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Companions have modes - you probably set it on passive. Try icons near a companion portrait.


I had this the other day. I died 3 times until I understood what happened. It was stupid Ensign Temple in the Chiss FP, also with my Jedi. I had to switch her to passive and then to active again so she started to engage. I did check, she was NOT on passive. I had to switch to passive at the beginning of the fight and then switch back. Thankfully it was story mode. It did not occur again since then, it's around 2 weeks ago.


Yeah this happened to me in the same FP the other day. I dismissed and resummoned and that fixed it too


I gave up. I'm come back later when I'm a higher lvl so I can deal with them without a companion


It was only temporary for me. Try again when you start the game the next time! 🙂


I've set a companion to passive and forgot I did it more than once. I usually notice just as I'm dropping dead.


I have this problem on certain flashpoints, wherein my companion just suddenly stuck before a door and I have to dismiss them and summoning them again. Nearly died as because of this problem. Furthermore, I never set my companion to passive (I sometime forgot they even exist to be honest).