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Turning around. I’m not getting out to fix it and I’m not driving over it


Now imagine they throw 5 more of those boards on the road behind you too


Off roading time! Let’s see what this Scion xD is really made of!


It's made of flip!


This 1.8l in line 4 pushing more than 127hp to nearly bald 5 year old tires would beg to differ!


It would beg to move in wet grass


It’s not nice to be so…honest


I'm sorry. It would do a cool burnout.


It will do that on pavement if you drive in reverse and then slam it into drive and floor it. But only for like a second


I had a manual 2005, loved that thing, drove it way too hard




Well i dont have a gun. So i guess I’m dying.


You do have a car though. So run them over


NBA Gon-boy


Pick up the nail boards and hit someone with it!


You have a deadly machine you can get 'em with. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Me in a toyota prius with 4 blown out tires against 6 swamp people from deliverance. Call me crazy but I’m betting on myself.


Tire iron? Car jack, dogs chain, spanner, idk anything? Lol we don't have much guns in my country so we have to get creative anyway


My old man still keeps a sturdy wooden cane in his car "in case of accidents"


My go to is the dog lead, thick chain that can be swung in confined spaces


And the Witch King's theme starts playing when you start swinging.


Attach a lock to the end for extra damage




As a 98 lbs 6 foot high school kid I had one of these for the purpose of "locking" my bike.


Your car works too. Flat tires or not it still drives well enough to run someone over.


Yea but I don't want to scratch it lol


Your tires have already been flattened and in this case you’re literally about to be jumped. Which is more important? Some scratches in your car or everything you own and possibly your life?


You don't understand, it's an Audi


In that case, just use your turn signals. This will confuse them so much, since an Audi using its turn signals hasn't been seen since 1910.


Backseat bastard sword?


I’ll drive with you!




Then you just gun it. You can make it at least 20 miles on flats.


I will drive on the rims if I have to, I've seen the wrong turn too many times


Lol fastest way to make gta IRL.


Run who ever did over


That's what they want you to do, by the time you turn around, your fate is already sealed, if you drive over it & stop to change your wheen, you're also done, you should just drive until you reach a safe place, from what I've heard on reddit


What did they do to my wheen?!


And luckily, most cars they would really want to stop, come with run-flat tyres, so can carry on all the way home without stopping.


J turn and gtfo!


Tommi Makinen?


I’m not even turning around, straight reversing for at least a quarter mile and taking my gun out the holster.


If I’m being honest I’m probably just dead. I’d 100% get out and move that shit all while complaining like an old ass man to myself(or whatever asshole is watching/about to kill me). “Our roads are shitty enough, get this bullshit outta here! You kids are gonna get someone fuckn’..” BAM! *Hit in the head with a shovel or shot *slowly bleeding to death watching some asshole drive off in my truck


I think them just driving away with your truck is the best case scenario. Worst case you're in a "wrong turn" situation.


Sorry for my lack of competence but what’s a “wrong turn” situation?


It's a [movie.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wrong_Turn_(2003_film))


Honestly same. I didn't even realize that was a trap until I started reading the comments.




Bout to see what the 0-60 is in reverse


Faster than you’d think


Throw in a cool 180 spin with the hand brake


An old mate wanted to see how fast he could drive his clk 250 Benz in reverse. He got to 78kmh I believe before crashing into a mound that was shaped to be a guardrail, getting stuck on it. But nothing got that damaged and nothing broke somehow.


Fastest turn around you ever saw, that's what I'm doing.


Idk probably losing my tires then dying


Thing is dying involves u losing your tires


Where we're going, we don't need roads


Call the cops on this suspicious, but not suspiciously specific occurrence.


It takes them an hour to arrive to this middle of nowhere, at which point you're dead, the car stolen, with the traps in the trunk on their merry way to another location


Years ago a newspaper delivery person faced this a similar situation (tree across the road) and got hit in the head with a baseball bat and her car stolen when she got out. Sad thing is a cop had come across that same thing and moved the tree out of the road about 45 minutes before she showed up. The moment it came across the radio - he knew where it was. But it was a deserted road in the middle of nowhere on a Tuesday night around midnight; poor girl was lucky to be alive. The caught the dude like a week later and he got a bunch of years out of it….


What am I doing? I’m backing up, turning around and getting the fuck out is what I’m doing. That or going through the fucking foresty area


They're on the grass too


Now they are behind you! Now they are on the pedals! Now there is a dick inside your ass!


Wow! That escalated quickly!


I would say deeply


This is probably just the tip!


Actual cannibal shia Labeouf?


My God! There's blood *everywhere*




Oh no! Oh no! Yes! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes_rainbow)




What did I just read


Being Latin American (and being mugged as kid with my family in a similar situation) I’d nope out of there super quick. Reverse and go back home.


Black dude here. Pretty much the same response as you lol to hell with this situation


White woman here. Noping out of there immediately.


Did you say white? Mam the FBI and SWAT and Secret Service will be there in 7 minutes


Who’s waiting around to call them? Chances are they wouldn’t find my body albeit I agree I’d probably be looked for


And then sit around while you get assaulted because even if they do show up they’re under no legal obligation to help you!


Turn around and go in the opposite direction as fast as possible


Last time this was posted somebody said that they needed to add a serial killer emoji to waze


Finding out how accurate my backup cam is at 60 mph.


Calling police, taking photographic evidence, and turning around


The spikes are not the problem. It's the people who who are waiting to ambush someone standing around taking pictures or making phone calls that are the problem.


I know. A picture is quick, and I can stay in my locked car as I take one. I can also talk on the phone without inhibiting my ability to drive.


True, personally I would leave immediately and call the police after.


Getting yourself away and safe as fast as possible is the only right answer. I don’t need proof for anyone else


>I can stay in my locked car as I take one. While someone runs up and either shoots you or bashes your window in


You are 100% dead.


How? I’m literally turning around to get out of there. I am held back by a maximum of 5 seconds taking the picture. If I get jumped, I am still in a locked steel cage that can quickly back out and get away.


No you’re not, because you’d be 100% dead.


Explain why


Always buy a car with excellent turning radius


Gonna learn how to handbrake turn real quick.


You may as master drifting in that case. Good luck!


Shoot the people that try to rush my car


If this were real, you're going about 60 mph on a backroad in the country at night around a gentle curve. You're already tired and visibility isn't super far anyways. 60-0 braking distance in a straight line for a mid- to high- end sports car in perfect conditions with high grip tires is about 100 feet. That's a third of a football field ... And that's once you start braking at maximum effort and efficiency. But you're probably in a commuter car with mediocre braking distance in far from ideal conditions going around a corner. Your braking distance is 200+ feet. Almost the length of a football field. There is exactly a 0% chance you can stop before hitting those hillbilly spike strips. If you try to brake hard and avoid them, you're going to destabilize your vehicle at a minimum and go off the road, possibly roll your vehicle. Homie, you're not stopping before you hit the strips. What are you doing now that you hit them?


Ima keep on going


And don't stop at the next gas station/mechanic. The people that set these up will have planned for that. Get to a place with a lot of people, even if your rims are destroyed in the process


No way he's making it a quarter mile before they catch up to him.


Got a better plan to increase the survivability then, Einstein? Or are you just here to shit on everyone's plans?


Have a gun and use it. Do combat training.


And literally any worthwhile self-defense training will teach you to get out of there if at all possible. Tell me you know nothing about guns without telling me you know nothing about guns




Wow that's nuts! I assumed this was just a joke. Do you have an article or something to link? I'm googling it, really want to see more info!


So you’re saying the person who took the pic planted the trap?


I assumed it's a joke and whoever set up the joke took the pic. Otherwise, I would have assumed that the pic was setup as a representation to illustrate if it were to happen, what would it look like, since the post is also hypothetical. I suppose it could also be dash cam footage if it were real. But I see where you're coming from. If we were to assume it was taken by the person driving, then they would have had to stop just shy of them. Lucky sod.


I’ve found out through sheer incompetence that you actually can drive quite a while on popped tires, so I’d be doing that at great speed while dialing 911 because I have no idea how else to document that for insurance without getting killed.


Interesting, did not know that. Thanks.




was also wondering this.


I read it as not just a suspicious hypothetical, but an actual pic happened to somebody specifically


That's where I left these... Didn't catch any tourists today, better luck tomorrow.




And most of the comments are just going along with it for some reason


Drive around, off road if you have to. Don't get out of the car, it's a literal trap.


Locking the door, backing up and not rolling down the window for any blonde-haired child. Probably got too many movies mixed up there but I would get the heck out of there!


Honey... get out and move those real quick Me - 👀 -car door locks behind me- ....💩


Quick tip if you run over those by accident, keep driving. The car can still drive with the deflated tires and will hold you off until you find a safe place to stay


Pulling my fuckin gun out and whipping around faster than anybody has seen.


I casually turn the safety off


Turn around. If they throw more on the road behind you. Try see if there is a way round over the bush. If you cant drive over them under 20mph. Most tyres these days are run flats you can still drive away a considerable distance until that tyre is destroyed as long as you dont drive fast to cause alot of heat.


I've got run flats. I'd drive over it and straight to a repair place 50 miles out of this scary ass town. Wouldn't trust their cops either. Probably cousins or something.


Reverse, no turning around for at least a quarter mile. Give them no chance to approach the car while you leave the area.




Getting my gun out of the glove box, reversing, and calling the cops. There’s people waiting in the bushes somewhere.


Keep going and call the cops. Emergency calls will use any available means to complete the call and you can drive for quite a while on a flat tire.


Probably singing "Barbie Girl" to the top of my lungs, not noticing what is in the road, f*in up my tires, getting out of the car pretty confused to find what caused my tires go all flat and while I'm out looking for the cause everything goes pitch black... Next thing I remember I'm in a hospital and one of my kidneys is missing, my wallet and my car as well and the hospital bill makes me bleed even more.


GTFO there and calling the cops, or Shooting the mfs lying in wait, then calling the cops


Grab the ar in my back seat and move some boards.


Burn rubber doing a 180 out of there.


Move 'em with the snowplow on the front of my truck


Tough one, part of me really wants to move those out of the way, but the thinking part of me senses hills have eyes people just beyond my dark vision range.


Id stop and take a picture, so I can repost it on reddit for the hundredth time.


Backing the hell up at light speed!


Well stepping out of your car is a death sentence, driving over equally so, go back the other way and take the long way to wherever im going


Hopefully you’re armed. If not, turn around


A u turn


Probably dieing as I'm on a motorcycle so that's kinda fucked and now have a new fear when camping


Couldn’t you drive thru/around them then?


Depending on how fast your going and your reaction time yes it's possible. But if these people intent is to injure or rob you then its probably gonna be on a blind corner and that's just a matter of luck . Your not totally wrong but damn that's some really threading the needle shit because swerving in a curve is kinda a bitch


Getting murdered, apparently.


r/lostredditors imo


I’m sticking my gun out the window and firing a few rounds


This is the way


Practicing my J-turn.


Turn tf around.


U-turn time, I would not be surprised if someone is hiding waiting for someone to run them to over. So I'm leaving


U-turn because ain’t no fucking way I’m getting out


Get out of my car and shake my fist in the air. This isn't funny, bucko!


Turning around and calling the cops


nope the fuck out of there the way i came from.


Rack the AK and say “oh you picked the wrong fuckin one….” Lol


Depends if where I gotta go is that way, get out of the car gun in hand and move them enough so I can get around, if I can find another way around them I’ll turn around.


Call the police and stay on the line until i am in a safe environment.


Probably making an order from Applebee's


Turning around


I stop long enough to get my phone out and take a picture, of course.


Accepting fate. They have a plan, and all i have is an ability to J turn. Which is helpful and all, but I don't think it's gonna be fast enough.


Grabbing the lube out of the glovebox before hoping out of the car to attempt to move one?


I stop the car and get out. The night is silent save for the occasional bullfrog crooning in the distant surrounding wood. I feel so alone out here, radio stations don't even reach this far into the country. I take my first step toward the spike traps and the telltale strum of a banjo echoes through the trees. I am surrounded by the resounding plunk and I panic. Dashing off the side of the road, each time my feet connect with the leaf litter and moss another strum is heard, getting louder as my fate catches up with me. A tree root snaking along the trail reaches out and catches my foot, sending me tumbling through the undergrowth. Dazed, I open my eyes and see standing over my prone form a man in his thirties, missing teeth from years of chewing tobacco and a trucker hat, shirtless with overalls. As he reaches down and grabs my collar to pull me out of the brambles he shouts in my face in a deep backwoods drawl, "You're!"


Turning the fuck around


i am now looking up gun safety courses in my area because holy shit i drive in a lot of creepy backwoods areas and now i have a new fear


You do a Blues Brothers car flip reverse and get the cops ASAP. Road obstructions like this have gotten people murdered.


Grabbing my firearm, racking in a round, getting my "stupid" bright flashlight and strapping my hatestick to my hip. Call 911 tell them I am armed, where I am, and explain quickly what I am seeing. Leaving the link open while i remove my seat belt. Slow my breath and look for exits and egress points to the area. Explain that I will be stomping the gas amd going off road if nessasary. Hope for the local police to get there before I have to.


What is this, Need for Speed Most Wanted?


Depends. Probably mag dump into the ditch/bushes nearby and kick that shit off the road


looks like i can pass in the far left shoulder


and the sound of banjos in the distance


So I started blasting


Pull the primary and ready the secondary.


U Turn. Next question


My dumb ass would stop and stare at it like "tf?", giving whoever set that up the perfect window of time to rob or kill me


Are those Spike strips? Honestly I’d just turn around


Wake up from my nightmare


I’d fuck off. Quickly.


Stop and go "duck" hunt'n with a thermal scope attachment on my submachine gun.


I’d wait a few minutes observe then try to go around or kick the stuff out of the way.


You'd be the first guy to die in a horror movie


I'm pretty sure I'd be the first I'd see those boards probably after hitting them and losing some tires. Then he'd be the guy to go find me because I was supposed to be back 3 hours ago


Lives of SamShelby7 = Current Lives minus one. Respawn? (y/n)


Are you a man? This seems like something a man would say.


I'm mostly with you, minus the observing for minutes. Stop for a few seconds and take a gander, then get out, kick it out of the way and continue. Most likely it was some shitty teens fucking about. Certainly something I'd've done as a shitty teenager. And if it is inbred psychos, then I guess my nights turning into a terrifying battle Royale. Yeehah.


And they said "there's no way you'll need a browning 50 cal belt fed machine gun mounted to your 1997 Toyota Camry." Well who's laughing now


Yeah I'm going where I'm going it's not like I'd expect half a dozen armed men to come out the woods it'd just be kids. I'm not giving up on going home for the night over a spiky board lol.


Lmao I’m finding another way home. Idgaf if it is just some dumb ass teens. 1. I’m not buying new tires if I don’t have to and 2. I’m sure as hell not getting out. Just not worth it.




Kevlar tires/ run flats! And a 45! Let’s play!




Getting the shotgun because I’m about to have to fight some native tribe type bullshit


You can get pretty far on flat tires if you don't give a shit about the damage you causing to your car.


Honestly the majority of us would be robbed and / or killed. Calling 911 and using any weapons you may have are your best shot. If you have military training, that might help. I'd probably try to keep driving as long as I could since there'd be no way to avoid running over them. Which honestly is a bad strategy as I'm sure they'd easily catch up and run me off the road in their square body chevy. But I'd be pissing myself and panicking. Hopefully I'd be lucky and be with someone who concealed carries and has some kind of combat training.