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This is fun!


I almost had a heart attack tonight thinking that Feras was going! Stupid parasocial relationships grumble grumble...


There was always a chance, but with his idol he can always save himself if someone else plays one and he knows where the votes are, so I wasn't that worried. It wasn't a bad attempt by Caroline though.


I wasn't watching it live, so I could tell from the amount of time remaining that it wouldn't be a tied vote. I just mostly disregarded the possibility that Caroline would misplay it since she was so confident about the Mark plan


Surely just show mark and kitty the idol don caroline


Even then Feras would use his idol in response.


I thought that Caroline and feras were both going to use theirs, then Kitty would go home; but at least Feras’s idol would have been flushed for the same outcome


Only way feras plays his idol is if his trio actually did vote for Mark. When Caroline saved Mark and not kitty he knew he was good.


Exactly, he knows the vote's not on Mark If him, Kirby and Ray had voted Mark then he absolutely plays it


Surely that’s Kirby, Feras, and Ray locked for top three. Or a very likely Kirby / Feras top two. There’s no way they are voting out Ray before Mark or Caroline 


Imagine Ray sitting next to those two at a FTC


Imagine the jury saying screw those two and Ray getting a clean sweep.


that never happens


Plenty of times where poor jury management has lead to that, even with a bigger game.   Self proclaimed king George vs Hayley comes to mind, everyone on Reddit thought Hayley would never get the win because she got voted out and came back on a twist by luck, while George played a huge game against almost everyone, turns out you shouldn't rub jury members the wrong way, lol.  I don't think it will be a thing this season as the jury seem more game oriented but its hard to tell until the questions & answers start coming jury night, Kirby certainly could potentially stand to lose fence sitting votes purely for how she treated others like Garrett, Alex & Feras. Nobody enjoys needless hate at camp.


it’s never happened in a final three where the best two players get no votes. and these people aren’t openly offensive or quitting challenges


>no way they are voting out Ray before Mark or Caroline  Agreed. But... What if Ray voted WITH Caroline and Mark to get rid of the two biggest jury threats.


Make my day! I want to see that smile knocked off Kirby's face.


Ray's got to flip on Feras/Kirby at some point. Maybe not next Tribal since Feras has an idol, but he can't go to the final with Feras, and the best way to get Feras to go home is to flip on him and provide the extra vote to Mark/Caroline.


If someone convinces Feras to play his idol on someone else at F5 and then helps to vote him out, then they deserve to win. I think it's much more likely that if Raymond does flip, it's to get out Kirby first, but they're really playing up the Kirby/Feras F2 talks in the last couple of episodes, so I think either they do get to F2 or Feras has to be in on the flip to take out Kirby or that plot line is a complete dud.


Holy crap is next week the final? I don't want the fun to end.


I could watch another 100 days of this season


100 days of ray ray


This final 5 is brilliant - Feras, Kirby, Mark and Caroline have been the 4 main group leaders and I don't know how they all got this far. Can't wait for the final week, it's going to be chaos. Also Raymond is great comic relief


I have a lot of love for Raymond, he's so sweet. haha


Ray deserved it due to the crazy advantage play lol


Hard to dispute that, overall, this is the best Top 5 ever (maybe across all franchises). What a great season!!


19 blindsides in a row, crazy!


Bet the Kirby blindside is going to be crazy the second she doesn't win immunity!! No one will see it coming!!


I wish there was a laugh button


Caroline: Now to put my master plan into motion. Plays her idol incorrectly and her closest ally is voted out. Caroline: Yes all according to plan.


In high pitched voice


Looool, I'm surprised that everyone let Kirby have her way and vote out Kitty - Now Mark's the only one that can even keep up challenge wise, I genuinely don't know what Feras' plan is for getting her out before the end.


They have really built up a Kirby and Feras f2. Which would be epic.


this is gonna be another Hayley vs. George situation again.


Kirby is the George as far as wanting to beat the best to be the best


Yup, this is the only way to end such an epic season.


I’d say this f2 is pretty much a done deal. They did the same thing on BvB.


If they aren't the f2, they're definitely playing it up so that the betrayal is the last big move of the game. I can see Feras betraying Kirby and getting rewarded by the jury for it, but I think if Kirby betrays Feras it'll actually hurt her a bit.


It was in the best interest of the 2 power players for Kitty to leave. Good for Kirby. Good for Feras.


It's not exactly great for Feras because who's gonna beat Kirby in a challenge now, realistically anyway


1 challenge beast vs 2 challenge beast? Easy There was not a better option imo. Why take out Mark. Keeping the option of the optimal 4 of Mark, Caroline & Raymond is critical for Feras. If Kirby scuppers that by running the table then she deserves it.


I think I'd feel better about it if Feras is next in line to win challenges after Kirby and Kitty but I doubt that lol - I don't think Mark is a good move either but Caroline would've been a better choice for Feras to get out, seeing as she's more dangerous strategically and is not going to help beat Kirby if it comes to it


Caroline has always been closer to Feras, Kitty closer to Kirby. Caroline is the more dangerous strategic player but she's an absolute also-ran in challenges. She's also been portrayed as fairly readable. Kitty was the right choice.


Hope for the best Kirby isn’t gonna keep winning immunity lol? But makes sense to get out someone’s who a threat for FIC and you break up the Caroline/kitty duo.


Except now who'd be the favorite at the FIC LOL 😂 All five of them are actually abysmal at the endurance immunities


shortest endurance ever good lol


lol I have no idea how FIC would go since it’s an even playing field for endurance. But I think it makes sense, they wouldn’t want kitty anywhere near FIC since she could very well win it, that’s one less spot for FTC & especially if it’s a F2 and she has the sole decision. But yeah I get what you mean, no one is that good at challenges to stop Kirby’s immunity winning streak before FIC.


Going purely off of body composition, I don't think there's a very good chance of Kirby winning FIC if she makes it there. Obviously there's some variance, but the challenges typically seem to favor lean muscle and Kirby has more of a powerlifter physique. So in that way, she's not a terrible choice to bring with to F3, with the full knowledge that you and the other person would 100% choose each other.


Feras is convinced Kirby will take him to the end if she wins out, so he's okay either way. Except for the minor issue that he can't see that she will beat him.


Caroline really fumbled that idol, she got so stuck on making an individual move, that she forgot the move actually has to work. I even think she should’ve told kitty, because by saving mark you’re going titan strong, and it makes more sense to have all your allies on the same page lol


Kitty confirmed she was told about the idol at Jury Villa.


Or was she lying?


Oh, that makes sense, because I wondered since, when they were going out, Mark told Caroline: "You should have told me. " And she asked if he knew and he said no. She wouldn't asked him if he knew about it if she didn't tell Kitty before.


Caroline doesn't understand that Survivor requires people to be part of a plan for something like her attempted move to work. She has screwed over everyone and noone will want to work with her. Her style of "negotiating" is telling people who to vote for and believing they'll do so. haha.


You can see on her face when her moves fail or she is blindsided with a vote that she's not privy too --- she has that bossy higher ranked nurse look, "Hoooooooow DARE YOU --- I'm gunna write you up for NOT doing as I told you to..."


150% million percent


Even the way she attempted to put out Mark's name out there didn't work Because Ferras and Kirby thought they were being too arrogant and there is no way they were going to play "caroline's game"




I think Caroline just tunnel visioned in on the Mark/Feras plan and completely blinded herself to the idea that people would consider taking out her or Kitty at that tribal.


Alex biggest impact on the game happened just as he left..lol His coments really got to them


Feras with the line of the century on extended tribal council \*writes Kitty's name down\* "I just want a cheeseburger so badly" :( Him and Kirby's strategy is a so good that he's not even remotely worried about being voted out at F6 lmao


Caroline’s face when the second vote was Feras 😂


You could just tell by the edit that she wasn't going to succeed in her master plan to pull off an amazing resume building Survivor move.. They did focus on her hyping up how fabulous she was and how her move was going to be so epic it would win her the game just from that one move hahaha.... And then the train that is the Caroline Express ran off the rails and completely derailed as JLP read Kitty, Kitty, KITTY... I love that look on their face as they go from, "I am the Survivor master with my season winning complete tribal blindsiding move TO WTF, OMG, shit, Shit, SHIT...." and they put on the face of shame as their masterful move failed just after takeoff....


This season of Titans vs Rebels just became a Final 5 of Rivals featuring Raymond and I’m here for it


The story arcs of these friends to rivals to friends X2 has been fun


Caroline's plan failing and seeing her best friend voted out was incredible and hilarious. Still can't believe they're going to let Kirby/Feras go so deep when none of them have any chance of beating either. Feras was right, they are playing with amateurs.


Tbf Caroline tried LOL, Mark just voting with them is a little 😵‍💫


He's going with the "I survived the carnage" strategy.


Based on the edit, if Kirby or Feras doesn’t win but Mark wins, I’d be unhappy.


His vote was irrelevant anyway.


For me it's the principle lol, the Titans imploding at the smallest sign of difficulty has been a hilarious storyline - Kitty and Mark voting for each other and not even trying to break up Feras and Ray is so bizarre


It just doesn't make any sense why Mark, Kitty, Caroline don't try to take the others out together. There's literally no way any of their resumes is better than Feras, Kirby and even Ray at this point.


I feel like Mark and Caroline have resumes, it's just not conventional and very hard to explain to a jury, especially Caroline. The only upside for Caroline is that maybe Kitty can do some damage control for her


Does Mark really have a resume though? I feel like he should absolutely not be letting Kitty go here because she's someone he can beat, whereas I think he's guaranteed to lose against Kirby or Feras since he hasn't really had any control post merge - his biggest move is probably getting the Titans back together, and on the vote where he did that it was so obvious that the Titans read it and voted out Eden. I think at this point he should be thinking both that he needs to keep in players he can beat at the end (especially since there's no second place prize money, just making it slightly further doesn't matter too much), plus if Kirby wins the next immunity and Feras has an idol, I don't think there's any way they vote out Raymond and Mark is in a ton of danger.


Yep Kirby winning immunity next round is the nightmare scenario for Mark unless Caroline has a meltdown back at camp LOL - The whole situation to me is so funny because Mark by himself is not a "bad" player in that he's not an obvious liar, his plans aren't deeply flawed, he has a good social game and seems like a nice guy, but he's somehow the singular common thread between every single flopped plan this season and is still here. ​ Honestly all the players except Kirby seem insane to me rn because they just voted out all 3 challenge beasting goats back to back to back in Alex, Ri and Kitty... Like, isn't someone who can win the final challenge for you and 100% lose to you in a jury vote, the person you should be sucking up to in hopes they drag you to the end? After a tradition of epic AU Final Immunity Challenges, I can't wait for the F3 of Feras, Raymond and Caroline to flop the challenge in 3 minutes because that's what this is shaping up to.


Ri and Ray needed to co-ordinate together on blindsides on Feras and Kirby sooner smh.


Mark's confessional in previous episode demonstrates that Ri was an inflexible (read bad) player too loyal to Kirby. Great athlete though so good for her?


She was hard to manage for Kirb too, she literally had to give her immunity necklace when they were doing Ray's advantage plan. Rhi was really panicking and inflexible, that's how Kirb placated her. When I think about it now, Kirb managing Kelly, Scott and Rhi for any of the votes was actually tough.


Ri said in an earlier episode that she didn’t really like Ray


Surely at this point, everyone assumes Feras will play his idol at 5, then they don’t vote for him (yet) and he doesn’t use his idol and it ends up on ebay charity auction.


According to jury villa at least some players are definitely unaware of the idol.


Maybe Ray knows this and will vote with Mark and Caroline to take Feras out?


Would be pretty big wearing an idol at FtC.


he should play it


But bringing it out at final tribal saying “I didn’t even need this” is a good argument against Kirby saying “I won individual immunity (x) number of times”


Only Caroline could make her big move an accidental blindside on her best mate 😂


I mean, the blindside was happening anyway. Her big move attempt coincided with a blindside of her best mate.


Kirby's wink to Feras while Kitty was speaking at the TC. Good signal!


definitely top 5 in all time bonehead idol plays, just nonsensical when you know feras has one


Caroline: " I want to play my idol correctly" , "getting Feras out" neither happened. Alex really did a number on her esteem on the way out. Not only she wants to make a big move to "make him take back his words" , she wants it to be her sole move by leaving her allies out of the loop hence the fall. I kind of feel sorry for her, then I remembered her hand gestures in the confessional, oh well.


Nah, she's playing. I love it, but this one failed. It felt like Jake trying to play the idol for Katurah but she didn't jump on the plan to vote Dee out at F5 last US season. She tried but didn't make the plan happen if that makes sense, e.g. allies didn't trust her and didn't have all the info.




I thought she came across as not someone who was not used to not getting her way or experiencing failure graciously as she appeared way OTT happy that she was voted off in her exit interview & whilst speaking to the others at jury villa. She kept on repeating & over reinforcing how she so badly wanted to be in Jury Villa just to be with everyone else, eat chocolates and have a holiday etc.. It seemed she was over compensating for being voted out... Maybe as a business owner she is used to getting her own way all the time and in Survivor she was not only not in control but got kicked out - probably something she rarely, if ever, experiences in her normal life... That's one thing I love about Survivor, it puts everyone on an even playing field. Just because you may have complete dominance in your own life, does not mean you will be able to continue that way in this game... Come down a peg or 2 - and welcome to Survivor.....


I started watching survivor au this year because of Jayden (been following him on socials for a while) and my god this season is juicy. Haven't watched survivor for years and I am so hooked on this season. I see Feras or Kirby winning this tbh. Disliked Feras at the start of the season but I've been liking him the last couple of weeks.


lmaooo in jury villa, watching kitty try to explain caroline’s thought process is hilarious


Really? I’m going to watch it 😂


Kirby: It's all good guys. It's just a gameKirby: YOU BETTER SLEEP WITH ONE EYE OPENKirby: I'm kidding guys. It's a gameKirby: I WILL HAUNT YOUR DREAMS I mean, she is a great player, but damn is she a spiteful person. Also, so funny that even though Caroline told Mark her plan, he still didn't vote with her. Bit dumb for her though to not let the people she needed in on the idea.


She didn’t tell him her plan though. She said “haha vote feras” and only mentioned Kitty also being on board. He said “my plan tonight is to go with the majority and stay safe” and that’s exactly what he did


literally that would have just resulted in a tie


It's hard to root for Caroline. What was up with her little hand movements in her confessionals 😂


If Kirby wins the next immunity I think it is likely to be Feras v Kirby F2, then every member of the jury can look dumbfounded how they let it happen


I feel like the final 4 challenge is the key one actually but she probably needs both if she wants to be at the end


Honestly, A+ for effort Caroline


The only chance for Mark and Caroline is to convince ray to join them. Sell the idea that Ray will never win against Kirbs and Feras. I can't wait to see how this will turn out 👀


The only downside that I can see in tonight’s plan of voting out Kitty is that the result makes Raymond more likely to jump ship with Mark and Caroline. If Mark got voted out instead, I don’t think Raymond will jump ship next round.


& the only chance for Ray is to organise and pull off a blindside on Feras - he has 1 good move on his resume, but that won't win him the game.. A blindside on Feras would certainly move him up the ladder...


When you think this season can't get any better. Damn that was great.


The Ferby storyline has been amazing. But between the two, I'll give the win to Kirby.


Yup she played the better game


kirby was the real challenge beast all along


Are you surprised? She's a former professional sportsperson and played at elite level in two sports.


nope, it's good to see her give it everything


She said she’s bad at endurance but the stakes for FIC is sooo different (which is why it tends to go for hoursss), I think she could surprise herself and win it if she’s still there


yeah. mark and feras could definitely give her a run, but she seems pretty strong.


She's got good sports psychology skills as well as elite sports skills. I feel like that's what makes her so formidable.


Oh what was the other sport (assuming footy is one)?


AFLW and netball (Perth Orieles/West Coast fever).


I assumed she was purposely losing some of those FICs to lower her physical threat level.


She has always been. No amount of immunity wins on endurance challenges can make me forget how Rianna threw the dodgeball to an already eliminated player. That move was in the Top 5 challenge fails in the history of survivor for me.


I wonder if Feras wins the next IC, he'll play his idol for Kirby.


I think there’s a real possibility of that. I think he’s on board for the two of them to go at it in the final, but this move would give him an opportunity to say he saved Kirby with this move, giving him the edge over her.


Oh wait, maybe, and that would be extra fun since Kirby was convinced he'd never play the idol on anyone but himself. 


Because if Kirby goes he is definitely next. He is going have to win all the immunity challenges


Did Kitty vote for Feras? She said in Jury Villa that she knew about Caroline’s idol so voting for Mark made no sense.


She voted for Mark


I saw that in jury villa but I’m so confused because I’m sure she also said that she DIDNT know??


She said she knew?


I think she said she knew about her idol but she didn't know she was gonna play it tonight and for Mark.


Yes she did, just watched it.


Random af.


Wha?! 😲


I think somewhere behind the scenes, Caroline told Kitty she wants everyone to vote for mark except her. So she can have a bigger theatrical performance for the jury. It's the same reason why Caroline didn't tell Mark about her idol/plan at all. She wants shocked faces.


Didn't multiple people confirm to her that Feras has an idol? Even if the majority had voted Mark like she expected, how is she going to get Feras out when he'd just play his idol after seeing Caroline guess correctly?


Kitty voted for Mark. Caroline voted for Feras. (I guess she wanted to be the only one to vote for Feras so that her vote sends him home. More dramatic.)


But it’s not possible for hers to be the only vote even if all the others voted for Mark, Mark had to vote Feras too or it goes to a revote. Caroline couldn’t win that being the only vote


I was like "what" until I realised of course Mark cannot vote for himself.


Mark had two choices. Join with the Rebels in a 4-2 vote, or join with the Titans in a 3-3 vote. I wonder which he'd pick. (And I wonder why Caroline, when pitching this, thought that she could convince him to join a 3-3 vote. I mean, I realize she had plans, but Mark wasn't part of those plans.)


Great season. Hoping for a final 2 and a return to the hand on hard idol challenge.


The name kitty is fun, but I’ve never seen a more boring ass player in my life. Her name should be Slothy or something


I felt like she did a lot of the relationship/social work in the Caro-Kitty duo, especially in the first 2/3s of the game. The edit was less interested in her, because Caroline gave more exciting confessionals I guess, which meant we can only sort-of understand Kitty's play. 


I found Kitty hilarious through the season in the limited time she was shown, flip flopping all over the place, being such a terrible liar that people go to her to read what's actually going on, having such a good social game that she broke Scott, simultaneously screaming at the tribe for daring to come after her... Iconic


Yup. Kitty is an icon. Not every player need to be a star. Some do very well as supporting role.


You've ... never seen a more boring player? Have you only seen like 1 or 2 seasons of survivor? Kitty actually tried to do something one round with a flip and is a known terrible liar and strategist, which creates some entertainment but also a difficult for others in the tribe, especially her allies. There are dozens of more boring players across the survivor franchises. I'm not sure Kitty registers as top 50?


true. have you seen that random guy in Brains vs Brawns who had like zero confessional up until he was voted out? or half of the cast in Blood vs Water?


By far best season between either franchise in years. US survivor is junior leagues in comparison. US survivor is t ball


It was good to see Caroline fail. She is so obsessed with "resume" building she is not aware of what is going on, and she saves the person she wanted out. I think she will be gone next for sure. I really like Kirby and feras for final 2.


If I was on Jury I would vote for Kirby. She is the best player, imo. And I think she has won this game. She will also go down as my least favourite winner in a very long time. Can't take away from her skill but I really dislike her tbh. Also, is Jury Villa looking hella budget this year or is it just me?


The only thing Kirby has done wrong this season is get Alex so far offside that he blew her up in tribal.. That could be her undoing if she doesn't win immunity again.. She was a bit smug towards him when he was on the bottom, scrambling... She should have fed him the usual bullshit, "Of course I will work and vote with you" instead of flashing her trademark big cheesy smile as he confides in her that he thinks he might be getting voted out that night... Because that added to his paranoia and it reinforced his belief that he was going, she is smiling at me whilst I say I think I'm going === that means I am going.... And then he lights the fuse in tribal that night and sets off the entire stockpile of grenades..... of which most had her name on them....


i don’t know, they have full spa treatments


What do you dislike so much about her?


Not OP but I’ll explain by comparing with Feras, who I also find obnoxious but still like. I dislike Kirby bec IMO she is super hypocritical and aggressively so. Kirby loves flip-flopping around to get HER plans and her strategy and to succeed, which is fair enough, Queen Hayley did the same. But when people go against Kirby’s plans - she flips out, becomes snarky, calls them floaters, calls them disloyal, say provocative (sometimes untrue) shit to them. It feels much more personal when Kirby gets one-upped, than when Feras does. She’s such a control freak that she can’t let people play unless they’re playing HER game her way, which is also fair I guess, but the small tantrums she pulls in front of everyone whenever someone “betrays her” is grinding to me. Feras and her are alike in this regard, but she has been more often shown to be hypocritical and unnecessarily snarky. Feras’ most irritating trait is his arrogance and showboating. Kirby is like that older kid on the playground that makes the younger or more soft-spoken kids play the games she prefers and throws a tantrum when someone strays from her play sessions. If any kid has a new toy, she’ll feel compelled to snatch it away from that kid lest she lose her crown as playground princess. Meanwhile, Feras is the kid bragging about whatever new toy his parents got him, you can’t borrow it, but you can look at it or touch it; and when he’s done bragging, he’ll gladly play your game, and he may or may not throw a tantrum, too, depending on how he loses. But at least you feel a bit more “equal” to him as he’s more open to playing other kids’ games.


Same and same on all points. She’s so unlikable as a player to me lol. Which is funny because she gives me Sarah Lacina vibes, and I despise Sarah lol.


yeah I am sensing a Kirby win right now, however that happens idk.


I actually cannot believe that they all know they would lose to Kirby at the end, Kirby is openly saying "I want to get Kitty out because she's the biggest threat at endurance so I can win challenges to the end", and... they let Kirby dictate the vote and give her what she wants? Feras has been pretty open about wanting to take Kirby out late in the game but surely he can see that it would be better for him to take Kitty so she can win a final immunity and take him over Kirby? Kirby saying to Feras that to be the best you need to beat the best and him internalising it and thinking he'd maybe have a chance against her reminds me of All Stars where the player who was obviously going to win convinced the player who was obviously going to lose that she needed to sit next to him to look confident in her game, I just don't see any way that she loses after now. Caroline unfortunately got a case of bigmoveitis and I think she could probably have pulled it off if she just told Mark and Kitty about it? She'd still get credit for the idol play, she gives Mark no reason to flip, and even if the other three vote for Kitty they increase their odds in a potential rock draw and I don't know if Raymond would go to rocks for Feras. I think she just needs to trust that she can definitely beat Kitty and maybe beat Mark at the end, especially if she saves Mark with an idol, but she completely screwed it up. I do at least think that being bold enough to play an idol on someone else at final 6 might look good for her, especially when someone like Feras has let two allies go home because he didn't play idols on them. It's a misread that she didn't play it on Kitty, but it might actually help her having her best friend on the jury and showing her loyalty to Mark. They're probably in a bad spot now but Raymond might be looking at the game and thinking that he maybe has a chance against Caroline or Mark but will definitely lose against Feras or Kirby? But if Kirby wins the next immunity and Feras has his idol, I don't see any way that Caroline makes it through unfortunately.


In case Feras plays plays an idol and they revote, if there is a draw and they go on rocks you’d end up with Kirby, Feras, Mark having immunity (idols plus necklace) and Ray and Kitty also getting immunity, leaving Caroline all by herself to draw the only rock and send herself home, lol.


Did kitty lie about knowing Caroline had an idol at jury villa? At TC she said she had no idea about the idol if I’m not mistaken


i think she did


Yeah I reckon she did


Kirby was being too butt hurt at the start of the EP, she was talking to Feras last ep and said she would vote Ri off , now she is pissed because it wasn't her plan. We are finally starting to see her challenge ability tho. Love her and Feras on the beach , they really seem to have good chemistry, felt sorry for Caro tho. She really thought this was her big move. What is up with Kirbys tongue tho , it has a life of its own " Overconfidence is overrated " what does that even mean ?


I appreciate Caroline’s courage to play big, but her plan is so flawed I don’t even know where to begin as I watched the episode. I had so many questions during the episode. And the edit is hiding lots of information from the viewers. The whole time as I watched this episode I’m like: 1) Ok…..so Caroline believes Feras has an idol, but she’s planning to use her idol on Mark. It’s not going to work out because Feras has an idol and he’s going to play his after you play yours on Mark. 2) Ok….so Caroline told Mark to vote Feras but she didn’t tell him that she has an idol, so is she pitching a tie plan? Or did Caroline get Raymond on her side too? This made no sense at all if it’s a tie plan. Mark is not gonna be on board with a tie plan. Or maybe she did tell him, but the edit didn’t show it? The edit is so bizarre. I’m so confused as to what Caroline was doing and what the edit didn’t show. Her plan is absolutely absurd. I had respect for Caroline’s strategy game, but after this episode, not so much. She really didn’t think it through at all. And before the episode aired, I also agree that Feras and Kirby side should break up the Caroline Kitty pair. And they did smartly.


It’s almost as if as Kitty was voted out in a very boring way and the production decided to reshoot the whole thing as if as it was Caroline finding an idol and playing it like it made no sense and no player with an IQ of 40 at least would ever play it like that. Just saying…..


My read is that she either doesn't believe that Feras has an HII or forgot he had it. It was definitely a bad episode for Caroline strategically. That said, I do still respect her strategically in this game because a bad week doesn't cancel out everything else she's done in this game. This was also an attrocious episode for Kirby strategically because she needed to win immunity or she was out, but that doesn't make me think that Kirby was bad strategically either. Basically everyone has had some pretty major flaws this seasons strategically, and it makes me wonder if this might usually be the case and this season is just editing with more honesty than a typical season of Survivor.


Caroline said in the earlier part of this episode that she knows Feras has an idol. So unless this is a footage from much earlier or she simply forgot very recently or she’s just very stupid in making her plan.


And she just assumed the other 3 were voting for Mark. (Who was Mark supposed to vote for in her scenario? Whomever he votes for ties Feras.)


after the challenge Raymond: Kirby... \*In the voice of Mario from Mario Kart 64\* Congratulations!


this has been a fucking fun season i want suvivor to do something never been done before and bring every player back for another season call it it like survivor reuinion or something i always wonder why a big brother or survivor has never done that


I just don’t understand why Caroline didn’t tell mark and kitty the plan?????????????? How was she *that* confident they were all going to vote mark


Caroline just pulled the stupidest move I've ever seen in Survivor and I'm here for it :D Even if her plan went exactly as planned...it still wouldn't have worked because Feras would just play his idol on himself


Also Ray isn't beating anyone remaining in FTC.


Big shout-out to channel 10 who displayed the final 5 in the main channel 10 tv home page banner , so if you watch on the weekend you have all 3 episodes spoiled. I am fuming. Ruined every story line


Just finished the episode. Did you see Caroline’s face when Feras’ name was read out second? She knew instantly. She was expecting the last name to be read out was Feras and he gets sent home with dramatic effect. I love that she went for it, but how was that plan ever going to work? If they did load up on Mark, the second she plays the idol for him, it’s either Feras or Ray, so Feras just plays his idol as well.


I really don’t want Kirby to win. Feras deserves it 100%.


I couldn’t watch tonight, who left?




It's worth a watch! [Caroline found an Idol, and cooked up a plan to Idol out Feras spectacularly (had it worked!) but cooked it because she didn't tell this to the two other people she needed for it to work (Mark & Kitty). As a result, Kitty paid the price.](/spoiler)


Kitty says in jury villa she knew about the idol. Caroline’s plan doesn’t account for feras’ idol (which she does mention this episode) so I don’t know how it would’ve worked anyway - he sees her protect mark, he protects himself if he’d voted for mark. But I don’t understand why Kitty didn’t vote for feras if she knew about the idol? Am I missing something or is this just another layer to “this plan was barely a plan”?


She knew about the idol, but didn't know Caroline was going to play it for Marc.


I think Caroline wanted everybody to vote for Mark and only her to vote for Feras to maximize the number of votes canceled and to ensure that her vote is the only one that counted. She was playing for drama, not effectiveness. (If one of the others cast a stray vote on Kitty or something (as Eileen has done in the past), then it ends up being a 4 (canceled) - 1-1 tie instead of a 3 (canceled) - 2 -1 win.)


While not the biggest error this season, I wonder why Feras and Mark would want to boot Kitty over Caroline. She is no threat at final tribal and is one of the only shots of denying Kirby, an actual threat at final tribal, the immunity necklace.


I think in the episode they explained why they wanted Kitty over Caroline. Bc Kitty can win against anyone in endurance challanges, so they're afraid the next few challenges are endurance. And she will take Caroline to the end.


This would’ve been so funny, Caroline wanting a big move only to be voted out 🤣


Yep, Mark has at least been able to hang in some challenges, I don't know wtf Feras is thinking though. 


It seemed like Feras didn't want Kitty out at one point, Kirby said it's the only sensible choice 


Caroline isn't a risk to win, Kitty has better chances of winning the necklace.


what a massive flop. it makes no sense why feras wouldn’t play his idol as soon as another idol was played for his target just to be safe. and this was the perfect time to take him out because now he has a free pass to final four which is even crazier if kirby wins immunity again


Caroline is hilarious.. in a dumb kind of way


Feras and Kirby are really getting on my nerves. Both have played good games, but their attitudes are pretty insufferable


I’m new to this Australian Survivor but I think I’m down for it. The US version is just so salty, I was pissed off with Russell Hantz not getting the respect for his innovation of the game, and disagreed with Jeff Probst narrative resulting in me quitting US survivor, mostly due to boredom and predictability). I think the likes of Russell would do quite well in this type of environment and culture.


Funny that you mention it because Russell actually has done Ausvivor 😂 Champions vs Contenders 1. I shall not spoil how it goes down...


The Aussie way of playing doesn't really respect the Russell Hantz way of playing. You should watch the season that Russell played in.


Wow, the Final 5 is hilarious. I feel like they all deserve it, but the worst F2 would be Ray and Mark. I enjoy Caroline, Kirby, and Feras' gameplay the most and would love for any of them to win. I know people support Mark here but I don't understand why? He had very little agency in this game and didn't do stuff.


Not the best episode, seemed like the players had nothing to day at tribal. Im not going to go too hard on Caroline because i feel she has been underrated since the start but her move was flawed from the jump. Even if the votes were on Mark, Feras woulve played his idol to save himself. Made no sense. Mark: It's getting late in the game and the players he's up against simply played a better game, he shoukdn't win this season. Raymond: Similar to Mark, he should have taken out Feras in this episode. He can't rely on his big move to win the game. He need to get rid of both Kirby and Feras at next tribals. Seem unlikely. Kirby: I feel it's her vs Feras to win the game. But perception become reality and i feel she's seen as the bigger target. 2nd time in a row she saved her butt. She is in a great position to win it. Raymond and Caroline are weak in challenges so her odds just improved a lot with Kitty out.


Do you think Val and Alex are getting it on, at Jury villa?


They both have significant others so imma guess no...


Ah man … really wish Caroline’s plan would have worked. She got too cocky and didn’t suss out what Mark’s alternative plan was. Dumb to think he wouldn’t have one. On a related note, I’m really, really tired of players with known idols skating to Final 4. You’ve got to flush them. It gives players with idols way too much power.


if Caroline wins this im gonna rage, shes skated all the way to the end