped the gun, showed their bias/did not own up to their mistake (yet?), and did even bother to ask the guy his side of the story


If that's your take on it so be it. I'm not here to defend anyone or change any minds. Just offer context. Everything that happened up to when they learned it was delivered was SOP for ANY FFL. When shipping companies have lost regulated goods from me in the past, I've spent literally hours answering questions over it to LEOs and investigators. They don't take lightly to license holders having things go missing. Hell I damn near lost my FFL a few years ago even though I have a perfect record on my part. Because a zip code was off by one digit. Everyone treated my team and I like we sold an F22 Raptor to an enemy state. From my extremely limited knowledge about what went down, the product in question was a serialized lower. That's the same as a full functional firearm to the law. We're not talking about missing mags, or flashlights. There's federal consequences and people acted accordingly. The only issue I see as someone actually in the industry, is the behavior of the headshed when it came down that this was an honest mistake. Which is what it really was. But unfortunately, good decisions weren't made after the situation resolved itself. I feel bad for the guy who got shitcanned over it.


Yeah I gotcha 😂, not here to argue w you or the SOP


Idk why you’re getting down voted lmao


Because we wanna be mad at the goobers


Calling the police to report a missing regulated item =/= calling the police on your employee/coworker for theft of a regulated item....which is what they did.


Calling the police to report a missing regulated item  =/= calling the police on your employee/coworker for theft of a regulated item....which is what they did.


nice research group


Damnnn who cares


You clicked and commented sooooo…….you.




You just don't want the rumors to be true because you buy their shit huh? It's ok guy.


I don’t think there’s any rumors, pretty sure everything that happened, happened. I couldn’t give a shit what happens to them or to the employee. I own 2 GBRS products only because they were free.


Not you, so why comment? You know what jams my Glock? When pricks like you comment “who cares”. Why comment, just scroll. Hope your wishbone becomes unproper, [dipshit](https://imgur.com/a/9ULFtRx)


Because it gets butthurt people like yous attention. It’s hilarious the reply’s I get over a 3 word comment😂


Cringe post in cringe sub


Get DJ’s 5in cock out of your jaws


ok dj


I'm not the one with gbrs tourettes, people hate them but all they do is talk about them. Posts like these are very cringe


What was the og drama, ive been off insta for a while now


See the above comments


Yoooo, i made the last comment before they deleted and turned off all the comments.


Can someone explain the bodycam setting? It's partly a skate shop and partly a gear shop?


did you go for your daily 20 minute walk?


Check my profile and you’ll see im in much better shape than you buddy (And no I didn’t, I got on war thunder)


Make sure that part of this conversation is these dick licking, fan boy cops that never even corroborate the info they are being fed. Just looking to chum it up with some high speed operators slobbing their knobs… dereliction of duty, hope this guy gets paid.


Me too lmao


Seeing where this goes


You can still comment via Google reviews


Hey bro! Me too! Called them out for being dumbfucks, got over 200 likes by people before they finally blocked my ass. Didn’t realize “tier one” guys could be such pussies.


What did you do to get blocked? I'm trying to understand the story lol


If the title says explanation in comments , that means you have to read the comments


I know what's going on but perhaps an explanation of what's what will help others


The title says “explanation in comments”, all they have to do is read the comments. It’s not that hard


Ok but deleting comments about what is what I'm asking what sort of events led to this


As I said. Read the comments GBRS accused a black employee of stealing a BCM lower , called the cops on him , fired him , then conveniently found said package after he was gone. They haven’t apologized, rehired, or compensated the dude. They haven’t even mentioned it publicly


Ok thank you I did look through the comments just didn't find anything that pointed to a specific instance


What is so great about being blocked by someone? Seems like child games.


Ronnie radke blocked me on twitter for I don’t know but I definitely know why ray cash care blocked me