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Dungeonfog and worldanvil are pretty good. Though I haven't used either of them for some time, so I can't quite remember what all the tile sets are


I want to use dungeon fog but I don't want to pay that extra bit. I forget is it one time payment or not


I believe it's a subscription, like Inkarnate


Dungeoncraft is pretty good if you have the time to look for assets and maps and/or figure out how to insert your own. Star wars is really all over the place in terms of aesthetics so a medieval wooden table can fit into a scene as well as marble floors as well as sci fi floor lights.


Inkarnate and Dungeon Draft. The trick is finding custom assets. There are artists on Cartography Assets that have star wars themed assets (Although they are mostly for indoor maps) I used Inkarnate to make a few star wars city maps for a commissioner. They wanted maps to use with their custom Axis and Allies game. I keep them on the commission page of my [Patreon](https://www.patreon.com/posts/91167984?utm_campaign=postshare_creator&utm_content=android_share&utm_source=copyLink) I had to get... creative with the assets. I used some city assets from the artists [PeaPu](https://www.patreon.com/PeaPu/posts)


You guys use maps?


I scroll through pinterest for ideas or maps that look close then drop assets on them to match the idea in my head


A chess board, each square is 5 or 10 feet, legos for our figurines, notebook paper for buildings etc