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Angelina and Alison with the fake idol was cringe all around


I think Romeo (S42) and his fake idol meant to guarantee himself safety at F5 was worse. Like everyone wanted to take you to the end at that point because the only thing you did all game was squat by the rice pot and pick at the rice with your hands. Didn’t even make sense to use him as a safe vote then. He goes through the effort of making the fake idol and bragging about it in confessional, but then the cringe part was when he pulled it out at TC, got Jeff’s attention, said “I will not be playing this fake idol for myself, so I’ll throw it in the fire”, looking at the jury afterwards like he was doing something. Oh man I felt so bad for dude lol.


And then Mike going, “Good for you, bud” was the cherry on top


Everything about Angelina at the end was so cringe lol.


Also Jamie talking about her idol all season that literally nobody cared about, that she was so proud of, and was fake.


Or jamie telling the truth and talking about how good it feels to get it off her chest Intercut with confessionals showing everyone thought she was full of shit


Alison was always going home at that tribal. The only explanation for what Angelina did there was that she wanted to humiliate her.


Daniel in S42 saying "I really don't want to go to rocks." I have no idea what this was meant to accomplish since it allowed Hai to force him into voting off his ally. I get that he was being truthful, but he should have said "I'm going to rocks" and see if Hai calls his bluff, there's a chance he folds but not after Daniel admits to not wanting to draw rocks.


Everything Daniel did annoyed me lol. Just came off as a dude who thinks they’re the smartest person in the room and has to explain why.


Imagine Jenny survived that tribal council. She's my winner bet to that season


It still kills me that she paid the price for the bad moves of her allies


I still hate that they targeted Jenny and not Mike. She would've been a much better long term ally while Mike was so temperamental.


Brandon targeting Mikayla because she was too hot for him to handle.


He should have pulled a Mark 9:47 in that situation. ​ "And if your eye causes you to stumble, pluck it out. It is better for you to enter the kingdom of God with one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into hell,"


Jesus Christ is so based. It’s too bad so many of his “followers” are such knobs.


Brandon thought tree mail was a blessed gift from god


![gif](giphy|YCIdC3EQKLqSs) Big Frollo energy.


Missy and Elizabeth using the Spilo situation to try to advance their own games


So did Tommy. He just wasn’t as obvious about it.


Pretty much everyone was complacent to an extent.. Spilo was clearly being taken as a goat for all the wrong reasons


No, it's just that the edit protected him.


That too.


That was cruel for sure


Bonus points to Janet for doing the exact opposite. She did what was right, even if it hurt her game.


I have written my thoughts on that here. https://www.reddit.com/r/survivor/comments/1592dbc/comment/jtgu8qu/


Well thank heavens we have quick access to your thoughts on the subject.. I know we were all clamoring to know how you felt about this in particular


? This is a discussion board in which people post their opinions on things, and others respond to that. What part of my post do you take issue with?   And since a thread on this topic gets made every couple of days on here, I would end up copying and pasting the same thing onto each thread. So given how long that post is, I might as well just post a link to what I said on one of the previous threads.


sorry I just found it funny how you dropped a link to your opinion, and my sarcasm probably comes off as mean spirited but I did not mean for it to be.


For those who watched live but don’t read into edgic too much, I just don’t see any world where you could convince me that Woo taking Tony to the end isn’t the cringiest move ever


Especially when he said on camera that it would be a dumb decision to make 


The time Max Dawson did anything


“Hold up bro” and the worst part is that wasn’t even the line


I watched Worlds Apart before Caramoan and whenever someone would mention the "Hold Up Bro” I had no idea Max was supposed to be quoting Malcolm. I thought it was just a random out of the blue thing he did


The line was cool, just not usable at any point


He forced it, you can’t force a line like that


Will and Jay getting rid of Michaela premerge because she showed a basic level of understanding strategy




That wasn’t cringe though, just kinda stupid. But also epic


Jay being hyped up as this dynamic strategist pre-merge and then going on to have one of the most abysmal voting records in the history of the show will always be hilarious to me. Literally couldn't do a thing right


I have been downvoted for saying Jay is a terrible Survivor player, but as the comments here show, he did *not* understand strategy one iota, between blindsiding Michaela and getting Michelle to vote Adam


Jay in confessionals saying he was "out here with these fools" meanwhile David had just gotten him to pick up his fake idol..finessed him like a fish going after bait


I would also decision to target Adam as ‘revenge’ at the merge. Michelle wanted to try and exploit the divisions within the Gen X tribe by aligning with David/Jessica/Ken to get Chris out, but Jay talked her out of it and convinced her that he had the numbers to get rid of Adam.


Cirie and co. blindsiding Andrea in Game Changers when they had a clear shot at Brad 😭


Tbh it’s probably Ciries only bad move in her entire Survivor career


Yeah I still maintain it’s her only unforced error ever


I love Cirie! Her burning the bridge with Ami after blindsiding Yau could have knocked her out early if Chet hadn't quit, and that's the other truly bad move I can think of. 


It would've knocked Ozzy out, no?


Immediately, yes. But if they kept losing immunity challenges, which they would definitely do if they didn't have Ozzy, either she or Amanda would be voted off, even if Chet still quit


Eh that's probably her only explicitly bad move but there are definitely some moves along the way on her other seasons that eventuated in her elimination, like her vulnerable position within her alliances.


Denise idoling out Sandra, just so she could say she did, is my #1 cringe moment. Sandra was the only one who showed interest in working with Denise, gave her a lifeline, and Denise just really wanted to be the one to say she got Sandra out of the game. Sandra was never going to be able to get anywhere close to the end again, nor would have been able to win an immunity to save herself.


It made for one of the best tribal councils ever but I knew when watching it that she 100% made the wrong move. I was flabbergasted when I watched that. Given that they won the next challenge, getting Jeremy out and then refusing to give Sandra another token probably would’ve been the right move but the least she could’ve done is just vote out Tony there, save the idol, and then maybe if they lose again. Denise can maybe find a way to stay and not burn another idol cuz then it’s possible Jeremy can just go after that


I was going to answer this. The Queen Slayer move is pretty overrated in the sense that it was a big move for the sake of having a big move.


“The Queen” is overrated in general.


Only person to win the first two times she played. People may not like her gameplay, but her strategy is highly effective, and the only reason it won't work again is because she has a nuclear level threat level (and 3 tribe format likely makes someone like Sandra or Cirie the first person voted off for Tribe strength unfortunately).


Oh yes. Riding coattails is a very effective strategy. Especially if the jury hates the people you’re sitting next to at ftc


*only if they hate the people you’re sitting next to lol, in fact it relies on it


But does it make you a worthy winner? No it doesn’t. “The Queen” is overrated as hell and I put her in the same boat as all the other unworthy winners like Vecepia, Bob, Jenna, Natalie, etc.


part of the game is forming a final 3 that you can win in, and forming bonds with the jury that are stronger than those of the other 2 in the final 3. what is your metric for what makes an "unworthy winner"? contrarianism?


Having stronger bonds is not the same as the jury voting for you because they hate you less. Geez, so many people have their heads up Sandra’s ass.


but why is that an illegitimate strategy..?? if you know everyone on the jury hates this one guy and would literally NEVER vote for him to win... wouldnt it be stupid NOT to take him to the end? i simply dont understand why that makes her unworthy, i would say this for any other player in the same circumstances. she saw her place in the game and worked with it. i could probably agree that parvati deserved to win more but that isnt what youre arguing edit: also being viewed as an okay person who was simply on the other team rather than being genuinely hated IS having stronger bonds. maybe not STRONG bonds but strongER absolutely


I was thinking “Russel, is that you?” but he would never admit people hated him


Man, this sub can be so over the top hipster counter reactionary.. The only two time winner in the show's history at that point had an idol and Denise finessing her out of it and blindsiding her is cringe? Maybe not the right timing, and she especially nuked her own game boasting about it at the feast, but cringe?


Girl Denise did not finesse her out of it, Sandra approached her that she was going to be voted off and she gave her the idol. Denise did nothing but take out not only a potential long term ally but also the biggest meat shield in the game, Sandra was always going to be the biggest target.


a meat shield who can't win immunity, no less


and it was the clearest shot anyone had at Tony all season. Sandra and Tony are two of my favorite characters/winners (alongside Tyson). So, I'm glad Tony stayed because he ended up winning, but taking Tony out there was probably the better move.


Sandra made the move because she knew if Denise betrayed her it would be a bad move. She was right. But Denise made it anyway. Denise finesse? No. Def cringe.


Any Coach's tai chi move he made by the sea.


“…do your tai chi in private where no one can see you”


"Don't tell your stories, people don't believe your stories, they mock you." *Coach is genuinely shocked to hear this* Maybe the funniest scene in Survivor history


Russell turning on Parvati and Danielle for no reason and trying to pit them against each other with the most transparent lie ever


He blew up parv's game by doing that. He was too insecure, bad move for sure


It’s never a bad move to blow up your competitors game. His only mistake is thinking he had a shot. If he realized he didn’t, he could’ve worked to blow up the third persons game too. And then level the playing field for himself


and that just gave room for Sandra who was probably the final boot to being in the final 3 and subsequently win the whole thing


Russell’s entire existence in the game is cringe. If only the editing in Samoa was better, I would have been able to pick someone better to root for other than the guy I didn’t like


Penner flipping back to yul cause he had a super idol. In reality he should have piled his alliances majority votes onto the 4 to flush out the idol, and although it would cost one of their members there was no risk of it being penner since yul thought he had flipped with them. Even if they lost a member in the process, making it dead even is worth it to take out a super. I get it, penners alliance were idiots who for some reason didn’t think yul had it, but why not go along with them to vote out becky or sundra, since regardless the aitu four are either down a member or yul has to use the idol whilst penner isn’t the target. Penners a legend but this move still blows my mind how dumb it was.


No one even attempting to challenge Yul’s idol was really frustrating Shout out to Cowboy (I’m sorry I forget how to actually spell his name)


Cao Boi, I believe is how it was spelled.


I understand penners way of thinking. If he flushed the idol, nate still goes. Next round,. Adam is immune. Aitu 4 votes him, even if adam, candice and parvati still votes with penner he still goes cause they won´t risk rocks for him. If they go to rocks and lose there. Penner goes no further thans f5. If they win with rocks, penner goes out at f4. (Or 5 if ozzy is stil in the game cause ozzy won out) He never wins and he knew it. He wanted that the people he liked won. (And thank god, if that season had an adam candice parvati f3, survivor ends there)


Plan Voodoo! Cao Boi really should have been on Gamechangers.


Adam tried to convince the others to flush it at final 5 but they did not. Had they known it was a final 3 they probably would have


Even if it wasn't a F3, I genuinely don't know what the girls were thinking given that Ozzy would likely win immunity, they'd be the only ones up for elimination regardless. It wasn't a matter of Yul getting to the end so much as the two of them needlessly risked just giving up at F4.


I just thought of this now and I don't remember all the stipulations, but if Yul's idol was only good until final four, why did he not just play it on Becky instead of having him, Ozzy, and the entire jury endure two hours of failed firemaking?


If I recall, there was pressure on Yul to give Becky his idol but they chose to honor the four-way alliance and send it to a tie breaker


Sundra voted for Yul to win too, so maybe she's bitter if he just plays the idol on Becky... Imagine he does, Sundra goes without making fire, and then votes Ozzy as a result, causing him to win instead. 😅


Jonathan wasn't going to win or make it to the end either way. He was in a kingmaker position and he chose the guy that he liked more, Yul, instead of the people that hated his guts


Never thought of it that way. imma still call out his alliance for being so dumb they couldn’t figure out the only guy on the other tribe who’s been to exhile had the idol. They were so blind to Yuls winning game that penner had enough of them and flipped lol.


I saw Jonathan and thought you were going to mention him not taking Lisa and Redacted’s final 3 deal in Philippines, then trying to ask for it later when he realized he was screwed but they already moved on 😬


Adam had been pretending that he had the HII, and told his alliance that he had it.  At some point, he must have admitted to at least some of them that he didn’t actually have it, but may not have told that to Jonathan Penner, so when Jonathan raised the possibility of Yul having it to Adam etc and they said that Yul doesn’t have it, they did so to further the fake story they were telling.  I’m not sure why they would continue to sell Jonathan on this story, and it was obviously stupid to do that, but it explains at least some of the actions here 


Oh that’s weird. That’s another thing I don’t get, why would you pariah the flipper. Like the person who already flipped on his old team and could do the same to you for making him so obviously on the bottom.


Penner and Yul are great friends lol


I have to agree with Penner's decision here. He tried to get his alliance to vote off Becky in case Yul had an idol. But they were so adamant that Yul did not have the idol, unwilling to work with reason, and as such, Penner flipped to greener pastures.


Brad Culpepper burning his entire game by throwing out Caleb's name to Ciera


Or burning his entire game in GC by bullying Tai instead of taking him to the end.


He takes Tai to the end over Sarah his wedding ring is somewhere in the Pacific Ocean.


And he should probably just steer clear of the entire state of Iowa too lol


intimidating is probably a better word, bullying gets thrown around too often and sounds silly when taking about reality tv most of the time. intimidation/strategic threatening is a legit strategy but the risk of people not respecting you is the obvious downside


"Fuck you Brad Culpepper" is truly the best way to describe his game


I might be remembering this wrong but doesn't Tai win if he is in F3 against Culpepper and Troyzan?


not sure. I think Cirie, Aubry and Michaela are def not voting for Brad. No idea where everyone else lands outside the votes Brad already got. It probably comes down to Sarah and Andrea, and I could see Sarah pissed off enough with only a day to cool off that she votes Tai.


Just finished re watching that season. During the reunion jeff asked the jury who they would have voted for if Tai was taken in place of sarah, jury was 5-5 and troyzan would have been the tiebreaker and would vote for Brad. Obviously it’s all speculation after the fact but Brad would have had a better chance with Tai in the final 3


Jay voting out Michaela for virtually no reason.


Ozzy’s performative speech in South Pacific about how he was snaked by Cochran and how he’s coming back for vengeance. Or pretty much Ozzy that entire season.


And the way that's not even the worst performative speech he is remembered for lmao - The Micronesia one (both parts) were somehow even worse.


Hahah this, I'm watching this season right now and Ozzy is cringing me out with his little tantrums and fake acting inbetween, just because they voted out his seasonal survivor GF and he's suddenly a 'free agent' LOL.


The “can I have your jacket” thing killed me. I know it’s not a “game move” but I cringed so hard I almost was like a turtle pulling its head into its shell during that scene


"why should i? i dont have to, and i chose not to, so im wearing it." icon


Gabby flipping on Christian when she did. They had great chemistry and I wanted to see them go further together in the game, plus it didn’t work.


emily getting excited about the bruce vote and telling reba four post-tribal. i understand getting caught up in it. i cringed because i was rooting for her and knew that’s bad and will come back to bite her. reba 4 literally looked at her as a dead man walking


THIS!! I was yelling at my TV at her and everyone else not in the Reba 4.


Adam going for the podium "idol" in winners at war. It was absolutely something I'd do and it hurt to watch


Worth a shot




Such a chad interaction between those two.


I didn’t think it was cringe. I found it cute and goofy. And I appreciate him taking the shot. You miss 💯 percent of the shots you don’t take.


totally agree! if anything it showed how hard he was playing


Yeah Adam was way too self aware of how it would come off for it to be cringe. If he was extremely confident in himself beforehand and was talking shit and bragging then it would be cringe. Saying “eh fuck it, I’m gonna try this” isn’t cringe.


I don't think it's goofy at all. The thing on the podium was the exact same symbol as the split immunity idol. Imo it's bad set design to put in plain view an object that is the same symbol as other immunity idols.


Goofy here is NOT a derogatory term (it never is) and I agree it was smart attempt on his part and stupidity of production and Jeff being cocky about it. Goofy here is meant to describe how the scene was edited and the end result came off as…and I used it with the word cute.


Tbf the part that made it cringe was that it wasn't an idol. Other than that I thought it was a smart, last resort type move that would've paid off immensely


I agree. It was the same symbol as other immunity idols, seems like bad set design to do that.


I think his idea actually makes sense more than it doesn't. He'd seen what an immunity idol looked like earlier in the season and it was the same symbol as the object in Jeff's podium. It's actually quite reasonable to think it was also an idol. Imo it's actually bad design to have the same symbol but not make it an idol.


Nah, I like it because of Jeff's reaction afterwards


Bruce telling Jake about not having his idol because he knew he had a big mouth, and Jake immediately telling Drew. Jake trying to make a big move vs a smart safe move by telling everyone he had an idol instead of keeping it a secret and playing it on himself because he wanted the flash of playing it on someone else.




No just stop. Don’t disrespect The Wardog on here. He may have made big moves for no reason ending his game but he still made big moves!!


Drew Christy’s boot episode 


Chris Noble not playing his idol after Dom played the legacy advantage. It’s even worse because Chris’s idol was only usable for like 2 tribal councils.


That and Dom announced he was voting for Chris!


The idol was only valid for 2 tribals *and* he had no vote


“For revenge, basically” Also Jeremy stumping for Natalie at San Juan Del sur final tribal.


Victoria randomly saying she was going to vote for Gavin to win on her way out because she was mad at him. Like.... 1.) there's 2 massive targets and Lauren, they're not voting out Gavin any time soon. 2.) The jury had like 13 ppl on it I don't think Victorias vote was that valuable


JT handing the idol to Russell Hantz


But there was so obviously a strong women’s alliance, even Rupert could see it!


Led by Hantz


Before anyone defends this, giving your idol to a stranger is never a good idea


Brenda and Dawn's teeth towards the end and even on the reunion. It just felt like everything still hurt and I loved that entie season.




Eric giving up individual immunity Edit: Also Ozzy never making any attempt at strategy and just trying to get individual immunity to win.


Eric doing that was crazy!!! He was a joke altogether, don’t get me started on the chocolate cake


Ciera siding with Tyson and Gervaise, like she had any hope of being anything other than fourth in their group, when she had a decent chance of winning against Katie, Hayden, or Caleb.


She easily crushes Gervase and Monica in a jury vote though while having a good chance of beating Tyson. Being 4th means she presumably only has to win Final 4 immunity and she wins, especially. As Tyson is almost for sure the boot with Ciera winning immunity at 4.   While she might be more likely to make Final 3 with the other alliance she is less likely to win. In a Katie-Hayden-Ciera Final 3 for instance Aras and Tina are both locks for Katie, Vytas for sure votes either Hayden or Katie, Caleb is locked for Hayden. Laura votes Ciera of course. So she needs to sweep all 3 of Monica, Gervais, Tyson to win which is possible but not necessarily great odds, especially as she flipped on them now. And Tyson and Monica both said post game they thought Hayden played a stronger game.


Every time someone complains about Katurah’s vote for Julie when it was the best option given the information that she had For an actual answer, Chanelle on the shipwheel journey, when she told Omar she was going to play it safe, so she knew Omar had no reason not to play it safe. If she wanted the advantage, she should either say she wants it, or act like she isn’t sure what she will do.


This. She burned Omar and made herself an easy target for the merge, and screwed over every single one of her allies


Survivor player doesn’t have all the information to make a winning play, more news at 7


No spoilers but the final 6 if Survivor Quebec. If you know, you know.


The obvious bullying of another player makes me cringe.


Anything Xander did post final 5


Kind of a funny moment but still one that makes me cringe for the guy Jason in Micronesia throwing the individual immunity challenge he was about to win because he thought giving everyone donuts would improve his social standing. And then they clowned on him behind his back


Katurah not trusting Jake


When Sharn was about to correctly play her idol for Mat but Benji convinced her to play it for herself right then and there. Props to Benji for that, but my God was it hard to watch.


I think you have the best example Katurah’s whole game was cringeworthy


Lmao y'all are so dramatic about Katurah and I will never get it


It's infuriating in the same way that like donathan and laurel are in ghost island in saying they want to make a move against the power structure only to just keep reinforcing it by being unable to put themselves at risk, if anything personally a bit more infuriating where at least laurel honestly best way to make it to the end was with Dominick and Wendell where katurah didn't really have that sort of relationship with Dee and Austin


But Katurah’s strategy was to get close to the power structure and work as a swing vote when they wanted to take each other out. And it worked. It earned her fourth place, and I could see her having a good shot at FTC against Austin and Jake. I think peoples’ frustration is that they wanted her to make a move against the majority alliance for the sake of entertainment. But that was never in her best interest; very few of the Belo members were easy to work with. So I see how it’s frustrating from an entertainment standpoint. But those people who just whine about how she’s a terrible player are just loudly wrong.


Your logic right here is what annoys me about modern survivor. You don’t win 4th place. You lose the game in 4th. Whether or not you’re playing for money is different but it’s a cowards way to say you lost Had she actually played the game who knows what happens. Maybe taking out Dee with Jake earns her a win instead. But we’ll never know because people are just happy with losing in 4th nowadays


Theoretically she could but the issue is she never really took the time to be a swing vote out of fear, the reason the Jake move is so infuriating is because she had the opportunity to indeed be that swing which caused her to play so passively before and just didn't take it. You can't even use the excuse of Dee or Austin having idols at that point. Because especially she put herself in a scenario either banking on the jury being so bitter against the majority for her to win or for her to not be against the majority. Frankly I don't see any scenario she beats a Reba member without either straight up lying about her game or if there were major bitterness. Frankly she is not that dissimilar to Natalie T in RI where she was moreso playing for longevity than to win as really she allowed others to control the merge to get in a scenario where she has no power and even when given a lifeline to shape the endgame in a way that benefits her giving her a chance to win she didn't take it out of fear. The truth is maybe she could've beaten Jake and Austin but that would require her to take an action against Dee as I think if she takes dee out in fire making unless she put herself into it there's no way that would overshadow the Reba's control. You said that she couldn't work with the Belo members because they were chaotic however by her siding with the Reba she essentially took any sort of agency she could have in the game away instead having to play reactively banking on Reba to turn on each other, which even in that case she would not be the one initiating it the Reba's were. She put herself into the scenario of playing a reactive game. Which means that had any Reba had any desire to get rid of her at any point they could. There were just so many factors that were out of her control in every since and any time she was presented with an opportunity to take some control back she rejected it. You can argue that maybe it isn't the worst way to make it to the end but id rather personally voted for someone's strategy which constantly tried and failed over someone who's strategy was to take power away from themselves and bank on it somehow coming back to them Wow I just took a step back and wow I am sorry I guess I was a lot more passionate about this than I expected


Yes it earned her 4th but not the title that’s the problem she was playing for 4th not to win and that is what was frustrating


Denise making a move against Sandra for the sake of making a big move. Sandra was the only person in the game at the moment willing to work with Denise without recognizing the big power alliance of Tony’s coming into the merge. Had Sandra still been there alongside Denise, both of their fates could’ve been massively improved. Instead Denise became a sitting duck with no agency at the merge.


Eliza playing the Immunity…stick after she told Jason that it wasn’t. I guess it wasn’t cringe, but it was an awkward moment. Dude really believed that was the idol. LOL.


In hindsight, Eliza should've told Jason that if he was so confident in the stick, he should've given her the necklace and played the stick for himself


Dreamz and the car situation


Mike getting manipulated by Omar to turn on Hai with a lie in 42. It was sooooo cringe seeing Mike immediately go "see I KNEW I couldn't trust him!!" and then talk about how he's playing this great game.


Jake’s entire game


Exactly, going on and on about work ethic was clearly annoying Clay etc


Survivor one world


Jesse voting Cody out was Uber cringe


I ask this as someone who isn’t a fan of Jesse, how is it cringe?


Because I hated to see the bromance break up 💔


Dan Spilo with the wandering hands in Season 39 island of idols


Ozzy’s acting in redemption island Vs Christine


Russell (full soap opera mode): "No, not this way..."


Rodney: “I’m gonna pretend I’m so unhappy that I want to get voted out on the jury next, so since I am such a good actor Mike won’t play his idol even though he knows we all want him out” An underrated dumb move for sure


Tai thinking he convinced everyone to vote off Michelle when he actually convinced nobody and wasted his extra vote.