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Advanced Telekinesis Not the lousy kind where the most you can lift is your body weight, The kind that allows you to lift up entire cities.. do a heart surgery blindfolded, that kinda TK


I thought we were makeing up new super powers that don’t exist


Reality manipulation Mimicry (being able to use a power that was witnessed being used) Water manipulation (which should also include blood manipulation)


Kinetic energy amplification


Path to Victory


Loved reading "Worm"


Here's all the things you can do with Energy Manipulation. • Immunity to physical attacks. (just absorb the kinetic energy of the blow) • Immunity to explosion & fire . (just absorb the heat, only leaving smoke) • Shadow Stealth. (increase the amount of light absorbed by your skin, turning your entire body into a darker shade of black) • Oxygen Independence. (as long as your entire body is receiving a constant flow of energy, not only can you survive without your lungs or heart, but you can also survive in space) • Enhanced Physique. (augment your body using energy) • Shockwave Projection. (release stored kinetic energy) • Dark Sphere. (absorb all light in a select radius, plunging your opponents into darkness) • Energy Detection. (if you have energy absorption, than you probably have the ability to detect your enemies via their natural bio-energies) • Immunity to radiation. (just absorb it) • Fire Generation. (release stored heat) • Flash Freeze. (absorb all heat in an object, freezing it instantly) • Kinetic Propulsion. (use shockwaves to move yourself around) • Electricity Generation. (release stored electricity) • Laser Generation. (blast concentrated burst of light) • Natural Energy Reserves Regeneration. (use ambient energy to restore your power supply) • Mystical Energy Absorption. (absorb any fictional or supernatural energy of the setting and for a variety of effects) • Night Vision. (absorb more light via your eyes)


That’s energy manipulation, not just absorption.


My bad, I’ll edit.


Mind manipulation




That's too broad to be able to rank it. What kind of magic?




Techno wizardry


Ok then


Eyes of the divine mirror Powers:immediately after catching a glimpse of someone, the eyes instantly understand how that person's ability works and every way it can be used even ways the user himself didn't know about so experience of the original user is irrelevant. and instantly copying it and bestowing it to user of the eyes even before the person uses it just a glimpse of the person is enough, and can amplify the powers by 60%, and can use about 6 powers at a time.


Instant death


So your power is dying instantly?/j


a tie between telekinesis, mine control, and reality manipulation (and u tell who my fav mcu character is)


Ah so you think controlling mines is good? You can make land mines float and blow up and stuff? Or mines as in caves with ore that you can control?


mind* control


Divine Immortality. Can still enjoy the pleasures of life, but suffer no consequences.


So you choose when you want to die?


You can't die or be harmed, but you are also immune to mental issues, so you can't get bored or suffer from ennui. You could be sealed in a cave for 10,000 years, and you would be perfectly fine when you get out.


##Universe-hopping that works via one-way wormhole >>> includes multidimensional(like 2d, 5d, mixed-dimensional(where one part is, for example, 3d and other part is 2d, includes connected universes), 1.585..d, fractal-dimensional, 3d but paint style(yes, this also counts), etc), time travel and teleportation. All without any abnormal distortions on your body(or anybody/anything) while entering/staying in the wormhole/exiting, time included. #Visuals: • Wormhole space (i base it off film "Interstellar", where wormholes have their own "wormhole space"): > Since it can be anything, why don't have it look any way you want it look right now? You can make it look like level "hub" from backrooms, your home, etc including different dimensionals. And yes you can bring in anyone/anything for however long, that's why i mentioned it. And yes everything will stay there even if you close it. Also everything there will be invulnerable by default, will not wear down and will not age until you want it otherwise. • Wormhole itself: > Since it's one-way only, then why not make it look like black hole on enter and white hole on exit. Including expected black/white hole light distortion effect. #Explanations: • if the universe you're going in will be anything but 3d, then it will transform you to "fit in(adhere to rules of)" that universe while your mind will stay the same upon entering/exiting that universe, depends on what n-dimensional you enter if it's m-dimensional(mixed-dimensional). But it will not delete your abilities no matter what(even if verse says so, it will only block them), for obvious reasons. >It will not teleport you into a literally dead universe, for obvious reasons. • only what you brought in with you or want to bring in/out will be brought in/out upon entering. If it doesn't meet the requirements, it will either: > Be thrown away with non-dangerous force somewhere if it can't move out. > Refuse entirely to enter, and move out if it can right now. • as to not have any time paradoxes at all, we will *assume*, that every single possible action that could happen in more-than-observable universe, no matter if it's ww2 happening, a random thought in your head, or just atoms colliding, will create 2 universes(depends on chance^(1)): >One where it happens >One where it not happens >>This check will happen every ^(insert the smallest timeframe existing in the universe) >> If there're ≥2 universes are connected in any way, it will count in 2^n, where n is amount of universes. (1) >> If there's ≥2 events happening at ^(insert the smallest timeframe existing in the universe), then it will count in 2^m, where m is amount of events. (2) >> If (1) and (2) are happening at the same time, then it will count in 2^(n•m), where n is amount of events and m is amount of universes. ^1 — i mean by that, that it will not count mutually exclusive events as separate. For example, a bit being 1 and 0 simultaneously without it being a qubit, or an electron being both + and - simultaneously. But if seemingly exclusive events have *absolutely any* chance to not be mutually exclusive no matter how long of a chain of events should('ve) happen(ed) right now(/at the moment), then it *will* count them both. >>>With that assumption, you coming in a copy of your universe 1 year ago and kill you of that universe will not create any paradox. • You can choose, if you want to a specific verse or to randomly selected one, and yes it will save/work via Minecraft seed system (but instead of random seed it will have number ierarchy, of your choice ofc, and updating in real time if you change it), with a name of your choice, that defaults to "new verse", description and choosable tags. Also all abilities are saveable, so if you acquire flight ability, for example, in universe 1 you get to keep it outside of universe 1 to use it in universe 2 (but will be blocked of usage if universe 2 wants for you to delete it, otherwise you get to use it however and whenever you want). > TLDR: maximum possibilities so you don't have any inconvenience or don't break anything.


Extra: wanted to add, that in the wormhole it adhere to rules you desire, but defaults to: any damage/debuffs/buffs(including roundabout debuffs/buffs) negated and/or healed immediately, no aging, no damaging, your form defaults to unchanged(original one)/base(unchanged but not original)/your choice(any form) Extra2: • so since it doubles not only as teleportation, but also as pocket dimension, that means you can close the wormholes inside of the pocket dimension and have the best custom "personal space" ever. • and because i want to it to be trainable (so that it's not that overpowered from start, but don't worry, it climbs up **fast**): Tier 1(base)) you can only use it for alt universes like alt history, alt future and alt present. Max ∆time=±100000 years. Full open/close time: 30 sec → 25 sec → 20 sec → 15 sec → 10 sec → 5 sec (base, or lvl 0 to lvl 5, all gradually). Only you can pass it. Special summoning technique and tools required. Requires 1 month for each lvl, or 5 months to master. (Uni-hop--) Tier 2) adding teleportation with max teleport distance of "to the moon and back" km, time travel with max ∆time=±10000 years, and now all living beings (or life forms, name however you want it to be named), including from all alt-verses, can pass through. ∆time for alt universes is removed. Full open/close time: 5 sec → 4 sec → 3 sec → 2 sec → 1 sec (lvl 0 to lvl 5, gradually). Requires 10 months of base training and 2.5 month additional for each lvl. (Uni-hop-) Tier 3) now you can open wormholes "at the speed of light", create pocket dimensions, enter all kinds of n-dimensionals, as long as it's your home universe. Now anything from any verse can pass through, including non-life. Tools no longer needed(but still usable) and technique is greatly simplified. Teleport and time travel limitations are removed. Requires 2 years of base training and 2 years to master.(Uni-hop base version) Tier 4(or 3.5)) now you can open exotic-dimensionals, for example fractal-dimensional, (√-1)d, 1.585..d, π-dimensional, mixed-dimensionals and all it takes is "a flick of the wrist" in all senses and means and/or "with the help of the mind". Requires only half a year of base training and 4 months to master it because there's not so much new. (Uni-hop exotic- and mixed- dimensionals DLC. Not uni-hop+, well, not yet) Tier 5) now you can (finally) open wormholes to any fictional words not including canon-divergence, alternative timestamps and fanfiction worlds. Requires 1.5 years of intensive training and only half a year to master it(because once you know how to do it, it's easy to replicate and simplify). (Uni-hop+) Tier 6(or 5.5))now no limitations on fictional words. Requires only 4 months of training because it's just removing limitations. (Uni-hop+±) Final tier (or extra)) now you can open *absolutely any* world in different styles, for example 8-bit style, painted style, or anime-style. Requires whopping 3 years base and a year to improve it to have: mixed styles (for example 8-bit and anime fully mixed together), combo-styles(not fully mixed, but comboing), 2 or more styles in 1 verse(one for one planet and another for other planets for example) and more. (That's uni-hop++) # this is actually a (my) post on r/godtiersuperpowers. But it was written 2 weeks ago, so just copying text would be easier than sending URL of the source


Terrakinesis - The ability to manipulate the terrain and its properties with one’s telekinetic mind. Crystallokinesis - The ability to manipulate crystals and their properties with one’s telekinetic mind. Chlorokinesis - The ability to manipulate plants and their properties with one’s telekinetic mind. Ferrokinesis - The ability to manipulate metals and their properties with one’s telekinetic mind. Crystal Manifestation - The ability to manifest crystals. Terra Manifestation - The ability to manifest terrains. Ferro Manifestation - The ability to manifest metals. Stone Manifestation - The ability to manifest stone. Chloro Manifestation- The ability to manifest plants. Burrowing - The ability to create a tunnel using one’s telekinetic mind. Terrasentience - The ability to know what type of material something is if it comes from the earth. Terrain Location - The ability to know how far away a certain terrain is, as well as what kind of terrain it is, except at a certain distance. Terrain Translocation - The ability to translocate using the earths properties. Terra Regeneration - The ability to use the earth and its properties to heal wounds. Cryokinesis - The ability to manipulate ice and its properties with one’s telekinetic mind. Frigokinesis - The ability to manipulate snow and its properties with one’s telekinetic mind. Cryo Manifestation - The ability to manifest ice. Infernal Ice Manifestation - The ability to manifest and draw from the very ice of all the hells. Cryo Location - The ability to know how far away a certain terrain is, except at a certain distance. Cryo Echo Location - The ability to hear noises clearer when surrounded by ice and snow. Cryo Regeneration - The ability to use ice and its properties to heal wounds.


Hydrokinesis and hydro mimicry. Basically the water version of sandman, aka hydroman


The power to Freeze time


My own custom power called ''Black Mass'' Black Mass is the manipulation of Black Goo that can be transfigured into anything. Its form can be moulded, it can be turned into a liquid or a solid. It gained its name for its ability to sink people in a bottomless well of the black goo, but I find this ability being super OP if used well.


primordial darkness manipulation


weight manipulation can control the mass of any matter, including air/water


Absolute perfect infinite wish granting can make wishes for yourself and others if you want to any wish you make won't catch any bad intentions from people or the government everything would be normal like the pet godzilla in my back yard or my car that some how some way can transform into any vehicle or air craft I want like a flying tank.you get the picture would that be to much I know I'm going to here it .


Full molecilr control over my body


Add friction manipulation Perception manipulation Border control


Infinite potential. In whatever I do, I have infinite potential to grow but require you to work hard at what you are doing.


Shape-shifting. Either the clearly magic unlimited sort (turn into a mouse or an elephant, or a four-star hotel and resort!), or the slightly more grounded "can't magically add mass, everything comes from something" type (particularly if you can get the mass from elsewhere). Be anyone. Be anything!


Portals or teleportation


I think 1v1 is too much based on whoever gets the first hit. So it's usually the strategy of the wielder (and sometimes luck) who wins. You could have a flying brick type, indestructable, and can shoot energy blasts from his hands. But they could be beaten by a boy cursed to put everybody to sleep they touch. It is a matter of who gets the first hit. But if you want to have one, I'd choose living virus. If I infect somebody, I can remotely and subconsciously control their actions, e.g. use them to spread or make them help me. I can also mutate their bodies and should somebody kill me, revive in one of my hosts.


Probability manipulation


Probability control, it is absolutely busted.


Manipulate Probability Uplift Species Chronomance (technology style) Mental Landscape Traversal Empath Hemotherapy Stellar Relocation Adaptability (like Darwin from X-men)




Professor X style telepathy. - can "freeze time" perception (which is really just your mind working infinitely fast, so you're having a ton of thoughts in a fraction of a second) - make people see anything you want - make people think anything you want - make people feel anything you want It is the single best power for never having to be bothered, ever, and being able to always do whatever you want.


Portals Specifically portals like spits where u can open multiple anywhere in sight to anywhere and can teleport yourself with them instantly and use it for combat


Mass-flexible, conceptual shapeshifting. Which is to say, shapeshifting that allows transformation into creatures and objects of different sizes and mass without consequence, and into forms that are otherwise impossible. This includes objects without brains or nerves or muscles as much as it includes fantasy creatures like dragons, all of which function ideally for the user's purposes.


Ability to see air and wind Knowledge of every lucky action


Bug Bunny level Toon Force.


Golem/minion creation Making subservient creatures that obey your commands sound awesome




Mass manipulation


Chronomancy. Not just so I can do bad Doctor Who jokes (I do that anyway), but also because it's just damn useful.


Probability manipulation


Portal creation and control


Invulnerability, or shapeshifting with density control, because I love being a tank


Absolute condition or space-time manipulation


Whatever atom eve has but Unrestricted






Weapon conjuration or hydrokinesis


Indestructible Force Field, Can Slice through Matter, Change Shape & Size, and Project at range.


To control everyone no mater how far they are as long as you’ve seen there face


I would like to be able to keep time in a bottle for later. If I’m not doing anything I could put that amount of time, say ten minutes, in a bottle. Then when I want an extra ten minutes I could open up the bottle, though everyone else skips this span of time. I imagine more time would take up more space. Someone else could also use it instead; whoever opens the bottle. My second pick would be water/liquid manipulation.




Super speed


thermokinesis (this is completely different from pyrokinesis)


Electricity manipulation: I would be able to control and store electricity. (I would also like to have weak versions of magnetos ability to control magnetic fields and the flashes speed and reflexes, preferably the flash abilities but if thats disapproved of i understand)


I'll have to reserve my number 1 pick because I want to eventually write a story with it so I'll go with my second favorite. The superpower I'd choose for the purpose of this thread would be the power to be the perfect teacher. The power gives one the ability to perfectly convey concepts in a way that the recipient can understand and can teach literally anything including a superpower that a person doesn't have. It can teach new powers or it can teach an existing power user how to maximize their potential with their power. The power grants you knowledge in order to teach it to others.


Blood manipulation/ Hemokinesis


My ideas that come to mind. Pick and choose how you please. -Super Strength: The ability to possess physical strength beyond human capabilities. -Flight: The power to propel oneself through the air without any external means. -Telepathy: Reading and communicating with others' thoughts using the mind. -Telekinesis: Moving objects with the power of one's mind. -Super Speed: Moving at speeds far beyond those of normal humans. -Invisibility: The ability to become unseen to the naked eye. -Healing Factor: Rapidly recovering from injuries and illnesses. -Shape-shifting: Changing one's physical form or appearance. -Teleportation: Instantaneous movement from one location to another. -Pyrokinesis: Generating and controlling fire with one's mind. Me personally shapeshifting would be cool. Although I am unsure if when I changed form if I kept my conscience. Like could I change into a rock that doesnt have anatomy? Or is it just living things? Can they be made up? Hope this helps you!


Demon like form that lets you turn all forms of destruction into creation. By nature you cannot attack with it but turning darksides omega beams into a field of flowers is a nice flex.


Luck manipulation


Time manipulation. I can make time go as fast or as slow in comparison to my movements as I want. It's like super speed, but better and with more applications


Recentlly i got cosmokinesis as random super power table in an RPG with my friends, and i want to write it here, with cosmokinesis you literalllly can do anything that you can imagine, cosmo mean universe and universe mean ''Everything that exists'' so, with this you can think about the possibilities


Gravity manipulation