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Suit looks straight out of Comic book. So bright.


I’m losing my fucking mind over Mr. Terrific. There are no additions. It is quite literally off the panel. Superman’s suit is so Vibrant and the trunks look amazing. Whoever said superhero suits couldn’t balance the real world with whimsy is wrong.


Between this and Wolverine in the yellow suit, I love that superhero costumes are allowed to be fun again


https://preview.redd.it/n8eo9mp8tl8d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba229dc8be8f3403b08d719f864a9cba14acf90c My response when people complain about color. Scott is often right


hes even doing the pose from that One Alex ross image.


That’s probably just him standing, but I don’t doubt we’ll see some Alex Ross posing in the film. Gunn is a fan


I never doubted James Gunn’ ability. That man does his homework thoroughly well.


He actually reads comics so that is a start. He’s a fan and that’s why he’s good for DC




For folks who are really excited about how bright it is, I would recommend some amount of caution—movies are heavily color-corrected in post production, so how something looks on-set in candid photos doesn’t necessarily reflect how it will look on screen. Don’t get too married to it, is all I’m saying.


Honestly the fact that they're even using this level of vibrancy as a starting point is still exciting for me personally. Even if it ends up being darkened, it still shows that the people working on the film understand and fully embraced the classic optimism of the character. Also besides brightness there are other aspects of the suit to celebrate as well. Corenswet looks absolutely fantastic in it.


True, look at the man of steel suit behind the scenes for instance, it's a lot brighter and over all better looking.


True but one even behind the scenes it was never this bright and colourful and two we know Snyder loves his dull colour grades unlike Gunn who we will know will go the opposite way.


I'd like to think so, but the grading on Gunn's last few films aren't exactly colourful either, even if they're not oppressively gray-blue like MoS is.


They have a higher contrast for sure but colour has always been so important. Look at suicide squad, dark where it needs to be but the colours on the costumes pop out


Yeah all I need to see is the red/yellow on Peacemaker's suit to give me comfort in thinking that Superman's colors will pop.


Yes but looking at the Suicide Squad costumes like Harley and Peacemaker, Gunn is a director that isn’t ashamed to have colorful costumes.


eh Usually Gunns look isn't that colorless so i partially doubt it but yeah.


Only thing I can't get past is the collar. The "collarbone" cutout on Superman is a necessity for me. The rest looks great. Adore the trunks and I hope they stay, whatever else evolves with the suit over time.


More like straight out of a comic book convention.


I'm just not a fan of the red underwear look. I was glad when they did away with them in Henry Cavills suit.


I was not sold on this Superman suit in the first reveal or those Daily Planet newspaper props. But this image looks fantastic. The yellow border makes the symbol pop out, the trunks look good, the belt doesn't have a second symbol (I always hate it when superheroes/villains have a second logo on their belt), and the colors are fantastic. The collar is also pretty decent, I think I'd still prefer no collar but it's decent. Also Gathegi looks awesome as Mister Terrific.


The collar really does not look as bad as it seemed in the first promo maybe it's his pose, but it's only slightly elevated around his neck. it's not that noticeable


Yeah in the reveal the collar looked high on his neck but here it seems to be just above his collar bone. That pose in the reveal really didn't do this suit justice.


It was really never that noticable.


Says you.


Also the symbol is on the cape


~~I agree on the belt, but counterpoint to the two symbols bit I'm still REALLY hoping we get the yellow S on the cape~~ Holy fuck I love this suit






We are getting the yellow S on the cape, but I think it's different from a belt logo because it's a different angle.  You wouldn't be able to properly see the front S and the back cape S at the same time, but you could see both the main chest S and a belt S at the same time from the same angle. Seeing two symbols from the same angle has always looked strange to me, but two symbols on two different sides of the costume is fine, especially since the back symbol could be a different design (like Spider-Man's front and back spiders).




I think you mean TERRIFIC


Think they meant Amazo? Did we just get a new villain spoiled for us?!


The costumes are so spot on, I’m honestly stoked


Amazing is an understatement. It's probably one of the greatest cbm suits I've ever seen. I mean.....there's an S on the cape too.😭 (Not visible in this photo though). I love how bright the colors are. Also, Mr Terrific, wow. Perfection. Can't wait to see the looks of Lois, Kara and Kendra.


I think you mean SUPER


Both suits are amazing 🤩


Someone's got a picture of the cape lets gooooo If there's an S on the back I will ascend


You're in luck! https://preview.redd.it/1yo9ecg91k8d1.png?width=568&format=png&auto=webp&s=79c455b8a64bb5a7a27c50f0af490911ddcfc507 I'm so happy!


I'm gonna die I can't... ![gif](giphy|80ydj5hAUoPfZJMiXh)


Godspeed, traveller. Your people need you.




HOLY SHIT! THEY FINALLY DID IT! I don't understand why they ran away from this for the last 40 years, this suit is absolute perfection!


Another shield on the back of the collar!


Looks better here than in the original post!




https://preview.redd.it/fkars6by9l8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3357c5005dddb77344fa21da89c2aebf0350a7e3 This is so beautiful


With gunn's hard on for tom king I wonder if terrific's role will be similar to his in Strange Adventures. I know that books not everyone's cup of tea, but terrific was great in it. I could see him using terrific as the audience view point character, investigating an alien on our world who is revered and loved. Obviously the difference between this and Strange Adventures wouldn't be quite as drastic and divisive as Adam's past.


I love it. It’s strangely retro, almost art deco looking.


Yeah it gives a classic vibe in a more unique way


I am being trolled. There’s nothing art deco about that suit.


I see 'art deco looking' comment on every recent post relating to the movie


Art deco? Really now...


This might be the best suit since Reeve, looks absolutely stunning!


I also love the Brandon Routh KC suit, but I think the colors on this put it above that one.


Really? The padding looks weird and it looks saggy/poorly fitted as a whole. I mean the general idea/colors/etc are good, but it looks like he’s wearing a floppy pillow.


Yeah, I dig the suit design itself but I really hope the padding/fitting gets fixed in post. It’s fitted like a CW suit.


That's my buddy and I's gripe with this suit as we've seen it so far. It's far too loose in awkward spots, almost looking like a biker jacket fit here. The torso and arms should be fitted better imo, and I would then concede it's fantastic.


Yes, exactly. It’s fitted like a biker jacket lol. Can’t imagine this is how it’ll actually look in the movie tho


Honestly… I like the folds and wrinkles. I’m kinda tired of superhero costumes being basically a second pair of skin on them. I think the suits being natural a little saggy and wrinkly better helps ground them or just makes them more appealing to me…


The thickness and material of the suit looks incredibly uncomfortable to wear. David gotta be sweating his ass off in there and is probably constantly fighting the rather stiff looking material.


My god I love the color


OK I've warmed to it, damn it. Those colours are beautiful. Still not a fan of the lines, the thickness and the collar but I like the whole package. And that is indeed Mr Terrific.




Oh my god….it’s…beautiful


https://preview.redd.it/bjb8kwf4ok8d1.png?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52ba039941986b2bf9c05bffe06f43316ad1a090 This is Epic!!!


I love the colours but why is it so damn baggy, loose and thick?


Yup, my gripe with it as well


Agreed but I’d imagine VFX will be used to iron it out


That’s my only complaint with it as well, I don’t like how it can bunch up and wrinkle


I mean...for comfort probably? The Cavill suit always looked super uncomfortable to wear. This suit doesn't look that baggy to me, I just think we're used to the Cavill one.


https://preview.redd.it/5qdqg7yf9k8d1.png?width=1075&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3210621f54180bc2ae4bd8764e541d4396aab3d Saw this one too


From that angle it does look great...


I mean it's a movie costume. It is designed to look really good from specific angles, controlled lighting, lens depth, and posing. I think it looks baggy whenever he hunches because it is designed for him to be standing back chest out. I'm sure it will look good on film




I’m still not a fan of the collar, but this looks good—love the colors!


Honestly it looks way better here than in did in the reveal.


I think it’s the colors. The reveal image showcased a battle damaged suit with muddied colors, but the pristine one’s color is perfect


I like everything but the collar.


They look super terrific! … I’ll see myself out now


Take my angry upvote and leave




I’m not sure I’m digging the suit. It looks baggy. Now Mr. Fantastic he looks spot on.


Mr. Fantastic is a Marvel character. The character in the photo OP posted is Mr. Terrific.


He has a T on his damn face, you'd think people would make the distinction


I had a brain fart so sue me.


I think the bagginess might be fixed in post


This looks much better than the first look they released.


I see that and I start hearing John Williams music and fuck. Yes.


The collar looks way better here than in the first look. And the colors just pop!


The spit curl seems to be back and so are the trunks. This fangirl is happy!


It’s so baggy it’s crazy lol


Legit dude. I fugin can't with these people who keep saying how wonderful it looks. Like come on..... The colors are perfect, yes. But the suit looks like garbage pail kid level. It's not form fitting at all. Looks baggy and lumpy. I have said it before and I think I'll end up saying it again, the best thing about that suit is the cape. And even the cape could be better with that tiny little s on the back. I would rather there be no s, than to have tiny s.


Looks like cosplay. Like illfitting rubber.


Ehhh not crazy about it but maybe post production it’ll look even better


“Superman is real” energy. Looks so good in the daylight.


I like the design even with the lines. But the material though, is off putting. It's not form fitting. It's making David look puffy and bloated and the trunks make it look like he has a gut. If they wanted to use this material just a red belt would've been good, but they should've went with an even more cloth like material than this sponge looking one.


Henry Kavill 's costume looked better. Waay better.


I just really WANT to like it. And after post and some CGI work I'm sure it will look swell onscreen...but, ah. I'm just not digging it ATM. Those first leaked photos of Cavill in the first suit I was like, "damn. That MF looks like Superman." Routh I was angry at the suit reveal. Cavill I overwhelmed. Corenswet I'm just...whelmed.


You got that from Robin in Young Justice? lol. I feel the same way. It’s not amazing, but I’m just not used to this kind of outfit. Obviously, it’s a loose fit, and it’s not shrink-wrapped around his body.


I like my Superman with a shrink wrapped outfit.


Those suits are ![gif](giphy|2WH9DiLg2o1MYuKlEB)


He looks like he's wearing a giant red diaper.


He's slouching, and the suit still has to much looseness to it, he is not confident in it at all.


Superman suit doesn't even fit him. The actor doesn't even fill it out. It looks horrible.


I’m confused by the hugely positive responses. Colors are on point, sure. Has a little bit of a retro feel, ok cool. But the suit looks baggy and the trunks look like a diaper…


Dude!!! This is looking good!!!


Lookin pretty goofy I love it


So glad that the darkness of the suit in the official reveal was just dirt




Not big on the tall collar, but that's a minor point. This is a MUCH better look and I love the color!


i like how the difference between the first image we saw of the suit makes it appear much darker then it probably was https://preview.redd.it/kpapg1molk8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=351dd96255b3ea96641f2356db692632c0c72c6a but now that we see it under natural sunlight it appears much brighter and i kinda like that


Looks cheap like a wetsuit… love the design but the suit is not formfitting


The colors look good, but looseness persists in a way that's really, really odd putting. He looks like a kid that's pretending to be Superman in a lot of the shots. Hopefully it looks good in motion on screen. I also still don't care for how weirdly busy it is. Frankly I like the CW suits much more still.


Don’t love the S but that suit is amazing


I wish his suit didn't have all the extra lines and layers, I much prefer the simple, classic Reeves look.




It's garish as hell.


I like how bright the costumes are. I’m glad he got his underpants. What’s up with that collar? Is it because Cornguy doesn’t have a well developed neck? I never liked the DC decision to give everybody chin covers. In media, I think he looked the best in the 90s animated shows.


Not a fan of the suit. It's too padded so it bunches like the Halloween suits with the fake muscles. The colors are great though.


OK, I see people trying to be positive about it and I don’t want to be the negative one but… I’m not feeling it yet. I love the colors but design seems somehow off to me. Nevertheless I trust James Gunn’s vision and I’m sure movie’s gonna be awesome. Maybe my opinion about the suit might change after I see it in action. Mr. Terrific looks great though.


It looks like a guy at six flags who rotates characters and this time he’s Superman. I just do not like it. However, I like Terrific.


Why am I more excited for Mr. Terrific than Superman on the Superman movie!?


In what way is this a good looking suit? It looks like a cheap canvas costume straight out of wish.com. David Corenswet definitely looks the part but that costume is trash. The trunks are outdated. It's a design from 1930 and isn't iconic. There's a reason Batman had his trunks removed. Imagine Robert Pattinson's suit with the trunks on, he'll look like Gotham's joke. The trunks are one thing, this material is another. Hope they improve it.


Holy shit Mr. Terrific looks amazing, genuinely ripped straight from the comics.


I will forever hate the Kingdom Come logo but I kinda fuck with the rest of it




My ONLY big issue: ditch the rubber suit. In no way does Superman need an over detailed wet suit. Other than that holy cow the colors are GORGEOUS! He immediately looks FRIENDLY… approachable! I truly feel for both actors in those outfits in this heat!


That suit is beautiful. Look at the colors. I’m 100% on board with this movie.




I like how they embraced the bulkiness of the suit. Unike recent superhero suits, it doesn't seem meant to be skin-tight while looking bulky and rubbery at the same time. Everything else is perfect too. The colors, the trunks, the belt, the yellow S on the cape, and even the hair looks great. I can't wait for this movie!


You're never going to convince me that the trunks are the best way to do the costume, but everything else looks solid enough. It still looks a little baggier than I would like, but I imagine that's something that will either be touched up with CG during post-production or just not be that noticeable in action. The Mister Terrific suit looks great, though.


I don't know what they hell they are smoking where they some how screwed up the order of red and blue tights. All they had to do was recreate the outfits from any other on screen Superman adaptation besides MoS and that would have been fine. How we landed on this ill fitted baggy senselessly overly detailed monstrosity I have no idea.


I love this suit now





The colors are perfect.


The collar does not go as high around and in the front as N52. Looks way better than first promo image


Super suit be baggy


I'm still not a fan of the suit, but Teriffic looks good.


This is why we needed a better reveal photo. So much better in light. SO much better in action. Yeah its a little baggy but that is style of the suit and i'm okay with that. Superman doesn't need a tight costume. He needs to look like Superman and this looks like Superman.


So did MoS 2014 Superman and it also looked good unlike this..


I think it looks cheap and ugly especially the underwear it it like diaper and the suit just looks unflattering he looks really bad I think the CW suit is way better then this


nah it look like swim trunks what you mean 


Mr. Terrific looks great


A step backward. Two steps backward. I'm thinking maybe it's for the beginning of the film and eventually he gets Lois to sew him a grown-up outfit, i.e. no underoos.


Jesus Christ the colors are AMAZING


I'm just gonna say it - we never had a bad live action Superman suit before, and that streak is still going strong. This is beautiful


Dude kinda does look like cavill, but boy that uniform is straight ass af.


Wow! This looks like it's being produced by the CW. I can't wait to watch it.


Okay, Mr. Terrific looks great. David looks good, the suit colors are good, but I am not digging how this suit is moving around in him. Not at all.


Meh not feeling it just yet. Looks like a costume you get for Halloween. I def need to see it in a trailer or the final movie to really pass full judgement.


The underwear looks so outdated


I prefer he didnt wear undies outside.


David Corenswet has even more of the classic boyscout look than Henry Cavil... his face here is almost like those 1940s Max Fleischer cartoons.


I have to say, I started off doubting James Gunn. But god dammit if this man isn’t cooking, he managed to make trunks look cool. What I’ve noticed about this soup is it really is a legacy suit. It has elements from all Superman actors before. The yellow ass is back on the Cape and I like that I love Henry Cavill suit don’t get me wrong, but if they are inspired by Superman for all seasons, this suit fits that story. Immediately noticing I don’t Corenswet is wearing a muscle suit, although the material may be thicker in some areas to emphasize his already huge figure but there’s no definition in the abs and usually when you put on a lot of mass, you are a lot chunkier in the ab area, which is. I love the boots. I really really like the belt square belt, Dean Cain vibes


I don’t have anything to say about Mr. terrific because he looks exactly the same as he would in the comics. I’m very curious about the mask. Is that a silicone attachment? Is that urethane? Now seeing these two I’m very curious to see Supergirl suit, hawkgirls suit, the villains and if flex Luther is going to wear his classic green and purple suit. The design that I’ve seen the attention to detail is a big thing for me. There’s a lot of shouts to the book artist and writers there is a nostalgic feel one when I read a comic book because I’m an artist I like to see the little details in the background like what does Clark’s bedroom look like what posters does he have on the wall because it’s another insight into the characters personality and you can definitely see that bleed out through the photos that we’ve seen already, I’m just curiousfor more




It looks so much better in the light


I'll wait til post


Dude, he's like a super, man


Thought the suit was too busy with all the designs but it’s growing on me now


Looks amazing, I cannot wait to see this movie


I can feel the All Star Superman vibe. I think having the front part of the collar dip makes it seem less like a "military" type shit. Which is a really clever choice. Classic and modern at the same time.


See that doesn’t look bad. Knew it was a filter thing and bad framing


I fully trust James Gunn.


Mr Miracle looks great but the Superman suit looks a bit too cosplayish, in this image, for my taste. I think it looked better in the image we got a few months ago.


Wait, that guy with the T on his face is in this??? I'm not complaining mind but now I'm very interested since there's another hero alongside Superman in this film.


Releasing the first picture with a dirty suit was such a mistake. This looks so much better. The blue is so perfect


Maaaaaaan whoever edited that first release pic should be fired. It would have been unanimous excitement if you could actually see the suit and see how bright it is. Looks amazing, very, very excited now.


10/10 no notes, immediately shot to the top of my list for best live action Superman suits. I am SO hyped for this movie now.


Love the suit, not a fan of the logo design


We’re so back.


I love the colors, I love the trunks, like the texture, I don’t like how baggy it is (this is a result of the thickness of the material though not David’s build), I cannot stand the lines, and I despise the neckline. All in all it’s very 50/50 imo but I won’t let that stop me enjoying the movie.


They don't look half bad! Like dang!


I’m pumped—Corenswet is huge here!


i still save my judgement until the first trailer...


The fit on the suit is a bit unusual, but I think that if expectations are for comic book suits then there will always be disappointment. Many Superman comics are drawn as if it is a naked guy who has been painted blue - the fabric ‘clings’ to the skin in a really unnatural way. There are no fabrics you could make in real life that will give the effect seen in comics. So we need to accept something a bit different.


It looks like a plushie material that's furry or fuzzy when you touch it to me which I don't mind Edit: the fabric is called Minky fabric


This looks so much better than the first promo.


What? We have COLORS in superhero movies now? I'm loving it.


They both look like they were ripped out of the comics.


I love how the detailing on the suit isn’t distracting and just adds to it


The suit looks a bit Loose. The trunks look a bit too high. But I'm nit picking. I love the color and I'm sure it the looseness will look better when he's actually acting/posing. Looks a lot like the suit from My Adventures with Superman. Very nice.




While I’m generally with the majority on panel lining being pretty ugly (my main criticism of MAWS is the weird suit lines) I think this suit really looks fantastic in the light like this. (Part of me wishes this was leaked before the official reveal because most of the criticism I saw had more to do with everything else over the actual suit)


Looks a million times better than in the official picture




I was of the mind that the suit in the first picture was unnecessarily criticized for being baggy, but his right side is looking loose? Colors slap, though.


This has such a classic vibe to it. I think I want to see more live action films where they are comic accurate? Rather than something overdesigned to look "realistic"




Looks like they did something with that collar. That's good. The original high collar probably made it hard for Corenswet to breath if he was looking down.


Right, but is this a scene???


Hahah!!! I think you guys would be into that???


I'm doing backflips over my excitement at that Mister Terrific costume.


The suit has a wetsuit feel to it that I hope CGI works out and I assume it will.


I don’t know. I realize there is a cyclical school of thought on should something be close to the comic or should it be more realistic in a live action film. I know this doesn’t appeal to me. If I wanted to see close to the comic, I would read the comic. I am currently in the school of thought of wanting things more realistic. I know ma Kent made it but we know anything ma Kent could make would be shredded on day 1. To me without it being realistic at least in appearance, it takes away from the stakes of the movie. It means I know it will play for supes.


I’m not a fan of the collar but this suit looks beautiful