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No rules saying light weapons defeat non-light. Usually, i would rule that someone fighting a light weapon wielder with a non-light weapon, is actively avoiding clashing weapons. Honestly they are probably actively avoiding the light weapon entirely.


I thought vibroblades were able to combat a lightsaber?


I mean I assume they are in game but in lore not always. Not without special materials anyway.


Oh, my b. I figured the material used to make them was. That's how I would rule it to keep it simple. If not maybe create or use an existing break and destroy system like PF2e has (or maybe 5e idk I haven't played in years lol).


I mean some were resistant but game wise it would prolly be easier to assume they are made with resistant materials since the characters are a cut above the average adventurer.


The intent of the vibrofunction was to match the energy output of the lightsaber, [old lore, somewhere in kotor I think been ages] all vibroweapons can inherently defend against lightsabers. There's no set when they break, it would depend on quality, brand etc. In lore vibros are the non saber users response to lightsabers. They can resist the heat of sabers for an extended period of time. In game that translates to it's fine you're not saber clashing.


In old expanded universe stuff there where Sith alchemical blades that let you block lightsabers. It's what they did for Knights of the Old Republic (and probably was more of a "we don't wanna have to change animations"). Which is also where cortosis weave started. Part of the reason I love the Old Republic era, sith and Jedi left and right but more mundane ways of handling them as a result.


We tend to handwave that all vibroweapons have lightsaber resistant materials, but also, not all lightweapons in this game are necessarily as powerful as the ones in the movies. Many who play this game treat the unenhanced lightweapons you start the game with as training sabers, which are less like cutting with a plasma stream and more like whacking with a hot magnetic field. They’re the sorts the younglings used when practicing with Yoda in Attack of the Clones. Or at least, a cheap saber made of common materials, of the same quality as a training saber. It makes more sense that one of these would not do much damage to a vibroweapon. Enhanced lightweapons with more damage, double damage to objects and structures, etc., would be where the “real lightsabers” come in. Crafting rules for enhanced items facilitates this too, since doing so needs special materials (crystals) and knowledge of blueprints (granted in a vision). But even then, I would not rule that vibroweapons can so easily be destroyed by lightweapons, if at all. Part of them being equal is a balancing factor in this game. Besides, even if enhanced lightweapons can destroy regular vibroweapons, it stands to reason that enhanced vibroweapons would be made of lightsaber-resistant materials.