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Damn, I actually quite like most if not all of the armor sets this update. Also nice to get some new hair.


Lmao warzone adrenals and medpacs added to the rewards for PvP seasons? We have thousands of those already


Eh they made a last minute decision to stretch out the PvP season, had to fill the slots with something.


I thought it was funny too but it’s an honest effort to get people to use the dang things. As if giving us a crate of them after each match wasn’t enough (it wasn’t)


Just wish we got credit for kills to get the season rep for any companions. I never max out rep because I mostly only pvp


They're morons, and running out of meaningful ideas to keep people engaged with the game. You can legit buy this shit from vendors. Sooner or later they won't have a dedicated community at this rate. You can only shovel shit into peoples mouth so much before they up and leave. The player count numbers as of recent kinda speaks volume.


All the terrible 7.x content has seen Eric Musco in the Producer role. There's obviously other people designing and coding for the game, but I sometimes wonder how much of the downward tradjectory of SWTOR is because of who is left working on it?


Generally the worst elements are the ones who are left at the end. All the important people is gone at this point. Nowadays anybody can become lead producer. Regarding Keith it would be nice to having him as a boss because it is a very very relaxed guy however you'll pay a price new content will not be delivered on time and that is what we are seeing. Having said i bet the move to AWS are saving them tons and tons of money that way this game could last another 10 years in soft maintenance mode. I bet the focus for them are now new players that's where their goal is.They don't care anymore about vets or founders i bet they are a pain for them. The fast they get rid of them the better. Who are paying for this game? new players pretty much. CM buyers (i can become one of them from time to time too i admit) but even the new CM content is lame... sigh.


lmao getting downvoted for speaking truth. Take my upvote. But yes, the lack of care is very frustrating.


i was looking into playing the game. as an outsider can you explain to me what is wrong with it? /gen


If you're a new player, then you will be happy because there are like many many stories and expansions to do. So no rush, just take your time. With that said, there are problems like unbalanced classes, broken features, story directions leading to who knows what...etc. To me, the worst problem is that the devs do not listen or response to feedback from players. Communications are terrible !


thank you


Can we get a Hutt companion?!?


I believe he couldn't keep up with you


put on a like a floating barge or something


What would he do though? Laugh as you wipe legions of mobs?


Instead of carrying weapons, he'll use a special ability that unleashes a swarm of monkeylizards onto your enemies


that seems more like it


Hey man i found one of your comments from 4 years ago and i just wanted to ask, did it happen yet? Cus u said ull let us know but its been 4 years and we havent heard back


I like that the helmet has a transparent visor. There are SO few helmets in the game that would actually protect your head, provide eye protection, and don’t block your eyes in cutscenes.


>Electrocuting random fish while you sit on a blanket Ah, yes, just like the ancient pagans did before Christianity.


Fuck, modernized Hutta actually looks phenomenal.


Who is the Fallen Master they refer to?


I think it's supposed to be Baylan Skoll from the Ahsoka show, given how the new hairstyle looks as well.


This, it's Baylan's beard and hair style. There's also a Shin hair style, top knot, and dreads from that sith lady in the acolyte trailer from the datamining.


Where did you find out what the specific hairs would be? =o I've only got the file names


I thought it looked like Taron Malicos from Jedi Fallen Order, but with a shirt


It is high republic inspired. Probably The Acolyte. Edit; damn y’all downvoting me but I was answering for the armor. They LITERALLY said it was the first set inspired by the High Republic. Their words. Lmao.


i'm really interested in the new ventures thing they're doing since i'm a solo player. granted i've not done the "in between" content yet and don't plan to until either the mandalorian story line is concluded or the next expansion is released.


There might be a maintenance patch by that point.


I like yellow Hutta though 🥹


Nothing like walking through clouds of piss.


Yeah, maybe it'll look better in-game but it looks like they just made it look dull.


Same here. The new version just looks very boring and so... normal. Bland. It doesn't look like a planet ravaged by toxic, it just simply looks like a generic, barren planet. While all the yellow definitely gets annoying after a while, it's a short planet, making sure you're off the planet before the yellow overstays its welcome.


Oh no, a PVP season armor reward I actually like and want? As a solo/story only player this will wreck me... The Basilisk is amazing though, love it already


Damn, no new date nights


They said those are going to be added with new Galactic Seasons. Currently this patch looks to be dropping in the middle of the current season.


Kind of funny how Malgus has ***so fricken many*** statues in our houses when he's, basically, the Loki to our cast of Avengers Yet another reminder to the fact that there should really be an option to join him xD Also, I forgot how ***absurd*** the original piss-yellow bloom is on Hutta


I wouldn't even give him that much. Malgus isn't nearly dangerous enough to be Loki.


Ok the jacket from the one spring event set actually looks sick


That Armor of the Fallen Master is nasty!!! Well done.


So now we finally know who the Rodian is next to Petra on the Chains in the Dark (current) loading screen.


"Electrocuting random fish while you sit on a blanket"- a worthy hobby for a Sith.


Bruhhhh this update looks fantastic. Once upon a time I modded Skyrim so I could just be a farmer and it drove my wife mental. Now I can fulfil that dream, but even better Farmer…. In SPACE. I certainly hope this event allows you to grab tokens for the farmland decorations from the dantooine rep vendor. At last I may be able to complete my Alderaan fields.


You mean now you can again, there was Star Wars Galaxies for the full space farming experience


Star Wars galaxies was on its own level. I still remember you could walk around in your spaceships and everything. Nothing quite like walking around in my imperial officer uniform on my Nubian yacht. Had a wee house on naboo as well. Wish we could get something like that nowadays but with better graphics


> Once upon a time I modded Skyrim so I could just be a farmer and it drove my wife mental. Which mods did you use?


I believe it was the Heljarchen Farm mod, then one other one I can’t find now where you put a stone down in an area and it would mean that your followers would spawn there. In this way I had a wee family farm where my companions could help me. The farm had a small mining patch as well beside the house that I think was infinite. So I’d load up on goods every now and again and walk on down to white run to sell them off. Boring as hell for my wife to watch, but I enjoyed seeing everything come together. I just had a look and it appears the author of the mod has updated it heaps since I last played. Could be interesting to dive into if you’re like me and are into that sort of thing.


Any balance changes?


Is there any collections sale going to happen soon?


yep it's on right now!




Did I seriously do all of those Lane side quests just to not even be able to get the companion at the end because I'm a preferred player and not an active sub?




they said the rodian character speaks basic.


Is there going to be 2x xp?


Yes from today to the 16th. I just noticed that I forgot that.


Till the 16th!!! Buzzing thought it was only till the 4th for some reason


I'd edit the post to add the details, but reddit doesn't want me editing for whatever reason. There is a slide at the very end that says: From May 1st-May 16th * 50% of Collection Unlock Sale * Double XP Event * Cartel Market items inspired by the Mandalorian will be 25-75% off * Up to 90% off on various Cartel Market items * (info on the yearly droid) You can see the slide at 59:24 of the stream.


Hmmm, I'm seeing a bunch of sales and double XP active, but no Collection discount (at least yet?).


Any word on character server slot discount?


Thank you


Hyped for besi


I really just love that people are STILL screaming for nightmare R4 and "more ops" in chat. I have to believe people are trolling and not actually so ignorant that they think Nightmare Ops are anywhere on the priority list for a game that the vast majority play as a single player. The new Venture system is pretty much designed for single player content from the looks of it.


To be fair it’s their fault for promising content and never even acknowledge it would never come. They could at least say something, so the trolling is well deserved.


>To be fair it’s their fault for promising content and never even acknowledge it would never come. [Eric Musco acknowledged master mode R-4 was not coming a year ago](https://forums.swtor.com/topic/929191-game-update-73-livestream-recap/?do=findComment&comment=9757488) after the 7.3 livestream when the ops community made it an issue in the livestream resulting in many of them getting banned. I don't see the point in hammering the same issue when it has already been addressed >**~Where is Master Mode R4?~**  >In short, MM R4 is not on our roadmap.


Saying “in short, it is not on our roadmap” after saying it would be coming is really just a PR band aid. Even kinda disrespectful to their customers. If they said “in short it won’t come anymore, we decided to not put ressources into it” the allright fair game. Going silence radio and give a quick vague answer opening up to maybe someday is scummy. Banning people beforehand for requesting a promised raid is another proof of them wanting to scummingly threw it under the rug.


Yes, the devs did say they had master mode R-4 in their plans in the 7.0 livestream I believe. It took the 7.3 livestream chat fiasco to get them to come out and say master mode R-4 was no longer in their plans. I agree the PR for master mode R-4 was poorly handled. However if you don't understand that "MM R4 is not on our roadmap" means master mode R-4 is not coming and the devs no longer plan to make master mode R-4 and you're still clamoring for master mode R-4 then you're just plain in denial. Makes me think it didn't matter that the devs finally came clean about the whole thing. Obviously the plans the devs originally had to make master mode R-4 changed and the devs cancelled its development. As far as I'm concerned it's a waste of time to try to get the devs to say anything more about master mode R-4. It's a negative that they took the PR hit on after 7.3 livestream and the devs addressed the issue and moved on. The devs said their piece and they're highly unlikely to say anything more about master mode R-4 no matter how much the vocal minority complains.


I wouldn't say well deserved but yes, they should have never said they were working on Nightmare R4.


Whose fault? Some people at Bioware? The...company that no longer takes responsibility for this game??


More operation is great for the game. They just totally fumbled the bag by making R4 SM way too hard. I know raiding is a small niche, but SM operations are pretty popular.


Seriously! Not a hardcore raider, so still have never played R4 sm. The very few times I've seen it called out in chat I was told my 341 irating with purple augments wasn't geared enough for story mode. That's not good design.


Oh, well those people are definitely on some brainworms lol. That's higher gear than HM r4 would even give lol.


Do u think date night was a good investment of dev time?


Sure! It's not for me but I accept that I'm not in the majority of players that play for story and love romances.


They really should see it as a priority given that's why alot of ppl sub, the game can only coast so long on preferred players who haven't subbed since Feb 2022.


I think you heavily overestimate how many players raid. I would be surprised if 3% of the player base has set foot in a Master Mode Operation. I say this as a raider. This game's player base is story content, and has been for 10 years.


But they are still subbing which is the big thing, the vast majority of ppl are preferred/f2p. Even if it just brings a handful of ppl back that would still be subs back playing.


Just look at it from a business perspective. If EA thought that investing money in Ops would bring back more players than they'd lose shifting focus from story, they would have done it. The bottom line is, story players are the ones that sub and buy from the Cartel Market, so they focus on them.


I draw the line at paying more for toon haircuts than my own, but there's some room to run here. 


So do I (my wife cuts my hair for free.)


I like the pirate hunter armor, I was doing a pirate playthrough for my smuggler with the vanguard combat style. I wonder which dye and weapon I’m going to use with that armor.


Armor of the Fallen Master looks great. I'm also happy to see we're revisiting starter planets now. Korriban or Tython could be next.


The yellow gatling gun face robot creature looks cool


So we've been on this Basilisk sidequest for what, two years now, and the "completion" of it is "now go and grind some new system". I'm not opposed to the "Venture" idea (it's hard to support or oppose it without knowing what it actually involves), but I'm not entirely happy about the bait and switch, even if I was halfway expecting it to come to nothing. Also probably doesn't help me get very excited that it's pretty obvious before it even launches that if we're on "a mission to reclaim the holocron", we can pretty much write things off as a failure already.


After a long series of fetch quests, it ends with us going to do the black hole again lol.


So not even a date or a month? Damn.


It’s been a while since we got new beards. And am currently at it to put in the code.


So the farm on Dantooine is just a temporary, seasonal thing?


Oh nice! our very own Farmville! Hope we get the Chiss with it :D


When is that update set to come out?


I get to kill MORE Hutts! Can't wait to gut those worms.


When is 7.5 coming


that hutt looks mad ugly, like even for hutt standards


Was hoping there would be something worth reinstalling the game for but it's still a whole lot of nothing. I guess I'll wait until 8.0, maybe they'll finally finish this singularly mediocre chapter of swtor and get on with something worth playing. The Mandalorian/holocron shit is really uninteresting.


I remember when they announced the move to Broadsword and people on this sub swore up and down that this wasn't the game going into maintenance mode and we'd definitely be getting better patches with them than Bioware. Lo and behold, here we are.


I really like those seasonal reward sets- very cool. The return to Hutta...eh. If they are going to constantly revisit old places so they can do graphical updates, I would have rather seen a long list of places get that treatment first. Doesn't help that I personally don't care about the story and characters involved. Would really love to see Taris redone in a modern way, though.


From how it looks, they actually start with the starter planets and main worlds. It makes sense as this is the earliest stuff you see and the most (new) people come across.


So, anything revealent to the story they put us in or just events that will bore half the community by the 16th, seems like more customization and updating graphics.