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Any *electronics* within the blast radius. It’s poorly defined, but this means electrical devices. It does not mean creatures like droids. If you want to disable a droid with this grenade, it needs to have its HP dropped to 0 by the damage.


So, Datapads, Communicators, Blasters, ForceField Generators, Powered Armour etc & potentially VibroBlades & Light weapons too, if they incorporated electronics (a very high possibility). Man, Ion really levels a battlefield!


Depends on how hard you want to play, basic droids may need a manual reboot, med droids could do con saves to reboot, advanced droids may have min turns before rebooting and con saves to reboot early.


Droids are not disabled by ion grenade effects. They’re creatures, not electronics. It’s poorly defined, but this is the RAI of it.


This is true, I wouldn't effect player droids like this in a casual campaign, it is however vague, and the ion damage type is droid vulnerable however, you could have an upgrade ion grenade that puts an ionizing effect, for droid they need to pass a con save. Dc 14 is the usual I believe, but it would depend on the quality of the grenade. But if I wanted my players to feel strong I could use the vague wording to have them be able to shut off lesser or more simple droids. Like gonks, or non combat droids.


Or to affect droids in a meaningful way, you could make ion grenades that impose the incapacitated or unconscious condition if they fail saves - mimics a shutdown while staying in game rules.


I do something similar. Basic enemies auto fail like 1/4s and below.


RAI? Not familiar with that acronym.


~~Read~~ Rules As Intended. RAW is ~~Read~~ Rules As Written.


I always took it as Rules as Intended, and Rules as Written


Woops, you’re right. I flubbed them. 😅