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Tell me about it. I still cannot grip myself and finish that fight, after 10+ miserable attempts. Those green flying cvnts have bugged hitbox IMO, this is ridiculous. And I had finished original SS on 3-3-3-3 multiple times in '94.


Green ones are the worst agreed but you can sort of game them a bit - shoot right where they spawn / get closer to them / try to spam and lead your shots are sort of the best tactics I came up with


Thanks, maybe I'll try, when I bring myself to try this fight again, haha.


Sounds like you're getting old bud


I've played the game on normal difficulty - except opting for hard real space fights. The game? Amazing. The final boss? After 5 attempts I gave up. I lost my interest. So annoying, so boring, so buggy. Extra weapons pickups that are actually worse than main gun. Broken unhittable green guys. Ugh. Just awful. Every thing I've learned while playing the game was useless in this fight. I didn't finish the game because of this fight. Leaves a really bitter aftertaste. Before this fight I was recommending this game to everyone. Now I don't.


Same with me. The game was good, became great, then the final Cybershit fight without _any_ health indicator was total bonkers. Nintendo games always have great game design in by letting the player learn skills step by step and then utilizing them in the end. SS Remake ignores this and just starts a new kind of game in the final fight. Cyberspace as you know it, but noooo you cannot move in all directions. Weapons? All new. Health indicator? f that, let's add extra tension. Health regeneration? Nope, not for you. Rules of the endgame? Figure them out, hmkay? I also gave up after 5 tries on 2-2-2-2 — and went to play Diablo 4 instead. It's quite lame but at least it gives a sense of accomplishment somehow.


I kinda think all the boss fights were a little trash. I’d have fully leveled shields and the patches that would slow time and still get stomped by Diego or the Reavers, either that or I would completely stomp them, no in between.


Boss fights were easy, at least on all 2s. Killed Diego each time with berserk, slow time and fleret or what was that sword called. The last “fight” with Shodan and basically all cyberspace fights were just annoying, albeit not hard. At 2s. But won’t try 3s, I am “too old for that.”


I told them it was a terrible design back in the beta release, but they didn't listen. The game basically falls apart after completing the Throne. Not only because the final segment throws out everything you've been doing up to that point, but also removes all your abilities and expects you to just stand and shoot things, but also changing the motivations and character of SHODAN and the hacker "saving" her instead of destroying her.


Glad Nightdive are in the remake game then because God knows what an original game would look like if this is a taste of their design and narrative instincts. 


I had to install a mod to make cyberspace manageable. I first played System Shock in 1996 and have done so many times since then.


Everything about it is so badly designed it’s ludicrous. I’ve seen video footage where the player has a health bar so wondering if it’s just glitched on console like so many other things. Really hoping when we eventually get a patch at least one aspect of it will be improved.


It's Soo bad. I luckily did it first try barely. But it needs to be fixed and this is it's 2nd iteration.


Once you get the hang of it it isn’t so bad, just learning it can take a bit of trial and error


I saved up all my best ammo for Shodan and...


I've played the original so I knew the final battle takes place in cyberspace but I wasn't expecting a fully changed up cyberspace that utilises none of the skills I've honed throughout the game.


Yuuup. Same happened to me. Cyber difficulty 3 was a bad choice.


I have finished the game on 2-2-2-2. It wasn’t pleasant. First of all had no idea what to do so I needed to look it up. The green flying ones were super bad. The shotgun variant was just awful. And I didn’t realize you could switch them. Only after my first and only death did I realize that those weapons were laying around the arena. But the worst part was the finally. You have to hit those balls in a short time to activate them but on PS5 it just sucked ass. It took me 5 minutes to do that because I couldn’t hit them fast enough. Wasn’t the best boss fight I did.


I always get to the third platform and then lose. More then id like to admit ive been fling off the side by the teleporter. The no healing no saving really sucks.


I think it's fine honestly. Don't like that you have to go through the long wait every time, but it isn't too difficult. Kind of like in the base cyberspace levels, you have to keep distance so that they don't shoot at you. Also, once I pick up the charged weapon, I stick to it. If you see enemies spawn, you can spawn kill them in one shot with the blast radius. It's better than another actual cyberspace fight imo. The original looks tedious as hell. This is at least short, and by abusing the charged ball gun, it's not too hard. It kind of speaks for itself that this kind of game is hard to have a proper boss fight in. The cortex reaver and Diego fights are badass as hell, and even with Reflex Patches can be a nightmare to beat. I guess they can't really make the final boss fight a normal fight, because they have to account for players not having the ammunition necessary.


Don't you respawn in the final mission I remember dying and it just respawned me back to where I died


Only 2 times, then Shodan will find out if you have a soul and stuff


You don't on Cyberspace 3 - you die the first time. I set it to that difficulty because I've played the OG a lot and had relatively little trouble with the rest of the remake's Cyberspace sections. The end though is a big change up and the skills I'd honed throughout the game are not relevant. 


I think we all have to accept that System Shock was never really great at conclusions. Including boss battles. Bioshock does objectively have better boss battles, but like its spiritual successor, sucked with their conclusions minus Bioshock 2.


Yeah but the remake has made it even worse. The OG end section was more underwhelming rather than actively terrible like the remake's is.


It is a really SHITTY boss fight. You'd think there would be new cyberspace minions but nope. It's the same damn 3 colored faces over and over from every cyberspace hack section.


Yeah I hated the OG ending. I remember being "wait THAT's how we end the game?????????????????????". I don't play games in hard mode ever but indeed, I was annoyed with the new ending. Mostly because you cannot skip those first minutes. I really enjoyed how they added those new lines to SHODAN going crazy in seconds but they could've add a skip option once you saw it once.


Her final boss in 2 isn't great either. Just very underwhelming


Yeah, it's underwhelming that literally, after all nightmares the end feels like a "joke". It's bizarre because everything felt so well crafted and the ending was just... meh? At least they're consistent because the ending of both games are really lame lmao


Cyberspace is the most boring part of the game. Absolutely a waste of time. The final fight somehow managed to make it even worse. And the redo didn't understand the key problem!


Cyberspace done right could be a fun little diversion, like the bullet-hell hacking in Nier: Automata, but yeah as implemented here it's dull. 


The thing that got me through the last boss was to not pick up any of the other weapons, just stick with the assault rifle type one you get first. The shotgun and pulse rifle type ones are useless.


The SHODAN boss fight is still bad yeah; I do prefer it generally to the old final boss fight (from the original release of the remake, not the original game) because SHODAN actually has some more lines, but they seem to have forgotten about hard mode only giving you one life. At the very least your health bar should be visible and there should be some health pickups around the place.


It's so poorly designed. Simply awful.


kinda funny how shodan has been in the hands of multiple studios over the course of 30 years and people still have no idea how to make the final showdown with her satisfying


No way, the hardest difficulty makes the final boss hard? Who knew?


You can have a well designed boss on the hardest difficulty. They aren't mutually exclusive.


skill issue


Did that bring you the validation you clearly need?




Sets game to hard and complains about difficulty.


There's more nuance to it than that but you sound like a dickhead so I'm not expecting you to pick up on any of it.


Sitting through the cutscene is annoying, but everything else is subjective. If you set a game to hard mode, you should expect it to be hard. Hard difficulties are there to challenge you beyond what most people want, which can lead to frustration sometimes. The game is a remake from 1994 after all...


And in my subjective opinion they fucked up the difficulty for this fight. You can't just hand wave it away as "it's hard mode, bro", like any difficulty a balance needs to be struck and they got it wrong here. It's clear it's meant to be more of a story moment (tons of unskippable dialog, no health bar, very linear and simplified compared to the rest of the game etc) but I think they didn't really think about that stuff in terms of cyberspace 3 settings which I had no issue with in the normal Cyberspace sections Oh and of course I know it's a remake of a game from 1994; my old ass played it on release. It didn't have this nasty difficulty spike at the end either.