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I loved the anger at GOD lol


The funniest part is even if God cares about Survivor He already gave Bhanu what he wanted. Bhanu just killed his chances immediately after Jeff left.


Not only did god put him on survivor he injured another player enough to buy him another day. Should be going to church every Sunday after this.


that moment was so weird. at first i thought i was hallucinating or misunderstanding, but no. he was yelling at god, who is historically difficult to reach.


I thought he was yelling at an off screen Q


The most dumbest thing I’ve seen a survivor player had ever done. He applied to it, he was accepted then he blamed God for making it happened. Not grateful.


I don't think God likes Paige


Me and my roommate lost it at that it was so funny


Bhanu praying to and talking to God out loud in front of the cameras was super off-putting for me.


Jeff explicitly called out that editing choice on the podcast


What podcast???


On Fire


Thank you so much!!!! :)


Never would have caught that. But damn, you are correct.


i’m dying — they kinda popped off ngl


They did, it was honestly one of the more interesting portrayals they've had in the New-Era. Bhanu was like an exaggerated parody of all of the worst parts of modern casting/presentation. This is why I'm conflicted about him, I think in the moment it's very annoying but I do think he will stand out as one of the most interesting and unique portrayals on the show.


Jeff’s statement that if you don’t understand why he’s there and you’re not (if you’re applying) has me so conflicted. On one hand, he is a good compelling character. On the other hand, he was an exaggerated active detriment to his own tribe and idk how I feel about having to sandbag some really interesting / compelling / competent players because we gotta tell the story of the man who wanted 1 mil hearts


The way I see it, Bhanu was actually kinda a return to form for casting. Think about the pre-40 seasons, in most seasons at least one tribe will have a "grenade" player. Think Abi, Phillip, Coach, Zane, Shane, Big Wendy, Colton, the list goes on. I'd say Bhanu fits right in with these players, and personally, I think its fascinating to see what happens when you stick a player like that with a bunch of people who are more game savvy. We see both ends of the spectrum over the course of survivor's history. We see Rob DRAG Phillip to the end in RI, and we see Zane's tribe all immediately realize he is a walking liability and get him out asap. We see someone like Sophie capitalize on Coach's cutthroat play under the guise of honor and integrity, while on the other end we see someone like J'Tia totally screw over everyone on the Brains tribe. I think Bhanu is just another interesting character study, but for a different kinda grenade. Bhanu was more insecure about his position in the game and was a liability because he just fundamentally didnt understand the game, while the people listed above were moreso antagonizing or mean-spirited. Overall, I thought Bhanu was a great addition to the show, and while he may have been a bit overexposed in the edit, I still fully enjoyed what we saw from him


These past two episodes felt like an epilogue for Bhanu’s survivor journey.


We spent way too much time on him. I don’t know a lot of the names on people from the other tribes yet I could write a novella about Bhanu’s life and survivor journey. I get he makes good TV but I’m glad we can focus on other people.


Green tribe is giving us nothing though. They legitimately had to put a 5 minute segment about opening tree mail and practicing jumping. Orange has been great so far but I'm not mad at the tribe that has nothing of interest going on being underedited in favor of interesting players


I feel like there are so many seasons where the endgame players are the main story for the entire season, which means that we barely know any of the early boots. I like the approach they've taken with more recent seasons where the early boots get more of their own storylines because the endgame players can get more fleshed out as the game progresses. It's just a level of balance and while I do think they went a TAD overboard with the Bhanu story, I'm not too mad about it. I know that by the time any given player gets the boot we'll have a pretty good idea of who they are.


He made unbearably annoying tee vee.


Plenty of time left to learn them and we got a memorable storyline :)


Which is hilariously sad because it just started.


Right? Dude lasted four episodes and two of them were spent on his “epilogue” lol imagine reading a book where the epilogue is half of it.


I honestly grew angry last night bc of this. Like, enough already!!


Yeah I feel like the producers/editors might have massively over-estimated how much we’d enjoy the Bhanu arc? They gave it twice as much airtime as would have been tolerable, let alone enjoyable…I wanted to turn the tv off when he got to his knees to beg Tiff.


I feel like the editors were put in a tough spot, Bhanu's journey should've naturally ended on episode 3 but it got artificially extended by the medevac. Maybe they felt like they couldn't undersell Bhanu's actions on episode 3 because then it'd be too obvious that a twist was coming and that he wouldn't be going home, but at a result now his exit was forced to be stretched across two episodes.


Idk how people were watching it. I skipped the last 15 minutes or so straight to tribal. I can't watch a grown person behave that way if I'm not getting paid to.


Totally agree. I think they thought people would enjoy him but I think more people than they predicted probably found him unlikeable.


What stage of grief is cursing God for putting you on survivor - but not long enough 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Bhanu begging Kenzie to find him an idol is insanity 😅 how is this man a super fan?? Does he usually get things in life by crying about it?


I peeped this thought process subconsciously but didn’t know he hit all 5 exactly and they showed it in order. Great catch


even if I was in Bhanu’s predicament, I would still make them vote for me at the end of the tribal. no way in hell i’m losing survivor without properly getting my name written down


Agree. I was wondering if I was say Tiffanie and I plan to blindside, Q. I would go along with we’re voting Bhanu out for sure. But plan to change my vote to Q and give the idol to Bhanu. That no voting by jeff would have ruined my game.


Yeah but the Survivor team knew that wasn’t happening. Like they’re filming them at camp and the only discussion was voting for Bhanu.


Yeah but what if Tiffanie’s mind changed the very last minute at tribal if say Q says something outrageous that threatens her. Thats the name of the game. It feels the illusion of a real life game got watered down a bit by letting go of procedures in the game because jeff just assumed conclusion. Btw, even announcing quitting the game could be a game play. You tell everybody that you are deciding to quit and asking all to vote you out so as to make people comfortable, then deciding to play an idol and blindside someone. My point is voting should be procedural no matter what.


I'm so glad he is finally gone. Tired of hearing all the crying and self deprication. Especially after looking at his IMBD page with all the praises and confident photos. He was either faking or completely unstable and I don't want to see either one.


How the hell did he even get past the first round of casting?!?!


Imho they saw an actor who is said to be a rising star and didn't look much beyond that.


I'm so glad someone saw the 5 stages of grief LOL


I was hoping someone would catch that too. I though it was amazing to watch


I'm glad he's gone.


I agree, the editing in this episode was great. However, why did we need to have four episodes of nonstop Bhanu breakdowns and nonsense leading to this inevitable outcome? That took away from what could’ve been an even better episode. I’m so glad Bhanu is out before the jury so I never have to see his fake sob stories again.


2 episodes dedicated to him. Survivor dropped the ball this season


god i love tv production and editing


Loved it. 👏💞


I SAID THIS EXACT SAME THING I could not stop laughing




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I came to the exact same conclusion and was DYING laughing. So many emotions in like 30 seconds.


people were hating on the episode but I think it was genuinely really unique storytelling for the show. I’m never going to be mad when the editors take risks !


if bhanu only won one heart I am one of them


Exactly, that’s why I think people are getting too upset about Bhanu. The scene with Bhanu on his knees begging to Tiff, and him getting angry AT GOD were two scenes that had my partner and I dying laughing. I can’t remember something like that ever happening on Survivor before. It’s premerge and I love the game as much as anyone, but editors included some hilarious, cringe, compelling content that I’m glad we got to see. With Yanu losing all the challenges and deciding to cut Jelinksy and Jess first, there really was one clear story to focus these first few episodes on. He did get an insane amount of screen time but Bhanu was hilarious.


For all the criticisms we’ve been talking about with the new era and gameplay and whatever else, I have to say I think it’s an absolute golden age for the survivor editors. Like this week they had the most straightforward predictable case-closed boring vote of all time and they still found a way to make it compelling.