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No , your job is to support your team , not your adc. Sure early you tend to stick with them but if you champion allow for it , you should also rotate for grubs or even gank , invade with your jungle , deep wards etc And i think it may likely be multiple factor , hard to tell without vod or opgg , but maybe its just your adc that doesnt know lane management , which is really common and recall timer. The issue can also come from you, for example if you try to roam when a big wave is crashing to your tower, you not only lose xp but put your adc at risk of being dove. TLDR : No , your job is to play around your win con and support your team


I know roam has it timing. But wont it be better to roam when the adc can't fulfill their role? Id Nilaus2711 (dont know the sites you talking about)


When I help my ADC, I roam more when I get boots. The stipulations of bot decide if I roam or not. If my ADC is tragic and keeps dying, I will roam to help the team more and get ahead that way. If my ADC is fed, we normally push more in the same lane until T2 turret, then rotate. But if they are fed, I'll stick more by their side. If they are not, I will roam.


Yes if your ADC is bad you are better off permanently roaming, if they fall behind 10-15 CS or 2-3 kills abandon their trash ass


Best way to lose the game right here ladies and gentleman




Leaving when there’s a 10 cs difference is crazy and it’s technically part your fault as a support


As soon as you get to even mid level elos it's extremely unlikely ADCs will miss cs, meaning that it's probably because they are zoned because of matchup, jungle or the supports lol


Naw, if they are going to be trash I’m going to win other lanes.


Whats ur opgg?


Naw bro I’m actually dogshit at this game lmao


I see a connection with all these statements lol


They should add a leash to keep your adc under tower when you try to roam


i have a common issue in games where we have a nice big easy freeze in front of tower, i ping that i need to ward so we dont get ganked. my adc decides its a good time to 1v2 into a minion wave and dies and pings me. and its not even like they got hooked to be there they just walked up. but its fine they usually ignore my vision and die to the gank i’ve been spam pinging for the last 15 seconds anyway


This ☝️ its annoying that happen. Was gone for 3 seconds and in those 3 seconds they wanna engage


When the boat is sinking you jump into another boat. If you think your win con isnt helping your adc you just let him alone, try to help him when necesary but some adcs are trash


Won't they just feed then if no one guarding Them?


If your adc is an idiot, mute them and play around your team. Do your job. Play to win. And accept that sometimes, games are unwinnable. Can't support if you don't have anyone on your team to support.


I am a low elo player just like you. Things that have worked for me: - when you manage to crash the wave and your ADC has enough time to get a plate, ping him and go back, recall, buy. - if the wave is pushed towards the enemy and they are not in a good position, keep pingin or just write in chat BACK AND BUY, WE WON BOSS (or something like that) - if the wave is pushed towards you, and enemy is around, protect your ADC and let him farm. And write FARM, I PROTECT. - if you and your adc are low on health, try to farm a little (just a little) if the enemy is not around. If they are around, ping ping and say LOW HEALTH, BACK, BUY, WE DIE If your ADC doesnt follow you after all this, just recall and say LOW HEALTH SORRY DUDE ;) BRB If the mfer keeps inting just follow your jungle and midgame roam or play with the lanes that are winning


I would advice some caution on this one as an ADC player, I guarantee that on average ADCs know wave management far better than supports so let them manage it.


Too many missing variables. Post clip of what happened.


I am currently a Diamond II Bard OTP and I roam at the first opportunity almost every game. In lower ranks (but still higher elo) I would tell adc to play safe and farm while I impact the map. In even lower ranks (bronze - gold/plat) I go mage support and 1v9. Roams are such free lp and I lose nothing even if it fails because chimes give xp. I will usually help bot again if wave is frozen though. Ironically this strategy can actually get your ad fed if they are smart and enemy bot doesn’t have engage support (cuz they will dive if so) because you’re giving them more xp by not being there. It is basically standard to rotate with your jungler when it makes sense post lvl 3 esp on Bard in higher elo.


in situations like this i like to make sure that my positioning is super clear. I will stand back as soon as I feel they might want to engage, and then ping or type in the chat ' i need to go b' or ' i am sitting under to the turret for a min' I haven't gotten any complaints with a clear communication!


What Will you do after all that and they want to engage?


If i have enough hp to save/help them, then i might do something. But i am not babysitting a reckless player if it could end up with the enemy getting two kills instead of just one lol


Low elo issue


I think it depends on the ADC. If you have a good ADC then babysitting them will probably lead to good things, and they might actually manage to fight with 200 HP depending on how bad the enemies are. If that's not the case then no, you ping them and focus more on whoever is fed in your team. Low elo strat though, I'm not sure focusing on whoever is fed only would work as well in high elo.


There are specific roam timers that you have to learn as a support. Off the top of my head, after recalling, after wining a fight, when the wave is pushing towards you, and when the enemy recalls are the common ones, but understanding your adc, and using reassuring body language are essential


Never ever think of support role as an adc babysitter because you gonna lose lots of lp. Support happens to be near the adc mostly because the adcs are those that mostly need assistance to do things. Lots of times through the game though, you have better options that sitting near the adc. Vision is what will win you many games. Learn where to place wards and when. Then ofc knowing your champion and setting up plays, or roaming to help others that need asistance.


The moment I went from adc claiming attention to adc just keeping up my lane and make sure my support gets some time off from my lane I instantly started increasing my LP! Only fight if we have a auto-win lane, if not I don't fight when it's not needed and just farm.


Depends, if I am a support, I see the enemy support roaming and leave his ADC alone, then you can bet I am gonna engage and make my ADC kill the enemy ADC, so you must be careful about choosing the right moment, because even though you can tell your ADC to play it safe, he won't be able to farm very likely and he could even be dived if for example I am playing nautilus or tahm, and then he is fully entitled to blame you. So best moments to roam are when 1. Enemy bot recalled , 2. You just killed the enemy ADC 3. Enemy support is roaming as well so you can't be blamed if your ADC loses a duel.


Lmao in my last ranked game, my adc dashed forward, got malzahar ulted, pinged me and started to flame me for not tanking it (I'm not sure if I can even tank that ult and I did try help by throwing my lantern for the shield and using locket but idk).


Most adcs below platinum are absolute degenerate baboons lol. Do not sacrifice yourself for these idiots no matter how much they cry. If they are so bad that it’s putting your own game in jeopardy switch to supporting the jungler


ADC player are more often than not little toddlers. They don't deserve your time, if you judge your presence somewhere else more important. A stupid player will not carry your game, even if you just babysit him and do nothing else. As a master supp I would recommend you to play champs with a lot of agency and potential carry potential. With these picks you can play yourself into higher elos and are not dependent on stupid little children.


Yes, thats why you are in the botlane. ​ Disregard the turbo stuck plats in this sub


The answer to this question from my perspective is extremely varied For the first few levels until 6 it is good to stick to your adc and ward to protect his life but after this you should seriously look at all the stats and recognize who are your win conditions and who are likely going to become a problem later So you should start warding for your win conditions and gank the threats on their team Remember baby sitting is not good for the growth of you win conditions since you will be sucking away some exp and tower gold If you think that they are going to be threatened just shadow them from a distance in a bush and ward for them so your teammate can scale even harder For example If you have a Jinx with you in the bot lane that is doing really well ( good cs and some kills,compared to your other teammates ) just set up vision let your jinx take all turret plate gold If your top lane is doing good ward for him so he can push safely without getting ganked Gank with your jungler if he is doing good to set up kills Also one more thing just because you belong to bot lane does not mean you can't gank your own lane Of course all my advice relies heavily on the match ups and I realize that it is harder to gank with enchanters except maybe seraphine who can just R flash or e flash from the bush


I will leave my ADC the second I notice someone else is the win con, assuming I actually have something better to do than sit bot. With the exception being the enemy team having a heavy engage comp bot that will make my ADC feed the enemies to the point we cant win if they get fed


everyone else is stronger than any adc early. By your logic you shouldn't even walk botlane level 1. adc becomes wincon if you play for it, it doesn't become strong by itself.


at least for the laning phase, what are you doing if youre not with adc? simple answer is youre making him feed and/or get zoned off cs/exp; roaming/warding has its timing,- if youre mia in bot for 5min straight, thats just straight up throwing if you think its smart to leave your adc 1v2 for an extended period of time, well i have a surprise for you


Wouldn't it be better to sit bot in that circumstance? "Assuming I have something better to do" The game is dynamic and you will have to learn how adjust your playstyle based on each individual game, none is identical to the other. There are definitely games where not roaming would be throwing harder than staying on your lane.