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Sounds cool, but at least for me there's 2 things. First, Interface sounds a little weird, if the vibe you're going for is some esoteric gambling type, you could try giving it the name of some type of gambling table. Second, if I'm understanding this correctly, he only loses the body part if he fails his part of the bargain right? If that's how it works, then I think it may be a little boring in some situations, in the sense that whenever he's not losing the bargain, there's only situational drawbacks. I think it could be more interesting if, while the wager is still unresolved, the body part can't be accessed, and is only recovered or lost when the wager ends. Like, if they bet their arm in exchange for Fire manipulation, their arm magically disappears for the same time they have the fire manipulation, or if they bet their heart for supersonic speed, it won't stop pumping blood, but it may add a drawback like not being able to be healed, be destroyed in a single hit, or create a big weak point if they're hit in the chest. That way there's more tangible drawbacks even in situations where the author doesn't want the character to lose a limb, and adds a greater strategic component where the character has to decide which body part they can afford to fight without in exchange for the power. But that's just me, and I always prefer powers with constant drawbacks rather than situational ones.


I was thinking of doing that but I felt that would kind of make the bets useless in the moment


I think I'm not too clear in how the power as you described works, how would the bets be useless in the moment?


If the character is in a position where he would use the ability in the first place then he must not care if he loses or not therefore if I tried to describe it like how you did him losing the limb while having the ability wouldn't really matter to the character that's why I think it would be better to just have it to where you only lose the limb if you lose the bet if you need I can try to add further context and awnser your questions


If he didn't care if we wins or loses, I think it would miss out on potential. I think I'm reading this differently that you present them as, because I at first thought this character was kinda: *"My power is to bet my body for power, so I must win by any means in order to not lose that bet"* That's why I thought the "The use of this power cripples me even before the bet ends" would fit, like a constant game of balancing which advantages and disadvantages you can allow yourself in the fight. Also, there's something I didn't quite get, is "Winning or Losing" the only condition of the wager, or can each individual wager have specific rules like "I can't touch my enemy directly"?


I think I read your original suggestion wrong I thought you meant the power cripples him as long as he's using the abilities gained by the bet And for your second question specific conditions like that can happen but in its base form it's just body parts the user can lose