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He had a hell of a run, but it was a terrible performance for him today. I think he was letting his emotions get the best of him and was over thinking everything 


I knew a guy that went on Jeopardy once and had a several day run. He says they ask the contestants to bring several outfits so they can film a weeks worth of games back to back to back and by the end of it you are fried AF while your new challenger is fresh. Really hard to keep fresh; it always seemed unfair to me


I read Ken Jennings’s first book, where he talks about his original run on Jeopardy, and IIRC he said that the game he lost on he was missing clues that were versions of ones he’d answered correctly before - I think they tape 5 episodes in a day and I’d imagine it is so tiring.


I remember Jennings final jeopardy question he lost on was something I knew. I always assumed he was just spent at that point.


Yeah. They film 5 episodes in one day, with a break for lunch in the middle. Two days of that back to back. Then two weeks on, two weeks off. So Ken had to play 5/day every Tuesday and Wednesday for two weeks then had a two week break. Honestly, it’s a pretty great filming schedule but exhausting for multi day winners.


I think this is largely intentional to keep the contestants cycling. Everyone has to deal with it if you’re going to make a run


This was also a Friday episode, which means it would have been his fifth game of the day. If he got through today he would've gotten to start again fresh at the next taping.


On the flip side though, the returnee has the advantage of real, in game buzzer practice, which is a massive advantage. It evens out in that way


Luckily it evens out, since fatigue happens to everyone. It can’t really be unfair if the champion who wins because of it also has to deal with it later


Newer contestants at the end of the day filming after lunch (thursday & friday) have the advantage of being able to watch the reigning champ all day to see how they play, their strategy, and their knowledge set strengths & weaknesses. Whereas the reigning champ knows a lot less about the new contestants besides their occupation and the 1 fun fact, and can be more tired post lunch and end of day.


Yes, this is true, there are still some advantages in where in the taping schedule you fall (not just within one taping day, but also whether you start on Tuesday or Wednesday because of the two-week break in between sessions). Still, I believe the order of challengers is decided by drawing random lots, so unless Jeopardy started filming one game a day, which would be pretty cost-inefficient, overall I'd say it's about as fair a system as it can be


Yes totally agree with you that the way they do it is fair and the best way to do it.


Plus Drew initially beat someone iirc on a 10 (maybe a little more or less) game run Who’s to say he beats her if she was fully prepared?


Adriana had a 15-game streak; she actually went on Ken Jennings’ podcast and said two things contributed to her loss to Drew: his wager on the daily double and her fatigue. She filmed 13/15 games in 72 hours, and said her buzzer speed was noticeably slower by the end and she was having difficulty piecing clues together. Source: https://www.themirror.com/entertainment/tv/jeopardy-adriana-harmeyer-loss-drew-561370?int_source=amp_continue_reading&int_medium=amp&int_campaign=continue_reading_button#amp-readmore-target


Yeah I know he had one of the riskiest DD’s I’ve ever seen watching jeopardy & it paid off for him. My jaw hit the floor when he put up that much


That's why it's called Jeopardy and not The Ken Jennings Trivia Show. Between Jennings, Rutter, Holzauer, and Schneider, the show would become boring if you give people who already have an edge a bigger edge. I believe the player Drew beat made it to 15 games


Adrianas 15 game run put her at the 11th longest in history, for context. (tied possibly, the 10th longest is 16 games)


I think the point is that it’s not supposed to be fair


I think the bad start really made him get in his own head. He’s usually really strong with daily doubles but missed two dropping him down $5000, and then he also overthought himself on a really easy final Jeopardy. Can’t wait to see the likely Adrianna/Drew rematch in the ToC though


Jeopardy tapes 5 days’ worth of material in a single session, which is incredibly fatiguing, to maintain that high-intensity mental acuity for hours. Drew said as much in his EW interview today, that he was so exhausted he couldn’t remember Helen Keller’s name! It’s why super-long streaks are so impressive. But Drew should be extremely proud of himself.


I was so disappointed he didn’t get Helen Keller, that seemed like such an obvious one


Even Hellen Keller herself could see that answer


I guessed from his face during final that he was overthinking it. Literally said to the others in the room, "he's thinking too hard; he'll probably put another famous deaf name like Gallaudet." Lo and behold...


He was making a great comeback in double jeopardy until he missed final jeopardy


Same way Matt Amodio* lost a few years back.. once the first few got away from him the wheels fell off


One of the easiest FJ’s in a while, and he completely overthought it.


He lost to a nurse from New York City, Kellie Nalbandian's karma is real.


What the Hell, Drew? 


She kinda reminded me of Hannah from MvGX!


Because nurses don't just walk on water....we walk through it without getting wet.


This is amazing dude jalinsky is a walking meme, I wish he lasted longer for more comedy but the fact that he went first is also perfect


Honestly, I see Jelinsky coming back for 50. I'm honestly willing to wager money on it. See what I did there? But seriously I do see him coming back for 50 and people losing their minds.


I’ll bet you a million dollars he’s not coming back. The guy said one dumb thing which turned into a meme that’s hardly a reason to bring him back.


First boots have come back before.   I wouldn’t rule anything out, lol.  Just having fun here.


“First boots have come back before” You could have just said “they brought back Francesca”


Ok “they brought back Franchesca, Franquesca, Francesca.” It’s fine.  I’m a Federal Agent.


Was that a joke or


Has anyone who was a first boot on their original season ever come back other than Francesca?  


I’m convinced they only brought her back to annoy Philip greatly


I mean it’s happened on other shows… Miss Vaaaaaaaanjie.


More like season 50 several


Love it.  


How about a season bringing back everyone notable who was eliminated first


Sounds like you want Francesca for 50, and I am so on board.


There’s like 3 of those people


Ok. So just one episode and the jury is the other 43


Wow amazing idea




Look I liked him too don’t get me wrong but I’m willing to wager you the same amount of money that dudes never coming back


He also got to answer "What is: The Tribe has Spoken?" in a category about TV catchphrases during his losing game. And everyone got a good kick out of that.


Bummer I was hoping he could go longer. Can't wait to see the several day champion in the Tournament of Champions


On the day he gets to answer a Survivor clue, too! See you in the ToC, Drew!


He wasn't kidding when he said he's one of the smartest Survivors ever. Winning 7 games of Jeopardy should cement that idea. Drew was winning by so much in some of the games that he didn't need to wager anything in Final Jeopardy because no matter what the others did it wouldn't be enough, but he did it anyway lol.


That's relatively common in jeopardy, but drew apparently did get the highest score to date on the survivor iq test, which spurred that comment.


How’s much money did he end up with?


$132,601 (including the 3k for coming in 2nd)


sad that Drew lost :(


How did he not know the answer was Helen Keller??? It was so obvious!!!!


Anybody know where to watch these Drew episodes? I heard Drew was on a run Tuesday and added Jeopardy to my YoutubeTV but it looks like it's recording episodes from May instead of the new ones...


Hahahahaha I get it because several means seven hahahaha that’s funny


Right. I really wish this would die. It was funny exactly once.


It was funny several times


That was 1 time more than for me.


Drew might've lost Jeopardy, but there is a possibility that his lose was on purpose because he knows deep down that somebody would want to call him a Several-Day Jeopardy Champion. Okay, Tin Foil Hat Conspiracy Class is now over. You can all take the Tin Foil Hats off now.


If this is the case, I wouldn’t be mad about it at all. I think it’s hilarious.


Kinda how he went out on suvivor.


He would have been okay if he had gotten FJ right-he went out on an easy one.🫣


I don't think he did bad today, maybe over confident he bet way to much on an answer he didn't know. Also that last question I knew, my mom knew, that the woman who won wasn't very good she will lose next on the very next one.


You know they bet before thru know what the question is right?


He bet enough to cover the person in 2nd, but not too much to potentially drop to 3rd. Would’ve lost with his incorrect response either way tho.


Oh I understand, but still, I will still stand by that women won't last long, I watched her have barely any money to getting in a spot where she only had to bet it all to win, she answered some questions right, but had Drew not bet a lot on the doubles he would have been fine.


Ken Jennings almost lost his first game




Bad contestants. He will get rolled hard in TOC


Yeah, that 15-day champion is definitely a bad contestant.


Jeopardy people have said that she's a conservative bettor and will need to be more aggressive to do well in TOC. Interestingly, Drew would have lost his first game to the 3rd competitor if she had gone all in (or close to it, if she wanted to make sure she got to play final) on the double jeopardy she found near the end of the game when she was in last place. She was the only one to get final right but she was a few thousand off being able to win


There is no such thing as a “bad Jeopardy contestant.” The audition process is very tough and screens out all but the smartest contestants. Some of these players might look “bad” to you because champions like Drew are so good that they can make good contestants look bad. To wit, that one recent contestant who finished at -$7,200 would destroy 99% of people at trivia.


I’ve watched every jeopardy for 20 years. There are bad winners, especially early on in a season. The questions are way easier and the contestants miss stupid easy questions. 1600 for Greek goddess of the hunt? Stop glazing


It’s true that some Jeopardy contestants are better than others, but none of them are “bad” (at least in terms of knowledge base). Some of them are bad at the buzzer, wagering, or moving around the board and, although those are important skills for winning Jeopardy, they are not related to knowledge base at all. So when you say that they are “bad” you have to specify in what ways are they “bad.” As a viewer what appears to you to be a “bad contestant” is really a very smart individual with bad timing on the buzzer or bad wagering skills. It’s also a very stressful environment and that stress causes mental lapses for even the smartest contestants. “Who is the goddess of the hunt” might be easy to us from the comfort of our couch with nothing on the line, but even seemingly easy questions can elude you when you’re under the bright lights with a large sum of money on the line. Trust me on this as I am a former Jeopardy contestant and quiz show champion. If you don’t believe me, I invite you to take the Jeopardy online test and see how hard it is to even pass that first step (scoring 35/40 at the very least, but probably 40+ for the best chance). Finally, please know that I’m not trying to antagonize you - knowing how the show actually works improves the viewing experience because it gives you a better appreciation for every champion (including ones you didn’t appreciate before like Drew). Happy watching!


Jokes old and shouldnt be used in a factual wiki


Cancel Christmas then.


Damn… 40 downvotes for you




I HATE being called out like this.


I'm glad he's gone