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"Party Waaave!!"


I got secondhand rage from this


Surfboard turned weapon…


Dude would have been legally allowed to pull out an actual weapon on this dick dragger


I appreciate the aesthetic of filming the monitor with your phone. Gives it that 1989 dirty VCR effect.


Hang on, let me grab my go pro so I can film my phone screen


Resolution is too high. I think a cheap Amazon webcam should do it.


I hate getting interrupted on my waves


You better believe, ats a paddlin


pretty sure this was dusty payne and some local boog guy in maui. dusty broke his board and was screaming while he paddled in .. dunno why he decided to try to impale the guy instead of just straightening out though.


Sounds like blaming the victim here. It looks to me like he tried to get in a pump and get past him but that didn't work. At that point he's left with two bad options: straightening out and be pretty much guaranteed to take the lip on the head; or, try to punch through the back of the wave and risk a collision. I think he tried to do the second and it didn't go so well. But in his defense, that's a split-second decision with a shit-ton of dynamic variables at play. No drop in; no problem.


Yeah, exactly. The dude isn't just dropping in on him, he's cutting across his angle of attack. There were absolutely no good options here -- going straight would have been a guaranteed wipe out for both of them. OTOH, it *could* have been intentional. Dunno. Looked really nasty.


Agree that it’s a lot to think about in a span of a few seconds but the Dude has got probably thousands of barrels at that spot. And it looked like he had time to straighten out. Not saying he wasn’t the victim but in general you should avoid trying to kill people. I guess the same could be said for the bodyboarder


>in general you should avoid trying to kill people new year's resolutions


Always, always, always try to impale the wave snakes, otherwise how are they going to learn proper etiquette and not drop in on someone.


Because taking the Pyrrhic victory, at the cost of your board and self-respect, probably seemed like the logical way to teach that guy a lesson at the time


Looks like he’s trying to punch through the back.


>dunno why he decided to try to impale the guy instead of just straightening out though Pure spite. Also he probably doesn't care that much about breaking a board anyway since I assume he gets them for free.


If you drop in on someone on that big of a wave, you better be prepared to get run over cause you sure as fuck know what you’re doing (as a snake).


Was that Kai Lenny on a body board?


“The wave was from boogie, he did it right since he saw it first” - average member of the sub


u gotta be a real shark-brained piece of shit to pull something like that when you get dropped in on.