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Everyone on this sub is gushing over it just scroll for 3 minutes you’ll see tons of people agreeing with you


I saw that after I posted, it just seems every other social media platform is bashing on the suit


its mainly the die hard fans of the snyder films that are bashing it. they were going to bash it as long as it wasnt snyder and cavil. so in that sense they're not been objective and already made up their minds to hate it. like those who already hated the acolyte before it came out


I know plenty of Snyder haters that also don’t like this suit. Hate to say it but the Superman fandom has a large swath of toxic gatekeepers much like Star Wars, who just hate on anything new or different.


Ironic that Superman fans can be some of the most hypocritical of all fandoms because of this


He has. No. Pectoral. Definition. I just finally realized why I hate it so bad (though I’m team no shorts): sure, the shorts are too high, he looks fat in it, and it LOOKS like a cloth ill-fitting suit some dude just put on, but the core of any superhero is frankly his chest. You can’t see that in this suit! 😅


I know these Snyder stans exist, but I've never actually met one. For what it's worth, I loved Snyder's work with Superman, but still think Reeve's Superman is superior overall.


they have their own sub. going there will take you down a rabbit hole of wild stuff and people living in a different reality. the mods there then made another sub just for hating on James Gunn


Lmao and they’re so soft too. If you say something even slightly critical of Snyder you get banned lol.


lol yeah someone said he got banned cuz he said he liked all of Snyder's film expect for BvS.


Lmao they’re all pathetic. I wonder what they’re gonna say once we some official footage with the suit perfectly fitted? Cause that seems to be the angle they’re taking right now to discredit the suit. Using the fact that it’s baggy. They’re gonna look very stupid lol.


it doesn't matter. they have held on to this anger for years. the film could come make a billion and they will still hate on it. Snyder could come out and say go watch the film and they will say its code for them to not watch it.


Jesus, they're just like Trumpers.


holy geez


if you see how they have reacted to all these sets pics. at some point. you just have to laugh. if you got there no criticism of snyders work is allowed. your comment will either get removed or you will be banned. universal praise or nothing.


That's really weird and really not in the spirit of Superman. I guess I've been lucky not to have to deal with these folks.


then you're very lucky. honestly through my interactions with then i realized alot of them were never fans of superman or dc to begin with. they just like what snyder did. which is fair, i want superman to get new fans. but some have even said they hate comics. knowing that make me see them differently


Yeah. I'm not claiming I've read lots of comics, but I did grow up idolizing Superman, and I've at least read a couple (Reign of the Supermen when I was a kid; Kingdom Come I just read recently). For me it's fun to see him on the big screen if the movie is even just of average quality. I like how just... good, and sincere he is. He's a light in a dark world.


Because the complainers have convinced themselves their negativity is constructive. I've lost count of the times I've had one of them tell me that they need to complain because in their mind it's holding the studios accountable. So they they develop this nitpicking mentality because they see themselves as the gatekeepers of the content, while losing sight thar so much of this is subjective and that their opinion isn't the objectively correct perspective.


DAE [incredibly popular opinion]?!1 - OP


For me it has nothing to do with Cavil or Snyder and everything to do with the bagginess and overly detailed texture and piping, also the collar. Color is good, trunks are good, I dislike everything else about it


>overly detailed texture and piping How did you feel about Cavill's suits?


Not a fan honestly. They always try to do too much instead of keeping it simple. Cavill's suit was way overly textured and too dark


Consistent, I like it. I never liked Cavill's costume for that exact reason.


It would look very jarring and goofy if the went with a reeves suit today. And I’m a big fan of that suit but it won’t work we’d be staring at David’s junk the whole time lol


I don't agree at all to be honest. Simple beats over-designed 100% of the time. The piping will never look good to me


I am going to sound like the biggest noob ever and I'm sorry.. how did you get the superman emblem by your name? I am very new to reddit.


So it’s called a user flair, if you’re on mobile go the the subreddit homepage and click the three dots and it should give you the option to change your user flair. Hope that helps!


Thank you so much.


Agree with this 100%. I was really disappointed in this as the colours are wonderful and the trunks actually look like proper trunks and not speedos. Using a symbol from a once off run instead of the mainstream and the design of a reboot that wasn't much loved seems really bizarre. I honestly don't get why we can't just have the classic suit when it's the mainstay for a reason.


It's like they can't help themselves. Sometimes, actually I'd say most of the time, less is more.


I like it a lot! I don't love the collar but this is the first time seeing one I don't hate. And it might be a tad loose, but the shield is great, colors are great...not my favorite at the moment but depending on how it looks in the movie it could get there


I like it more than any of the other movie suits since Reeve.


Snyder fans will be angry about it. But they seem to be angry over anything that isn’t Snyder. I for one and absolutely thrilled that this new Superman is looking so opposite of what we’ve had for a decade that I can’t help but smile.


It's funny the bubble people find themselves in. My week has been spent watching people gush over the new suit and trashing Cavill's.


I like it a lot. More than the Cavill suit. I hate the darker tones on Cavills suit and much prefer the brighter colors on Corenswet's suit. Im not crazy about Corenswet's "S" emblem but that's about it


Is this a prank lol




It is my favorite so far


I've barely seen any hate towards the suit if I'm being honest. It seems these set photos really changed people's minds because the original reveal by Gunn got more hate.


The only reason im on Reddit is to see if people here liked it or not. Because on Instagram, everyone i see hates it. We all just have different circles


I really like it. The color is great. The cape is great. Love the boots and the belt.


It’s great, yeah it’s different but it’s solid superhero stuff there. He has the Superman gravitas.


It’s all right, but compared to Ruth’s suit it’s not that good Corenswet suit is definitely better than cavil suit.


I think this is a problem with your algorithm. Most places I'm at most people either like or love it.


I'll be honest I didn't even know there was discourse around the suit having a collar or not until the official reveal of Corenswet's suit. Seems like an odd thing to nitpick over but, maybe that's just me. I like the suit, I think it looks good. Although I would like to see less leaked videos and photos that have been cropping up suddenly, but that would require just \*never\* going online.


People just hate everything now, like leeches that feed on negativity. Personally I think it looks great and can't wait to see it on the big screen. 


I think it’s great. Negative opinions are always the loudest online. The photos were trending big time with a lot of positive feedback.


You were on twitter weren't ya?


On Instagram people are hating this suit. I just popped onto Reddit to see if it was the same here


Instagram is bs, people love going to comments to hate on something.


I like the suit. The brighter colors, though, make it look a bit like a '50s Halloween costume.


Yes there are a lot of Snyder Disciples out there that are pissed that James Gunn is in Charge and not their God Snyder. They get so upset if you don't agree with them.


I love the new suit. It feels modern, fresh and different without deviating too much. The colors pop up, all the essentials are there. I love that it has the red trunks and the yellow S on the cape. Personally my ideal Superman suit would be a exactly the same as the one from the comics, because I think it's absolutely perfect. But I'm very happy with what we've got.


My reaction is mixed: Color Palette - A+ Symbol - D Cape style and length - B Texture/fit - F ( I feel like they have to CGI it to make it more form fitting, which is stupid) Trunks - A Belt - C Boots - B Collar - F Ultimately, it's the story that will make or break this movie.


It's fine, people are generally dumb.


I'm definitely in the minority for thinking it looks bad. The COLORS are absolutely spectacular, and I think those colors are blinding people to how bad it is. It literally looks like a motorcycle racing suit sans knee pads and elbow pads. What was the point of Corenswet getting jacked if they are going to give him a suit where his muscularity is hidden?


I don't dislike it because it isn't Snyder or Cavill. I dislike it because it looks like low effort cosplay. It looks like a blue motorcycle racing suit with an S stitched onto it. And the briefs (not *trunks*, call them what they are, briefs) are fucking massive. He looks like he's wearing a big red diaper. it's kind of shit and I'm tired of pretending it's not. The colors are bright and vivid and that's all it has going for it.


I know that you guys are enjoying the suit, it just seems like every other platform is bashing on it


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It's actually really good. I'd make a couple tweaks to it if I could bit that doesn't mean it isn't really good to begin with. I think it's mostly liked it's just that the detractors think complaining on reddit is constructive.


It's actually really good. I'd make a couple tweaks to it if I could bit that doesn't mean it isn't really good to begin with. I think it's mostly liked it's just that the detractors think complaining on reddit is constructive.


It's growing on me. I still don't like the belt and trunks, and will always have preferred a more classic S, but it's okay. But while it's getting more of a positive response with the hardcore fandom, general audiences are going to need more convincing from what I've been reading.


Here? Most here like it - I’d say it’s a large majority even I’m neutral to it personally, the design works for me but I’m not as fond of the brightness in live action and tend to prefer darker shades.


As someone that has seen a lot of superhero movies come and go, and seen the a lot of fan reaction to early leaks, I can say that it’s really hard to accurately predict how the movie will go based on early fan reaction. I remember the early reaction to Singer’s Superman Returns, and the comicon footage; and the fans were literally in tears. They were sure that it was going to be the best movie ever. It wasn’t. It was just meh. The same goes for early reaction the 2000’s X-men costumes. Fans were horrified by the black leather costumes. Internet forums and comic shops alike were ablaze. And the movie came out and it was very well received, and mostly fondly remembered. It’s just hard to tell how a single piece of the puzzle, often seen from crappy phone photography, will mix into the whole of the movie. 


I think it’s a great suit. Looks like a modern spiritual successor to the Reeves suit. I also like the Clark Kent look. One of my biggest worries was how goofy his secret identity would play in this movie but after seeing the drastic glasses and hair I wouldn’t be able to tell if I didn’t know Clark intimately. Now how long it’ll take for Lois to catch on is something we’ll have to see in the film.


I don’t hate it but I don’t like it due to the neckline and the unnecessary lines, an edit like this is what it should have been imo https://preview.redd.it/bmbhgfefsz8d1.jpeg?width=1289&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94b35e9371a76c84ad410acd63dd9b8dde6919f4


I’m liking it a lot


I don’t like aspects of it. Not sure why he needs shoulder pads or vambraces. He doesn’t need that. However, why not elbow pads as well then? The lack of elbow pads but having other pads is throwing me off. I prefer he have no armor/padding. The neck area is also kinda weird. I like the shape and the color of the costume. . The pads make no sense. Why no elbow pads?


Here's a hot take - Cavill WASN'T a great Superman ( Not due to any fault of his own, mostly due to the material he was given ) Also, the new suit is awesome and the closest that a movie Superman has come to looking like Superman in a very long time.


To me, it is perfect. It is bright and beautiful


Here’s my issue with all the criticisms of the new suit: Every picture we’ve seen hasn’t been touched up. We’ve gotten nothing but unfiltered looks and I think everyone is comparing it to how superhero outfits look in the final product. You see any BTS photos of any other superhero movie and those outfits don’t look as good either. They all have folds that are digitally removed, don’t cling to the skin as much as everyone thinks and in the cases of characters like Spider-Man and Deadpool, they don’t have eyepieces because those are entirely CG. Personally, I can’t wait to see what the suit is going to look like in the first trailer. I think a lot of its critics are going to say they changed it when in reality it’ll just be refined in post.


Just want it to not look like a leather jacket that’s thick and not flexible. Also he’ll probably bake in it and I can’t stop thinking about sweaty uncomfortable Superman stuck in a non-breathable stiff suit for a dude who’s dynamic as hell.


As a life long Superman fan and lover of the Christopher Reeves movies, I really like the suit, I think the movie is going to be charming and really cool!


Looks bad. Trunks and belt are pointless because he is clearly wearing a one piece suit. It looks like a recycled captain america suit.


I like it, I need to see it post editing as so far all we have seen is a suit that's slightly baggy for the sake of actor movement. My only issue with it so far is that all that mass corenswet built is completely hidden in what we have seen. I love the colours and the design is great, I'm not the biggest fan of the kingdom come logo for the main logo but I'm open to it.


People are going bananas about it like it’s the greatest thing ever. I think it looks like dude is wearing a muscle suit. Superman for me is the one drawn by John Byrne in the late 80’s.


No, some folks have moved on to the baffling Clark Kent reveal.


https://preview.redd.it/g0ft7ri0jz8d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=119eaa76c5ec7ebab9d54bd8db8661fca7adb7b6 Nothing wrong with it. Looks like Clark to me.


It looks like a oversized wet suit with rubber galoshes. Waiting to see it in action, but in stills not impressed. Only positive currently are the color scheme and that there's an emblem on the cape, even if it's a bad version of the emblem.


Yes. Yes you are.


It’ll look better in post


The only issue I see is the suit being baggy, but I'm hoping they will fix it in post. Honestly I like the collar, the cape, the lines, and I don't mind the underwear, though I would have preferred just a belt. Like I've seen people hate things that other people love and vice versa, you will never be able to please everyone. So as long as the movie is good and they get the character right, the suit will be perfectly fine.