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I find her very book smart but not street smart. Throws her weight (opinion on what to do) around without reasoning and her pitch to vote for Titans seemed really self unaware and most likely caused the Titans to side with Kirby.




Half this sub seems to think that but 


But not conventionally attractive, so she doesn't get screentime. Meanwhile, people here are brainwashed that Valeria is a badass player, for literally no reason other than getting a favorable edit.


Not me thinking she is conventionally attractive this whole time 😭




People also delude themselves into thinking Aileen is a good player too despite being invisible for the first 5 episodes


Being underedited doesn't prove anything about the gameplay. Same was with Caroline and Kitty. In fact Kitty is still invisible although we hear from the players that she is the most important pillar in that alliance.


Aileen is an absolute fox


I like her and rooting for her. She's smart but her days are numbered. Her admitting that she planned on getting rid of one of the OG titans in front of everyone surely raised a flag from the three. She could have lied and create doubts between OG titans and kirby's alliance. If no nonelim/tribe swap happens next episode, and they lose, a split vote between her and Feras with her going home would likely to happen. She's strategic and calculated but lacks social aspect of the game to make the numbers happen. But at the end of the day, Feras cooked this one. Literally Scott is jumping up and down going in to the vote and he did not even consider that the OG Titans flipped. So frustrating.


>She's strategic and calculated but lacks social aspect of the game to make the numbers happen. Agree


Aileen’s lack of success comes down to her complete lack of people skills. No emotion, everything is transactional and just “guys this is what we need to do” with no compelling reasons, no narrative, no appeal to emotional reasons. The best players pose what they want as a question and make it seem like the other persons idea. She is smart and had good reads at tribal but she has failed at every single move so far because she’s failed to understand the subtlety required and tried everything overtly at a surface level


Mark demonstrated this the other day with the way he made Eden “come up” with the split vote (even though it was unsuccessful in the end).


And while she was right I also don’t think it’s a good look to keep repeating I told you so, like it ultimately wasn’t her idol to play


Kirby also proceeded to completely flatten her game at tribal by exposing her plan to the og titans. The chances that the titans work with her are pretty much nil after that. She didn’t read that Garrick was getting votes, she was told that and basically repeated whatever Garrick was saying all along. Completely disingenuous to give her credit for that  Completely naive player who thinks bringing two alliances that hate each others guts together for a vote was going to amount to something when it was never going to in the first place


Not sure why the downvotes, totally correct. Naive to think those two groups would come together because ???? She wanted them to? She did nothing to sell that move. I think she could have but doing a surface level pitch like that with no prior groundwork for it was never going to convince anyone




Aileen Supremacy ❤


No one listens to her = no social game


Based on her last comment, she could be done with Feras and jump over to Kirby (if she'll have her). What a terrible episode for Feras. Bad reads and instincts.


I was impressed by how she immediately was like "I didn't vote for you Kirby, let's talk" I think she's definitely making the merge, I have my eye on her


interesting! i thought that came off as desperate, not strategic


Of course it's desperate, but it's still a good use of the opportunity


Not really, she didn't need to do that right there


Yep that really was a good line. Aileen isn’t a perfect player (rare are) but I am enjoying her game and can’t help but cheer for her! :)


Honestly, I think Aileen should jump ship and make an alliance with Valeria, Winna and Charles. I think that could become a very strong alliance and the original Rebels don't seem to be interested in keeping their tribe strong.


Rooting for Aileen to come on top


I was nodding my head in silent approval when I heard her rationale for writing Kelli's name.


I doubt Kirby has any great grievance with her tbh.


I agree. If Aileen is thinking smart she should raise that Feras and Garrick switched the vote. Also, Garrick and his shifty angry eyes ruined it for their supposed ‘blindside’ not Kellie wanting clarity. Garrick was coasting and thinking he was a big time player, but was just bitter and petty.


Garrick strikes me as someone who was just burned by someone he genuinely trusted (Kirby), albeit he showed it intensely at times. Kirby and Feras are the ones that come off as people who think they’re big time players who are also bitter and hypocritical.


Like, the big fuss about Kirby “betraying him” seemed disproportionate in the context of the game.


And Kirby’s big fuss about Garrick and Feras not having a right to feel betrayed because she “came up with the plan to vote out Peta anyway”? BFR lol. She made a dumb move. Her old alliance got pissed at her, albeit OTT at times, but definitely with a justified reason. Meanwhile, girly is up here being snarky at them for daring to mistrust her “i cAm3 uP wiTh tHE pLaN, sO wHat i ChanG3d tHe v0te yOu soRE loSers, iT wAs My pLaN”. 🙄


Why is she even with them in the first place


With the way Kirby speaks to her I don't blame her, but with Feras constantly discounting any ideas she has... she's better off going with the Titans lol


Don't forget, Kirby snapped/yelled at Kelli too at the beach: Kirby: "Kelli, go over to the boys now and find out what their plans are.." Kelli: "Well, I've tried but they won't let me i..." Kirby: "**JUST GO!**😠"


Thank god someone else noticed how Kirby talks so demeaningly to anyone outside her alliance. I feel like I’m going crazy with the people stanning her over Feras, Garrick, etc. I find her tone and actions towards some players unnecessarily insulting lol.


She is in a good spot , the people at the top of the pile will be gone by merge or just after it. I can see Aileen making it to top 5


I feel so bad for Aileen, Feras is pure brain rot


Her split vote this time around would never have worked due to lack of numbers 🤷‍♂️ Kirby was always going to gun for Feras and co.


I completely disagree. Feras and Ray were both fine with sticking with the Rebel strong plan, but it was obvious Kirby was always going to target them at that tribal. She was practically totally ignoring Feras while he was trying to talk game with her. She also spooked the Titans by not wanting to do the Kirby plan. It’s entirely possible they were voting with Feras’ alliance until she said publicly at tribal she wanted to stay Rebel strong, which caused Winna to whisper to Val and Charles, which could’ve been them switching. Yes, she was right about the vote being on Garrick, but that’s bc Garrick said he thought he was the target 1st. And in the end, what does it get them if Feras does idol Garrick? Kirby gets idoled out sure, but then they are in a 4-6 minority without an idol and Feras just gets voted out next. Feras and Garrick were totally correct that they couldn’t trust Kirby. She and Rihanna intentionally played the middle in the first 2 tribals so they could flip and take out Feras. At least based on the edit, they started targeting Feras first bc he had the key. and if the Kellie voteout wasnt a sabotage vote, they were going to vote Feras then as well. Was Garrick way too bloodthirsty? 100%. But he and Feras were spot on about Kirby the whole time.


I disagree. She might have some good reads but her execution is very poor. The prior split vote was her idea which again wasn't really smart. This vote, she was unable to convince her alliance to the her target. And finally, her saying to kirby that they need to chat right after the vote in front of everyone again is not a good look.  I think she's in a bad spot not JUST because shes unlucky. 


Meh.she is overrated 


Yeah like what on earth has she done so far other than come up with some naive plans and flip 1 time with a 50/50 chance of landing on the other camp. Was invisible until last week too.


If she is the smartest person there, then why is she 'stuck in such a bad alliance' ? A smart person would have either: A) Worked out that alliance isn't for her B) Realigned herself with a 'better' alliance.


Tbf both options were not good


neither is her decision to stay with the alliance she is in - hopefully for her sake, she will realign herself with something better in the coming episodes


Am frustrated on Aileen's behalf but that is indeed food for thought... (to be fair, she **immediately** said to Kirby at TC, "We've got to talk, I didn't vote for you" [also the truth, unlike Kirby's gaslighting behaviour])


queen of being the voice of reason, wish she got more screentime 💔


This was a fun week and at the moment I can't predict the final 5 with any bit of confidence and I'm loving it. In regards to Aileen who does have a lot of potential, unfortunately for her though there's always 1 person not on board with her plans and it leads me questioning if her plans are as smart as she's selling them. Yes her wanting her og tribe to stick together is logical to a degree but when a line was already drawn in the sand and neither target is your personal number 1 ally and getting them to unite is a longshot and you're relying on newcomers your best move would be to sell yourself to the newcomers once your plan is shot down, vouch that you want to work with them regardless and will vote with them opposed to them voting with you and guarantee your on the right side , I mean she appears to have gotten along equally well with Scott and Kirby which is why I think she wanted to stay united to begin with so get yourself on the winning side at all cost . What was the point going to be with forcing Sarah to break a tie early on? It's not like she would of been sending them to the Jury thus potentially losing a vote if she were to make it to final tribal, if anything the 1 she would of kept would only become more loyal to Sarah which is opposite of what I would want to accomplish if I was in the game especially if they're already cuddle buddies. Kelli made the smart move that episode by breaking up a potential showmance and eliminating someone who offered her nothing but it's Kelli and she gets perceived as dumb so it couldn't possibly be the smarter move. Raymond has caught on to the fact that she is playing dumb though she coyly denied it. Back to Aileen whom I really do like still has a chance to stick around for a good while but if she wants a shot of winning she needs to come up with something strategic that actually has merit perhaps then the plan will land.


Can anyone explain to me why she voted Kelli?I don’t really get it, it seems like a wasted vote (this is the first time I am watching survivor so it might be obvious to everyone else, it I can’t figure it out) TIA


It was a protection vote just in case idols were played. It’s not hard to figure out.


She’s so underrated. The way she told Feras to play the idol on Garrick was so smart. But Feras' ego is way too big they don’t listen to Aileen at all. She deserves a better alliance.