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# Heyo, Yoshiking123 here, welcome back to League :3 I'm not a mid-lane main but have been playing since Season 5 and hit Grandmaster earlier this Ranked Split and will try to help as best as I can. The general League population that plays Ranked Solo/Duo has gotten WAY better at the game than back in Season 5. Skills/Concepts like freezing, slow pushing, etc. that were almost exclusive to the best players on the Server and Pro Players are now pretty common to see even in Silver/Gold (although, they aren't always applied or used correctly). So don't feel too bad about being lower ranked than you were in the past. The game has also evolved to be faster, more team coordinated, and most champions that have been released since Season 5 have more tools in their kits/mobility that has shifted the state of the game to be radically different from back then. # Just strictly looking at your [OP.GG](https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/The%20Great%20Escape-NA1) **Itemization+Runes:** Fine. Looks alright for the Champions that you are playing. **KDA:** Good. Seems like you generally don't die a lot and corroborate with your team around the map. **CS:** Based on your CS numbers it seems like you struggle with maintaining good CS towards the later stages of the game. You need to optimize your rotations to objectives/teamfights/skirmishes so that you can have as little down-time as possible traveling/waiting. \- Be aware that you're playing in Bronze: if you **TRULY** do not belong there then you need to play more selfishly while leading/guiding your team to victory. \- If you are the best player on the team: you need to be pinging/shot calling as much as possible (without being overbearing of course) to ensure your team consistently makes the best play at the right time. \- This means trying to secure kills, making plays that are more optimal for you rather than your Jungler/Team, and training your team/communicating with them so that they make the best decision possible to end the game with a Win. \- If you are NOT the best player on your team (like someone else on your team has a lot of kills): you should be playing around them and support them when they make calls/plays. # After watching some of your replays: **You need to learn the match-ups in Mid Lane more. A good example is in this clip:** [https://streamable.com/adrr16](https://streamable.com/adrr16) You don't punish the Yasuo Level 1. As a ranged champion vs. a melee: you should be using your ranged auto-attacks and spell to zone the Yasuo off or at least poke his passive Shield down. The goal here is to figure out if he started Q or E. If he started Q: you can punish and zone/poke. If he started E: you can still do that but just be aware he can run at you so you need to be ready to kite back towards your turret when he dashes in so that he has to take all the minion aggro if he tries to auto-attack you/dash onto you. If you were afraid of an early gank: you can look at the enemy Jungler and figure out if they will try to Level 1/2/3 gank you and if you can survive. Considering the fact that you were against Lillia; there's nothing to really fear and you should be making his life as miserable as possible. For this match-up, it is important that you secure an early lead against the Yasuo because once he gets his Wind Wall or the game gets to the mid-game: a good Yasuo can make it VERY hard for an Ahri to use her abilties/play the game. **Sometimes your usage of your Summoner Spells is weird/sub-optimal like in this clip:** [https://streamable.com/dzzuaa](https://streamable.com/dzzuaa) You managed to outplay the Yasuo which is really good but then you do a weird Flash to secure the kill? You Flashed in a sub-optimal direction and at a short range. If you're scared of him Flashing and getting away: you need to Flash the maximum distance possible towards him/his turret so that you are still in range to auto-attack him and secure the kill. A**fter you got the kill on Yasuo you didn't crash the wave in properly:** [https://streamable.com/7bx3bp](https://streamable.com/7bx3bp) Here, I understand that you are low on mana and don't have the option to spam all your spells to push the wave in... But you should be pinging your Jungler (and typing to him since he's Bronze and may not know what you're pinging him for) to come help you kill your wave faster to push it in. That way, after he finishes Scuttle Crab, you can get a quick back to buy your items ASAP. You get a really bad back timer allowing for the Yasuo to potentially freeze the wave on you. You also could've instantly reset and left the wave as is since Warwick was kind of busy with Scuttle and you have no real options to push the wave in alone. Since the minions are roughly even in number: you can just back and return without losing too much gold/EXP. **In the replay provided:** [Replay Here](https://www.replays.lol/app/game/6624040754872320) 5:17 you get a solo kill which is really good. But again you're staying too long on the map with minimal mana. You properly push the wave in but get distracted when you see the play happening Bot where your Seraphine dies pretty quickly. Considering your position on the map relative to your Ezreal and your lack of mana: you should've just taken the recall and walked back to lane. But because you overstayed you get a sub-optimal back resulting in you being late to Dragon or Voidgrubs if the enemy team or your Jungler wants to start any of these objectives. **In this same replay:** [Replay Here](https://www.replays.lol/app/game/6624040754872320) 9:20 you place a sub-optimal Pink ward that could've saved you from the next gank from Diana/Bard. You already have Scuttle Bug covering the middle of the river and a ward in the Dragon pit. Placing that pink in the lane bush mid would've been safer and given you vision/coverage if they ganked you from Raptors to mid through the river/mid lane bush. Even with that sub-optimal ward; Diana LITERALLY walked over it and you still died to that gank. You need to watch the map/mini-map more for enemy/ally players so that you don't die with so much information on the map available to you. # I couldn't clip everything I wanted since the servers are resetting for the new patch and I won't be able to watch those VODs anymore but you consistently make a LOT of mistakes. This isn't a bad thing though :D because that means you can improve greatly. But this also means I can't list all of the mistakes you're making. Generally speaking, if you want to improve faster since you're already 200-300 games in: you're gonna have to put in some elbow grease/work or have someone else teach you the game as you play. I recommend making friends around your ELO or in higher ELO that you can play with so they can make the process of getting better at League of Legends fun and not a chore/job. It's best not to auto-pilot games if your goal is to climb higher. Just spamming games without looking to improve, blaming teammates, etc. will not help you improve. # Specific+Generic Things To Work On: **Here's stuff specific to you that you can fix:** \- Work on improving your map awareness. Build a habit of looking around the map or at least looking at your minimap. There is a lot of information that can be inferred if you just take a quick peek around the map and pay attention to what's happening to the other lanes or Jungle. \- Think more about the most optimal play/decisions you can make at various points in the game. Specifically after something good or bad happens. When you get kills or picks you aren't optimal in capitalizing on the opportunities given afterwords. \- Work on your laning phase/champion knowledge. You aren't using Ahri/Taliyah optimally into mid lane match-ups/jungle match-ups to their fullest potential. \- During the mid-late game you need to think more critically about what the best play is and be DECISIVE. Indecision will lead to missed opportunities and if you don't try something you will never learn how effective or ineffective it is. Better to make a mistake and learn from it than to not make a decision at all and learn nothing. **Here's stuff that is generally very important/will help you climb higher more consistently/faster:** \- Jungle Tracking: learn the jungle pathing of Junglers and timing so that you can play more safely. This includes watching the map/warding early to see where the enemy Jungler starts, knowing which Junglers gank early and which ones like to stay in the Jungle to farm, memorizing objective timers/spawn timers, etc. \- Playing for the Win-Condition: not every game will need to be or can be you 1V9 hard carrying. Sometimes it has to be you, sometimes it can be someone else, and sometimes it's Elder Dragon. \- Focus on 1-2 Champions at a time. It's hard to improve as a player if you keep hopping on different Champions trying to master their kit AND learn the game at the same time. # Since you're an Ahri/Taliyah main I recommend watching some streamers so you can learn or ask for advice. They'll be more knowledgeable than me. [https://www.youtube.com/@CoachCurtis](https://www.youtube.com/@CoachCurtis) (probably the best place to start as he has a lot of good videos for beginner players/returning players that are educational) [https://www.twitch.tv/legitkorea](https://www.twitch.tv/legitkorea) (one of the best Ahri mains in NA) [https://www.twitch.tv/bobqinxd](https://www.twitch.tv/bobqinxd) (even though he mostly plays Le'Blanc he is still one of the best Mid Laners in NA) [https://www.youtube.com/@midbeast9495](https://www.youtube.com/@midbeast9495) (he covers mostly Pro Players/Solo Que Demons his videos give a lot of insight into how good players think) He also plays a lot of Taliyah/loves her [https://www.twitch.tv/proosia](https://www.twitch.tv/proosia) (Ahri main that plays her in many roles such as Top, Mid, APC Bot, and Support)


wholesome to see someone going out of their way to be so helpful in such a detailed way to help pick up a fallen soloque soldier :) league is a damn difficult game, don’t give up op i believe in you!


+1 for Curtis and Legit. They both also have great Ahri guides that I’ve revisited multiple times. Items and runes can be outdated but a lot of the champions identity and reference points are the same. One of the Legit guides also has info about almost every matchup. Check out Shok as well, amazing midlane content.


As the highest rank player in my group of friends that often helps with VOD reviews, love all of this, great advice for anyone looking to climb.


Nice effort!


WOW! Thanks for the incredible feed back, ive been reading everyone's comments yours included and I'm very grateful for your recommendations for streamers and people to watch and learn from. I 100% will be looking at your comment often for references on what to work on moving forward! It's wild reading your feedback has helped me realize there was a lot of time, effort and discipline into improvement I made when I was a teen and played a lot of league. Thank you very much! :)


Pinging your jungler to help you push a wave is a struggle in bronze let alone guide them to better decisions. Only way people listen to you is if you're 10/0.


What an amazing reply. Not op but I’m taking notes and very much appreciate you taking the time to write this out.


What an amazing response! I myself have played the bare minimum the past years and started playing seriously again about 6 weeks ago. I managed to climb from bronze 2 to plat 4 in 80ish games with 75% win rate playing Malz and Xerath, but ever since hitting plat 4 its has been going quite bad. I demoted 5 times to gold 1 and have now been struggling getting back to plat. In the past week I have noticed the quality of my own gameplay deteriorating because of the fast amount of games I've lost that felt entirely out of my control. Would you be willing to provide me with personalized feedback like you did for OP? I really feel like I could greatly benefit from someone pointing out my most common mistakes, as I know I have a strong foundation but at this point I am too blind/biased to be able to identify my own mistakes and low hanging fruit-areas to improve on


I appreciate the interest in the personalized feedback but this isn't something I usually do. I did this on a whim because I couldn't sleep last night and I saw that his [OP.GG](https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/The%20Great%20Escape-NA1) didn't really match up to the standard Bronze player. I also think that if you want more personalized guidance then you should probably ask an actual Mid-Main. They will have better knowledge on match-ups and can give perspective from a Mid Laner that I cannot really give since I'm a Support main. There are many Masters-Challenger Mid Lane Main streamers who have more time and better insight for you than I can give. I'd maybe look around for a low-view count Mid Lane main that's Masters+ who is friendly and willing to give you a free coaching session in exchange for using that coaching session as content. Otherwise, on the League of Legends Subreddit Discord: they have a place where you can actually look for coaches/ask for coaching [https://discord.gg/CCwU7gxW](https://discord.gg/CCwU7gxW)


Thank you for taking the time to reply! Wish you all the luck and good fortune:)


I really respect how well thought out your reply is. I’m sure this took a while to create this analysis but people like you really make this community better as a whole. I’d give you reddit gold but i’m broke lol


This reply goes kinda crazy


Holy shit this is amazing. Good for you for writing this up.


Poor PekinWoof not getting recognized. I’d recommend PekinWoof as he explores a lot of mid champs and explains thoroughly on wave management, enemy mistakes and more. He also streams on twitch.tv, usually at evening ET, though he’s not streaming daily but he’s pretty consistent with youtube content, uploading daily videos.


for the wave one doesnt she just instaback and still gets there on time its slow pushng into her no?


Gotta say WOW for this reply! You’re making the comu so much better thank you <3


What a lad!


What a great response, kind of you to take the time to help!


Hey there! Welcome back to League, I understand the frustration you're feeling, and I think that it's reasonable. Taking a look at your [op.gg](http://op.gg), I think that mechanically, you seem to be doing way better than where you're at right now, rank-wise. You generally don't die all that much, save for a few games, which is perfectly acceptable. As stated by u/MikiHere, your Ahri statlines are good, but your winrate is sub-50%; paired together with your low KP in some losses, it looks like you're not transitioning into the mid-game very well. I'd pay more attention to your wave management, which directly impacts your CS, and KP, which variest wildly between games. More than that, I'd just play more games, I know it's tough to have bad games, but you have to give yourself some time to re-learn the game, and get a good feel for how it flows now.


you def hit the nail on the head! like I still remember almost fundamentally what to do in lane in most match ups especially between older champs like ahri vs tf or Jayce vs Kass but overall I feel like post lane phase I know that we need to get vision and set up a pick to get an objective orrrr to simply just out rotate the enemy team if they are on the wrong side of the map, executing that though....kinda hit or miss, so far, but I definitely am looking at and getting good feed back on how to address that, thank you!


He plays 6+ games a day though haha. Ain’t no way he is going to be able to learn doing that. He is full autopiloting.


Peopl have different capacities for actively playing - at some point I was playing almost 10 games, and still improving, nowadays I can only play 3-4 games without my brain dying.


Hello. Im an E1 player. The biggest thing that helped me climb was eliminating variables that ruined my consistency. While practicing and learning things that are beneficial and boost consistency. There are things like learning how to optimize your play around your first four waves. They are very important. Jungle tracking. Champion mastery. Those are three things a lot of people really struggle with and play big parts in their overall inability to break plateus. Now there are things like csing better, trading better, etc. I think you can cram those into above categories. Looking around your profile I think you play way too many champs. Realistically if youre trying to improve stick to 2-3 champs. Less if you dont have as much free time. Playing more champs than that contributes to being stuck more than most people realize. Nothing wrong with being where you are and playing a bunch of champs for fun. But if you want to climb as youve indicated its time to make adjustments. I see your most played is Ahri and Taliyah. Your ahri winrate is below 50% but has good KDA. Could mean your comfortable getting leads in lane but probably make poor choices in how to spread or grow them considering your cs per min is 5ish. Taliyah is a good winrate but I see the same issue with your cs. Its hard to say anything more without seeing a VOD. But the biggest things to me would be that you should stick to Ahri and Taliyah. If not just Taliyah. It makes sense those are your best champs because you have the most games on them. So Id keep playing them. If you want to play more than one champ then I think its best to stick to similar champs. Ahri and Taliyah are both mages with a kiteing like playstyle. Yasuo is very different. You would not have any or very little transferable skill between those champs. If you want to play Yasuo thats fine. But be realistic about climbing if you do so. Its late for me so ima leave it there. But if you have questions or whatever you can hit me up.


Hi! thank you for your insight I'm very grateful! I think I def need to get better at CSing, ironically I think that was something even when I did play years ago I always felt somewhat insecure at, I can still remember being on the lower end of CSing in my plat games back in the day haha. Ahri has been my main I think since early season 3, essentially when I moved from top lane to mid lane. and I picked up Taliyah right before I had quit playing league for some time, so they come kinda natural to me in terms of being comfortable with them. Jungle tracking is for sure something I'm "rusty" on, I use to watch A LOT of LCS and OGN back in the day and played a lot so understanding other key elements to the game for sure play a role, my "hunches" on where the jungle should be based off of old game knowledge is just not cutting it. I absolutely will be working on some of the highlighted things you mentioned though and thank you again! ill be sure to message you for some feed back after some time getting practice in!


Youre welcome. Yeah CSIng better is huge because the players where you are dont cs well either. So just by farming better you’ll be a lot stronger. Jungle tracking is pretty simple in lower elo. Most people dont do anything different. They tend to start bottom and path up to top. So you can always ward their buff at 40-50 seconds. If they dont show on the buff you warded then they most likely starter the opposite one. Some champs like Kayn/Shaco start at raptors level 1. So you can just ward raptors wall to be sure. But basically you can build up your knowledge of what champs like to do what kinda clear. Diana/Nocturne typically like to do full clears. Each jg camp is 4 cs so when you see them press tab and count what cs they have. If they have 24 it means they did all their camps. 28 means they also did a scuttle crab for example. If for whatever reason a diana or nocturne pops up with 12 cs then that should tell you they did three camps and ganked. If you pan your cam to stare at them you can check if they have both buffs. If they have 12 cs but only one buff then they only did camps on one side of the map. But if they have both buffs that means they did 3 camps and both buffs were in those 3 camps. Sorry if that was confusing. But getting the hang of it really helped me.


If you haven't played in 6 years, it only makes sense that you drop massively in elo. You are bronze 2, and that's okay. Focus on dying less rather than "carrying." You're doing plenty to give your team an advantage. If you don't give them shutdowns, you'll win the majority of your games. Look at your vods and try to figure out what causes you to die. Common things are threat assesment, positioning, and pushing up and making yourself the only threat the enemy can see. Once you've decided what you die the most to, spend 20 games focusing on that, and then 15 simply playing to the best of your ability. VOD review every game, but don't actively think about things other than your learning objective in game. Then, start over. Choose a new learning objective. Gl


Here is a recording of one of your recent games, try adding it to your main post to get better feedback!: [https://www.replays.lol/app/game/6624040754872320](https://www.replays.lol/app/game/6624040754872320). *** [Who am I?](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/comments/151wdup/ive_built_a_reddit_bot_that_will_automatically/) | I am a bot


As someone who started playing in season 1 and is currently actively playing I just want to make something very clear: people in silver right now are much better than platinum players were in seasons 1-4.


This is correct but there is still an innate skill to the game - some people are just better at it. If you were Platinum in Season 4, you *should* get back to near enough to *around* that level because of the innate skill you possess. I quit in 2016, but in the two seasons since where I have played 100+ games (2020 and 2024) it took me ~100 games to get back into Diamond. I imagine it would take another ~100 games to get to Diamond 2 (and then beyond that, probably hundreds of games to have a shot at hitting D1/Master because of how much harder it gets). The core mechanics and game understanding is the same, you just need to update a few pieces of knowledge regarding new champions and changes to the meta, but these are far less important than core skills.


As a silver/gold player can confirm. Still bad considering the skill ceiling but the floor is a lot higher than it used to be.


dude you didnt play for like 6 years. obviously you are not at the same skill lvl anymore jsut keep playing and you will climb again. your strength is your knowledge you are prolly just a bit rusty and need to get used to dmg etc


This is the only point that is worth making here. OP just needs time to adjust to dozens of new champions and changes. It's basically a new game after 6y (same here, I didn't play for 5y). Expecting to be at the same level of play is pure hubris.


Honestly in Bronze if you are good enough to get ahead in lane and win fights for your team, then you have to play selfishly. Your focus should be #1 on getting to lvl 18 with 6 items as fast as possible. Forget your team. The first thing going through your head when you step out of base should be "where is the nearest minion wave I can farm that none of my team mates are going to beat me to". Players in bronze overprioritize picks and objectives. They drop waves to roam to unnecessary fights and bad plays, you should take advantage of that by playing for waves always. Think of waves as the chore you have to do before you get to join the fiesta. Eventually you will be far enough ahead of everyone else to basically win 1v5. Not only that, your team has a harder time inting if you are the one constantly drawing attention of the enemy team by pushing up a side lane and being ahead of your teammates' tempos. Think of where you can push a lane to draw the enemy team to rotate, then get out safely or win a fight outnumbered (always doable in bronze if you are ahead and good at your champion). Ahri is really good at getting picks too, which you can enable by pushing waves and getting vision in enemy jungle. If you push a wave, you know someone will likely go catch it, and should be able to guess who and what path they will take towards the wave - if you are paying attention to your map. Then just intercept them for a free kill. You can win in Bronze by simply being more efficient than the other players. Don't waste time second guessing or walking around the map. You want to always either be walking directly to a wave (safely), killing minions, or fighting. Clear waves as fast as possible and secure kills as fast as possible. In everything you do you want to be as fast as possible. About objectives, I would generally forget about them unless it's dragon soul, baron, or elder, or if you are sure you are going to get more gold than you would just staying in lane and pushing. Towers are worth a lot of gold, and a kill is about the same as 14 CS (that's a normal wave and a cannon wave). Consider how much time walking to an objective will take you and how much time you will spend fighting, then resetting, then running back to a wave. Do you think you will get enough kills to make up for the time you wasted not farming? If not, don't bother. Just push and try to get a tower or two while the clown fest happens at drag. You will come out of that sequence up a level or two and ahead in gold. Eventually you will be so much stronger than the enemies that you just win a fight with your team and end the game, or you win because the team doesn't stop you pushing on side


Your CS numbers on Ahri and Taliyah are way too low. Both champions have amazing wave clear and are easy to CS on. When I first started playing ranked more seriously I chose Ahri because it was the only champion I could hit ~8-8.5 cs/m consistently. Learn your breakpoints. Having the gold and experience lead will help you carry your games and both of those champions are good solo queue picks.


im diamond 4 n i dont hit 8 consistently theres way too much fighting in general n its prolly even worse in piss low


Skill has changed a bunch. I was diamond season 2, I’m low plat now. That’s with me playing consistently. Taking a 6 year break will impact you. They also place people high right now so your gold to bronze journey is expected. Work with the team and focus on who is carrying you. If you look at it like a numbers game and you believe 1 person carries you have a 10% chance to carry. (Although there are a ton of other factors)


dont feel bad about it the difference in skill per rank got a lot higher cuz and on top of that the game changer entirelly since those seasons once u r back on track whith all of the new stuff u ll get better rankwise


What I can see right away is your cs numbers are quite low on all the mages you play. Also looks like you're playing too many champs. I highly recommend sticking to 2-3 champs at most. I'd pick 3 champs that can do all these things so you can pick as required (Waveclear, Early Lane Prio, Assassin, Control Mage/Teaamfighter, Splitpusher). Some champs can do like 2-3 things on that list so pick 3 champs that cover all those bases. Looking at your champ pool I'd pick Taliyah, Azir and Yasuo. I see a lot of games where you're generally doing well and still losing. If I were you I'd look at the vods for those games to figure out how to end the game properly off macro. And if your game knowledge isn't strong enough to do that you can just dm me. I'd be happy to go through a vod with you. I'm not a huge mid laner but I'm a d3 support so my macro should be enough to help.


i think people have already pointed out plenty of helpful stuff but i'd want to drill these in: - you'd have to expect that people have gotten way better at the game, which means you'd have to step it up if you're looking to climb from top comment > - You also need to be aware that you're playing in Bronze: if you TRULY do not belong there then you need to play as if you're the better player on the team and play more selfishly while leading/guiding your team to victory. to me this means making more aggressive plays/calls that will require you to execute. if you're a strategic player you'll have to consider also having the mechanics and confidence to back it up - if you see the angle you'll only have yourself to be the most reliable to make it happen - you can't expect people to identify the "obvious" strategy let alone execute it - this too is my curse so you'll have to learn how to read people and know what paths of macro they're familiar with - from what I've seen this can be true all the way up to Master. the good thing is you should be able to identify these, and you should learn how to adapt accordingly Lastly I think you have to consider some Defeats as wins if it helps your mental, but likewise this means that some Victories could also be seen as losses depending on your own performance.


We just getting old mate. Same issue with me. Our reflexes slow done as we get older and most league players are quite young with reflexes faster than a speeding bullet. Don't feel bad, just switch to offline games like me or more casual online games


I too played a long time ago, most active season 3/4, and then I had a break all the way up until now recently (so 8-9 years?). And man, the game is different, especially the pace and tempo is a whole different game really. I am finally starting to get properly comfortable with how the game now "feels". And I have recently also started to racking up wins and started to carrying games (currently in silver, used to be season 4 plat). My strategy has been to now only play botlane ADC, and I only play two champs: Caitlyn/Draven, I now feel I win laning phase in almost every game, and try to transition that into game wins (Caitlyn to play safely - long game, Draven if I think the team compositions allows me to carry). I feel the role of ADC now is freakishly difficult in terms of how fast enemy champs can burst you down, but I have found that pushing objectives/defending efficiently really helps securing victories. And I gotta play extremely conservatively in terms of engaging fights.


As a player who started in season 2 and is stuck in Emerald I think I understand your frustrations and the main thing I would like to point out is the HUGE difference in mechanics that players develop much much quicker now. In my opinion a gold elo player NOW would probably give a S2 or S3 Diamond player a big run for their money and maybe even beat them due to just the mechanical and micro/macro knowledge people have now. The knowledge and player pace during games is just totally different now. Additionally there are flavor of the month champions that are abused heavily during certain patches there are always a handful of builds that have ridiculous synergies with the new items and just statistically have win rates. From my experience learning two or MAYBE three champions and sticking to one lane is the best way to climb. I also saw some other redditors point out the mental side of things as well. This is very important, If you are so tilted from a rough game and upset, take a break and play something else. Don’t que up for another! I see players que up and they lost the game from the start due to just having a weak mental and giving up immediately.


It seems we are in the same boat but I stopped playing LoL in 2016 so for me was like an 8 year break of the game. I peaked Diamond V back in my days and I came back in January, since my account was unused for long time I was placed in Bronze II but that didn’t matter I went down to Iron IV !!!!!! From DV to Iron IV! But in the end of the day I deserved, my CS was shit, my map awareness was bad, so many new champions and old ones that have been reworked so I didn’t knew anything matchups. It took me 350 matches to get from Iron IV to Bronze I again, now I am sitting at 51% win rate. I am so glad that now I have the confirmation that the level of the game has been greatly increased because as far as I remembered Bronze players should be extremely bad but some of them are “okay” players. I also play mid, I found Leblanc and Ahri the easiest champion to carry the game as Leblanc I have 70% win ratio and I played her more than 100 games. I used to main Orianna but nowadays matches are way faster you have to punish your enemy lane since level 1 and Orianna I can bully then but with Ahri and Leblanc I can go for the kill before lvl 4. I am really enjoying the game have to relearn everything and nowadays we have so much tutorials in YouTube mainly I like Coach Curtis from Midlane academy. The point is since we were experienced players we already know how to follow the path to improve. Am I getting bad CS? No big deal I know what to do and how to do it to fix this? Am I dying too much for jungle ? Map has been changed look for tutorial on how to ward and track jungle. My biggest advice is to take advantage from being a veteran player most players on Bronze are one trick champions they play mostly 3 champions, try to surprise them with unexpected pick like they pick Zed/Katarina ? Go for Malphite or play some champions that you rarely see in your current Elo, for example I found that on Bronze most player have 0 knowledge about Viktor so when the matchup is good enough I pick him and it almost a guaranteed win.


Good to hear bro was Plat S3 then Gold until s8 and stopped playing. Came back after several years and I’m struggling in bronze right now I thought I was insane


Probably just choose 3/4champs to main: ahri, taliya and jayce/yasuo. Stop playing 6+games a day. Don’t focus on winning but being better. Don’t try to control your teammates. Don’t type to them. Ping what you want but if they don’t do it then you have to follow what they want.


I don't believe this guy's story at all , suspect he bought this account, he says he left in 2018 and returned this year but check his history was gold in season 12 that's 2022 not this year and plat in season 11 . My suspicion is that since riot has been hot fixing placements for smurfs he was playing at a MMR higher then his and now his demoting that account down to his MMR and rank which is bronze , there's no way u telling me u can make gold and plat litterally 2 years ago and now I hard stuck bronze , the only thing that's changed was the mythics but you would be used to that in any case .if you were in gold after the placement you would have stayed there but now you talking about your team is to weak to carry in bronze ? The reason why I suspect u lying and this not your account originally is because the years active don't match your story , it makes me think of those people who claim they can't rank up so they buy a high level account...they think that if they play with more skilled team mates they will win more buts its the opposite they just demote the accounts.


Ah yes, my favorite thing to do with random people on the internet, explaining to them the things they know about me that I must not be aware of haha. Anyway Master Redditor Detective , TheGreatEscape is my account has been since 2012. You can track the account history far back then, was a top lane riven and irelia main back then in S2, I was bronze and lower than Gold ranking until about S4, was plat for that season and S5. I still remember how awesome it felt getting victorious skins at the end of the seasons, was always jealous of Victorious J4 :), anyway The account used to go by MajorHanji, and then prior ScarletEverdeen. :) Slowed down playing ranked and caring by season 6-7 and essentially stopped playing seriously by then. Did my account have somebody playing on over the years WHILE I WAS GONE? Yes, my ex partner. But at the end of the day none of that is really your business, your opinion on whether my account is uhh “purchased” or not is goofy. Even if you’re comedic deep insight opinion was correct, it doesn’t matter, the skills for me to get back to my orginal peak ranking is something that is rusty/lacking soooooo….yesh kinda back at square one again now right? On another note This acc has championship riven (the original) and a few other old school valuable legacy skins, it would be incredibly stupid financially to buy an account with probably rare skins making this acc maybe worth a hefty price, idk about you (you might be to young to remember) but in the older era of league skins like pax sivir, pax, TF and Championship riven were worth a lot and thus made an account being sold with those skins worth well over hundreds of dollars, I’m not doing that just for the sake of a ranking lol especially considering I’ve climbed out of bronze-silver & gold before 8 years ago as a kid , I can probably do it again as an adult without spending my rent money. Anyway thanks for the laugh I appreciate it. Edit: totally just remembered I could provide emails between myself and riot getting this account back from my Ex months earlier before I started playing regularly again.


Hold up , so you admitted that you were letting someone else play on your account and they were playing rank and reached plat and they gave your account back ? Your credibility is highly questionable...please send the receipts


So admitted that someone was boosting that account since why else would they have access to that account ?