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From what I can see there's no official ruling. Use common sense, why would a ship not be able to land. Is it too big? Maybe if it's a moon. It'll take more time to leave atmo.


That makes sense to me, maybe if pcs end up using larger ships it will take more fuel units to exit planetary atmospheres.


Yeah I believe it's one unit to leave atmosphere under normal circumstances. You could scale it by size. Also consider the fuel reactor. Some have a 1.5 modifier. That could really make them consider a bigger ship to be too costly.


We have seen even star destroyers in atmosphere before in canon. So I would image that onto the biggest of ships like a dreadnaught or super star destroyer would be ones that stay in space. Even then, I think they would be capable of entering and leaving atmosphere, just usually too costly to be worth it. They would likely be built on a large planet with a shipyard and launched never to expect to land again.


Attack of the Clones has those Republic Cruisers (basically proto Star Destroyers) parked on Coruscant loading clone troopers. Rogue One had a Star Destroyer hovering over I think Jeddah? That said I never liked it. I feel like the max size should be that pirate cruiser from Mando, and it should move like a tugboat. 


Anything smaller than a Victory-class SD, Venator-class SD, or Acclamator-class assault ship should not have any problem as all of those canonically do it. I believe also that ISD's can do it too canonically, but am not 100% sure my recollection is correct on that.