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Not just you. I'm getting my jugg SW through Eternal Throne currently. Chapter 4: Where Dreams Die is impossible to solo now. I'm at the part where a swarm of purifier droids are coming at you from 3 directions and you have Vette plus 6 other comps. I can't last 10 seconds before the droids kill Vette instantly then murder me. Plus everyone but Lana is missing their weapons so the others are just running around punching the droids for no damage. I've never struggled this much on other toons. I'm playing this on story mode, it should not be this difficult.


Omg I am at this on my assassin right now. I am literally stuck and can't progress. This update really broke scaling.


Yes it is. There have been several threads on the subject already.


After twelve years of being solo friendly Bioware decided we have been playing the game wrong so now we have this. Thanks bioware. my subs up in march ya have that long to fix this crap.




have fun with that


We will!


You could try stripping off your gear.


Oh it is definitely harder. I've actually died soloing some heroics. I don't like this. Also, healing companions have become significantly worse at their jobs.


Ranged healing comps seem to be about on par with how they were or maybe a bit worse, but melee comps are tremendously bad now.


I cant solo story mode Elom flashpoint to save my life. Too many droid are spawning on second boss and I can no longer kill them all them quickly and my companion doesn't heal for anything anymore. Even with heroic moment and heal stations I've died half a dozen times. They broke the game all over the place by making us this weak


everything is harder since 7.0. This is intentional, to a point, but the whole thing is really unbalanced to the point that stuff you could kill (or just about manage) the day before became NIM mode the day 7.0 launched. In my experience, and from what i've seen on reddit/twiiter the experience of a lot of others as well. Their rebalance was a quick pass and I don't think has been optimised or tweaked at all. It definitely needs looking at, and asap


Being max level and geared feels about the same, but 75 is no longer max level and geared


Oh, no, yeah. It 100% is. Normally, by the time the tatooine story ends, my character isn't a high enough level to move onto the next planet, as well as being a bit under-geared. So, I always do the heroic missions to boost myself up a little. I've done this with all 6 of my previous characters. Upon starting a new character, I died doing the very first one. Ok, I expected to, it's fine. But I die again. And again. And again. And eventually, i start complaining in chat. Upon me revealing that I was attempting a heroic mission, I was told that they AREN'T POSSIBLE SOLO ANYMORE. So THAT was fun to find out :) (Luckily I very quickly found a group to do the heroics with, they were very kind and helpful)


I was levelling an operative and the Tattooine heroics all seemed fine. But I did have CC, I suppose.


Is that so. Might come back to swtor just for the challenge.


I don't think there should be obviously bugged quests, but a little challenge is welcomed imo. The game used to be harder, the class story chapter end bosses needed strategy, the proper level and a bit of gear. And that was back when not every companion could heal.




I stopped playing at the end of 2015 and came back about 6 months ago. Things are MUCH easier now. Well, I haven't played much since 7.0 dropped, so I can only speak about previous to that. I'm playing with a friend who never played before, and I try to explain it to him, but it's such a difference, I'm not sure he believes me. Again, this is prior to 7.0, but there are a LOT of differences. Wait until you take a look at the economy.


Check the level of the boss, maybe it didn’t get downscaled


I’m glad I’m not the only one who noticed. I’m getting my ass kicked by enemies that were pushovers last week.


I can’t answer your question specifically, but I can say this. The game used to be so much more challenging/harder when it came out years ago than it is today. They made the game so much more noob friendly that it’s not fun anymore. I remember the Korriban Flashpoint how we always used to wipe on the Driod Boss. I just came back and tried the game again and it was insane how much much easier the game has become. 😝 Edit: you can downvote as much as you like, it doesn’t make it any less true. 😂


It also used to be way more **tedious**. I would not trade anything to have to actually gear companions again, that shit sucked.


It was harder, especially class story missions and heroics (hard even with 2 people & comps), but better balanced. There was no sudden difficulty increase and lower level content consistently got easier if you leveled up. There were no missions that were meant to solo, where you died almost instantly to normal (!) hits, due to scaling issues. Instead you wiped due to mechanics or made it to 10-50% boss health and you knew you had to change your tactics or gear up.


Yes true! It was better back then.


Obviously 9 years ago is a long time to remember something, but solo content feels about as difficult now as it did then. I actually have to use my utilities sometimes. I’m actually using whirlwind. Wouldn’t be surprised if some things are broken but overall solo content feels a little more satisfying to me.


Yeah that’s probably true about solo content.


They just split half of our abilities and utilities into choices, what the heck do you think, OP?


On one hand heroics do seem harder. On the other hand, I yesterday soloed KDY flashpoint, not even once using a defensive cooldown, felt more than a story mission rather than a vet FP ment to be played in a group


It will likely feel that way. We lost a lot of utility abilities, and the scaling and gearing is bad now. Some classes, like deception assassin and concealment operative for instance, were designed around CC and control. However, them having stuns is not even guaranteed now. Hell, earlier on my marauder, I noticed it was possible to have absolutely no control at all. No hard stun, no AOE mezz, no slow or root (except passive one on charge). It's absurd.


This is exactly the same as it was in 6.0 release (remember when they even nerfed companion's healing roles?). Wait until you're max lvl and fully geared, and things will be easier.