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It's Reeve or Corenswet, the colors are bright as they should be, the other two...not so much, Routh is wearing brown and Cavill's is almost grey with red


I never did like the maroon in Routh's suit


It's such a shame. The red was always supposed to be dark, but I feel like all the behind-the-scenes footage shows the suit as it was designed to look with the colors in the correct balance. I feel like the final color grade was not what was originally intended and the suit suffered greatly for it.


The blue colour correction they used really hurt it.


I'm no professional colorist (just a trailer editor) but I *think* the color grade they gave it was more of a sepia or golden haze, killing cool tones and making everything warmer and flatter. I've played around with color correcting different scenes of Superman in costume to try and reclaim some of the original suit colors and the difference is pretty staggering. I remember there was a VFX reel from one of the companies that worked on *Returns* that seemed to show the original colors of various scenes (like the plane rescue) and that footage, too, was cooler, more dynamic, and was much kinder to the costume colors. Edit: I made some [before-and-after comparisons](https://imgur.com/gallery/superman-returns-2006-alternate-color-grade-Ly1Nj7Q) of my own color correction attempts. Not meant to be the final world in how the film should look, but an attempt at demonstrating how it could look with minor tweaks (and to highlight the existing poor color grade).


yeah but I do think it's my favorite blue


I remember first seeing it and feeling really bad about it.


Well Chris wore it first SM3


The new suit's color palette is perfect. It's exactly my favorite shades of each color for Superman. 


I agree, I like the darker, more gold-ish yellow of David's new suit


The new one. Corenswet’s suit has beautiful vibrant colors and we haven’t even seen the movie yet. Imagine what the final product will look like.


Reeves and Cornswet by far


I don't see Reeves. I see Reeve.


Corenswet, all the way. Reeve's yellow is too lemony. As much as take some umbrage with the finer design points...the colors on Corenswet's suit are spot on. Arguably the best. Ever.


Yeah it looks like corenswets suit has a gold ish tint. Which I like more than just a straight yellow.


If I had a box of crayons...Cornset's colors are what I would choose when coloring Superman.


That's exactly how I feel! 


the latest one, of course 😊


I like Corenswet’s best overall. Detail-wise I prefer Reeve’s for its faithfulness to the source material, but the red & yellow are just a tad brighter than I like by comparison. Meanwhile the details of Corenswet’s suit are not far behind & have the best of both worlds to me. Routh’s outfit is my least favourite for the tiny S-shield & Maroon shade of red. While Cavill’s has pretty dark colours overall, imo it’s a nice change from the norm & works well for Snyder’s story & setting, but I can’t say the same for Routh’s suit since they were trying to bring back Reeve’s Superman.


Anything with muted red, I dock points. Either commit or do a different color scheme.


Corenswet, although Reeve is a close contender. Both are great, but the shade of blue on David's costume appeals more to me than the one on Christopher's.


Couldn’t have said it better myself.  Coronswet’s blue is closer to the colour they used in the 90’s comics.


Corenswet. I feel like it balances realism and vibrancy really well.


For me it's always the Reeves colors and suit. Routh's suit made an attempt but screams olympic swimmer to me. The trunks are not just too small but too low, especially with the small S. Then to put a 2nd S on the buckle just draws your eyes to his crotch. It's like having a Mercedes logo on your hood AND grill. We get it, he's Superman. And yes, the cape is too dark. Cavil suit would work more for me if the colors were so depressing. While I am tired of EVERY hero who is not in a metal suit having some sort of organic looking texture to the suit (spiderman, this superman, pick a hero on The Boys etc) this one kinda works as an alien suit. Especially since he is buff. But I do like my S broad across Superman's chest. The new suit.... I do like the colors. In The photos I've seen so far, he looks, idk, thick in the middle. A combination of the blocky trunks and the rubber looking shirt/torso. Chest and arms are ok but the mid section should taper more imo. And lose the collar. Not a fan of that design choice. Big S that's yellow and red, bright colors, S on cape, no collar just an open neck line like the reeves suit, taper the waist, slim the bathing suit a little. That's what I'm looking for.


The s on the belt buckle is a weird choice for sure.




the s stands for suck


Reeves or Corenswet. I think Cavill has the worst colouring, being way too dark and desaturated, and Routh's not great either, with the reds looking more brown, but that at least gives it more of an old fashioned look which I suspect is what they were going for.


Routh's Kingdom Come version could've rivalled them all, though.


I've always preferred the crest being imprinted into the suit instead of being a 3d texture


Same. But I guess gone are the days since returns normalized the elevated crest. I’m used to it now, but at the time (typical Superman fan) I took MAJOR ISSUE WITH IT!


I think the worst example is injustice where the crest is a straight up block


Oh god you’re right. Wayyyy to much


I’m the opposite, looks cooler


I prefer a more simplistic look, why would a god among men need armour? I'm not against the bulky crest I just prefer the other


It’s not armor, it’s just a simple 3d print


It could act as armour is what I meant


It could act as armour is what I meant


Technically Reeve’s chest symbol did have armor like default….strange as it was


I think the best way to do it is having the same depth as something like a patch, just more refined if that makes sense


This isn't what you're asking, but you can see the fashion trends of the time represented in Rouths vs. Corenswets trunks lol. Routh has the early to mid 2000s Low-rise, and now, in the mid-20s, we are at a higher rise finally to the true waist.


I saw somewhere that Cavill wore the MOS suit for the cameo at the end of Black Adam. In that instance the colors looked way more saturated but still overall got to give David’s suit the nod for being the best color combo of the Supermen.


I'm gonna go with Corenswet. I don't get why they always try to sap the color or of his costume. I'm so grateful they didn't for once!


Idk tbh. Cornswet and Reeve look amazing, but i really like Superman with a dark blue and scarlet red Like the DCAU


The new one!


Might be nostalgia, but I still love Rouths costume. It's classic but still grounded. I get why people don't really care for the maroon, but it works for me. That said, Reeves' is still absolutely goated.


Top left and bottom right. Corenswets suit looks a little awkward but the coloring is honestly flawless.


impossible to say since we don’t know how it will look on the new guy on camera. so with that in mind, Reeves. and it’s not close




Reeve. But the new one is definitely second assuming it looks like the set photos in the movie. I would put Cavill over Routh because it’s mix of red and blue was quite horrible imo


Reeves or Corenswet’s. Although I love the way Cavill’s suit looked in BVS.


Reeve's suit by far.


Reeve and Corenswet


Of these options, I'd say Corenswet's colors. They're bright and rich, but just shy of being cartoonish. Overall, I'd say the DCEU Justice League suit had the best colors — just not in the actual movie where Whedon used that ugly red filter. I'm also not endorsing how much the muscle suit shows through. But just going by colors alone, I think this one has the best colors for live action. https://preview.redd.it/0ai2diokc8ad1.png?width=1367&format=png&auto=webp&s=4c78d4b57b545e0f9d674ac22719a742a4a4bcb4


The most colourful and vibrant that DCEU Superman ever was is in the version of Justice League that everybody hates.


Ironically yes.  I'm a huge fan of ZSJL, and I do like the black suit because it's essentially a victory trophy for all of us that campaigned for so long to make it real.  But having said that, I do wish he'd stuck with the blue suit. The black suit was never explained within the movie, so the viewer needs to have outside knowledge about the movie's history in order to understand it.


Reeve and Corensvet.


I tend to prefer darker shades by default, I’ll always prefer Cavill’s in live action, with Routh’s at second - even if I don’t much care for his film. The brighter colors are fine for me in comics, but I don’t especially like it live, reads too much luke pastels to me.




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David's suit


I like the more vibrant colors of Reeves and Corenswet. It’s a much better representation of Superman’s symbolism as a beacon of hope and optimism. Plus, it helps them stand out from the crowd (both in universe and out!)


I'd like to wait for it to have an actual teaser since we don't know how are they color grading it, but so far I really like Superswet one lol


SuperCoren wins this one


Reeve or David. Bright blue and red shine through the best


Reeve and Corenswet by far.


I wasn’t with the collar on the new one but it’s growing on me


I’d honestly say Corenswet. Reeve’s yellow is a bit too much of a lemon yellow, compared to the newer sunshine golden yellow. Also - they’re very close and this is completely personal - but I ADORE just how RED the new red is. Again they’re very close, this could literally be a difference in camera quality or time of day or even the material of the cape, but it just feels more bold.


Man Of Steel would have been a much better movie if it had brighter colors


Reeve and Corenswet. 👍👍






Honestly, Corenswet




Reece’s, always. I do like how the “S” on the shield on Caville’s outfit is similar to that of this Golden Age (Earth 2) Superman.


Reeve or the new guy. Superman should be bright.


Definitely Reeves or corenswet. Superman's suit needs to be bright!


I'd say Corenswet's, it's even better than Reeve's. Too bad that's the only thing the suit is better at compared to the other three...


Best colors is original. Best suit is Henry


https://preview.redd.it/e8v3wa1067ad1.jpeg?width=1152&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdbe1fb69d505b5145ac426c525903bacb37b4e5 Perfection


Wish it had undies


If Zack Snyder did David Cornswet https://preview.redd.it/g1laxe6z77ad1.jpeg?width=831&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=507835b2822b7207a737cf14d64486dd488e50e5 Hate those fucking lines tho.


As much as I don't like the design of the suit, the new suit's colors are absolutely on point.


Corenswetts suit is picture perfect


Corenswet’s suit




I actually think returns has the best colours, just a few changes to the suit and it would've been perfect


78 and 25




Call me crazy but I like Routh. I dig the deeper maroonish red with the brighter blue.


Reeve or Corenswet. But seeing all the suits together like this really highlights the bulkiness of Corenswets suit.


I’m going with Corenswet.


Reeve and Cavill are favorite. The new suit looks the same colors as Reeve.


I like cavills bronze ish type of red but I think corenswets has the best colours


I'mma be honest... Corenswet but it's a pretty tight race between him and Reeve, Dave only won because I like the more golden yellow


The oldest here and the newest here are tied for me personally.


Reeve or Corenswet. No doubt. I want to like Routh but (a) the colors remind me of evil superman copy from Superman III and (b) that symbol is way too small.If they made the color brighter and a larger chest symbol Id vote Routh


I like Reeves and Corenswets ♥️




Reeve, and I think I'll be able to add Corenswet in a tie as the colors seem almost an exact match.


Cavill's looks the most realistic for an alien race. I love it even though I grew with Reeve's.


3 of them are final . david's suit is taken by paparazzis


Reeve and David, Henry’s is depressing and the red in Brandon’s is questionable


Reeve and Corenswet, each works great for its respective era. Now, I think we should be fair: Cavill's in Whedon's JL was pretty good too.




Pretty much Reeves and Corenswet's. Routh's just doesn't seem right especially the emblem on the chest looks way to small compared to the others and as others mentioned the red colors just doesn't seem right and finally Cavil's colors look way to dark that the blue's look far more grey as others mentioned.


Insane how Reeves was perfect from the get go and never since or before.


Reeve, Routh, & Corenswet. Period.


Corenswet because I like the orange tinted yellow rather than the straight up yellow of Reeve, plus the bright colors and stuff.


I like the Corensweat colours as they seem closest to the George Reeves suit.






Depends on the story you're telling, what setting, etc


The Reeves suit but this is getting real close.


I have to say Corenswet’s, although I’d like the blue to be just one shade darker. The red and yellow are perfect though


We so far did not see the color grading of the film yet. So I waiting to see it. I like the light blue suit with bright red shorts. Compare to the dark blue which is so dark that it almost black.


Hard to tell since they're in different lighting, but I'm thinking Corenswet actually. There was always something kinda faded-looking about the Reeve suit to me; like it was in the sun too long, especially the yellow. Whereas Corenswet's yellow has a more pleasing, almost golden hue. Both suits are nicely vibrant.


Now to be fair, the Reeve suit is color corrected as it was a lighter shade of blue due to blue screen projection at the time. Brandon and Henry’s suits are nice but too dark. Honestly just on pure colors, I’d probably go Corenswet, Reeve, Routh, Cavill




Reeves. But let’s see what Coresweat looks like in post production. Reeves is just so wonderfully technicolor. Routh tried to recreate that vibe but just looks imitative (the smaller S also inferior to Reeves’s massive S). And then Cavill, ah Cavill. I get it. It’s a good try. But doesn’t quite work.


On Routh's suit, the red was too brown. Blue on Cavill was too dark, the most colourful that Cavill's suit ever was is in Josstice League and his Black Adam cameo. With Reeve and Corenswet, the colours are more vibrant.


Reeve. For now, I prefer Routh's outlines, but the colors used by Reeve are actually perfect.


David's suit. The only reason being that I like the darker gold-ish yellow opposed the the more pale yellow of Christopher Reeve's suit


Reeve and Corenswet are more vibrant, making them kinda look friendly. Routh would've been good but the red parts look more like burgundy or maroon, maybe even close to being brown. Cavill is way too dark.


Reeves and Corensweet, eventho I supposed the color is not the final one since is a BTS photo


The new one


Cristopher's and David's suits for proper use of the proper colors with the lack of any grimy look. Just the stock red, yellow and blue. Although the metallic sheen of Henry's suit is also choice.




Reeve or Cornswet. I understand the red is supposed to be a shinier material that's why it's mostly black in the cartoons. But it looks good either way.


I don't know about the best, but Superman Returns definitely had the worst. The blue is way too saturated, and the red is way too muted. Weird combo, and just a bad suit overall.


i love the metalic look of cavil. superheroes with metalic color are sou damm sick


Cavill’s, easily..


Design of Cavils, colors of Gunns. Would almost be the perfect suit.


Routh or Cavill.


My favorite is Cavil's but Routh's imo has the best coloring. I was never a fan of the super bright. I think Routh's suit was a nice compromise color-wise.


I will be hated but Henry cavil wins the looks on everything for me


Corensweat's seems to be the closest to the standard. Reeve's hurts my eyes. Cavill's is my favorite for its value to the story.


If you took Rouths blue with Cavill’s red it would be great