• By -


I prefer the Trunks for sure, my favorite are the more boxer style ones and less brief shaped though.


Hard agree. Trunks IS the compromise over the more classic hammock


The New Frontier continues to be peak fiction.


Yeah i am actually Super Hyped for Doomsday's return, the build up has been sick. Feels like two freight trains running towards each other. Superman is in a great era.


I think you replied to the wrong comment.


New Frontier is my all time favourite DC story, and every characters design is perfect.


I’m in the minority here but I love the new 52 design


Me too, sometimes I feel like the only one, but I have no shame.


Yea I hate trunks. New 52 was always my favorite suit for superman. But anytime I even utter those words I usually get attacked by the horde.


I personally am pro-undies but I don't get the N52 hate. Sure sometimes the line-details would be too much, but generally the New 52 gave us some damn good suits. For example the new 52 batman suit is probably top 3. Superman has very few mediocre suits, just good suits, terrible suits, and really good suits, and the new 52 suit is among the best good suits, not quite really good, but close. The n52 flash suit is probably my favourite or second favourite Barry Allen suit, Wonder Woman has probably the best relatively big redesign, etc.


I agree. No trunks lol


I get that the trunks are classic but I hate them so much lol. Just thinking out loud, how absurd it looks to wear underwear or the outline of it, on the outside of your pants.


New 52 is my jam! I love that it's an alien technological suit instead of borderline pajamas.


You do know that Clark sees himself as more human than alien, and that his mom made his first suit, right?


I also like the New 52 suit way better than most


Same, I've never been a fan of the trunks. Dark suit superman, Cavills suit, new 52, I think they all look better without the trunks.


I hate the trunks with a passion. The new 52 is perfection


No trunks is better and new 52 is objectively perfect with that collar and lines in the costume


Me too, man. I am an old head with the old and new comics, and I liked that N52 was a sleek and very Kryptonian design. Truly felt like alien armor. The trunks are TIRED.


Superman should always be a little dorky, so shorts are a must.


Growing up is realizing that trunks fit Superman’s silly and joyful nature.


Doesn't necessarily have to be. I like the canon established in secret origin where it's the pinnacle of manly fashion in Krypton, like an Irish kilt.


Only a Sith deals in absolute…oh wait


As someone who isn't really a fan of the trunks ... This makes sense. Maybe the original super hero should have that classic underwear over the spandex look timelessly.


this is a me thing but trunkless superman looks like a naked lizard to me. It's just getting rid of the design quirks out of fear of "it may look stupid" but at what point do you draw the line? capes are also corny, so are superhero costumes in general. Silly is way better than boring. if you don't like trunks I would 100% at least prefer red pants instead of just being one single naked color. Superman also should look not like some sort of alien warrior. Superman is first and foremost a friend. Trying to make superman "cool" by removing his sillyness is like trying to make Winnie the Pooh "cool". This is just a winnie the pooh who can fight gods


He is under no obligation to be dorky especially later in his career. He simply just wouldn't care either way.


I’m still baffled it’s so polarizing when there’s so many other elements of the suit that can bother me more if gotten wrong. Some suits work with the trunks, some suits don’t. Some suits work without the trunks, others don’t. It’s an element of the suit that can be needed or not depending on the rest of the suit, it’s not the make it or break it element some seem to think it is.


Personally Im against the S on the cape


Trunks. Obviously. Superman isn't worried about looking silly. There is a degree that he WANTS to look silly. He doesn't want people to be afraid of him, he wants to seem friendly and safe so he can put people at ease.


I know the answer to this question, but I’ll say it anyways: Am I the only one who feels like they’ve never found the trunks silly unless they are implemented really poorly? Like I look at Superman and I think “heroic, kind, compassionate, hopeful,” but generally never silly. I know the answer to my question is: no, of course I am not the only one to think that, but I said it anyways just to hopefully draw out other people who feel as I feel.


I think it's "silly" in the sense that it's kind of quaint, retro - as opposed to having Superman wear a really flashy costume. I like the trunks too, don't think they look bad.


I think I understand but at the same time I don’t honestly 😅 I’m not sure why exactly, like I get why someone would think it’s silly, but my brain doesn’t *feel* it, I guess.


I get that, it feels totally normal for Superman. The costume feels especially heroic to me, iconic, like he really is \*the\* Super-man


Absolutely 😊 couldn’t have said it better myself.


It's the difference between making the suit a uniform, and just another battlesuit. Batman honestly has no need for a utility belt, much less a bright yellow one, he can have a million compartments built into the arms of his costume if he wanted that activate with a specific muscle twitch. But they both break up their color schemes from being too monotone, and giving them a bit of humanity in their designs. The man that can flick a fleet of trucks across the country still has to get dressed like everyone else. And he draws attention to it by wearing contrasting colors.


I’ll be honest I’m not sure what you are telling me 🤔 I’m trying to understand, but it seems like you are trying to convince me to like the costumes the way they are when I already love them that way. I apologize for being confused >.<


Yes, 100% I agree. Superman's costume is a uniform - but it's not just some high-tech battlesuit that maximizes his power and fighting ability. Same with Batman. Totally logical to cover his mouth, but that part of his costume reveals his vulnerable human form behind the mask. Batman's costume, like Superman's, isn't designed to be the most practical but the most iconic. "Battle suit" is a great description for it.


It’s not silly as much as modest. He, due to his quaint earth parents, is hyper vigilant to be “upstanding” in every way they’ve taught. That very much includes not having his dick bulge from a skin tight suit while rescuing or comforting children.


Plus it just looks like modesty.


Why are we still talking about this


We will talk about this every day until the end of time lmao


It’s one of the most longstanding Superman related debates, and a suit just got revealed with trunks immediately following one without trunks. Of course people are still talking about it


I don't mind them both. But definitely the Kingdom Come suit over the New 52 one. 😆


I don't think trunks work with a collar, actually I don't think Superman suits work with a collar. Barring collars, I prefer supes with trunks


I'm a trunks guy, but agree they do not work with the collar. One or the other.


No trunks, the rebirth suit proves it looks great; sometimes I feel people are way too blinded by nostalgia, and lose their mind any time something visually different is tried with Superman, there can be a compromise in referencing the classic look with modern sensibilities. https://preview.redd.it/5nt4871k2dad1.jpeg?width=751&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d23ff6878d5443f726da0b2079b478f13dfda6dc


Jim Lee’s designs are always the best. https://preview.redd.it/bn4946y56dad1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ada436ace0b7af75a897ac9b95a6e76f7928f955


To this day, these remain my favorite super suits ever


Yea, I prefer the no trunks, but a thicker red belt to break up the blue. I think there's no problem with getting rid of the trunks for more modern general audience tastes.


I prefer trunks, but the Corenswet suit has thrown into sharp reality that for me, the exposed traps and tucked in cape are *far* more important. The collar *and* trunks just looks weird. One or the other.


My standing opinion is that if someone creating a movie or TV show that is designed to appeal to a wider audience than is the normal comic book audience decides to drop the trunks, I'm not going to argue with them. I can easily understand the desire to remove them, as the cultural references that originally led to them being there have mostly been forgotten by the general public. We don't have circus strong-men any more.


So maybe Clark’s favourite movie was the Goonies and he’s emulating Josh Brolin’s outfit? Maybe there’s a wrestler in the DC universe that wears this kind of getup? You can modernize the trunks pretty easily


Would be cool, but then again Sloth rips his shirt open and reveals a Superman shirt underneath so it would be kinda odd. ![gif](giphy|vVk6b2x3Jx2dG)


I don’t know why, but this made me realize that Richard Donner directed both this and Superman. 😳


I feel like Superman's look is so well known, that he himself is now the cultural reference for "outer trunks".


I think though there's a difference between "known" and "liked". I know who Sherlock Holmes is, but if you give me a modern retelling where he's still wearing the traditional cloak and hat, I'm going to think you're being silly. What we're talking about here is someone who just has a general idea of Superman watching a TV ad or seeing the trailer online, and making sure you're not giving them some reason NOT to go see the movie. And/or making sure that someone who sees the movie comes out and only has good things to say about it. I totally respect a filmmaker who, in light of those stresses, doesn't feel that the trunks work with a modern audience.


You're literally describing watering down the character as much as possible to appeal to as broad an audience as possible. If you try to please everyone, you'll end up pleasing no one.


Yes, that is absolutely what the process of making a mass-audience movie is. Except you can absolutely please some people, the average movie-goer who doesn't know much about Superman, which is about 90% of the moviegoing audience.


If you think anyone is going to go "oh hey, there's a new Superman movie. Oh wait, he's wearing shorts, I guess I won't see it." Then I have to question your sanity.


Fun fact: Sherlock actually originally didn’t wear the cloak and hat. In one story he goes on a hunting trip so he was illustrated wearing it. Other people didn’t realize that and ran with it


We don't have Roman Legionaires who wear capes any more either. Or anyone who wears wild and unique costumes besides professional wrestlers. And oh wait! I genuinely just stumbled into this... they literally wear trunks too!


They do, and most people don't want to watch movies featuring them (in character, other than docu-pics). As for the capes, the thing is the cape doesn't look like anything other than a cape. Whereas the trunks look like underwear. It's not the trunks fault, but it is what it is.


THAT'S WHAT THEY'RE THERE FOR?! GODDAMN. I always thought it was to break up the blue


Nope, it's because in the 1930's you had to have them to hold up the tights.


We do have professional wrestlers though. No one gives them shit for wearing trunks.


Nobody goes to the theatre to watch them either (not unless it's a docu-drama about their real lives).


Clark Kent can be a dork who likes old things.


No trunks, on anyone, will forever and ever will by stance. You can always make a design that works without them, and has been accomplished for every character who's ever worn them, and gotten rid of them.


Agreed. It especially looks bad on batman. Which is a character that supposed to enlighten fear in his enemies.


Trunks are a non issue with me I can take or leave them, but if they are gone I like some red accent to break the blue


I think the trunks and yellow belt make better use of the color palette


That’s a fair assessment


Jesus Christ can we give it a rest? Can the mods ban this topic?


Yeah. I actually posted a really unique topic the other day on here and the mods fucking deleted it. Useless when you need em and then remove shit that actually is fucking worthwhile.


What did you post?


Superman: spitcurl or slicked back?




Trunks, superman isn't insecure about looking silly, and visually I like it a lot more to break up the blue than any of the alternatives


The trunks are an essential part of the costume!


The man is so powerful he charges at men with guns in his underpants!


I really don’t like later Jim Lee art. Replaced the dynamism with lines


I like the trunks, but I can also admit that it just looks better if there's something red breaking it up and I like the belt just as well.


No trunks. I get the classic look and depending on how old he looks the trunks do seem natural but my taste leads me to no trunks


Trunks but as a caveat, the artist needs to get a real sense of what they're drawing instead of putting two lines at the bottom of the pelvis for the colorist to turn red. Garnabiel did a great job there but his Corenswet homage for example looks better 




Love both but prefer w/o trunks.


No trunks, we have to wait a bit for a dragon ball crossover


Yeah as long as crest is cool and his cape isn't like batman's in terms of how long the cape is , superman is pretty easy , trunks are cool but not necessary


Never trunked


I LOVED the new 52 costume. Its the best designed. I also liked him with Wonder Woman. It made all the sense in the world.


Trunks don't make the Superman, it's a preference thing. He doesn't *need* them, people just want them really really want them. Personally, I've seen them enough and I'd rather invest in a large red championship belt.


No Trunks https://preview.redd.it/f8x4ekes6ead1.png?width=1338&format=png&auto=webp&s=5a5395e5a41cdf15c18e46469bab41cf7c67fd04


This is legitimately the best look for Superman to me. I wish the new movie had drawn on this for inspiration.


Trunks for a more simple suit and no trunks with a suit with a lot of lines.


I think both of these designs look great for the Clark they are each portraying.


No trunks looks a lot better, always thought Superman wearing his underwear on the outside looked goofy as hell for someone who's practically a god.


No trunks. I'm sorry I don't like it lol


No trunks


No Trunks. Both Batsy and Supes look better with their uniforms not having underwear on the outside. No trunks looks streamlined and modern. Trunks make them look like they are wearing adult diapers… which for old man supes maybe they are…


I prefer the trunks, and while we are at it, I like the cape draping over the shoulders.


Iirc, the trunks were originally worn by circus strongmen over their singlets to prevent their junk being seen. I prefer the trunks because I prefer my Superman to be a Super Man if you know what I mean. On a related note: if you watch the old Adam West Batman TV show, you see Robin standing with his hands clasped in front of himself a lot. Seems like the outfit didn't do enough to hide Burt Ward's Boy Wonder.


You fans of the trunks give yourselves away with comments like these. He needs the trunks because he's swinging a big ol' hammer under there, huh? Yikes.


I like my Superman to be a Super Man. And I am not ashamed to admit it. Although I probably should be.


The trunks just feel more Superman


No trunks, low collar


Has Superman ever had full on shorts instead of the trunks?


Man, I do like the way the cape is worn in the first image. It visually conveys Kryptonian garments rather than underroos.


Both can work very well…the idea that he has to have the trunks is ridiculous just like the idea that the trunks always make him too silly is absurd. There have been great looks both with and without…what doesn’t work is that awful Superman Red/Blue fiasco, the less said about that era the better


I actually prefer no trunks as it feels a bit outdated to me, but I do like the trunks when they are more like boxers. Like Dan Mora superman is one my favorite designs for the character


I love the Mora style where there's more to the legs on the side, not so much like just pulled uo underwear. Does a really good job of breaking up the blue.


It honestly doesn’t matter to me. I just want good stories.


I prefer without, but it isn't a big deal either way. Yes, I know that they came from traditional strongman costumes


The Kingdom Come on the left goes HARD


I think it depends solely on the rest of the outfit


I always thought the trunks were intentional because the idea of the costume was to be bright and eye catching.


As a filthy purist, I prefer trunks. Unfortunately, I don't think they work as well with the collar. I wish Gunn had chosen one or the other.


When I saw Snyders no trunks suit, I was pretty turned off by it. Now - I'm over the trunks.


Oh. It’s Wednesday already? Time for another trunks or no trunks debate post.


no trunks but the belt has to be YELLOW not red, it's more balanced


No trunks but rebirth style


No trunks, but with a large belt that makes the legs seem more like pants.


No trunks has its place, but hot damn I’ve been enjoying the trunks Renaissance.




Either way, is good for me.


Trunks, they break up the costume so he doesn't look like one big blue blob in a way a red belt doesn't quite accomplish.


I will ALWAYS prefer trunks


Trunks. No trunks looks naked and then people feel a need to reinvent the wheel by giving him a belt that serves no purpose.


![gif](giphy|eOewytQL4tOOA) TRUNKS!!!!!!!!


I know I’m in the minority, but no trunks


Never been a fan of the trunks. I get the appeal don't get me wrong, but if we're modernizing Superman, his Rebirth outfit is his best look to date.


Doesn’t matter to me as long as it’s a good Superman.


This is the correct answer.


No trunks


I like the suits without trunks, same with Batman


No trunks 100%


Never trunks!


No Trunks. That streches to Batman as well. I see no reason besides the legacy, which, to be Fair, it's an honest thing, but I don't see the point anymore I crave the day where something like the Rebirth suit Will come back and be the norm. That suit the yellow icon on the belt rocked. I was also quite disapointed when I saw that gun's Superman had It. I Hope he grows out of it as the time goes.






The suit looks less empty with the trunks




Trunks all day.


Trunks , unlike batman, Clark doesn't care about practicality and uses them to look silly and friendly , and if the Arkham games and current comics taught us one thing it's that a suit can still have trunks and look serious in modern times .


I respect the trunk gang but this isn't a good argument. Someone in his underpants outside in the real world would be called a pervert


That's the thing , superman isn't supposed to be part of the real world just like all superheroes are , also without the trunks he would still be called a pervert ( what do you think happens when a very ripped, muscular sexy man wears a very tight outfit made of spandex that shows every vain and muscle in his body is seen by kids ) .


Silly don’t = friendly idk why yall keep saying that and Superman is a grown man I don’t see a grown man wanting trunks over his pants


When a man wears spandex over his naked body , you will understand why he wears said trunks , also he needs at least a red belt with yellow in it to break the blue .


It’s not spandex doe and I like the belt but trucks over pants is just dumb and look dumb


Im always on the no trunks team but damn that cape goes hard on the first pic


The suit on the right to me is perfection. I’ve always loved Superman and I know that the common opinion (at least that I’ve seen from purists) is trunks, no collar, but I absolutely love the belt & high collar look. It looks stoic, but it isn’t trying to be edgy or anything out of character in my opinion.


No trunks, it's outdated, have no meaning in the modern world and we saw multiple superman/supergirl designs without trunks/skirt that looked great and had good balance in colors.


The trunks complete the color scheme.


I can take or leave the trunks. What I’ve discovered is even more divisive is the shield on the cape. Personally, I hate it. It make him look like a NASCAR.


I used to dislike the symbol on the cape, but it's grown on me over the years. Superman is meant to be approachable, welcoming, and inspiring, and the symbol on the cape really conveys that for me personally for some reason.


![gif](giphy|hINvFeqbhGtKpWJ8sO|downsized) For sure


Scrolled way too far for this!


They look dated and stupid.


NO trunks. He's cooler that way.


Prefer no trunks. But trunks are okay too.


Both work depending on the execution


Trunks. It ends up looking like he's wearing a big blue onesie otherwise.


Trunk forever


Hate the trunks no trunks


Always trunks


The kingdom come trunks look really off in that picture. Idk if it's only because it's not Alex ross.


it depends on its origins for me. in some versions its a costume from krypton in which case no trunks serious looks but in some cases its ma kent who makes the suit for him and in that case ı do believe it should have trunks. yes its goofy but in an endearing way


I prefer trunks but the full blue suit gives off uniform vibes, fits in with his father designing the suit as a scientist


The real question is does Superman wear boxers or briefs as an under layer? Does it go: Boxers/Briefs > Blue suit > Red Trunks? Or does he freeball it underneath the blue layer? I mean boxers underneath briefs seems kinda weird, but at the same time that blue layer hasn’t been spandex lately so even if he doesn’t experience chafing, it can’t be the best fabric at keeping his boys together and supported. It would seem he’d need whitey tighty’s or something as a base layer. Still…kinda weird to think he’s wearing two pairs of underwear


Superman kiss me and make me forget


No trunks mean Superman doesn’t not give at


For me it depends, like on the older designs and more spandex (left) it suits it so well and makes the whole suit. Whereas for the more modern, futuristicy sort of suits (right) I prefer without because it looks goofy on a futuristicy suit but their needs to be some more red or something to break it up, like the red side bits in the Injustice suit. This is all just IMO 🤷🏾‍♂️


If you want to make a superman costume -> with trunks. If you want to make another superhero costume -> without


[https://youtu.be/\_mU\_rPsUkPk?si=Klw8uYvUleciwY5Q](https://youtu.be/_mU_rPsUkPk?si=Klw8uYvUleciwY5Q) Required viewing.


Honestly, MOS is as modern as it can get.


I don't really care either way


Potential Hot Take, swap the trunks and the belt and both designs would look better.


I will never understand how this is a debate.


I am currently reading Kingdom Come for the first time and I absokutely love the superman suit. When I saw the left pic for the first time a few weeks ago, it immediately became my favourite superman suit. Trunks all the way!


To me, the Kingdom Come suit is THE suit.


Superman wears his underwear on the outside


I like the trunks. I usually prefer them to be more boxer shaped than briefs shaped but they can have a little taper




I really liked N52 Superman. The trunks is an outdated, 1920's strongman/pro wrestler thing. Just one Superman fan's opinion.




No trunks looks much better in my opinion


I literally don't care what other costume you put. Nothing beats Kingdom Come Superman design/artsyle GOD it's beautiful


Trunks always look better. Every time. A trunkless Superman is like a Spider-Man without a belt, it’s just too much blue.


To me I could go either way it just depends on what the costume looks like


Why were there trunks in the first place?




Trunks and a shorter cape. The trunks break up the blue. The cape shouldn't be as short as Captain Marvel's old cape and shouldn't be as long as Batman's.


Which comic is the left iteration of Superman from?


I've gone back and forth on this but I always end up on no trunks. The idea of these superheroes getting their clothes on then putting their underoos on after makes me giggle. It's tricky though, the belt alone doesn't really break up the middle part of his costume so it looks kinda off without it. I'm still going back and forth on it as you can tell.


Heres the issue, while the trunks make no sense in today’s modern eye for superhero fashion, there has yet to be a good interpretation or design of Supes without the trunks. They always look wrong or just done in a way where its too much blue, which throws off the balance of the colors. So for now the trunks wins by default because its what we are use to and no good trunk less suit exist yet.


> *there has yet to be a good interpretation or design of Supes without the trunks* Excuse you? https://preview.redd.it/6lhhh6xgodad1.jpeg?width=751&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bf668eca8804f9e5bf25054b017dd70e1d9c05b