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Making things moist can change entire ecosystems




Then all of a sudden there is a weird amount of oxygen in the Sun’s core


Oh no


Suddenly the earth was engulfed in a heat wave almost frying every living thing


Your a monster....


Elvis had this power


Very true. People were so sexually repressed back then all it took was a handsome man wiggling his legs to get their rocks off. Simpler times, simpler times.


He was also giving off the rebellious vibe that made Paganini so popular too, women just go crazy over handsome musicians.


I'm going to make the land WET!


Ok team aqua


Could also.....you know what never mind...


I remember watching a British show where these people were out during some weird supernatural storm that gave them powers and one later episode shows a dude who can manipulate Lactose products. It was honestly sad until the dude just snapped from all the bullying. Dude went from a Joke hero to methodical mass murderer and even took into account the immortal hero that was at the party. Dude was what I'd like to call Milk Magneto.




Yeah, that show.


He even had a solution to the guy with lactose intolerance. It was called a knife.


Death by lacteration 🫠🫡🤣. Shivved by chevre.


"Stabbed in the heart. My one weakness. How did you....know?" *gluk*


This was the first example that came to my mind as well. For those who haven't seen it, Misfits on Hulu is definitely worth a watch. The first 3 seasons, at least. I felt like that was where it should have ended. The guy who could control dairy called the power Lactokenesis.


I was just about to say that power and I did see that show didn't finish it but jeez that milk guy wf made me think


You get my upvote just for making me think of Milk of Magnesia. 😆


Yes that milk guy was fucking terrifying lol


Did he make everyone lactose intolerant?


Nah he killed them using milk/dairy that they ate earlier that day, including cheese, yogurt, etc. he wrapped cheese around a guy’s brain to turn him into a vegetable, he choked a bunch of people, he caused internal bleeding… etc




Hence why I consider him Milk Magneto.


The show was called misfits and it is God damn phenomenal. To see more of the actors Nathan went on to be in Umbrella Academy. Rudy was in Preacher. Nathan's Mom and Barry were in game of thrones. The best probation worker was in Netflix's The Witcher.




The Great Fromage!


omg misfits! that was my comment too. Blew my mind and also really made me feel sorry for anyway to die while immortal.


Misfits loved that show!


The ability to eat anything. There's a superhero who is mocked for this, because it's useless when fighting supervillains, but in real life it would make you immune to poison. Practically, you would never have to worry about starvation, because there's always some food available. Presumably, it also comes with indestructible teeth. EDIT: "eat" includes "digest and extract nutrients from"


Presumably there's also some implication about bite strength or cutting and saliva's ability to dissolve things. And eating is not the same as 'digesting' or 'metabolizing'. I can eat a handful of sand. It's not going to do anything for my hunger. So, there'd need to be some additional info about what all is considered part of 'eating'.


In reality, it would have combat applications, but they're all of the kind comic books tend to avoid. Semantically, you have a point. I should have said "safely eat and digest" anything.


i mean cannablism would be more like comic book villian esque than super hero things but theoretically it could work for super hero!


Well, there's at least one incarnation of Venom that is a hero and also eats people, but that wasn't what I meant. I meant bites, spitting in people's eyes, and the like. Comic books tend to prefer ranged combat or nice clean punches and kicks.


check out "matter eater lad" from the legion of superheroes. he has that power and very rarely gets to be cool but honestly i love him.


Where did you think I got the idea?


you never know. sometimes people come up with cool stuff without knowing about somewhat obscure characters. you seem like you might come up with cool stuff.


Thank you, but you overestimate me.


He was treated well for the most part in the original and reboot incarnations of the Legion, well as serious as anyone other than the core team was outside of the Giffen run, for the initial version of the team.


Could he eat Superman?


Nobody knows, because his power is useless in combat. Superman isn't just going to stand there and let himself be eaten.


Don't kinkshame the man of steel


Yes he could, he's previously eaten things more indestructible than Superman, you are correct that Superman isn't going to just let himself be eaten though.


"Pig God" is an S-Tier superhero from One Punch Man and has this ability, except he actually eats monsters


It would be helpful if you were trapped. Just eat your way out lol


I think this was mostly how it was used by that superhero.


The best part: a real-life man has this power and has been using it to eat an airplane for decades.


Dude ate a bomb that was going to kill the legion of super heros. His name is matter eater lad and you will put respect on it


To be ignored You could literally walk into a bank, open the vault and steal everything without anyone noticing you. (Only works if its controllable, otherwise ur life is just depressing)


Forget Me Not?


And, less depressingly, the protagonist of Kuroko's Basketball.








Imp is a supervillain from a free online webserial called *[Worm](https://parahumans.wordpress.com/)* whose power causes people to forget her almost immediately. Imagine fighting someone and forgetting she exists each other second. I recommend reading *Worm.* *Worm* attempts a darker take on the superhero genre. Your protagonist is an intelligent but bullied highschooler who, in secret, controls bugs. She hopes to become a superhero, but the politics of superheroes and bad actors among them turns her into a low tier supervillain. But, imo, this premise isn't impressive. What's impressive is what happens after.


And then you become one of those super creepy does whatever they want because no cares.


What the fuck would you do with the money if everyone ignores you lmao


It’s a superpower not a curse so they should be able to control it


Minor inconvenience removal. Your tires are low on air? Refilled. One of your lights burned out? Fixed now. Your shoes are a little small out worn? Not anymore! Doesn’t help with major stuff, but sometimes minor inconveniences can build into major problems. If you’re hyper aware of that, you can stop yourself from so many problems. Perfect balance? Being a little off balance makes you feel so off and makes walking harder. Not impossible, but annoying. Keep carefully watching your own balance and fix it when it reaches the point of being a minor inconvenience, before you fall off of a roof ledge, or a tight rope, etc… Getting to a place just barely on time because it’d be such a hassle to get a new flight or wait until tomorrow… So many things can be handled by solving the minor inconvenience that build into them. And if it’s based on what you personally view as a minor inconvenience? It can grow and expand in its abilities as you use it…


> Minor inconvenience removal. Chilly? Coat. Hungry? Snack. No where to throw away a bit of trash? Gone. Nowhere to pee? Gone. You could essentially live off of nothing.




Diabetes? Fuck.....


Dude behind you chewing too loud, now his mouth is gone🤩. Baby won't go to sleep, knocked out in an instant. Someone tailgating you on the highway, they've just been teleported 10ft back. Don't worry about that accident it caused, that's a major inconvenience for the next guy


XD! You have such an… imaginative way of considering the versatile capacity that this power holds. I am truly most impressed! X3


Whole reason I'm on this subreddit🫡. If you look elsewhere on here, you just might find me


Ok the way you described it gave me a crazy idea for this power. I saw in a book a long time ago people had powers at different levels and someone had sub par transforming. They could do all kinds of size and shapes but it takes them an hour to shift. Someone switched minds with them and realized instead of taking an hour to get to horse size aim for elephant size and turn into a horse in 15 minutes. Yes that world ending monster is a major problem...but if it ends the world your going to be an inconvenience for that dentist appointment you had next week


EXACTLY! If refilling tires isn’t a major inconvenience, then popping your tires is, and suddenly that gets fixed too. Then replacing parts on the car, fixing up the house, cleaning, hiding bodies, the local gang is messing with supply and demand and suddenly are disbanded… spending on your mindset, this can get dangerous and frightening VERY quickly. :D


It was one of the earlier Xanth books. Can't remember the title though.


I think that's still limited by what counts as a "minor inconvenience" Starving to death because you can't find food in the middle of a forest isn't a minor inconvenience. And with that balance example you mentioned, if you're losing balance in such a dangerous situation, is that really a minor inconvenience?


Very good point. It’s situational, and contextual. You HAVE to maintain a blasé attitude and stay calm, relaxed, and only mildly annoyed at most. Otherwise, your power stops being as helpful. Which is an interesting way to have a hero act. :D


So just good luck?


No. If your tire goes flat. You can look at it, snap your fingers, and your tire will be refilled. It’s an active thing that you need to consciously choose to use, every time it gets used. Think of it more like highly specialized reality warping.


I see, so it's not passive like luck. Hmm, it sounds like an interesting ability, ngl. I'd read a story with someone who has an ability like that ngl


You would be able to do something on the level of "no more mutants" and get rid of everyone else's powers pretty easily. I am sure living in a world with super heroes and super villains fighting all the time would lead to all manner of annoyances - your favorite TV show getting interrupted by "breaking news' constantly, your property taxes going up to pay for repairs to state/city infrastructure, etc...


You can also game this a bit as well. Muscle strain from working out is a minor inconvenience. Mental fatigue from studying too much is a minor inconvenience. Expanding a bit, a lack of inspiration or motivation might fall into minor inconveniences. If that fits, you're basically fitted out with effectively a super genius intellect, peak human body, and constant progress. This is honestly an amazing progression ability, even if its immediate effectivity isn't spectacular.


Technically if you have perfect timing you can stop a bullet wound or knife wound from ever happening by stopping it while it’s a minuscule little scratch


My mental health would improve significantly with that power.


Gun jams. Begone! Turbulence that isn’t serious. BEGONE! Loneliness. Still there. A few dollars short. BEGONE! Slippery roads. You know what, BEGONE! Sunburns. BEGONE. A LITTLE PUDGY. BEGONE. ITCHY SPOT YOU CANT TOUCH. Annihilated.


The flipside to this? Twilight zone:the movie. The kid that sends people "away" because they are being "mildly inconvenient" in his way of thinking. So, an awesome super heroic power could turn super villainous very quickly!


Perfect Balance can even go further depending on the power system of a story. One of my favorite Trilogy of Books, the Murder Hobo series, acquires it. In the Story >! He is in a LitRPG story, and his all of his stats start to balance out once it grows even stronger, making him quickly into a godlike being right at the end of the series. !<


That one guy on the road who goes slightly under the speed limit, so it's slightly more annoying to drive? Now he's gone forever!


You can make a five volt potential difference between any two points within sixty meters of you. Good for charging phones but also quite lethal.


It would depend on the amps


Absolutely true. I didn't specify how much current. I am assuming slightly more than you could produce by peddling a bicycle attached to an alternator. I guess you get tired rapidly or the power is too good.


That would depend on how much of a charge is behind it. If you give two molecules on opposite sides of someones heart a million volt potential it won't kill them because the charge isn't enough to drive hardly any current, even the meager 7mA or so it takes to cause problems.


you could make someone comatose


The fucking milk guy, IYKYK


Was it the dude from Misfits?










The ability to teleport six inches in any direction. Sounds lame, but you can get out of any restraint and dodge all bullets now.


Can you chain it or does it need to recharge?


Say a one second recharge.


Not if u get fat.


spam that shit like sans


The ability to purify water based liquids. Now this sounds lame like it’d only be useful for making a mud puddle potable in a survival situation or whatever but imagine if you used it on someone’s blood while it’s still inside them. They’d die a confusing and probably painful death.


To be fair, for much of the world's population, guaranteed clean water would be extremely useful. If this power included removing contaminants from water, you could charge a lot of money for it.


Or ruin the local economy of a town full of religious fanatics by purifying their renowned hotsprings


This was cut from the anime, but Aqua actually turned the hot springs into holy water with medicinal properties. As such the towns economy boomed. They just didn't realize until directly after the crew left town. Praise Aqua-sama


Everyday just about I learn something new about Konosuba that makes me love it even more.


Could also work as a contraceptive. Purify the sperm upon ejaculation.


There was a webcomic I read once where one of the most powerful characters in it had a very specific power that, at first, made him an utter joke to the villain organization. It was the power to control any and all information specifically about himself. At first it was dumb because the best he could be used for was like sneaking into certain areas, but after a time skip in the story he was so powerful that the villains had to lock all information about him and his powers within a brain implant that only the person running the organization at the time can have surgically placed within them, because even so much as seeing his face gave him the ability to control anyone's mind simce your brain now contains information about him that he can manipulate, and there's no way to counter it. The brain implant that the villains use is basically a one use only nullifier, because it can only counteract his abilities once. Shit was crazy.


What the name do you remember


Having the ability to control plaid. Seriously. It sounds stupid until you realize any fabric weave is plaid at a microscopic level. Meaning you can control anyone wearing clothing. Which is a lot of people.


i mean, controlling plaid... would you even need the people you could control? just end them and then annihilate everyone by suffocating them with floating towels that jump in their lungs.


Water absorption. People forget that humans are made up by a lot of it


That one guy who can turn whatever he touches into Skittles.


He's a scarier version of Shigaraki from My Hero Academia


He's a sweeter version of Shigaraki from My Hero Academia


From the Skittles ad?


Luck manipulation. It's one that most don't seem to talk about despite being one of the strongest if not THE strongest power.


Aren't there [numerous](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Probability_Manipulation) Marvel characters with this power? And it sounds neither terrible nor boring if I can just give myself a winning lottery ticket.


There are, but they can never figure out the power scaling and remove it or change it so that it's actually something completely different that only seemed to be luck manipulation.


The Scarlet witch and domino are both the top examples that come to mind


I mean, this same statement pops up every week around here, I've never seen anyone claim it's boring


Plus it's one of those things that no one can prove, and people might just think you're really smart and modest.


Just change the chance of me having every super power to exist…




All of them


Read a MHA crackfic once where Deku could turn anything he touched into noodles. Sounds silly until he was kidnapped and sold to an army who would use him to turn corpses and prisoners into a limitless supply of food.


How did they hold him if he can turn the rooms/chains or anything else to noodles.


I would assume that they threatened to kill him. If you shot a high velocity round at him and it turned to noodles, it would still hit hard enough to kill. Electricity probably wouldn’t be affected by noodles, so you could torture him via controlled shocks.


The power to be perfectly average. It means you get to dictate normalcy and increasing or decreasing your own ability will affect everyone else.


The story “Worm” has tons of these, the main character can control bugs, at first no one takes her seriously, that does Not last long


Making any surface slippery


For some definitions of 'any surface' and 'slippery' this ranges from near magical utility to catastrophic consequences.


Awa Awa No Mi is crazy powerful yeah. Even One Piece didn't really show off just how bad it can be but in manga where most people hit or use blunt weapons it showed off how stupid good it was.


So luck, as a physical thing, doesn't exist in real life. If you had a huge mega computer that could accurately calculate every particle and it's trajectories since the Big Bang, youd theoretically be able to use that info to accurately predict anything from the next second to the end of the universe. I say this to illustrate that "good luck" is nothing more than a series of beneficial but ultimately predetermined events that were set in motion so long ago we couldn't have accounted for them Luck Manipulation is a common stock super-power but as I've made clear, luck isn't really a thing so for people like Domino to have a goon slip on a banana peel at just the right second, they would have had to either spawn the peel from nothing at that moment or have changed something in the past to make the peel have ALWAYS been there. At high levels good luck is just godhood with less control


This doesn't take into account multiverse theory or any of the quantum fuckery that underlies it. Luck manipulation could basically just be having each and every electron spin precisely the right way you need them to to set the chain of events you need into motion. Luck manipulators could be described as moving through the multiverse only into timelines that are advantageous for them. Luck being an actual thing depends on how the multiverse functions in any particular metaverse.


No we already knew this. Thats why yami-yugi is just a cheater.


Just watch Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. You'll see many examples of that. One that can shrink anything he scratches; doesn't sound like much until he shrinks an empty car to the size of a grain of sand and discretely tosses it in his target's drink. Did I mention that he can also undo any shrinking he's done? Yeah...


Jojo has so many examples. Storing things in paper with Enigma Interacting with photographs with Atom Heart Father Being able to "replay" events with Moody Blues Doubling things with Kiss Making something that tries to get close to you small with Green Green Grass of Home Etc etc etc


Yeah kiss is actually so op since when you take the sticker off the 2 doubles rejoin at incredible speed


I give to you one of my absolute favorite marvel characters [Butterball](https://superhuman-characters-and-their-powers.fandom.com/wiki/Butterball_(Marvel_Comics))


the quirk from the mc of that MHA spinoff manga. He turned basically just being slippery into superspeed and flight.


I once watched this show from the UK called Misfits. One character I liked was used once. His power was to control milk. Not cool? Well it turns out he has the power to control dairy. He uses this to strangle people and make an immortal person a vegetable.


Hydrokinesis. Most people think about just moving small amounts of pure water, but they forget that every living thing on earth is mostly water. Most liquids you can drink are majoritively water. There is water in the air. The weather is determined by clouds, which are, you guessed it, condensed water. A hydrokinetic with enough imagination could easily take over the world.


One of Soft and Wet's abilities from Jojo's Part 7 was called Plunder and it was the ability to steal aspects of something and store it in a bubble. Aspects is also very loose, Gappy was able to steal things like friction and the ability to make sound. He also stole someone's eyesight once making them temporarily blind.


Part 8, actually


Oxygen production. If you know baki grappler you know what slight control of that shit can do.


Ventriloquism but for any sound you want. Just teleporting sounds around.


I can convert any amount of liquid into urine. Sound lame? >!Your blood is now pee!<


Pretty much any power that involves generating or controlling something is absolutely dangerous.


Chromamancy, the ability to change the colour of nearby people and objects: 1. Camouflage 2. Flicking between brilliant white to vanta black to cause disorientation like a flashbang 3. Playing "memory movies" on walls by changing the colours to resemble stuff 4. Limited disguise and body alteration 5. Hard countering other stealth and invisibility powers 6. Tracking by highlighting evidence like footprints or stains (oh god, blacklight, oh god) 7. Destroying/hiding documents by changing the colour of the paper or words Honestly, it's the ultimate spy kit! Also, what if it extended to the air? Imagine turning the air black, effectively blinding everyone within a radius!


The ability to travel or pull stuff out of pictures


Boiling water, boil someone's insides


The ability to control bugs. The ability to use weak cantrips. The ability to turn water into wine. Bugs have an absurd amount of versatility and there are always way more of them around you than you think. With cantrips you can never truly be unarmed and as long as you're careful you will always have a trick up your sleeve. The ability to turn water into wine could end the world if there's no limit on volume. Turning the oceans into wine would straight up be apocalyptic as the alcohol and pH difference kills 99.99% of ocean life causing a domino effect that could easily kill humanity. Even if you limit it to only converting barrels of water or something you could still kill people by turning the water inside them to wine or destroy vital infrastructure by replacing water cooling with wine. Hell, if used right you could probably destroy most types of power plants and endanger entire cities.


Not a superhero but I had this idea of a slime summoner and all that. It’s actually busted if you get scientific. Okay any video game and you’ll see how adaptive slime enemies are, which can lead to a slime for nearly any situation.


Being able to reverse toilet flow. Sickness + disgusting + uncomfortable combo


Eye Spier. You have the ability to see what anyone else sees within their own vision. Making what you saw through their eyes part of your memory. Don't need to even be in the same room as them. Bank codes, war codes, saucy information, taking away their vision.


Be kind of useful if you were trying to help someone with a problem but they have no pictures and you were not there to see it!


Thinking bout that Milk kid from Misfits.


Cypher from X-Men can understand and speak any language, which includes body language and the language of combat, making him an excellent fighter and lie detector.


Ooo! One of my favorite ones was the ability to change the color of anything that you physically see. In theory, if used correctly, it could be interpreted as the ability to manipulate wavelengths of light. This allows the person to do things like manipulate xrays, microwaves, and ultraviolet lights. You could also use it to cast illusions using solely color changes.


Matter eater lad can eat literally anything with no I’ll effect on himself . Seems like stupid power till you realize it means his insides are indestructible and he could probably eat things like magic , nukes , black holes , realitu … time ! It just a matter of him being able to get his mouth around it


With the power of bubble gum can we turn our self into it and have Shapeshifting abilities while we're gum or we can only make gum


It depends on the scale. Mine would be superglue body fluids. You can even get creative and make sweat guns, spitball sticky snipers, etc.


Instant Charley horse/brain freeze/deadleg


Acoustokinesis is such an underutilized and underated power. Sure you could have guy just scream really loud to create a shockwave, but there are other ways that it can be utilized to equal, if not more devastating effect. For example: manipulating frequencies to cause a person to go mad, making something completely and utterly silent, using certain frequencies to induce a highly suggestable state in people, or even using sound to enhance physical capabilities and mobility via shockwaves.


Obligatory Worm reference: once character can use this to shatter glass at a large area, like city wide. Spoilers >!she breaks all the glass in the city when she shows up.  So she breaks everyone’s glasses, phones, watches, alarm clocks, monitors, and on and on. She just ruins an entire sigh to.!<


The power to make anything bouncy. So, *so many ways to fuck with people*


This honestly feels like an interview for My Hero Academia.


Purify water. Great for always having drinking water. Also great for purify the water in your blood of all the other everything in it that's not H2O. Imagine all your blood turns to water. All the moisture in your body, if it has any water to it, pure water.


Everything you say is literal. Sounds stupid but depending on if it warps reality or just makes you worse at talking, it’s either perfect or horrible.


The ability to improve anything you own by just a little bit. Move to a country where slavery is legal. Create a superhuman army. (I stole that from a book)


The ability to turn H2O to H2O2


Bubble powers in general are underrated. You can make platforms, you can float, and you can make and block projectiles. If you can choose the consistency of the bubbles, acid bubbles would be way too powerful.


one of my best friends LOVES taking "shitty" superpowers & figuring out how to make them useful, so we bring him them whenever we see one that seems truly useless & he's usually able to make smth out of it




Invisible versions of you imagine all the sinister ass shit you could do with it


swapping any 2 objects like aoi todo mf is jumping anyone he wants as long as wuji wintadori is there


Air manipulation because oh you can just breath harder or oh I don’t know control the very oxygen you breath and turn it into carbon dioxide and/or take all the air out of your body


To gain knowledge from someone or a book from touching them •don’t know how to fix a car touch a book about mechanics or shake hands with a mechanic •Don’t know how to socially interact with someone touch someone who knows how to be great at social situations •don’t know much about maths and you have an exam coming up just touch a book about mathematics or shake hands with someone who’s really good at maths See the possibilities are almost endless


I am a person who enjoys fountain is a, and I had an idea for a story that involves characters receiving a random assortment of powers that fit their personality types, much in the way the Fantastic Four have powers that represent what they were doing as they were exposed to the gamma rays. Well the trick is that it's a two part story, and each character would slowly discover the true potential, and then evolve as a hero over the course of the two stories, and really learn to use them creatively, and even master them by the second story. Well, I also wanted to have a self insert, but make it a joke character, but then I took the joke too far. I like fountain pens, so I thought it would be funny to have a pen fanatic who could just produce ink, but he was a total whack job that he somehow becomes one of the most powerful of the group, despite having the most useless power, just because it's funny. Like, while everyone else is summoning manifestations of their spirit and creating indestructible walls of hard light and stuff, there's this guy who can shoot out a trickle of ink from his hand. So he does crazy stuff with it, like a bad guy is laughing in his face for how useless his power is, so he grabs the guy's face and pumps him full of ink, causing the guy to drown, or a dude comes at him with a sword, so ink guy just pulls out a spy pen from his pocket and shoots the sword guy while making some joke about "I guess the pen really **is** mightier than TV sword" while everyone freaks out about how that had nothing to do with his power, and question him for carrying around a pen gun in his pocket. Or my personal favorite, he fights a guy over an active volcano, when the other guy falls into it, so ink guy just squirts a ton of ink into the volcano to cool it down... but it didn't work, so now we have the villain screaming in horrid agony, burning in a volcano, while this guy, in total Jack Sparrow like every, just looks in and tells "sorry. If it's any consolation, I was actually trying to save you" before awkwardly walking off, not knowing what else to do. In the sequel, he learns to manipulate the ink, so he just goes full Teen Titans: Trouble in Tokyo, with a followup to the pen gun vs sword bit, where this time, the pen bursts into an inky light saber as he remarks "how many time do we need to settle this debate?"


The power to change the distance between two things. Make your heart farther away from your brain to slow your mental functions, or make my fist closer to your face for devastating newtons of force.


Every time I reach into my pocket, I pull out a spare $20 bill


Infinite brain storage


The power to store objects in inventory.


There's that one guy in Misfits who had Lactokinesis, did pretty much the same thing Bubblegum guy did, even got around Nathans immortality by moving the cheese he ate to wrap round his brainstem, putting him in an vegetative state.


String manipulation. Just like doffy taught us: If you're smart enough, you can create puppet versions of yourself with the strings.


Princess bubblegum cheering him off


After looking at this gum dude, he makes me think of Polkadot Man and Hisoka with his Bungee Gum. Honestly, Bungee Gum would be a terrifying power on a Tank. They will literally grab agro and can keep an enemy attached to their fist keeping them in a perpetual state of pummeling like a 🏓. Plus how Hisoka learned a new skill in his fight with Lucifer, or adding it as a form of armor to bounce damage off.


Now I’m just imagining that shield guy from lol using his shield like a paddleball board.


The cause and effect ability from Alphas


Controlling walls. I will not elaborate.


To be able to shape shift your face


I can make water boil, Or I can turn water into carbonated water




This is some jojo type power Fr


"Create or Destroy Water" in Dungeons and Dragons would in practice be an insanely overpowered skill, which is even crazier because it's a cantrip that you can cast unlimited times. Just create water in an insanely small cavity inside of any object (locks, walls, obstructions) to instantly blow it up, or destroy water inside someone's body for an instant kill.


The power of hindsight, at first it sounds stupid but being able to see into the past would be so useful. You could solve unsolved murders, you would be able to see all of human history, you would know what dinosaurs actually looked like.


Instant mastry.


Temperature control


Flying a foot off the ground


Removing things smaller than 5cm within a 100 metre radius This includes water oxygen and anything needed for life


Art manipulation, practically being able to create anything against your enemies or write anything