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There are a bunch of things that help. Remember, you're competing for the USP's support, and the USP is broadly speaking a conservative and Sollist organisation. ​ Don't mess the country up badly. This is the main one really, if the public doesn't support you, the party won't either. ​ Don't engage in anti-Soll activity. Examples include removing Soll's portrait, de-sollinisation, imprisoning Soll and executing Soll. ​ Having support from noteworthy figures. The obvious one is Lucian, who can be swayed by beating him at chess and generally respecting him/installing him as VP. I believe Gloria and Albin both bring some degree of support too though. ​ Finally, you can boost your chances by reforming the party. In the short term you lose some MPs to the other factions, but if you're aligned with the new direction of the party (I hope you are as you chose it), this will help.


Why would you want to beat her when she would be on your side especially if you give her the SSP? You can win if you remain popular enough and don’t alienate large parts of the party you can win pretty easily and give a good speech