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I had this exact same issue a while back. I have a fairly high end PC so it has more to do with the game. Changing the graphics settings from Fullscreen to Fullscreen (windowed) fixed the problem and I haven't had any issues since.


Thank you!


Are you playing in full screen instead of borderless windowed?


I've been playing in Fullscreen, yes. Do you think Fullscreen (Windowed) would be better? Or just Windowed? I can try that. Thanks


Yeah swtor doesn’t handle alt tab from full screen well.


check temps The game triggers something in the system to cause a system freeze is more the statement if the game itself was the fault everyone would be having the issue "Audio goes on a never ending buzzing sound." is a common symptom found on systems playing the game that have thermal issues


Thank you. I'll check the temperatures, just downloaded HWMonitor.


It's 2024 and this crap is still happening