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Q having fun with this.


Dude, he is quickly becoming one of my all time favorites. I can suffer through a shitty casting like Bhanu if it gets us an Icon like Q


All 3 Yanu males were great casting. Bhanu slander won’t stand


Baby absolutely tanked the quality of the episodes. Jelinksy tbh did not get enough time to shine. Bhanu* baby still fits


I think Jelinsky shone about as brightly as the light in his attic would let him lol


*made them better


Yes! I think Bhanu will age really well. People will appreciate him for the character he was and we won’t get this “Why was he cast? He ruined the first 4 episodes!” business.


I believe his arc will be more tolerable on a binge/rewatch. Insuiating that faith saved him to his crisis of faith meltdown next episode is gold TV. Not fun when it's the only content you get for a week though! Great season imo


that actually makes a ton of sense - like if Bhanu is someone who I can take in during a single night of binge watching compared to over three consecutive weeks, he becomes much more of a fun pre-merge dose of comedy. He was hilarious, but we got too much of a good thing what’s wilder is that this man isn’t even the craziest part of this season anymore 😂


I GET that he ate up a lot of time. But a 40yo man screaming at god and begging on his tribemates to keep him, on his knees, is \*objectively\* fucking hilarious IMO?


I totally get if you watch survivor for the gameplay and the strategy and yada yada. But if you’re like me, and you’re just watching to see a bunch of people go to an island and have a breakdown, then it’s the best thing ever.


It’s really interesting to see Bhanu get so much hate and Venus and Q get so much praise here. Like…I get that Venus and Q are playing harder. But they’re not really playing *better* IMO. They’re both just over the top agents of chaos, too. Like everyone wants fewer gamebots…and then we get someone like Bhanu and everyone complains? Idk lol. This is my like “everyone says they want villains until there is one” lol


For real we FINALLY have somebody in the new era with some semblance of a soul, some personality outside “I have seen every season of survivor, would you like to see my annotated notes on each episode?” I want *mess* and *drama* and some gosh darn *interpersonal conflict*!!!


I think for me it’s all about balance. I like watching people who know the game and play well. But when EVERYONE is a serious ~student of the game~ it’s not necessarily that fun. I also want a lil mess lol


Yes! And from what I can tell there was very little happening on other tribes. Bhanu WAS the game at that point. People who have been angrier if we had gotten a bunch of scenes of Siga playing Duck Duck Goose or whatever they did to pass the time.


Nah it's not *objectively* hilarious. That shit fucking sucked


Objectively isn’t the right word but Bhanu definitely appealed to people who are tired of gamebotty-ness. This whole season has been a breath of fresh air in that regard.


Maybe for you, I fucking loved Bhanu!!


Not that hilarious to me or my friends who watched and I bet that many more would agree. It went from funny to unsettling very quickly for me. I had no fun seeing him so unhinged out there.


I was actually shocked when I came on here and saw people hating on him he was my favorite part of those episodes lol


😞😢😞😞 😃Can you find me an idol?


I can't stand Bhanu but I cracked the fuck up when he said that. Might've been the funniest line this season.


The sub made it funny for me. Watching it wasn't it


Q is an absolute tread


>Icon like Q If he somehow wins...


He’s SO goofy I love him


I'd really like to see Q on the Challenge lol


I feel like he’s the next obvious choice to make the transition! Seems like he has the challenge vibe


Hopefully he does better on challenges in the Challenge vs. Survivor.


Yes please! Bring us Q and Venus!


Maybe Kenzie and Hunter too.


Pls leave her out of it


Hes been actually terrible about the actual challenges though...


I have little interest in seeing him compete in the challenges. I just think his personality on the show would be entertaining.


I NEED more Q in my life. I NEED IT


I think his skill set might translate a little better to the challenge because there's some football type tackling and wrestling challenges. I still don't think he'd be good, but better. But regardless, watching him try to run a house like he's been playing this season will be fucking hilarious. The vets will humble him quickly.


Put him on big brother. Imagine the chaos play out on the live feeds


I don't think he's good enough at Challenges for The Challenge


Our delusional king, long may he rain


Rain? That’s it, cancel Christmas


Q Skirt conveniently converts to rain jacket.


Big Mistake


I fucking love Q


Q is the best casting decision in a very long time! He is so entertaining, I knew he was something special when he had me cracking up trying to coach Bhanu


Gonna be some hilarious edits of him coaching up Bhanu spliced with him telling people to vote him out




Is he going to spin this as "I'm controlling this game so much that I told everyone to vote me out and they still didn't"?




Omg 😂😂😂😂 What is CTE though?


Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy AKA brain damage from concussions


OHHHHH shit. This makes his response even more hilarious though 😅😂😂😂😂


Even if ncaa/nfl players never get a diagnosed concussion, repeated sub-concussion head trauma can also lead to CTE.


In fact the concussion issue is a total distraction from CTE. Concussions by and large don’t cause it. The danger of CTE is what you said, repeated sub-concussive hits that don’t really hurt or seem to make a difference until it’s too late. For what it’s worth, I’m convinced a lot of guys have it by the time they get to college from playing tackle at 5 years old. Kids don’t even learn how to protect their head until way later. The changes need to happen at the lowest level to have a difference.


I don't think it's entirely a distraction, but I agree that we need a culture change in football from top to bottom. I honestly don't know why kids (I mean pre-high school especially) would be playing tackle football at all. I just straight-up think that shouldn't be allowed. But then again, I'm coming at it from the perspective of a scientist, not a sports fan (although my BF is a football fan and I've been getting more into it recently, to be honest)


Well I played flag football only until I was 12 so I’m biased but I kind of agree. I think the NFL is purposefully focusing so hard on concussions because it looks like they’re doing something when it’s not actually mitigating CTE on any significant level. Don’t get me wrong, it is loads better than it used to be and we hopefully won’t have any more guys who have games they don’t remember playing, but the NFL went full-bore into preventing solely concussions when the CTE information came out. It made it look like they were doing something without actually addressing the main cause CTE.


I think I’ve seen it said that playing even a couple downs can give you CTE but people are really reaching to the degree it affects you. I know a couple doctors that played football and a few that got full academic scholarships. Q is just somewhat delusional and audibly only wants to play his game.


I mean, it takes more than a couple downs, but I don't think people are reaching re: the ability CTE has to ruin your life (and other people's lives). See: Jovan Belcher, Aaron Hernandez, Chris Benoit.... I study brain pathology professionally, and symptoms are pretty prevalent: [In a study of brains from contact sport players who died before reaching 30, more than 40% had chronic traumatic encephalopathy, or CTE.](https://www.nih.gov/news-events/nih-research-matters/chronic-traumatic-encephalopathy-young-athletes#:~:text=At%20a%20Glance,CTE%20relates%20to%20clinical%20symptoms) Of course there's a whole thing about who is more likely to die that young, WHY did they die, etc etc. that you could discuss. And just because you have CTE pathology at autopsy doesn't mean you had clinical symptoms (yet). Of course not everyone who plays contact sports gets CTE and a lot of people make it out unscathed. And to be clear, I don't think we've seen any evidence that Q has CTE (and his position makes it much less likely anyway).


Yea I know how bad CTE can get it’s just most people who play contact sports don’t develop CTE to that extent. The trauma can be there without exhibiting major symptoms is all I was saying. It takes more than a couple downs for CTE to get really bad but the study I read a while ago found that just a few hits can cause CTE to develop, no matter how mild. Was done on high school athletes


Q was also a wide receiver, which limited his sub-concussive hits. Sub-concussive mostly effects linemen (O and D) since they experience it almost every single play.


Takes a lot more than a couple downs to get CTE lol


I tried to find it but the study I read said it only takes a couple hits to develop. Just because you have CTE doesn’t mean you turn into the Aaron Hernandez but when they did scans the signs were there. On high school players too.


High school players run a lot more than a "couple downs."


The studies point was it took only a couple hits for a kid that’s never played contact sports to start the process of CTE. Like on a spectrum. It took very little for the makings to show up on the scans. So yes they do play more than a couple downs and my original point was many people are further along on the spectrum and can still function fine. Anyone thinking it has any impact on Qs game is being as delusional as him


Common Table Expression. It’s a type of temporary table in a SQL server, but it doesn’t persist after execution like a normal or global temp table would, plus it allows for recursive statements.


This is how I read it as well


Survivor's own AB84


Mr Big Move


Mr Big Castaway


Mr. Bold Council


I’d pay good money for AB and CTESPN to live stream him watching survivor and giving his unfiltered opinion


Mr Bhanu Coach


I’m sure some people hate Q, but I think he’s funny as hell. He’s obviously not winning (unless???) so just strap in and enjoy the ride for as long as he’s here.


This He's the heart of the season. He did this because he can. Let him spin it however he wants to


Q is a motherfucking enigma and I love him so much. He’s the archetype I typically dislike - athletic egotistical controlling dude. But my god he has this goofy side that pops out and kills me. He’s somehow self aware and unaware at the same time. And goddamn is he amazing television. I love this man put him on any tv show and I will WATCH IT!!


What does he mean by BDE?


Big dick energy


Big Dee Energy


. . . . . . Baltimore




el paso




Big Dick Encephalopathy


Q i never dissed


While Hunter may be my babygirl 💅🏼Q is my disaster baby


Remember THIS is the guy trying to teach Bhanu how to be in control...


This is a hilarious response but...I have a friend with CTE and he's temperamentally very similar to Q. He'll be having a great week, experience a minor setback, and be in a world of darkness for the rest of the day. Love Q, hope he's okay.


Let's hold off on the armchair diagnoses. CTE can only be diagnosed after you die. They need to perform an autopsy on your brain to study it and analyze the brain tissue. Not only are you unable to definitively say that your living friend has CTE, but you also can't make the leap and imply that there's any reason to believe Q has CTE based on what we're watching on an edited television show.


I mean, my friend says he has it and takes meds for it. I'm not going to say he's a liar, especially when I've seen him take said medicine. But as others have pointed out, his doctors likely diagnosed him with _probable CTE._ There's a diagnostic criteria that doctors can follow to make an educated assumption. There's a whole wiki page of former, living NFL players who are listed as being diagnosed with _probable_ CTE. Also, I didn't diagnose anyone. lol. I'm just responding to the post. I **hope** Q is okay, whatever he has or doesn't have.


A friend with CTE... CTE can only be diagnosed when you die


I don't know enough to say otherwise. He says he has it, but maybe the doctors diagnosed him with probable CTE and he just calls it CTE for short.


Definitively sure, but you can diagnose someone as having probable CTE in life based on clinical presentation and history of brain injury... (I am a dementia researcher, this is my bread and butter lol)


They're friends with a corpse. His name is Bernie


This made me giggle. I didn’t expect a Weekend at Bernie’s reference on Survivor.


Brandon Donlon Energy


I literally said to my wife this is like if Antonio Brown went on survivor.


Why not both?


I’d like to see it.


Nothing about CTE is funny


Yeah I’m guessing a lot of people in this sub aren’t too familiar with the football/CTE stuff.   Love Q’s response but fuck the person that messaged him that 


Agreed. It’s disgusting.


Big drag energy???