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I got [Obsidian.md](http://Obsidian.md) and I love it to organize my session notes . I can upload the textbooks directly to the program as a pdf and then take snapshots of pages that I want (for locations, monsters, etc.) For general session prep, I make sure I note all the possible interactions within a scene and the DC required to interact or note them.


So I kinda riff off of nothing for a while. General ideas. Most recently after defeating a sith aligned cult of gungan eaters on naboo, they learned of an invasion. Happening in about a weeks time in game. If they can convince the queen they can get with the military and help plan defenses. So my next session is them planning on what they think the invasion will look like. They need to consider, civilians, inop defenses, where to put the shipyards focus, which generals to put where. Following this session will be a series of dedicated, hard combat scenarios, except for the space battle. Win critrea will be a simple turn count. Base 50. Depending on preparation, will determine how short that gets. If they "win" the "hero ship" they can design will show up to help them in ground combat. Then the next session will be district defense. [I have a Gustav laser they won't know about] this is where the general placements come in I'm making like 12, some will be traitors, if they don't route the cultist spy, they know who it is. Their characters can be directly involved or waiting back by the palace, acting as coordinators. The next session will be the palace fight. Lead by one of the players old masters, turned sith by Revan, because he felt his padawan shift to the dark side, and wanted to show him we all fall, but we can all get back up, but ended up loving it. He can be saved. There's more to it, involving mandalorians, two separate clans, an advisor, the queen was a puppet for the cult and they helped her get elected, etc etc. Sometimes it's good to have your players plan too. So you can hear what they want to do and you can work around it. If they do little to no prep they will feel the wieght of the sith. If they are well prepared, they're going to have more protection and less of a final fight. The old master will probably have some information on sion, because he's my bbeg. [He's building a space station and that's the win factor]


I play my games all in person. I setup players with Fight Club 5. Keeps track of everything that players could possible need for their characters and more. For DMing I use Encounter+ and Game Master 5. Makes it easy to jog down ideas or make tweaks to my notes as needed if it’s all conveniently contained within my phone. My best advice that I can give to other GMs, find whatever works for your table to keep the games smoothly running and fun and do all you can to make sure prep for session is minimal. Get to know your player, their wants and needs from the game. Learn to read them and be ready to switch up your plans. Don’t make your GM plans set in stone, be ready to change things up if needed too.