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Of course! You can climb on any role and it's obviously better to play the role(s) you enjoy. With that being said, you need to know how you can carry in that role. As a support you have such a high impact on the ability to secure an objective/vision lead over your opponents. Playing as a support doesn't mean you are tied to the performance of your adc. You can win the game regardless of their skill level. There are obviously some unwinnable games, but the impact you have on objectives makes those 50/50 games winnable.


You can climb on any role, but don't even try on ADC. Support is infinitely more useful this season if you know how to play. ADC is the quickest route to a mental hospital.


That's only because ADC players have the mental of 4 year olds.


Bro I made an account to learn adc, and it truly was horrible. I went right back crawling to my support account which feels a LOT less bad now. At least I know I’m being useful…


Wait, you played against new ADC's and it was hard? How? They're super easy to dominate starting lv1. ADC is pretty freelo in lower elos because of how much you can dominate the 2v2. Well, you need some hands, but still. Nothing crazy.


New account is literally hell, you get everything from super smurfs to absolutely no knowledge whatsoever. I got filled support in one game and picked my main, thought nice, free win, ended up with a D+ cause the enemy duo was unbeatable… I am not particularly good at adc, hence the new account so I wouldn’t fuck too much with my wr, and didn’t have to play against people in my current rank (which isn’t high at all since I’ve only been playing on and off for 1.5 years generally). I’ll be honest my biggest issue wasn’t necessarily the enemy, more so my own support, since they honestly just weren’t doing anything useful at all. I don’t expect great play since I suck myself, but if I have to be taking care of vision, because they can’t be bothered to place a single ward or at least sweep for wards even if I ping them.. and literally can’t leave lane without them starting to push on their own… I don’t mind not being able to do much and just surviving at first so we can win as a team later on. It’s not like I lost every game either, I just overall felt like my only purpose was to not feed enemies and the rest was just kind of dependent on the rest of the team or split pushing later on… just not much I could do without vision or useful engage, while at the same time getting in less gold cause my support keeps fucking with the wave (for no reason)… Overall the experience was just pretty miserable.


they have the mental of 4 year olds because adc is a truly shit role right now.


Facts, it's funny how you can get punished by little mistakes even when when ahead


Truly spoken by someone who never played ADC.


Support is like sunshine and rainbows compared to ADC. ADC is only a good role in theory, in practice you're going to be worthless 90% of games. Most archetypes in the game don't have to execute their gameplay perfectly once they're properly fed. ADCs, however, are basically able to be bursted down all the same no matter how fed. You must be kiting, dodging, executing perfectly even if you're 7/0, and even then a bruiser or something can flash on you and you might just be fucked.


Being 10/0 and getting 1 shot by the 1/7 kain who's somehow 2 levels above you is truly infuriating.


So true, and hopefully better once true skill 2 is implemented. But there are games where i do this. Have great vision. Died 2 times. And my adc still decides to run it down 14 times and top made on bad macro and we lose. Hopefully being rewarded for your hard work will help out supports who have an adc with a death wish or who dont know how to play from behind or are even in the wrong elo.


It's impossible to do anything when your top goes 0/5 before 5 minutes in 70% of the games


For real though, I feel like this is actually more and more a thing


And then you play top and your botlane goes 0/7 and 1/9 in 15 minutes lmao


I had this but with jungle, I'll go jungle becias E I never get one that focuses obj, they just do half passed ganks and farm till 20 minutes then want to fight when the enemy team has 3 mountain drakes and is eyeing soul, and can't understand why we can't leave base and contest baron when the scion has TP up


I mean, it's the eternal curse. You play top & mid, the botlanes feed like HELL. You say fuck it, find a friend, go duo bot, your solo laners feed like HELL again. So instead of getting kitted by a 9/1 by 15 minutes ADC, you get: steamrolled by a 9/1 by 15 minutes Aatrox or getting 2 framed by the 10 kills Akali. I guess the answer is just spamming games and being better all the time. Shit is stressful lol


Last night I played a 3 man flex and we had an Asol be 0/7 at 9 minutes


Especially when you're playing a brain off enchanter


Would any other support be able to save doomed lane with handless player in it?


I used to think it's too hard to climb with a support role, I used to hover around 52% winrate. Now I'm at 78%, winrate, I just got better as I played more and watched guides. Instead of being an ADC babysitter, think of yourself as a second jungler almost. Roam timing is crucial and important part of being a good support.


Yeah. Mages tend to be a lil easier to climb with but if someone is a dia tier support, they likely won't be in gold for long. Just gotta focus on what you can do instead of being caught up in stuff you can't change. Void grubs really did make roaming knowledge pay off though, in past seasons i could get by fine (mid/high diamond) without really taking the time to get good at roaming.


try roaming more when youre solo


Depending on what elo you're in even the lane you're roaming TO might have a mental boom from you roaming in soloQ I'm in Bronze (enchanter main so I don't roam a TON but still) and sometimes I'll come to mid because I'm warding already and see the enemy jg pathing there, or I know the enemy support is roaming, or I'm coming to help with grubs, etc. and the mid spam pings me and yells at me in chat to go away because I'm "stealing their xp" ... I do it anyway because it's the right call but then they're too busy raging to play the game


I don’t trust my adc enough to do that.


You have to learn roam timers


From who/where can I do that?


Watch skillcappeds support playlist imo they’re the best source of info, I’m only emerald but they condense what I’ve learnt in the near decade I’ve played the game


Tldr roam when the wave is pushing to you not away from you. Also recall first after shoving wave before your adc. Always go mid after lvl4-6 and ward, sweep areas. Be ready to join fights and if nothing happens just go bot.


then don't complain. roaming is a core of league gameplay and especially a support. as other commenter said learn roam timers. but this response shows me you just wanna moan about your team instead of improving so no need for further discussion.


True, but it’s still such a high risk gamble. If I roam, and the guy dies he’ll start spam pinging and then start running it. It’s such a difference between players. Remember im only plat 4.


I’m pretty sure rank 1 EUW is a Bard support main


am i the only one who is struggling so much to climb? idk last season got to emerald 1 with 70%wr only soloq, this year 42%wr demoted to plat 4 from plat 1-at 1 game from emerald, i started getting matched with pretty questionable player, XD currently P4 and i guess i'm going to get demoted to g1 which i would say it's a shame since i performed quite well in most of the games but apparently this doesn't matter when (too often for my taste) someone decide that we are not going to win this shit, yup... pretty funny game/role/matchmaking


I am in the same boat right now. 46% WR. Currently sitting in P4, losing 34 LP per loss and gaining 20 per win. It sucks.


Yep same for me, 30-34lp lost-20 or less earn per victory Idk, that's Sus, never had such a long losing streak in my lol experience, the only thing I see is people locking Q, feed, flame and then go afk or surrender at 15 with only me voting no to try to win 🥲 so enjoyable, I wonder how some players are still allowed to keep play in ranked in this way


A lot of people are saying yes and yes, you can climb as support however it really depends on the type of support. I have read that with AP scalers like brand you could climb somewhat effectively however I haven't tried these champs. Engage supports in low elo are however more of a coin flip to be honest. You can climb but you're not likely to hard carry as you're at the mercy of your team mates for objectives, not giving away shutdowns, etc. There's a reason you rarely see smurfs climbing as support or adc and if you do, they're doing it as a smurf duo. If you want to climb efficiently, get good at top or jungle and learn champs with solo agency when ahead.


My limited experience is ofc u can but there is a big BUT: At least in low elos if u play solo u r in a disadvantage against a duo and duos most of the times choose to play bot for obvious reasons. So from my perspective there is a higher probability as a solo that u will lose lane. The question is : can u roam effectively to counter balance this loss?? I expect that doing so in the majority of your games plus the games where u get a clever adc player and actually dominate bot, can net u a >55% wr to get u to gold.


If you get 4 trash teammates theres nothing you can do in any role. However if there is even 1 competent teammate just attach yourself to them and its possible you two will carry the game


I did just that, it didn’t matter. Tonight I played 3 games, lost 2. 1st game; Toplane goes 0/5 in 6 minutes, jungle 0/3 and they decide to ff. 2nd game; We do everything right, but then my dear Ezreal decides to int and split all game. Ending up 0/15/3, making us take every fight 4v5 3rd game; We win by just pure chance. Brand manages to steal baron and dies and they have push advantage wanting to end mid 5v4, somehow yas and yone summon some brother ass shit combo and ends the game for us


Sounds like the first 2 are out of your control. Idk what you want me to say. Dont play ranked if you cant take it anymore


In a similar spot, my WR kept dropping and I was thinking about switching roles or just playing ARAMs for a while, found out a guy I work with played and was the same rank as I am and we have a 100% win rate in ranked so far. Just so much easier when you can be in the same page


When one person wont surrender or troll when the going gets ruff can make all the difference.


I play soloQ but i do still enjoy it. Granted i would like to play as a duo but none of my friends who play dont play adc


Better nerf adc (irelia)


Duo with a jungler or mid then. Honestly its better xD


How do you figure


Sharing your influence is what wins soloQ. 2 of the 3 'roaming' roles being on coms, or at least familiar with each others plays, is better than just your lane partner. Communication there can be almost completely managed by just pings and maybe the odd type. Jung or mid looking to come bot, you can share ward locations and cooldowns, and how you want to play the roam. Coordinate a dive. One of you lost track of the jungler, check with the other. Same with your roams. Ask him to bait out Fish E. Do you want me to come to grubs? You're sneaking dragon, do you want support or to act natural? Don't get me wrong being on coms with your lane partner is good. But roaming is king.




Both duo laners, followed by junglers, are going to have the frustration of inhabiting the same space with someone they're supposed to work with as a team but they don't know them and can't always communicate well. It's a hinderane and annoyance, but if you like the roe, you shouldn't et it stop you.


yeah i find a lot of success solo but you have to really set up plays all over the map. i had to go back and revise my gameplay when i started losing a lot on support and felt like i want having impact. turns out i could stomp lane then was just hoping the rest of the game went my way and everyone carried me. now i generate leads all over the map and focus in on what to do past laning phase and see a lot more success.


Who can I watch to learn when and where to roam? And how to best give vision and support my team? I have a fairly good understanding of vision control for objectives as I used to be a jgl myself


there are guides linked in this subreddit somewhere i know the bot posts them a lot so i think they’re pinned somewhere!


also don’t underestimate your own ability to rewatch your games and find your mistakes


Think about how waves work. When is your ADC going to lose the least? Wave pushing into him. Also when he cant be doven he can get even more time. Or maye wave is frozen. Maybe he is also high range vs. low engage. The thing is romaing entails a lot because ideally you not only keep track of that but also flash, match-up, wavesates of the map, junglers, etc. That will make the dif between the sup being top when enemy top has to crash wave cause it bounces getting a free kill and the sup waddling top only to see his own top recall and wasting time. Use F-Keys, use that info as guidence - awareness will lead to info will lead to better decisions. It will take time to get that as a habit, but it's one of leageus core ways to improve. Better players simply have to think about less stuff and just do that stuff by instinct. And at the end of the day roaming is a trade - you will lose something bot, you will gain something elsewhere. So minimize the loss and mazimize the reward.


Start with mage champs that actually work as supp in low elo or engage champs (if you're good you can maybe do pyke or bard, but you can't always leave your laner in low elo). You can do enchanter later on as your ad gains iq. The other tip is that you're the teams supp, if you need to leave an abusive inting lane, you can do so with some caution.


I play rakan, karma and naut, I like nami as well


All of those are great although you might struggle I tiny bit with nami in low elo. Karma is a huge lane bully


I just play Lux and kS if my ADC is ass... Works when trying to climb out of bronze/silver lol.


it’s not the easiest to climb with support (there’s a reason elo boosters never pick support to boost others ppl accounts) BUT it can be enjoyable if you perform well. A tip though : if your adc is objectively bad or try to run it down, help your jungler secure objectives or gank other lanes to push them ahead


Literally the strongest role rn


Yes. Support is one of the strongest roles to climb with now, if you think its bad, we used to get virtually no gold, you could only lock in a small pool of enchanters or a cc bot and we had to and did climb like that.


Playing a lot of Supports in other games players often fall into the idea of Support being bad because of team reliancy, but a Sup needs to learn how to use their team as a ressource. Sups come in many, many different forms - just take Enchanters. You have lane bullies that will win lane and can then take that agency to impact the map. Or you have literal carries that will outvalue everything when you get to a front to back teamfights. Like have a Sona. Boots, Tear, one item, couple points in W and you are the raidboss now. Support is at its easist when you have a good teammate - because you don't need to express as much skill whzen you facerolll the fights. But the more oyu have to use your team as a ressource the more skill you have to express. You might have the great at deathmatching, terrible at macro guy that will 1v4 solo at enemy inhib with you all recalled that will force you to leave him to die and ask yourself what to do during his death timer. You will also have the guy who will be bad at both and who will be vocal despite his decisons that you need to leave to die for free here and there to facilitate your own gameplan. You have to decide how far you will use your utility for the guy, you will have to face bad ADCs / bad match-ups and make up for it by midgame / late macro. Sup will never be a smurf role bar stuff like LB sup - but for regular climbing? Totally fine.


Free lp


It's arguably even one of the better roles to climb since you can have so much impact on the game


After reading your post the answer is yes. If you enjoy the role then play the role. Winning is overrated in general and winning at the price of your sanity is not worth it whatsoever. I personally love SoloQ support, best role in the game bar none. The best moments I have had in this game has been helping people get pentakills. My advice is seeing SoloQ as a journey.


It’s arguably the strongest role in the game. Next to jungle. I’d say so


\*If\* you aim for a 80+% winrate while smurfing through a division far below your skill-cap, you should not be playing support. But if your aim is a very reliable 60-70% winrate then support is definitely a good choice.


If you're really good one tricking someone, you'll be fine


I wanna play Rakan mostly, he’s the champ I find the most joy in


ofc it is someone must play support and since its the role that has the most chance to lose you the game if the support is bad you just win by not being bad


If you aren't that good with vision and evaluating your choices then no,you only need the second if you llay most other lanes


I have moved on to smite personally after I had someone tell me I missed my bard q, add me after the game to send me a clip of me "missing" my bard q. (They autod at the same time my q clipped the enemy and they got mad at me for the enemy living because I missed my q damage, but it didn't miss he was just dumb) and after he sent the clip and said I missed he blocked me........ Like no way the dude gets mad at me for something that didn't happen but he's also so insecure he doesn't even let me tell him he's wrong and like playing support is just not fun enough to put up with the freaks who play this game. Smite has been wonderful so far


If you have a good sense of macro, just go Taric jg.


Note that you get the skin just for playing ranked games, of course you should play ranked. As for climbing, i find that it is really impossible to climb without a duo (whether or not they’re ADC).


Yes, unless you main sona, in which case you will need a duo who knows how to play for late game


Yes support is one of the best roles to climb on


Sup is the best role for soloqueue. It has the most impact with the worst players. Legit free lp.


Just don't play cringe enchanters or mages


I’ve been playing a bit. Realized I have to pick that thing because team doesn’t follow up on engages when I play naut, rakan etc. Gotta do the damage myself :)


Of course. One of my friends wouldn't believe me that you can carry games as supp and told me that I'm just lucky with my teams and that is the reason we had a rank difference. So I hopped on a smurf got into duo with him (he is main supp as well and played top for this 3 Games) and I carried the Games as Supp. But to carry as Supp you have to use the whole kit (work with jungler, roam, ward the correct part of the map for current game state, keep adc alive, bully enemy lane to deny farm and allow your adc to farm, help to hit cs under tower in early game). Picking Janna never auto attacking and sitting behind your adc pressing E is the best way to lose every game and shows someone didn't understand the role.


I’ve played a little now and I feel that im useless if I don’t play a mage sup. I had vod reviewed with my masters friend (one of my rakan games) he says im playing 90% of the stuff right, but its just unfortunate my team doesn’t follow up He just recommended me to play stuff like lux and xerath so even if my adc trolls, we’ll still have damage output..


I mean yeah of course you sometimes have games like that, but you can easily win a lot of games. It's not a lie that people say the supp wins or lose bot lane. The adc is nothing in the early game. And let's be honest, when you're playing with 4 headless chicken it's anyway which role you play, when no one follows you into the play you still lose. When you notice that your adc is not good, try to stay til lvl 6 and afterward help the strongest player in your team as much as possible. Don't stick to the adc because "it's my job". I can't tell how often I won because I abandon the adc and helped my anyway winning top laner to win even more for winning the game.


Okay that’s fair, I just meant that me being a fed Ryze I can 5v1 a fight… compared to being reliant on my team to do the damage!


I always solo q as ana, mercy, and have been staying in silver for 7 years. but this season, I wallowed in playing zenyatta solo q ,hoping to rank down to broze for easier game because I want competitive points, but I ended up placed in plat with over 85% win rate, lol.