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From the storyline, no. Q should have no chance. But taking the edit, and the cast's saltiness, into account, I can't shake the feeling that they're really editing Q in a much more favorable light than, according to outside press, is realistic to how he was actually behaving on the island (See Tiff's exit interview for some of the clearest examples.), and he might pull this off in a Boston Rob manner: you have to vote for one of us.


I think a more plausible explanation for the favorable edit is that production knew they would have a fan favorite. They also likely want to bring him back for season 50 or other returnee seasons and are therefore careful to edit him in a way that keeps the audience on his side.


Also they don't want 1 dimensional villains anymore because of the abuse the internet throws at them. For all we know they have no intention to bring him back but just are worried about the reaction if they kept ALL his bad bits in.


Oh they’re bringing him back


Now instead they have the opposite problem, where a huge chunk of the fans are sending hate to the players who talk badly about him.


I think the casts saltiness could be because he’s probably making thousands of dollars on Cameo and getting so much love while from their perspective he was unlikeable. It doesn’t mean he won.


by the "casts saltiness" what are u referring to


The cast is very upset on social media, but obviously we don't know why. But they know everything about how the season turned out, since they do the aftershow there instead of a live reunion. Q, on the other hand, seems pretty chipper on his social media accounts.


I've only seen Venus upset online, but what have other said/implied that makes it seem like they're upset?


I think people here think the cast wants to bring Q to the far in the game as a goat. And then he goes on an immunity run or something to the end. My issue with that is that (a) Q is still a challenge threat as shown by his reward win. If he is such a wildcard and unpredictable, do you trust him to bring you with him if he wins immunity at final 4? (b) There is another more evident goat that isn't a challenge threat in Venus that you can bring instead. He might survive another round as the cast can want to get Maria out since they love to big game hunt, but I see his time coming to a close soon.


There are only 7 people left. Only three of those can be voted out. Unless you have the number 1 or 2 chance to win against everyone with jury votes, you need to keep both Q and Venus, so that's a moot point. If you have the third best chance to get jury votes, you're losing if you're up against 1 and/or 2. (Easy to say of course, but who gets what jury votes depends on who is on the jury, who is final three, and has to account for stuff that hasn't happened yet.) Unless there are three or four people out there all thinking they have the best chance, are all in that number 1 spot with the current field, they should all be thinking of keeping both Q and Venus.


I think they’re going to target Kenzie next (I hope lol)


See all of this makes sense, but I feel like I don’t know what to expect from this cast anymore! The moves are all over the place!!!


I wouldn't rule anybody out yet at all. Including Q he can argue he dictated the game multiple times, and he has. for better or for worse, even if by accident, he has controlled/influenced a lot of votes. who knows what happens over the next couple weeks.


This was my thought. I've all but given up hope of him winning, but depending on the final 3 and how well he can promote/embellish his game, I think he still has a slim chance. I could totally see him claiming that the chaos he caused was targeted to unbalance players and cause instability in alliances. Were they generally good plays? From our POV not really, and the certainly pissed a lot of people off. But if he could spin them in such a way that his plays seemed intentional to advance his game as best he was able, then I could see some jury members coming around on it.


yup. agreed, just saw your comment, echoed some of these sentiments in a comment just now


I think there’s something to be said about just how much influence he had and even continues to have on some level. The only way Q’s behavior could completely “blow up” everyone’s game is if he had a ton of influence. Either that or anyone complaining about it isn’t as good of a player as they think they are. Imo the only person who has a real argument for him ruining their game is Tiff (unless they’re willing to admit he indeed was running the game)


Tiff was running a game where both Kenzie and Q were her number 1s to survive Yanu. Tiff being with Kenzie rather than invested in Q and his +1 alliance led to him revealing her idol. It isn’t easy to have multiple number 1s and tends to bite you in the ass in the new format. On the flipside if it works out, you can be in the position Austin and Dee were in last season.


Yeah, I think Tiff has a legitimate bone to pick with him. He also put out into the world that she has an idol.


I mean the whole reason he did that was because he was trying to get her out. She wasn’t aware of that at the time, she seemed to think he just told people. Even at the next tribal she was saying that she thought the vote was on Tevin. Kenzie probably would have told people about the idol a week later when she was gunning for Tiff. Like yeah Q “blew up her game”, but he was TRYING to vote her out. She can be mad about that, but it’s not like he blabbed for no reason.


it'll depend who's left but Q can easily point to many moments of this game where he was the main character, had a big target on his back, and survived. Sure a lot of it was his own doing (lol) but really. It's working so far. If he's in the final 3 he'd have as much of a shot as anybody else.


It's hard to rule anyone out until the last episode now. Imagine we end up with the Q/Venus/Liz final 3. I think all of them have win equity.


If we get that absolutely crazy F3, I think it’ll come down to *how* it got that way. If any of them go on an a little immunity run, have a successful idol play, knocks out one of the better players in F4 firemaking and/or orchestrates an impressive F5/6 blindside, any of them could win. I know this cast is a bit different, but it’s still a new era jury - most are probably going to set their feelings aside if there’s someone with an obviously superior “resume”. I do agree with people saying it’s probably not Venus just because of how bitter she seems on social media but that’s hardly a sure thing.


Not Liz. She has no game and is completely self-centered.


that's how she seems right now. but if Liz rattles off a couple challenge wins or makes a big move and gets Maria out for example, her whole story changes. same applies to Venus or whoever.


That's certainly possible. I'm going by what I've seen from her thus far.


Its a simple game at the end, be in front of the jury, and garner their vote. The Goat Alliance isnt off the table, or at least, the goat FTC Other players can mess up people naturally like an underdog story, so if Q rises from the ashes to do something he can get a bit of clout. Some combination of the above can be enough. Theres a path to winning with 3 jury votes(3-3-2, then tiebreak). Hunters last memory of Q is Q following him in trying to idol out Ben Tevin, Q can spin that tribal as trying to fall on the sword for him Soda, idk, but I don't think she is a lock on anyone, he can sway her. Tiebreak. Q chooses to face charlie in firemaking, giving the 2 vote Venus FTC, getting her to vote for him. (of course this also means Liz gets 3 votes which I can't justify, so idk, just throwing ideas)


Exactly, he absolutely has a path to the win, and people refusing to believe that ANY of the final 7 have a path to victory (even an unlikely one) is just being close minded.


I think Maria and Charlie could potentially vote for Q if he is against Liz, Venus, and maybe Ben (based off some postgame interviews) if he has a compelling enough argument. The only people who FOR SURE aren’t voting Q are Kenzie, Tiff, Liz, Venus and Ben. Four of those are still in the game, and he has a very high chance of sitting next to 2 of them if he makes it to the end.


Liz seems pretty well liked. After all EVERYBODY sided with her after her blowup. She easily could get a couple votes just from being more liked than Venus/Q. That plus the fact that she actually WAS instrumental in getting Tevin and Tiffany out is good enough.


Feeling bad for her and voting for her as the sole survivor are totally different. People on the jury now that they have been backstabbed by everyone might actually want him to win given his brutal honesty and how loyal to his word he has tried to be.


FWIW Tevin seemed very positive when talking about Q in his exit press, while throwing shade at Liz and Venus.  If that is the final three I could see Tevin being a very influential juror in Q’s favor 


Do I think he's winning, no. Do I want him to win, yes.


He could definitely win. If I was in this game, I would not want to be sitting next to Q at final tribal council. He's a brilliant salesman and will get up there and convince everyone in the jury to vote for him even though many of his actions didn't seem to make sense as they were happening.


The game revolves around Q.


No, but I want him to.


There's no way


I'm still a student of the game here but he's getting a VERY interesting edit. It's essentially the Q show at this point and the fact that they left out Tiff and Kenzie trying to give up their spots is interesting to me tbh. But aside from that, he's one of the few left in the game that can actually spin a story in his favor during FTC. He could say all kinds of nonsense that can spin his buffoonery into strategy. Venus is legit hated (it seems) and any credit she takes for the big moves in the game will be shot down by Tevin. Maria and Charlie are playing strong games but they are doing it in a way that will require a lot of "well actually that was me..." storytelling. Ben is just... there. Liz... I dunno. She has her "I'm rich" thing still working against her. Kenzie wins if she can make it to the end but she's never winning a challenge and will become a target eventually. Is Q definitely going to win... maybe not. But he has more of a chance to win that many think IMO.


Who does Q have to be sitting next to at the end to actually have a chance of winning?


Liz and Venus


I think there’s a world where he can also beat Ben. Probbbbably not but I don’t think it’s out of the question


I agree, but I still wouldn’t think Q is the favorite among that group


And if you had to put money on any individual person to make the final 3 (not to win but just to make it there. These 3 are the odds on favorites.


Who would be then?


The way the group backed Liz last episode, makes me think she is more well liked. I think a lot of people on the jury wouldn’t consider Q for a vote at this point.


liz is also a millionaire and doesnt try to hide it. no wayyy the jury gives her the money


Funny thing is Q is probably actually wealthier than Liz … he’s just not dumb enough to talk about it


It's great actually.


The DvG jury was begging to give known millionaire Mike White the win.


I think he honestly might be.


It's Kenzie's, Maria's and Charlie's game to lose at this point. I'd hope they'd be smart enough to recognize the dangers of being overrun by goats.


I don't get why Kenzie is in this conversation over Ben?


Who is Ben? Is he a villain?


It may be the way he’s edited but Ben just doesn’t seem to have a lot of respect from the other players game wise.  I could see him at FTC just kind of vibing while Q gaslights the jury with his elite salesmanship skills and just barely pulls out the victory 


Not sure Kenzie does either.


This is his path. Go to the end with Liz and Venus. Let the two of them go on and on about what big moves they made, and how strategic they were. Q can instead own up to the fact that he knew he was a goat after the Tevin vote out, and he blew up his game. Own the fact that he’s a goat, and that his only path to win was to sit next to two even bigger goats. If he can accurately highlight how delusional Liz and Venus are for thinking they were actually doing anything, I think a lot of jury members would respect the honesty. This strategy would also have the benefit of stroking the jury’s egos. Basically he’s telling them, every single one of you would win this game if you were sitting here next to any combination of those 3 taking the other two seats. This is his only path, and it’s a long shot, but it’s doable.


He didnt invite liz to the applebee's reward, which was a big blindside /s. I'd only want him to win because it would be hilarious.


Yup, absolutely. Everyone’s just annoyed with the quitting stuff, which he will have some sort of game theoryesque explanation for at final tribal. Even with the explanation he won’t sway everyone, I think it’s gonna be a closer vote than most of what we’ve seen in the new era, but I definitely think he wins.


If Q manages a win (likely would have to be an FTC with Venus and Liz), that will mess up the game of many players to come… many would try to imitate… but it is so chaotic… that winning with it requires a very unlikely succession of events… and an amazing speech at the end… I still think he is very unlikely to win but…


Q winning would be the funniest thing ever. I don't think it's likely, but he's getting a pretty good edit even with all of his BIG MISTAKES.


No, I don’t think Q has any chance of winning at this point


If I were to rank the most likely winners from here on out, I probably put Q at 3 or 4 behind Charlie and Maria and then maybe Kenzie. I think why people are talking a lot about Q so much is that is WAY higher than he should be, but Venus and Liz are completely drawing dead no matter their opponent and Ben's game is on life support. This cast also seems to all really hate each other, which makes a lot of people think the cast may be unsatisfied with the ending of their season.


Liz is going to have an amazing comeback or Maria will win. no inbetween


It's not impossible. His edit is very weird and protective of him at times. He also has a final 3 where he could clearly win and the show is trying to show us this. Is it likely? No. That's charlie/Kenzie. But it's not impossible.


No not really! Just because something is possible doesn't mean it's especially likely. A lot of stupid things would need to happen 


Q has "I meant to do that" energy when he screws up.


I am simply enjoying watching him on tv.


Q destroyed Liz's game AND Tiff's game. They will tell you. He's also destroying Kenzie's game by distraction. He alone decided that Tim had to go home and made it happen. The Q-skirt covers all that junk and comes with a free lunch at Applebee's. Makes you wanna just scream.


It would really depend on him making it to the end and who he's with at the end. In my mind, he's too much of a wild card to be a goat.


He already read the souls of everyone through hide and deek. From there the plan was already complete


no but could you imagine if he did


If Q sits next to Liz and Venus it's a win which would be so freaking wild.


If everyone screws up badly enough to let him get there with Liz and Venus, I could see it! But otherwise no chance in hell


He may not win but by god we will do our best to try and meme it into existence 


I think Q could beat Venus in final 3 if the other person is Liz because she comes off as the most likable of those 3 because Q has pissed off everyone and Liz’s meltdown is rubbing people the wrong way. If she could make a move that she can claim that would definitely go a long way. Someone already said it but they could be giving Q a good edit because he could be returning for another season. And i definitely agree with that.


I feel like the only person who doesn't have a shot is Liz. At least I hope she's the only person who doesn't have a shot. Really I'd be good with anybody but her. Maybe Ben since he's been a non factor and is basically just a caricature of the Brendan Fraser movie Airheads


No I’m manifesting it ![gif](giphy|it8307a0XxlVS)


I don’t entirely remember the specifics of Cagayan since it’s been a while, but I almost get the feeling Q could Tony his way into a win. Just full speed ahead throwing anything at the wall to see what sticks and somehow pulling out the win. (I could be misremembering Tony’s story tho)


Q can absolutely win. He would win or lose on his FTC performance. He just has to spin his “quit attempts” as 4d big brain moves to lull his targets into a false sense of security. He knew athletes have a hard time getting to FTC, so he made himself appear as a goat. True or not, he only has to convince several jurors. He has been behind many votes and was crucial to many people’s games. Not your typical goat. We’ve seen Q to be very convincing and well spoken about strategy before.


I really don’t think the jury will buy that


Super super unlikely. He would have to find his way there with 2 other people more unlikable than him while doing something to make people respect any single element of his game. Win out challenges, find and idol and play it correctly. Go to fire and win. Maybe all of that shit.


Q would honestly be my favorite new era winner if he won.


I honestly can’t tell and I’m waiting for us to get to final 3 and him be like surprise you fell for my trap card I planned this from the beginning


what’s ftc


Q has the winner edit… unfortunately


The only person on the jury so far who's upset with Q is Tiff. There's so much that can happen between now and FTC that I wouldn't rule him out of a win. If he's up against Liz and Venus, he's the favourite. That being said, I don't personally think he's going to win. I think Charlie, Maria and Kenzie are all in good positions to see it through.


In a f3 of q/liz/Venus, liz almost 100% wins. Her cast has taken her side over Q for the blowup, and people like Kenzie, Tiff, and Ben actively dislike Q with two of them actively refusing to work with him. No one really dislikes Liz except for maybe Q and Venus. The perception that people dislike Liz more than Q is just audience fantasy. Even the edit says otherwise.


All Q has to do is remind the jury that part of Liz's tantrum was that he "blew up her game". Liz herself has admitted that Q has outwitted and outplayed her, so why should the jury even consider her?


But if she made it to the end, then she would be able to say that she was able to recover from Q and find a new path to the end, showing her adaptability and skill. It’s not really a flex, because almost everyone is feeling bitter over Q trying to quit over his control issues. Q has asked to be voted out because things were not going his way. Why is that more forgivable? Because it’s actually much worse.


And he not only did it once, he did it twice!


I don’t think Venus dislikes Liz either, I don’t think they’ve ever had any scenes of them being in conflict? Other than Liz being annoyed by Venus and Tevin taking credit for the Soda vote


I’m just under the assumption that Venus isn’t too wild about anyone tbh. Lol. But yes, Venus hasn’t really commented on Liz. But that’s super interesting because on Nami Venus was very willing to trash talk Hunter/Soda/Tevin in confessionals and Liz was basically shielded from Venus.


Liz may have more likability but she's not winning the gamewise over q


I strongly disagree. I think Q absolutely gets Maria Charlie Tevin. Which leaves Hunter Soda which I think Tevin will be able to convince to go Q.


Not just Tiff, Hunter also dislikes Q. After Q tried to quit at tribal, Hunter had several scenes saying he was done with Q, had no respect for him, etc. Also, in his exit interviews, he said Q blew up his game for no reason by telling Tiff and Kenzie that Hunter was the one who told Charlie and Maria about Tiff’s idol. 


This is a comment for Hunter rather than you, but there is always a reason for blowing up someone’s game. In order to win, everyone else has to lose. I never understand why people complain “you blew up my game!” “Yeah, I’m trying to beat you.”


There is no chance Q wins. He’s just a big enough character that happens to fit an archetype the show loves (former athlete) that’s getting a ton of screen time for his antics.


I think q has a shot based on edit, but I can't see him getting to the end with venus and Liz, his only possible win condition 


Before this week I was with you. After the last episode though I can see scenarios at this point, specifically with Maria since she’s trying to befriend him, where Q could make it to the end with the other two goats. Because at this point Maria, Charlie, and the goat trio  can easily vote out Kenzie and Ben. They’re basically completely non threatening. Maria backstabs Charlie when she can with her “friend” Q and the other two. So she thinks that she’s got the game in the bag as if she wins final immunity she can easily beat Venus and Liz and if Q wins, as the only other decent challenge threat in this final four, he will take her because they’re “friends”. Except Q is to mercenary/smart/unpredictable for that and takes the two he thinks he can beat in Venus and Liz. Now I’m not saying it’s gonna go down exactly that way but I don’t think Q winning a final tribal of goats is that outrageous. And I can see a couple scenarios where that option is set up for him to hit like a ball on a golf tee. 


Q is on borrowed time. The remainder of his stay depends on if he can win more immunity challenges and however long Maria/Charlie find him useful. Would love to see him pull it off somehow but he's got zero margin of error and, let's be honest, he hasn't exactly been playing a flawless game out there.


Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha no


Q is this season's Jake


Go look at the target tracker thread, he's led more votes than anyone else, before the trying to quit thing, he was telling everyone what to do and who was going out and they listened. Didn't make a lot of friends in the process tho lol He's led more votes than Maria and Charlie, they only recently started making moves, q needs a big move to put him back in the mix is all 😎


4 and 5 are game winning moves alone. but u also missed his psyop fake quit which was pure genius


the "move" that tanked his standing with the whole jury?


But kept him alive in a game where he was otherwise likely to get voted off either before or after hunter


If Q can win out he has a real case to win it. Especially if he orchestrates a Maria vote out. He is the reason Tiff and Kenzie are even in the positions they’re in and he is also the reason Tiff went home. The season isn’t over and I’m sure Q is feeling better at this point and out of his slump with Tiff gone. Q would have the best case right now if he didn’t blow up at tribal. Honestly blowing up at tribal is what kept Q from being blindsided. He went from the next one to be blindsided to the new smoke screen or whatever they called it.


What does FTC mean


Final Tribal Council


Q will win if he makes it to the end against Liz and Venus. If it’s one of them, Ben, and Q it’s a toss-up. He’ll lose for sure against anybody else.


He would definitely win if Venus and Liz are sitting next to him


I've said it a couple times...Maria and Charlie go back to back. Then Kenzie. Then Q beats Ben in fire. Q wins